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I would work with others but in the past coders have taken too long before and they've coded stuff not to my preference. We would often have a conflict of interest in creating and we would disagree a lot about how something should work so I keep changing my mind on getting help. I try and work with others but we're just too different in vision. They try to make the same old stuff and I try and change it to be different.


Personally,,,, Some of the coders that have re-made my characters have done well to re-make them and function better but in the end they've changed too much about what made it special in the first place. I say only about one of them made my characters even better than they were originally. The rest did nothing to improve the character in general. I do like to see others improve my characters and I love that they want to be apart of it though I can't help but expect them to do better.

Okay, I have a few things to say here. First, I'm not sure if I should feel appreciated or insulted based on these statements. Second, there's always going to be a difference of opinion, don't let that be the reason to use crappy templates for your works (If you can even call them that). Third, the statements you made regarding collabs shows that you have almost no flexibility, meaning you have a strict vision and don't want to adjust to ideas someone may have to improve upon the initial concept.


I worked my rear end off to try and make the mess of a release you had with Link more playable (Yes, there were times I got too busy to work on him, but I was still able to work on him), and what you just said makes you sound ungrateful and unappreciative of the fact that someone took an interest in adapting your sprites to a different playstyle or changed things to make them work for a better purpose (Such as my removing of the fighting capability of Link on the leaf, and instead using it for an intro). It makes me feel like I made a mistake in wanting to redo Link.


Quality work takes time to produce, and sadly you're releasing stuff in a manner that "rushed" feels too nice of a word. I take pride in my work, and it has shown in the fact that people are taking a genuine interest in what I do. What you have here, you're showing that you don't care, and only a small few would actually want them.

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It's my right not to work with others and please don't be offended. I took your feedback quite well; you should be able to take mine.


What you did was pleasing to others but I am entitled to my own opinion as well as anyone else is entitled to theirs. 


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Just saying "they did nothing to improve it" is hardly feedback. Why do you feel it's not improved? Be a bit more specific. That's just coming off as rude and ungrateful, not helpful.


Also, I find it funny that you say people "changed too much about what made it special in the first place", yet nobody thinks they're special.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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...I have no idea if you're still being sarcastic but I'll take that chance and answer your question. No I will not do Spyro or Aang. I have thought about Spyro in this kind of game as he could perhaps blend into this smash style series of crossovers but I don't feel like he's quite there yet with the rest. He's somewhere with Conker's bad fur day and Rayman in my opinion. You know, characters that were good but not that great or memorably popular like Dk and Mario or Pikachu. Spyro is in the back with Gex and hardly no one cares about that character. He looks like he might fit in though since he has that cartoonish videogame look to him.


But someone will have to do it instead. I have no interest in that and it would hinder me from my wip list. As for that animke guy, I'm very picky about my anime and I am not interested in that one at all. Sorry.


*Ahem* Don't mind me, Classic Spyro fan, still interested in Spyro games, even the Skylanders incarnation everyone seems to hate so much.


But seriously, there are plenty of Spyro fans out there. And can you really lump him in with GEX? Also, I'd argue that Rayman's latest games are highly memorable. I know this is all opinion, but still.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Look I had a problem with Brawl including Snake, he was way off of what I would expect from a game like this to be included in. Now you're telling me that a PSX character would be great in a Nintendo brawler?! I just can't feel it working for me. I am sure a lot of fans would love it and appreciate it but I can't see it fitting in as well as the others who were all equally bigger.


I'm not even sure I fully accept Sonic in there :/ I mean Sega and Nintendo were long time rivals. I never thought it would be possible.



Maybe I'm just being picky but with it starting out as an all nintendo cast, I just assume I'm getting a Nintendo war, not a console crossover. I suppose Master chief is gonna make an appearance now.... Ha!





Compare them to Saturnfrost and you'll see what I mean.



Now that's an update!


This one did more and made it his own and even though a lot was dropped, he made it special with other great ideas.


As opposed to...


The final Smash from super smash bros for Link (Zelda), has to be the worst idea for a hyper, ever. Adding this idea to a character instead of doing something original and creative out of all the sweet stuff Link has - subtracts points in my book. I could get along with improvements and innovation but a downgrade to a lame combo move? What is that?!


I expect more from others taking up my wips, not less. I want you to make it better than my wips, not less spectacular. Now I expected this of course when sharing and I don't mind that others do whatever they want with it but I think I'm allowed to give my opinion; that's just part of feedback.


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Now, I'm no fan of Solid Snake *Holds up flame shield* but I disagree with you when you say Spyro's on the same level as Gex as far as popularity goes. After all, I know loads of people who remember Spyro fondly from the PS1 days, and even though it gets a lot of flack for changing Spyro's design and being a major-league cash grab, the Skylanders series has still been pretty successful. And let's not forget Legend of Spyro staring Frodo, which has it's following as well. Rayman's the same way, except most people online actually like his later games. Did I mention both still have game series running? And Solid Snake? He may not be a very cartoonish character, but his games are highly regarded. In fact, Metal Gear Solid is often considered the greatest game for the PSX, and sometimes ever made. *Squeezes stress dummy when saying the last bit*

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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The final Smash from super smash bros for Link (Zelda), has to be the worst idea for a hyper, ever. Adding this idea to a character instead of doing something original and creative out of all the sweet stuff Link has - subtracts points in my book. I could get along with improvements and innovation but a downgrade to a lame combo move? What is that?!

What? The Triforce Slash is awesome. Way better than Link riding on top of a leaf. When has Link been able to whip out a leaf and stand on top of it?


Bah! Opinions! They're all wrong.


Also, note that SaturnFrost has pretty much redone your character from the ground-up, including the sprites. That's not just editing, that's a complete remake.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Compare them to Saturnfrost and you'll see what I mean.



Now that's an update!


This one did more and made it his own and even though a lot was dropped, he made it special with other great ideas.


As opposed to...


The final Smash from super smash bros for Link (Zelda), has to be the worst idea for a hyper, ever. Adding this idea to a character instead of doing something original and creative out of all the sweet stuff Link has - subtracts points in my book. I could get along with improvements and innovation but a downgrade to a lame combo move? What is that?!


I expect more from others taking up my wips, not less. I want you to make it better than my wips, not less spectacular. Now I expected this of course when sharing and I don't mind that others do whatever they want with it but I think I'm allowed to give my opinion; that's just part of feedback.

Did he ever release it? I don't remember.

But more importantly


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What? The Triforce Slash is awesome. Way better than Link riding on top of a leaf. When has Link been able to whip out a leaf and stand on top of it?


Bah! Opinions! They're all wrong.


Also, note that SaturnFrost has pretty much redone your character from the ground-up, including the sprites. That's not just editing, that's a complete remake.

Thank you for standing up for me on adding the Triforce Slash to Link while removing the leaf from the moveset and using it for an intro. Link has used the leaf in OoT and MM, but yeah he didn't just whip it out, he planted seeds, and jumped on it. The way it was being utilized in the initial release was horrid, and could have been easily abused. Triforce Slash added to this because what I was doing was meshing original ideas (Hylian Barrage and aerial bomb toss), items utilized in some of the 3D titles (Arrows, boomerang, hookshot) and the Smash Bros. series (Spin attack and Triforce Slash). From what I recall, Link never used the leaf for combat, but as another way to move around. To say that doing what I did was "Not improving him," "Unoriginal," or "Taking away from what made him special" infuriates me to no end. You should be glad I even gave two shits to redo Link from the ground up in terms of gameplay.

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But com'on, that's creativity right there, taking an old idea and making it new. Besides a bomb drop from a safe distance in fly mode works. As for the tri-force slash, it's too plain, it might as well be a regular combo. You can do better.


btw you do know someone is all ready gonna do a better quality Link CvS style Link that is all ready gonna have all that stuff you worked so hard on to add to this one, right?


The reason I went different and creative on new and old ideas was so the difference would be desirable for the downloader to keep both.


The minute it comes out they're gonna delete yours


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But com'on, that's creativity right there, taking an old idea and making it new. Besides a bomb drop from a safe distance in fly mode works. As for the tri-force slash, it's too plain, it might as well be a regular combo. You can do better.


btw you do know someone is all ready gonna do a better quality Link CvS style Link that is all ready gonna have all that stuff you worked so hard on to add to this one, right?


The reason I went different and creative on new and old ideas was so the difference would be desirable for the downloader to keep both.


The minute it comes out they're gonna delete yours


...Normally I wouldn't support Darkflare going absolutely wild on you, but this post right here almost warrants it. Darkflare, have at thee.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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In all seriousness, I would let this topic die since there is no point in argueing anymore with Ax about anything. He has talent for stages but not for characters so just stop bashing on his characters and viewpoints.

I do want to say this : I find it incredibly rude to disregard all the effort and time Jonamite put into YOUR Link by saying there will be a better version of Link which will cause people to delete Jonamite's version.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Okay, now you're just proving my point of how you're an ungrateful asshole. The only other Links available on the download market are ranging between crap and meh. I worked my butt off to make the best possible Link available using your sprites, and gaining a few edits from aperson98, and you have the nerve to say that it's a terrible character because of ONE move? PoshPsylocke didn't mind if I used his versions of the cast of Sailor Moon, and he never complained if I changed something to work better than what he did.


I gave you a freaking chance when I wanted to pick up Link, but you didn't want to provide ANYTHING I was requesting when I needed sprites or animations. You sprited him, you could have done a few expansions based on an author's request, and you basically told me to either do it myself or fuck off. I now have a guy redoing your sprites to make your original versions look more accurate to his usual design and have a better appearance overall, and it's because of an aesthetic complaint. You seem to be the only one complaining about his gameplay.


You know what? Fuck it. If this is what I'm to expect from spriters that create shit releases, I'm not even going to bother with making any more characters. I may not be the best coder, but at least people bothered to try my stuff and actually enjoy it. Delete the best possible version of Link available if you want, but you're doing yourself a disservice by thinking the next one to come around will be better.

Whoa! No need to be upset, I simply don't like your work, it's nothing against you personally. Your anger is uncalled for. I appreciate that you tried and fixed stuff but I see nothing new worth downloading. I'm just saying to you what I've always have been saying to you and that is to take a chance, make some sprites yourself. You play it safe too much and you do nothing exciting. Your work is bland, it functions well but it's bland. I even spent an hour showing you how to do it yourself.


I recently downloaded your character again and it's hardly that different from what that other coder did all ready before it was passed on to you.



Also take a look at the Link that is going to replace yours.




If it's going to play just like yours then I doubt they'll bother downloading yours.


When I saw this I said to myself, I better do something interesting and exciting rather than the normal Link because no one is gonna bother with mine if it's gonna have the same attacks like that one. So I got creative and tried new ideas just so it could be desirable.


Saturnfrost did another version so it has a chance but yours could easily be replaced one day.



But anyway, that's just my critique. Take it or leave it, it's up to you.


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Ocarina of Time, too.


But yeah, he doesn't whip out the leaf itself. And the leaf doesn't look like this:


I used a different design based on chip 'n dales rescue rangers, ... I think? I know I saw it somewhere in some old cartoon like that. I remember it functioned better as a traditional leaf because it looked like a surf board in it's elongated and pointed shape.


I was even thinking to have Link steer the leaf by having one hand on the stem, kinda like the green goblin or Aladdin on his magic carpet.


Link has had many items and he has had different leaves.




The leaf I made was non-canon but it i liked it because it was new and different. not everybody likes it i guess but i think it's unique and useful sometimes.


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Whoa! No need to be upset, I simply don't like your work, it's nothing against you personally. Your anger is uncalled for. I appreciate that you tried and fixed stuff but I see nothing new worth downloading. I'm just saying to you what I've always have been saying to you and that is to take a chance, make some sprites yourself. You play it safe too much and you do nothing exciting. Your work is bland, it functions well but it's bland. I even spent an hour showing you how to do it yourself.


I recently downloaded your character again and it's hardly that different from what that other coder did all ready before it was passed on to you.



Also take a look at the Link that is going to replace yours.




If it's going to play just like yours then I doubt they'll bother downloading yours.


When I saw this I said to myself, I better do something interesting and exciting rather than the normal Link because no one is gonna bother with mine if it's gonna have the same attacks like that one. So I got creative and tried new ideas just so it could be desirable.


Saturnfrost did another version so it has a chance but yours could easily be replaced one day.



But anyway, that's just my critique. Take it or leave it, it's up to you.

My anger is fully justifiable. I work my ass off all those months just to make him actually playable, and you shit on him by saying he's bland, uncreative, and too safe. I'd like to see you do better when your latest works include Son Son with a Donkey Kong head, a badly designed Fox McCloud, and a Mario that's basically a head swap of Warner's old Luigi. Neither of them had good gameplay.

So it's going to replace mine because it simply looks better? That's what you're saying? Goddamn you're foolish. It can look better all it wants, it's still going to lose in gameplay.

All I really kept from the original reworking by KBN was the super powering of the arrows. Most everything else was something added or retooled, and they worked with the type of Link I was shooting for, and the fact that my Link has been downloaded at least 1500 times (My new host tracks the download count) says it's a bland pile of needing to be replaced? Obviously you're the right guy to talk to when your stuff can't play for shit.

Again, coding has been my thing, not spriting or animating. If the character interests artists, they provide help because they know how to do this stuff beyond a copy/paste like you showed me. The retouch looks way better than what you did in the beginning, and this other version that will "replace" mine will look good, but could play like ass.

When working with a character that has been around for a long time, you will see that they will always have everything basically be the same. Not always does the "being creative" thing work. Imagine giving Ryu from Street Fighter a sword. Creative? Yes. Fitting? Hell the fuck no. Moves will always be the same, gameplay formats will be different, but the overall character will always be the same. Take that as you will, or won't as your recent history has shown.

If you aren't going to be helpful, like you aren't by slamming an actual move from an actual fighting game appearance, then quit talking and go back to releasing garbage that no-one wants to retouch.

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Also take a look at the Link that is going to replace yours.




If it's going to play just like yours then I doubt they'll bother downloading yours.


So in other words, spriteswapping correct?



Saturnfrost did another version so it has a chance but yours could easily be replaced one day.

Okay, now your silly ego is showing and you're just simply starting to get yourself a ban. Stop.

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...Normally I wouldn't support Darkflare going absolutely wild on you, but this post right here almost warrants it. Darkflare, have at thee.

I really want to. Like...I really really want to blow up on Ax, because never have I seen someone more deserving of being called a shithead than Ax.

But Ryon has been telling me to tone it down. Way too much heat right now for a (rightfully justified) blow out.



How unfortunate. I thought you would appreciate good feedback like this but whatever, it's fine. I'm just trying to help you expand.


Good luck and don't feel bad. peace.

You wouldn't know good feedback if it slapped you in the face multiple times and was right next to you every waking moment of your life.

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Telling me I'm replaceable is good feedback? In what universe?


Obviously the M.U.G.E.N. Multiverse since that's where he comes from anyway.


Totally agree with your point of no matter how good a character looks, if it's gameplay is crap, it's a bad character. Gameplay above graphics, same goes with videogames. Even though I'll admit that CvS Link looks good, I greatly doubt it will be better than the one you poured so much time and effort into, Jonamite.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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