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Donkey Kong - RELEASED


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The head looks very weird animated like that.

The head sprite came from one of Waner's sprites of Dk riding on a Rhino. I was able to recreate the head in other animations and the rest of them were recreated by another user named spidergoku.





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From what i said earlier on Mario, that will go on hold as i've gotten to work all ready on Fox McCloud!




So far the stance is complete and I have the rest all ready to go. He'll be faster to sprite to but the coding is gonna take a little longer. I hope it'll take around the same time total as it took for DK so be ready for the next Nintendo release.  :awesome


This is the mario update btw on his alternate design wip. Again I'm gonna swipe from Warner lol




After this I think I'll be done with Nintendo for a while.


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From what i said earlier on Mario, that will go on hold as i've gotten to work all ready on Fox McCloud!




So far the stance is complete and I have the rest all ready to go. He'll be faster to sprite to but the coding is gonna take a little longer. I hope it'll take around the same time total as it took for DK so be ready for the next Nintendo release.  :awesome


This is the mario update btw on his alternate design wip. Again I'm gonna swipe from Warner lol




After this I think I'll be done with Nintendo for a while.

Um no offense but fox looks awful and Mario looks like a shorter red Luigi. I would suggest practicing with there sprites more, Fox's body looks like it was pasta on ther from giganX3 fox. And maybe make another character besides Mario hes been made so much.


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This is an edit of giganX3's Fox and it is a paste job.


Also I all ready finished about 1/3 of Fox McCloud's sprites already. I can't stop it now but thanks anyway for the heads up.


I think I'll still do Mario because Warner's style looks good to me and i prefer it over the other ones.


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From what i said earlier on Mario, that will go on hold as i've gotten to work all ready on Fox McCloud!




So far the stance is complete and I have the rest all ready to go. He'll be faster to sprite to but the coding is gonna take a little longer. I hope it'll take around the same time total as it took for DK so be ready for the next Nintendo release.  :awesome


This is the mario update btw on his alternate design wip. Again I'm gonna swipe from Warner lol




After this I think I'll be done with Nintendo for a while.



ok i gotta say, fox looks weird.. i mean really.

as for mario... hmm i think he still looks too similar to luigi.


otherwise great start :P


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Well, I've done some testing with him.


Some things.


1: The tie disappears during the taunt.

2: Said taunt seems a bit too fast.

3: I'm not a fan of the current monkey noises. They might be more suited to a Diddy Kong, but not DK. I will point to noises by DK from Super Smash Brothers Melee.

4: He has no attacks while crouching, and only one in the air. The lack of crouching attacks can make things problematic if DK gets stuck in a corner.

5: Speaking of corners, DK's long range can quickly force you into one. He's no slouch at attacking, either, so you might want to tone down his offense (maybe make DK's moves push him back more?)

6: He could use more attacks as a whole. In particular, he seems to be lacking supers and hypers. Maybe add in DK's Final Smash from Brawl, and/or an attack similar to Donkey Kong for the NES.

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Well, I've done some testing with him.


Some things.


1: The tie disappears during the taunt.

2: Said taunt seems a bit too fast.

3: I'm not a fan of the current monkey noises. They might be more suited to a Diddy Kong, but not DK. I will point to noises by DK from Super Smash Brothers Melee.

4: He has no attacks while crouching, and only one in the air. The lack of crouching attacks can make things problematic if DK gets stuck in a corner.

5: Speaking of corners, DK's long range can quickly force you into one. He's no slouch at attacking, either, so you might want to tone down his offense (maybe make DK's moves push him back more?)

6: He could use more attacks as a whole. In particular, he seems to be lacking supers and hypers. Maybe add in DK's Final Smash from Brawl, and/or an attack similar to Donkey Kong for the NES.

Thanks for the feedback, I think this will be useful for the guy over here working on the update. Sorry i can't remember his name.


As for Fox,


His final design is a little different but the same bases.



Fox has arm sleeves now and his moves are based on his Arwing abilities. At close range he Barrel Rolls and at any distance away he fires two laser guns instead at once and he can charge it and fire a stronger and bigger shot. He has a dash boost jetpack attack. His Bomb special with have tracking instead of his charged laser shot attack. Fox has an additional new attack borrowed from one of his enemies in StarFox 64, where a mechanical bird drops a bomb which errupts like a gyser on impact. Fox will just drop a bomb while in the hair after a jump.


In addition, Fox will be able to hold his jump to go higher by holding the jump botton like in his in game Tank in Starfox 64.




For hypers I plan on A hyper beam deal, a standard hyper in almost every mugen character and it will be based on one of Fox's enemies in StarFox 64, Gorgon.




Check out a yputube vid sometime to see it in action ;)


Another hyper will be a Submarine attack version of Starfox 64's submarine battle where a locked on targets get shot at, at once, with tracking torpedo missles. For Fox he'll just shoot like 4-6 at once at the same target and obviously they won't be torpedos but missles that look similar to torpedos.


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So I just tested this thing out, and... what in the world is this baloney?

I know I'm walking into some kind of deathtrap, since this is pretty much the first time I feedback a char.. sort of (Not counting the crappy feedback I did years ago with Ainotenshi's Athena 2002UM, since I was stupid at that time).. but I feel like something must be done.

Okay.. spritewise:


-From what I've seen, the head looks.. kinda okay. However, while this may be a good looking DK, don't get your hopes up. It's a headswap. This time it's from one of SonSon's supers (When she turns into a giant gorilla).

.Based on a screenshot I've seen of DK however, it looks like it still needs a lot of work on the palettes. (his foot still has that bit of coloring in there, even though it's supposed to be shaded or something). IDK, it might be just me.


Now for the gameplay. And... oh boy.

.Stock sounds? Seriously?

.No Air normals, nor any Crouching normals. (The only air normal I can find is his Medium kick, but that's it). Is he intended for standing up only?

.His taunt looks like he humps the air.. for some reason. (Even though he's supposed to look like a strong ape, mashing taunt makes it looks like he humps the air)

.Hitbox are way too big. (I'll show some screens when I get them)

.Speaking of attacks, his Standing HP, if you go into a corner, is literally an easy infinite. Mash it.. and let the fun begin (I got almost up to 200 hits, just by mashing HP... literally).

.And Speaking of his MK, if your opponent is in the air, while cornered, it's apparently another infinite as well. (I got up to 100+ hits just by mashing it. I'm not joking).

.His big barrel attack looks like he humps the barrel to summon it. (I'm not even joking)

This is all that I can find... for literally 9 minutes of testing Donkey Kong. (While listening to Crazy la Paint).

So in short: This feels too rushed as a char, and needs a lot of work. However, with time it could become pretty decent. Hope this feedback is okay for you.


I'm still laughing from testing this creation out... this is literally the funniest creation I've ever playtested.


Edit: I forgot to mention that when I looked at his Def file, it said "NINTENDO' as the authorname.. Any reason? or is it just a trick?




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DK came out pretty solid!  Damn tough AI too!  I think he's safely locked up a spot on my roster.  O_O



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
Next LPs: A Boy & His Blob (NES)  /  Legend of Zelda - First Quest Layered (ZC)

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DK came out pretty solid!  Damn tough AI too!  I think he's safely locked up a spot on my roster.  O_O




When I was playing against his A.I. I couldn't stop laughing to! :D


With all the monkey sounds it was just hilarious to see a monkey going crazy and beating up 2 opponents at once at the same time  XD




Yes this is a head swap of Son Son's gorilla thing. It was the best base I could find and the head came from one of Warner's sprites.


He is a custom fighter to capture just a few of the best moves of DK from hsi appearances. That swinging kick thing is from DK64 while his roll is from dkc and other stuff is loosley based on smash bros. I feel he has enough of the right attacks with the exception of missing his hypers.


Also I compared the monkey sounds from dkc and the stock monkey noises on the net and some are the same and identical. Also Dk doesn't havbe many sounds in dkc. I would of used super smash bros DK but his sounds aren't very similar to dkc and I really prefer his voice from dkc.


I think he should sound like dkc more than anything because that was just a powerful impression on me fo him to be a monkey's monkey.


Also I meant to disable the taunt but I forgot. I think taunts are useless.


Thank you for the feedback though, there si a guy who is improving the character as we speak in this thread. Hopefully eh can fix the other problems I am unable to do.


I also think he's hilarious. Monkeys are just funny for some reason :P


Also the .def says Nintendo because I personably beleive that the mugen creator has no right to take credit for a character that belongs to Nintendo. Unless he created Dk out of his imagination I refuse to beleive that the mugen enthusiast has a right to be credited.


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I think most of his current normals could be better fit as special moves, and for the moment they kind of feel awkward. I think you should spend more time thinking about normals for DK, you could utilize his ground handslap from DKC1, his uppercut based on DKC2's ending, etc. Not sure which gameplay style you're rooting for though...

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not that any of you had been missing me or whatever, but apologies for being missing around here. had alot going on in general to where kind of limited my mugen community presence to MMV only.


anyway, here's my feedback (much already mentioned, but for sake of completism, will post it all) from MMV...


-why does his tie appear and disappear at times?
-different sprite style on his head from body or is something else causing the difference i see?
-shading and detailing inconsistencies when doing any standing punch
-no air or crouching attacks
-well, 1 air attack, but that seems to be more suited to be an air special to stomp down on whoever
-no hypers
-both projectiles have different spriting style
-add more cool down to both projectiles to where can't infinite them
-why is a jump connected to MK?
-standing HP, LK, and HK all seem better suited to be specials than basic attacks
-standing HP has a weird bug where if repeatedly attack with it, you'll go into a state where no longer animates and P2 is put in a corresponding state where they'll continually take damage
-can infinite all punches in a corner
-whats that weird thing that appears when try to super jump?
-the air recovery sprite looks too flat footed in the air giving him an awkward look
-no forward dash
-head in weird position in some gethits
-goes into template stick figure sprites for get thrown animation
-goes into template stick figure sprites for getting electrified animation
-goes into template stick figure sprites for getting frozen animation
-most sounds are more monkey based and dont seem to fit



good luck to dj hannibalroyce on updating.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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Its also a valid infinite blockstring due to his standing MP being +8 on both hit and block while his jab only has 5 frame startup. The massive range doesn't help matters, either.

Also his LK has a tendency to become unblockable when used at point blank due to having 0 frame startup (not to mention 0 recovery frames as well but thats a separate issue).

Standing HP also has the same 0 frame startup & recovery issue as LP does.
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