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you don't make anything for mugen





you don't make anything for mugen








& that's just 1 of many W.I.P.s bein' dink'd on by me to be released, btw.




you edit music




even tho this is just a couple of examples [with more to come mind you], i edit more than just music.




you don't make anything for mugen


you edit music, which is great on its own, but its not worthy of a mugen title.




as well as SEVERAL kustom BGMs for numerous stages & screenpacks [released & non-released], BOTH CONTRIBUTED FOR AND REQUESTED BY OTHERS, INCLUDING Y-O-U, FOR MUGEN.







I gave the the title originally to keep you quiet but taking it away your complaining.



a) i didn't complain, i simply ask'd you a question/made a request, & you didn't respond. i ask'd again after that, but then you kept BLATANTLY ignorin' me & brushin' me off & talkin' about other chizz, as if i said nothin' at all, instead of just responding to me, which was an insult in itself.


b) i saw/knew what you were doin' when you gave me that title, i'm not stupid, & it felt more like a slap in tha face than anything else. i truly thought you respected me more than that to actually fix your brain to pull such a lame-duck'd stunt on me, & to be totally honest, that chizz hurt quite a bit; i didn't expect that type of treatment from you, not just from some1 who was 1 of my original supporters, but also, considerin' tha various things we've started & done together [along with other chizz], some1 which whom i consider'd a friend.


it was a dick move, thru & thru, bruh.


but nonetheless, thanx to tha support of others, i absorb'd it, shook it off, & kept it movin', grindin' as hard as i could to try & do more to hopefully correct this slight.




You want a title for something that you havent earned

you don't make anything for mugen

just be a regular member

you don't make anything for mugen

you edit music

you don't make anything for mugen

You want a title for something that you havent earned

just be a regular member

you edit music

you don't make anything for mugen

you don't make anything for mugen

you don't make anything for mugen

you don't make anything for mugen

you don't make anything for mugen



it's not a character, lifebars or a SP.....

so yeah, apparently i don't.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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it's really not about a rank anymore Diss, it's partly about how this chizz has been handled, which was in a very bad way, & now it gotten to tha point where i'm truly upset about it for multiple reasons, so it does indeed comes across wrong, which isn't my intention. had this been done tha right way from tha jump, i would've at least spoke my piece, in a very less-agitated state mind you, & would've been done with it, no matter what tha outcome. at this point tho, outside of other reasons i stated above, it's also about tha narrow-minded mentality of what is & what isn't consider'd mugen work. mugen is driven by more than just 1 set thing or another, just like any other game that exists, period.


here's an analogy for ya: let's say mugen is a console, right? different parts are used to make it function. while some parts are a bit vital than others, those other parts are no less important, & are still needed to make it work completely, or to thoroughly enjoy it; if you have a core system, but don't have a power cord, you can't play. if you have both of those, but don't have an av cord/hdmi cable/rf switch, you're screw'd, you can't play. have all of those, but no game, same outcome. no memory/storage device? playin' on borrow'd time, cuz you can't save, & you're not gonna leave tha system on all tha time, or you risk screwin' up tha power cord &/or tha system itself. have those things, but don't have a TV to play it on? screw'd. have a TV, but it's not a decent 1, you won't have as much fun playin' on it. or even if you have all of that, but you don't like tha game you're playin' or it sux to you for whatever reason(s) [gameplay, story, music, graffix, etc.], then you won't truly enjoy tha experience at all. this also applies if it's a PC game, & you don't have a decent PC/graffix card/memory to run it, etc.


mugen, as a whole, is all about tha sum of its parts, & that's what makes it truly enjoyable, not just 1 or 2 specific things. that's a fact that shouldn't be snub'b over on some elitist nonsense, period.


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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I +1 Diss but that wasn't intentional.

Im with you 110% Alp. Mugen is made of more than just characters and stages. More than screenpacks. More than lifebars. Its fonts. Music. Pallettes. Intros. Endings. Ideas. Feedback. So many components.

I mean. For real. No disrespect to Evaluators cuz they provide essential feedback. But if you can get a rank for feedback...you should get a rank for music. Video's as well...

I've got nothing to lose or gain personally. I've got nothing to gain other than my friend getting the recognition he deserves.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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If you make consistent high-quality stages, then yes.



Video's as well...

No. It doesn't take any effort whatsoever to upload a video to YouTube. Why, even Josh Geary can do it :U

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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If you make consistent high-quality stages, then yes.



No. It doesn't take any effort whatsoever to upload a video to YouTube. Why, even Josh Geary can do it :U

You're not taking all aspects into consideration. I'm talking about making the video. Adding you own signiture aspects. Im not talking about just some fight you recorded.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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It doesn't take any effort whatsoever to upload a video to YouTube.




it might not take much effort to up vids, but tha effort that goes into makin' tha vids before you up'em however, well now that's a different story; it's akin to what Ryoucchi said:




It's the matter of quality, not quantity.




some folks do a mugen vid & don't care much about how they go about makin'; low visual quality, fights that are 1-sided in favor of tha maker, mismatch'd themes, etc, while others take tha effort make a quality vid, maybe tell an appealing story with tha fight, maybe add certain fun visual fx to it, usin' music that's actually decent vs some1 usin' some random cheeseball rap/rock/dubstep/GG chizz to kreate an atmosphere, showin' progress/completion &/or demonstrate a kreation they're workin' on, or even as a form of visual feedback to point out bugs &/or errors of a kreation.


heck, when you think about it, mugen vids are basically 1 of tha main advertising tools of tha mugen uni; i mean like how many folks here can say they didn't catch a whiff of an idea of what mugen was by seein' a mugen vid & becomin' almost instantly hook'd, whether it was 1 of tha various Evil Shoto Vs-type vids, somethin' silly like 1 of tha Homer Vs Peter Griffin-type vids, or, of course, tha whole SF Vs MK ordeal. mugen vids are a tool that draws 1 in, vid makers & vid watchers alike, & in some cases, are a driving force to keep them interested/involved.


simple, no? f529a952.gif


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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what about a title like contributor for creating other kind of content for mugen? not that i'm saying do what we do as i know its not perfect, but MMV gives that title (crazy easy to add to a membergroup with our forum) to anyone who releases stuff on than characters. just thought the idea may (or may not, but at least gives something to think about) help. what we did was that it can also be earned by being a good community contributor, like with feedback and the like.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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what about a title like contributor for creating other kind of content for mugen? not that i'm saying do what we do as i know its not perfect, but MMV gives that title (crazy easy to add to a membergroup with our forum) to anyone who releases stuff on than characters. just thought the idea may (or may not, but at least gives something to think about) help. what we did was that it can also be earned by being a good community contributor, like with feedback and the like.

That's actually very similar to Guild.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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not really. i only mentioned how membergroup concerned people creating content other than characters. we put people who released characters in a diff group. and regarding the special case on contributor i spoke of, it only happened once, for erroratu.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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You're not taking all aspects into consideration. I'm talking about making the video. Adding you own signiture aspects. Im not talking about just some fight you recorded.


Sure, you're advertising MUGEN to people. I introduce people to MUGEN all the time, what's the problem?


Gee, there should be a title for simply liking MUGEN. Gotta have fans.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Sure, you're advertising MUGEN to people. I introduce people to MUGEN all the time, what's the problem?


Gee, there should be a title for simply liking MUGEN. Gotta have fans.

:areyoukidding: You deserve YOUR OWN title...

1. Orochi Gill got it as a joke.

2. Leave me out of this.

Joke or not I'd say he earned it. So did you.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Question : how many stages should i make to get the one of those 2 rank?





I had you set to -1000 rep, explain to me how you have -680 rep now.

also explain to me why chuck norris is one of the main users +1 ing you.


WHY does this happen? Because Unless you can explain to me why this person +1's all of your posts, I feel the need to remove them all to fix the rep counting issue.

I know he is your fellow country man, But I feel there is something more to it.


@ Alp, If you ask something over and over, and you don't get a response, what would you automatically assume it is? No. right?


in other talks.


I feel people who make music should not get a mugen related rank because it is music, music you can find, add, and if your good enough cut yourself.

videos deserve nothing. I've seen people make over stylized mugen videos (for instance KojiroBadness...but he went on to make characters) , and i feel i wasted 1 minute of my life watching a intro to a 30 second showcase/match.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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