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Rank's and Grouping.


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I wonder if there's a rank for sharer as well (Asking, cause it looks like This guy here is doing a pretty good job at sharing stuff almost nonstop).


I don't think "Sharer' or a rank for somebody who shares a lot exists and honestly it sounds and would be pointless if you ask me. 


Besides, AddiK doesn't share stuff almost nonstop as you put it. He merely shared a lot today for reasons only known by him. That does not warrant a rank in itself.


If you give him a rank for that, you might as well give it to everybody who decides to share a lot of stuff on one day  too.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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i miss the old days when I used to have share spree's.


the forum was SOOOOOO busy with livelihood and youth.

I feel dead on the form, considering I can't really find anything of my interest to post anymore.  

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i miss the old days when I used to have share spree's.


the forum was SOOOOOO busy with livelihood and youth.

I don't even know what to share. Laziness and demotivation took over me about a few years ago.

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Though, on the bright side, there's a thing call "archiving", so maybe Wayback will help? :P



i refound like 2 characters that way.




but one time i did manage to download a full game using wayback lol


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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i miss the old days when I used to have share spree's.


the forum was SOOOOOO busy with livelihood and youth.


Back when I was just DaBlackScourge  

Where "home32", BigSally, JayJay, & rbbt were here on a regular basis

Speaking of regulars, Where's Steve & Drunky?




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