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The Genie Game


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Granted, but it's got a fuckton of cinnamon on it.


I wish it was impossible to grant this wish :troll:

Your wish is so complicated that my brain came out of my ears as goo, causing me to not grant you another wish. EVER.


I wish I could scared a kid off TF2 forever by saying, "Go back to kindergarten, ya little punk." 


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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Granted. Now that kid runs off to his parents who become so mad that someone DARED to trash-talk their kid, that they order the police to track down your IP adress. They find it and alongside with it your adress, and come to your house before you have had the time to hide your wife or kids because the cops are coming to bust a cap in yo' ass. You go to court and thanks to Phoenix Wrong you get a guilty verdict which gets you a life long jail lodging because FUCK YOU disproportianate retribution. I wish Mugen 1.2 would be released as soon as all the bugs and flaws have been ironed out.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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  • 1 year later...

Granted, but a Syncro joined RSA as well. I wish someone could explain what RSA truly is.

Granted but its a convoluted story that trails off into a detailed conversation about danishes, and other confectionery treats.

I wish we could change our username colors like back in the old days...


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Granted but you die before your wish is granted. I wish for a wish to have many more with which would let me choose a wish and wish something upon the wishing well in order to wish for a waifu which would indirectly give me a laifu.

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