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Now It's Ask Ryoucchi a Question

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Why`s he/she name Magic Toaster ? What`s that stand for ?

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Toaster and Ryoucchi are just a BOT! Toaster = Google Bot, Ryoucchi = Bing Bot

@ Sok - Because its a name. It stands as a symbol of imperial justice. 

@ Gopal - We arnt bots. If we were would would have been in Vectors Robot Waifu collection already.


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not needed in there so again





your-pronoun yər, ˈyu̇r, ˈyȯr


    a form of the possessive case of you used as an attributive adjective <Your careless disregard for English makes you look stupid.>


    one's (used to indicate belonging to oneself or to any person) <Using proper grammar improves your chances of employment.>


    (used informally to indicate all members of a group, occupation, etc., or things of a particular type) <You can learn more about these words in your standard dictionary.>

you'reyər, ˈyu̇r, ˈyȯr, ˌyü-ər


    contraction of you are <I'm glad you're learning how to sound more intelligent!>

Look at what i bolded in my previous post.

I'm not sure i can break this down any further.

If you want my released works, go here.

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>ryo is 17

>toaster is 15


Did not see that coming


Then again, I doubt that is how old they actually are


it is how old they are actually I can guarantee it.


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You did not need to explain it, maybe that is rite. I am pretty dumb when it came down to English. I was looking at the fact of it being you are which did not sound rite in that sentence. Actually I am pretty stupid when it came to all subjects except math. School terribly bored me, and my depression and anxiety did not help the case.


it is how old they are actually I can guarantee it.

Toaster I believe


Ryo I don't

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