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What are you guys thoughts of the new xbox

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Are you guys planning on buying the new xbox one that was reveal cause when I watch the reveal I was bored to death and went on to do something else,But in any case what you guys think of the new xbox one are you guys planning on getting it ?..




Some more information about the xbox one,,,




Microsoft employees reportedly ambushing Nintendo’s Best Buy E3 experience events



Micro$oft employee at nintendo event at best buy





Hey guys you won't belive what I just found out about Microsoft is doing now to people since they are despereate to get people to buy the Xbone.


Microsoft is sending their employees to nintendo events at best buy and telling them tonot buy the wii u cause it sucks and to buy instead a xbone one..








Please spread the word around about this and let other know what Micro$oft is doing.

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Yeah not getting the Xbox One


Already have a Wii U and am happy with it


I will probably get a Ps4 in 2020


When all the glitches etc are fixed


I waited 6 years to get a ps3, and when I finally got one in 2010. It fucking broke and I had to pay to fix it.

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This New Xbox sucks and I like Xbox ;~;

also this new xbox makes me want to sell mine... out of the frustration and lame juice this one has.


So far ps4 or 3 are in my list of next gen consoles now.


 "Your so Naive-"

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I strongly considered getting this console.


everything looked and sounded great in the video.


but in 1 of the interviews. it was stated the console has 0 BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY.


That killed it for me, I don't want the console anymore.


Same with PS4, no backwards compatibility, I may skip the next generation.


Stick to My PS3 and Wii U

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