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CvTW Sonic(Beta) by SeanAltly and HyperSonic Released (10/03/2013).


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Which Breath of Fire? She's not from any of the ones I've ever played, or at least not 1, 2, or 3.


Anyway, I'm kind of wondering why Seanalty decided to convert a character to MUGEN that's already been converted several times. Still, I might give it a whirl.

why does anyone try and convert something that has been done countless times already i could keep going on with this but i wont becuse it would not only be pointless but off topic as well.


as for Fou-Lu's it would be breath of fire 4 but for this character iam not sure

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considering theres been no GOOD sonic i welcome it Seriously Darklight stop with that that complaining gets old id forbid you from saying that crap if I could believe me  -_-.


as for fou lu that is a first off HE not she and secondly its made by the same person who made minato. UN Found here




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I guess I'll try his Sonic out, then. But to be honest, I like MUGENHunter's version.


I know that Solid Snake is a character that pretty much everyone I know (except myself, who's not a fan of dark, serious characters like him to be honest) thinks is super awesome, and I cannot help but wonder if he'd be as revered if he didn't make Solid Snake.


Edit: Tried him out. Summoning monitors was a pretty cool idea, but to be honest... I wish he had better moves. They seem so typical for Sonic MUGEN characters.

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Fou-Lu was the main antagonist in the fourth episode of "Breath of Fire" he has the extraordinary ability to transform into a dragon, as well as wielding powerful magic. he is also in my Top 5 RpG Antagonist :D Breath of Fire is SOOOOOOOO awesome!


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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I know I might sound crazy but I prefer Veankos  Mugenhunter Sonic edit lol though this is still a fun character and one of the best Sonic one can get.


Wow no comments? Well I'll comment first... He looks cool but how does he play? I'll test him out later...

*edit* just tried him out. Love the way he plays. Hate the sounds, why Griffith I hate Griffith he sucks as Sonic.


I find Griffith's Sonic to plain and not cocky enough.  Rodger Craig Smith on the other hand nails his attitude perfect in my opinion.

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I know I might sound crazy but I prefer Veankos  Mugenhunter Sonic edit lol though this is still a fun character and one of the best Sonic one can get.



I find Griffith's Sonic to plain and not cocky enough.  Rodger Craig Smith on the other hand nails his attitude perfect in my opinion.

I know this might sound crazy, too, but I prefer Mugenhunter's Sonic in general to Seanalty's. Vaenko's edit is cool too, but a bit cheap in its AI.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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I know this might sound crazy, too, but I prefer Mugenhunter's Sonic in general to Seanalty's. Vaenko's edit is cool too, but a bit cheap in its AI.

The moveset to me feels better in Mugenhunters Sonic Seansalty's feels to Gimmicky to me, plus Veankos Sonic edit has Rodgers voice which is a nitpick but like Kanbei I dislike Griffith as Sonic.  Despite all that this Sonic is still quite a keeper in my book.




I'm glad I'm not only one that thinks this.

Maybe we should make a Rodger Craig Smith voicepack sometime lol.

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What about MUGENHunter's version?

MugenHunter's characters have ugly sprites. He made them to where they look like fighting game characters but it ends up making them all look dumb.


I personally prefer SuperMystery's Sonic Characters. Yes they're kinda cheap but they play almost like they do in the Classic Sonic Games which adds a bit of Nostalgia and fun to them. Also, I'm not sure why so many people like Griffiths. Personally, I'd rather take Drummand or Smith over him any day. (I really like smith because he voices Chris Redfield in the newer RE games.) But you have these retarded Sonic Fanboys who get pissed off if you even remotely say Drummand or Smith are better actors. (which in truth, they are.)


Regarding Sonic's Japanese actor, I'm not a huge fan of him despite liking the fact that he's been present in all the 3D sonic games all the way back to adventure. That takes dedication. Some sonic fans are like "HE SOUNDS LIKE A FUCKING ROCKSTAR" and I'm like "he just sounds like another Japanese guy to me."


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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I know this might sound crazy, too, but I prefer Mugenhunter's Sonic in general to Seanalty's. Vaenko's edit is cool too, but a bit cheap in its AI.

i love both seans and MH's versions of sonic but i dnt like how u guys are blindly comparing the two, as they are two WHOLE different chars.....with not even the same spriteset, tho Vaenko's and MH's are a different story......


speakin of Vaenko's version, where can i get it?


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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