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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Ax is just hatin' on Miltank because of all the times Whitney wrecked his team back in the original GSC. I can't say I blame him. :p


    Mega Audino officially confirmed for reals this time.


    During Gamescom today, a special video by Junichi Masuda was shown. In this video, Junichi Masuda revealed that Mega Audino is to come to the Pokémon games. It confirms that it has the Healer ability and that it gets the Defense and Special Defense boosts. The trailer also shows that it learns Misty Terrain, a move Audino didn't have before this game.

  3. I just wish they wouldn't have gotten rid of Slowbro's bulky anatomy.


    ...But then again they've been doing that for years. In the Pokemon Stadium games and some of the earlier games he has these gigantic thighs and looked overall fatter, but in later games they slimmed him down more. Made him less fat and made his thighs smaller. But when you think about it, they've been doing that a lot.

    Thunder Thighs' Wild Ride 2013 Turns?

  4. @Ume: I already explained my reasoning on Skype but I'll post it here for convenience sake. I was kind of on the fence regarding this situation. On one hand, we have Ax posting a thread flaunting his religion and trying to garner attention, which he had done in the past both here and on MFG (Yes, I know using off-site behavior as a justification for moderator action is an iffy situation). On the other hand, I wanted to avoid exactly the kind of situation that you're describing right now, which is why I left it open. In addition to that, I was also under the impression that Laharl brought up this topic for discussion in the staff section, then I found out he didnt, so I went ahead and brought it up in a thread over there, as I would have preferred a democratic consensus with the staff to determine the fate of Ax's thread, hence why I left it open and also posted a stern warning. By the time I made the discussion thread in the staff section, I found out that Laharl had already locked Ax's thread, without any kind of prior knowledge or consensus. I would have been fine with either outcome, but I do agree that Laharl was a bit too hasty here.

  5. Not really Tiering related, but Smogon just recently promoted/demoted some Pokemon in the OU viability rankings:


    Important note: Tiers dictate how often a Pokemon is used, viability dictates how "good" a Pokemon is in a tier's environment. In most cases there is a natural tendency for higher tiered Pokemon to also rank high in OU viability, but then you have stuff thats OU like Togekiss ranking at C+ while UU stuff like Hippowdon ranking in A. Just to reiterate; viability should not be confused with tiers, and just because a Pokemon has a certain viability ranking in one tier's metagame does not mean it will necessarily have the same ranking in another tier's metagame.


    That being said,


    184.png: A+ ---> S

    647.png: A+ ---> S

    Azumarill was decided by the majority of the posters in [the XY OU Viability] thread to be an S rank threat. Keldeo, while it was a more tough call..., most people were convinced about Keldeo being worthy of S rank. These two are some of the most metagame defining threats and some of the easiest Pokemon to slap on a team that pull their weight on any kind of matchup.


    380.png: A ---> A+

    381.png: A ---> A+

    Aegislash gone, simple as that. Aegislash was one of the biggest problems for both Latios and Latias, and without it they are free to terrorize offensive teams again.


    485.png: A ---> A+

    Heatran is able to run a variety of sets, sets that perform vastly different from each other, while every single one of them is very effective. Stealth Rock, Choice Scarf, and stallbreaking Heatran are all very effective sets that have different amount of checks and counters and support their team in different ways. Heatran's versatility and potency on each of those sets is what makes it worthy of A+ rank.

    006-my.png: A ---> A+

    With the metagame becoming less and less prepared for Mega Charizard Y, its wallbreaking set alone can bring entire teams to their knees, as a lot of teams nowadays lack good Mega Char Y checks. Add the newly discovered Will-O-Wisp set that can handle threats such as Mega Mawile and Landorus, and you have an A+ rank Pokemon right there.

    248.png: A+ ---> A

    248-m.png: A+ ---> A+ (No Change)

    Tyranitar's is not on par with the rest of the A+ Pokemon. All of Tyranitar's sets have serious limitations, such as being forced out by all of the S rank, and the three main reasons for using Tyranitar are for Pursuit, sand support, and to check birdspam. Scarf sets are decent revenge killers and Pursuit trappers, but are easy to check and can be taken advantage of easily, not to mention that they fail to outspeed the threats that you would want to use a Scarf user for in the first place, Mega Char X, Dragonite, and Mega Gyarados, meaning that you either have to pack another Scarf user, or multiple checks to those Pokemon, which heavily restricts team building. As for Smooth Rock sets, providing Sand, Pursuit, and Stealth Rock is nice, but Pursuit is useful only in certain match-ups, and Tyranitar is not a very good Stealth Rock setter anyway, as a lot of Defog / RS users can beat it, such as Mandibuzz, Excadrill, and Starmie. Basically, providing sand is support Tyranitar's biggest selling point, which is not enough to put it in A+ rank.


    Mega Tyranitar stays in A+ for being a powerful, bulky sweeper capable of wrecking most threats in the metagame.

    625.png: A+ ---> A

    Aegislash is gone, so one of the biggest reasons to use Bisharp on offensive teams is now gone. Also, a lot of great Pokemon able to counter Bisharp have risen in usage, such as SpD Mega Charizard X and WoW Mega Charizard Y. Finally, Bisharp faces huge competition with Mega Mawile, an S rank threat that has a similarly powerful Sucker Punch, actual wallbreaking abilities, and an amazing defensive typing. Pursuit and Defiant are nice, but not good enough to keep Bisharp in A+.

    473.png: A- ---> A

    Checks a ton of offensive Pokemon with its typing and Ice Shard, is very hard to wall for anything not named stall, can lure Pokemon such as Gyarados and Rotom-W with Freezy Dry, and is also a great SR user.

    151.png: B+ ---> A-

    Mew is one of the most underrated Pokemon in OU, in fact it's so underrated that it's not even OU by usage. Great bulk allows it to check extremely dangerous threats for defensive teams, such as Mega Medicham, Landorus, and Latios, while it's Knock Off + Taunt set is just a pain to deal with for most teams. It softens up teams consistently, has good match-ups against a lot of Pokemon due to WoW + Taunt + recovery + decent Speed + great bulk, and also can use a great Defog set. An amazing stallbreaker and Defog user on par if not better than hole punchers such as Kyurem-B.

    121.png: C+ ---> B

    With Aegislash gone, Starmie is finally once again a reliable spinner, and one of the best spinners for offensive teams. Unlike Excadrill, Starmie outspeeds most offensive Pokemon and also beats most SR users (Heatran, Terrakion, Landorus-T, Garchomp), while also being very hard to wall, and having a decent amount of versatility between its coverage moves (Ice Beam and Thunderbolt are both good choices for the last slot), abilities (Natural Cure helps Starmie check Heatran, SubToxic Gliscor, and cure Thunder Wave after KOing Thundurus, while Analytic secures important 2HKOes) and even movesets (Offensive and defensive with Reflect Type).


    214-m.png: B+ ---> A-

    308-m.png: B+ ---> A-

    065-m.png: B- ---> B

    Mega Heracross, Mega Medicham, and Mega Alakazam are all much more viable now for one reason and one reason only: Aegislash is gone.

    437.png: Unranked ---> C-

    Bronzong checks a unique set of Pokemon, the most important of which are Mega Gardevoir, Sand Rush Excadriil, Mega Pinsir, Latios, Latias, and Mega Tyranitar, which makes it a viable choice on teams that want those Pokemon covered, especially as a pivot and SR setter on some offensive teams. It has a ton of flaws, but the fact that it deals with some extremely dangerous threats that don't have a lot of good checks with Aegislash gone (Mega Gardy, Latios, Latias) makes it worth putting in the viability ranking list.

    680.png: Unranked ---> D

    Mega Medicham, Mega Heracross, Mega Pinsir, Mega Gardevoir, and Terrakion are some really dangerous Pokemon that stall teams cannot adequately handle, all of which are Pokemon that Doublade counters as long as it's paired with a cleric. This makes it good enough to get ranked.

    594.png: B- ---> B

    Despite being RU by useage, Alomomola is one of the best, if not THE best, WishPasser in OU, with good mixed bulk, solid typing, and an amazing ability, that takes part in a lot of good defensive cores, and can even support bulky offensive Pokemon on balanced teams. It has notable flaws, mainly lack of offensive presence, but its pros are enough to overcome them with team support, and in the end, Chansey has that flaw too and she is in A- right?

    462.png: C+ ---> B-

    Skarmory is seen on most stall teams, and Magnezone eliminates it and allows Pokemon such as Mega Pinsir Sand Rush Excadrill to sweep. Also, the ability to trap and KO Mega Scizor is huge for Mega Gardevoir, a Pokemon that is getting better and better with Aegislash's absence. All in all, Magnezone supports some amazing Pokemon right now, and this support is good enough to warrant a placement in B- rank.

    251.png: C ---> B-

    With Aegislash leaving from OU, Celebi's Psychic typing is not such a big hindrance, allowing the little pixie to take advantage of its perks over its fellow bulky Grass-types to a greater extend. When it comes to checking threats that Mega Venusaur, Ferrothorn, and Amoonguss can't, look no further than Landorus, Excadrill, Keldeo, Latios, Latias, and Rotom-W. Thanks to Natural Cure and reliable recovery, as well as lack of weakness to Psychic, 4x weakness to Fire (HP Fire), weakness to Fighting, and a resistance to Ground, Celebi takes care of all those Pokemon better than the other Grass-types can. Also, Celebi has a big support movepool, with moves such as Thunder Wave, Perish Song (fuck off CM Suicune), Stealth Rock, Baton Pass, and Heal Bell, so it can be a better supporter and pivot than the other Grass-types (well not a better supporter than Ferrothorn, but when it comes to both supporting and pivoting, Celebi has the upper hand). Finally, Celebi is the fastest bulky Grass-type in OU, which coupled with recovery and decent coverage make Celebi a decent tank. All in all, Celebi's flaws have started becoming less relevant, and its advantages have started becoming more relevant, which is why it rose two whole sub ranks.


    Original post: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/xy-ou-viability-ranking-thread-v2-last-update-on-post-4897.3502428/page-196#post-5657932

  6. iuhw2k1.png

    Link: http://ricepigeon.webs.com



    05/29/15 - Version 2015.05.29


    Changes from Version 2014.08.06

    Added 04/05/15:

    - BUGFIX: Fixed bug that prevented PalFx controls on Eirin during p2's attacks.

    Added 04/25/15:

    - New palettes added.

    Added 04/27/15:

    - Elixir [Quicksilver]:

    - Poison damage greatly increased (5 dmg/sec -> 15 dmg/sec)

    - Lunar Debris:

    - Projectiles now target opponent's position relative to conical arc as opposed to an even spread.

    Added 05/08/15:

    - Proration values changed for the following moves;

    - 5x: 92% (from 80%)

    - 5y: 90% (from 80%)

    - 5z: 85% (from 80%) per hit

    - 2x: 92% (from 80%)

    - 2y: 88% (from 80%)

    - 2z: 75% (from 80%)

    - j.5x: 90% (from 80%)

    - j.5y: 85% (from 80%)

    - j.5z: 90% (from 80%) per hit

    - Burst Shot: 93% (from 90%) per hit

    - Saturn V: 92% (from 90%) per hit

    - Elixir [All variants]: Can now be in air.

    - Fixed bug in AI script that would prevent certain conditions from triggering.

    Added 05/09/15:

    - New spellcard: Leading God "Omoikane's Device" (214214xyz)

    - New Spellcard: Mind of God "Omoikane's Brain" (236236x/y/z)

    - Spellcard select added, merged with Palette selector.

    - Spellcard use effect & text redone, made to more closely resemble Hisoutensoku's behavior.

    Added 05/29/15:

    - BUGFIX: Fixed overlapping audio in intro

    - Burst Shot: Startup & Recovery increased by 2f for all versions. End of animation made smoother.

    - Burst Shot: Damage per arrow decreased (40 -> 35)

  7. Until this thing does get locked upon consulting the rest of the staff, a note to everyone that this thread WILL be heavily moderated for shitposting and/or provocative posts. I've already had to delete three posts because of this and I'd rather not force my hand any more than I should.


    The only reason I'm not locking this thread outright is because Laharl already brought it up in the Staff section for review.

  8. Considering what went down in the Buzz Lightyear thread, this post serves as a reminder to keep your posts on topic. Any posts that can be seen as derogatory to the author or baseless character bashing WILL be deleted on sight. Post responsibly or do not post at all. This is your only warning.


    That being said, I'm kind of afraid of what I'll find if I test this Wario...

  9. Updated first post to include Smogon's queued suspect tests on Mega Mawile, Thundurus-I, Landorus-I, and Mega Charizard X.


    Note that there is no suspect test currently underway, only that Smogon has confirmed that these 4 pokemon ARE going to be suspected within the next month.

    EDIT: Due to July's monthly RU usage, coupled with the previous 2 months of RU useage, Shiftry has moved up from NU to RU.

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