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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Dfq4Vej.png
    "Actually this tournament looked like a bit of fun. Though now that you mention it, I do feel like something is out of place."

    *Much in the same way Raina has had people in Gensokyo say that she looks similar to someone else, Raina feels as if Hikari herself looks very familiar.*

  2. Rhyperior and Hippowdon are already perfectly viable in OU despite being lower tiered (Hippo is a nice, but passive, mixed wall that can set up rocks, sand, and isn't complete setup bait with Toxic and/or Whirlwind, while Rhyperior cockblocks Birdspam teams and maintains an offensive presence while also setting up rocks).

    5th Gen starters will most likely not get Mega Forms until Black & White remakes in another 7 years.

  3. Lkhkade.png

    "Perhaps. Although we may not know for how long."



    "Well, if you do, I hope we can have a nice friendly match. The name is Hikari, by the way"

    *meanwhile, at Hastur's headquarter in Kalos City*

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417Hey TimeWeaver, hey TImeWeaver, look what I have found! A plasma rifle!

    TimeWeaver (sorry, I don't have a mugshot of Robin): Uhm...you sure you can use that stuff?

    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417Of course! You just pull that trigger and-

    *the plasma rifle suddenly gave a shot, and a blue-haired girl with wings, a black tail, and bird-like feet fell on the ground*


    photo-5707.png?_r=1409670417Uhm...whoops? BTW, she's dead, someone wanna have some chicken?

    (Lol, are you serious?)

  4. thats the joke...




    Primal Kyogre has a new ability called Sea of Beginnings and Primal Groudon has a new ability called Land of Endings. They activate what is called Strong Rain and Strong Sunlight respectively.

    Welcome back perma-weather. We did NOT miss you .

    EDIT: The fact that they're actually adding new abilities and attacks has me worried about X&Y compatibility tho...
  5. Considering how Chuchoryu admitted that he never played SSF4 in his life and made this character solely based on recorded videos, I'm gonna perform a combo breaker here in this thread with XCB's feedback from guild:


    You really can't make a character like this just by watching videos. Juri has a bunch of little nuances that you can only really discover by playing around with the character. I'll give you just a few issues I found from 2 minutes worth of testing.


    • Standing MP is supposed to move a step forward on the first frame. It may seem like a little detail, but it's important gameplay wise as the move can be Kara-cancelled to extend her throw/special attack range a little
    • Jumping forward MP not only knocks down, it's supposed to put the opponent in a juggle state.
    • Close HP is also supposed to put to the opponent in a juggle state. Also, while it can be special cancelled, the move actually doesn't come out until her feet touch the ground.
    • Sekku (Forward+MK) should put her in the air after the second frame.
    • Shikusen (Dive Kick): Each button is supposed to change her dive arc. I can do Second Impact, but where is Third Strike? The EX version has Third Strike, but where's the wall bounce? Not as important, but as of Ultra, Shikusen cannot be used from a backwards jump, but this is up to your discretion.
    • Senpusha(Pinwheel): LK is supposed to do 2 hits, MK/HK is supposed to do 4, and EX is supposed to do 6. MK and HK are supposed to knock down on the last hit. Startup of each version is different (LK version is fast enough to combo from a LP/LK, but MK/HK shouldn't work.)
    • Kasatushi(Counter): I'd suggest coding it as a ReversalDef instead of a HitOverride. EX version should be the HP version, except you can control her jump.
    • Fuhajin (Fireball): The biggest offense by far - YOU CAN'T STORE HER FIREBALLS. This is the attribute that makes Juri who she is and what makes her gameplay so unique. Also, the fireballs hitboxes are WAY too big. MK fireball should miss completely on crouching opponents.
    • Fuharenjin (Fireball super): Each button changes how the super is performed. LK makes her stay in place. MK makes her more forward on the first kick. HK makes her flip backwards before executing the move.
    • Feng Shui Engine: To put it bluntly, Feng Shui engine is NOT Custom Combo. She's bound to a L-M-H combo path. It also changes the way some of her attacks work (her dash goes farther, Sekku has more hitstun, etc.)
    • Kaisen Dankairaku: After she leaves the ground, it should miss the opponent. It should also juggle falling opponents, which is the main use of the move. As much as people will hate me for saying this, it also executes way too fast. KD isn't a reversal super, but more along the lines of a "punish" super. It's not designed to save your ass, but to punish your opponent for making a mistake. Also the presentation is a bit.... bad.

    She also has these issues present:



  6. Zero and Marisa arrive to The Bottom just in time to see LF's last match.


    "We've found him. As expected he's rather impressive."


    "Is he? I think I could match him easy, probably even beat him."


    "Marisa, see if you can still register. It'll beneficial for us if one of us is participating."


    "What about you?"


    "I'll be among the spectators. I suspect some of Igniz's members may already be hiding among the crowd waiting for the opportune moment to strike.


    "Ok, I gotcha."


    "One more thing. Try to avoid unnecessary destruction. If you find yourself unable to control your destructive impulses, you are to forfeit immediatly."


    "Ugh fine. I promise to behave myself."

    Hikari manages to make her way to the sign ups as well.


    "This looks like a bit of fun. Plus it'll give me an opportunity to see if my hunch is correct."

  7. Source: http://www.pcgamer.com/2014/09/05/team-fortress-2-poster-mistaken-for-us-propaganda-on-russian-state-television/?ns_campaign=article-feed&ns_mchannel=ref&ns_source=steam&ns_linkname=0&ns_fee=0


    As part of an effort to show how the United States uses propaganda to influence the mindset of its citizens, a historical documentary recently aired by Russia's Channel One offered up what it said was a First World War poster portraying German soldiers as monsters who literally eat babies. One problem: It wasn't a soldier, it was the Soldier, and the poster is actually Team Fortress 2 fan art.

    The show, which presumably came about as a result of rising tensions between the US and Russia, offered the poster as evidence of US efforts to demonize its enemies, "regardless of any logic or common sense," according to the International Business Times. "The American public had to firmly acknowledge that Germans were evil," the narrator says.

    And the guy on the poster certain looks evil. "Soldiers eat babies. That's a fact," it states, before exhorting readers to join Team Demoman, a giveaway that clearly eluded the show's non-English-speaking creators. TJournal.ru picked up on it, however, and noted that it was actually created by DeviantArt user TankTaur for a Team Fortress 2 propaganda contest.

  8. marisa.png

    "What a freak. At least she told us where the place is.

    Marisa then proceeded to look directly at Regin.


    "What is it?"

    Marisa quickly looked back toward her partner.


    "No, nothing. Let's get going."

    The two proceeded to head toward The Bottom.

    *Hikari manages to arrive on the scene a bit late, but notices Marisa leaving*


    "Hmm? Isn't that Marisa Kirisame from Gensokyo? I wonder what she's doing out here?"

    *Hikari decides to keep an eye on the situation from afar, feeling that something is out of place*

  9. Copypaste from guild:

    Quick playtest:

    • Ground 5X seems to have too much priority. Comparing it to her source hitbox, shes missing a hurtbox on her arm. For comparison:

    • Ground 5Y has 2 tick startup and is safer on hit and block than 5X
    • Hitstun and Blockstun appear to be identical. Intentional?
    • The hitbox for Ground 2Y seems to shift backward into Reimu's body for some odd reason.
    • Hakurei Amulet (Light) seems way too safe at point blank. +25 to be exact. I know its a charge move but still
    • The chip damage on Hakurei Amulet Light and Medium is close to almost half the normal damage it does normally
    • In both IaMP and Hisoutensoku, Cautionary Border knocks down on hit. Here it doesn't.
    • All versions of Rain Dance deal less damage on hit than they do on block.
    • Not sure how I feel about Fantasy Orb having 30 frame startup.
    • Demon Binding Circle's chip damage seems to be way too much at 135, considering it does 377 on hit. That's almost half.
    • Any reason why Wind God Kick has invincibility frames at the beginning of every single hit, rather than just at he beginning of the first hit?
  10. More OU viability updates:

    620.png: Unranked ---> C
    While Mienshao has two viable sets in OU, it gets ranked for its Reckless + Fake Out set. It acts as a cool anti lead against Sash Garchomp, Sash Breloom, Sash Mamoswine, Fake Out Mega Medicham, Tyranitar, and Rotom-W, being able to OHKO/2HKO all of those with a combo of Fake Out and High Jump Kick, except from PhD Rotom-W, which takes 82% damage minimum from the above combo. On the last two slots, you can run any combination of U-turn, Hidden Power Ice, Stone Edge, and Poison Jab, but HJK alone is enough against a ton of offensive teams, as it 2HKOes at worst most frail or even some bulky resists. Only Slowbro, Physically Defensive Mega Venusaur, Mew (after one U-turn it's 2HKOed by HJK) and Physically Defensive Amoonguss are common hard counters to Reckless Mienshao.

    593.png: Unranked ---> D
    Jellicent was added to D rank because it has a niche as a spinblocker on Spikes stacking defensive teams and a reliable counter to Keldeo. However, it has a ton of flaws, such as huge Pursuit weakness, mediocre bulk, weakness to many common threats, and competition with other bulky Water-types, which is why it didn't go any higher.
    488.png: C+ ---> B-
    Ever since the Aegislash ban, Psychic-types have skyrocked in viability, and this is for two reasons. The first reason is the more obvious one; there's one less Pokemon that can abuse Cress. Aegislash resisted Psychic and Ice, is immune to Toxic, didn't really care about Thunder Wave or Hidden Power Fire, and could kill it very easily with Shadow Ball. Now, Cress doesn't have to worry about Aegislash any more, and the other two viable Ghosts don't particularly enjoy dealing with Cress. The second reason is that Aegislash's removal also made Mega Medicham much more common, and so having a Pokemon that resists High Jump Kick and Zen Headbutt is a necessity on every stall team. Many people choose Slowbro for this role, since it also acts as a bulky water, some choose Victini, due to the extreme offensive presence, access to Will-o-Wisp, and Fairy resistance, and some choose Mew, due to its ability to terrorize opposing stall teams. However, Cresselia is also an incredibly viable choice for the role. Cresselia can counter Mega Medicham extremely well, while also countering Charizard-Y (it also can abuse Moonlight's recovery with the sun's boost), Mega Gardevoir, Landorus, Talonflame, Latias, Landorus-T, Latios, Greninja, Garchomp, and some other offensive threats. Of course, it's a defensive Psychic-type, so everyone always talks about how it's complete Pursuit bait. However, its defensive set commonly runs Reflect, which allows it to flee from Pursuit users in relatively good health. Being a defensive Psychic also makes people go crazy over the Knock Off weakness. However, it doesn't mind the move that much, since STAB users of it are somewhat rare now and coverage variants are relatively easily brushed off. An extremely good quality of Cresselia on stall teams is that it hard walls Calm Mind Landorus, which no other stallmon can do. Calm Mind Landorus isn't extremely common, but if you're running a stall team without Cresselia, you will lose to it. Cress also has a couple other pros, like being able to run a good dual screens set, access to Lunar Dance which is great for HO, and Trick Room, which is niche as hell but decent.
    080.png: A- ---> A
    Not only does he have reliably recovery AND regenerator so its nearly impossible to wear down, he has actual offensive presence with a respectable 100 sp. att (for a wall thats good) and an easy to spam STAB named scald. It also has a very wide movepool so it can choose what it wants to take down. Grass Knot beats mega gyara, flamethrower beats Ferrothorn & Mega Scizor, psyshock can be insurance against keldeo and nail mega venu/amoongus on the switch, foul play can actually make slowbro beat bulky dd char-x and stuff without relying on toxic, and ice beam helps it beat the likes of dnite and garchomp. T-wave and Toxic can also just be annoying in general. One of the best things about slowbro is that its not shut down by Taunt or Sub so long as it has the right move against the right mon, which puts it leagues ahead of Alomomola.
    423.png423e.png: C- ---> C
    Gastrodon is outclassed as a bulky water, but what sets it apart is it's ability to easily deal with all rain teams with that lovely resistance to rock and complete immunity to water. That and it only has 1 weakness in grass and you've got yourself something that does indeed have a nice niche if you lack a bulky water and need to counter rain. Also, if fits well with Pokemon like Rotom-H in C rank as a Pokemon that is outclassed, but combines roles from other Pokemon to give itself a niche over what outclasses it.
    635.png: C+ ---> C
    Its LO set has great coverage, which allows it to function very well against defense, provided Fairies are removed. That part is huge. Azumarill makes its life hell, and Clefable does too. It can run Iron Tail/Flash Cannon, but they're very hard to fit in. However, the main reason for Hydreigon's drop is that it lost its main niches in OU, which were its ability to check Aegislash and revenge kill Mega Mawile without having to worry about a +2 Sucker Punch. Now that it no longer has a clear niche, but still being able to function, it's very similar to Chandelure, and thus C rank is imaginable.
    642-s.png: C+ ---> C
    Outclassed by Thundurus-I, Thundurus-T doesn't have a big impact on the metagame. It's known to be good only because of its Double Dance set, which is able to put in work versus offense and defense. Its very powerful, but its biggest flaw is it can't be Thundurus-I, who has a much better ability and a much better speed tier, at the cost of 20 special attack, which don't come into play that often.

    490.png: B+ ---> A-
    Manaphy was moved to A- because its Tail Glow + Rain Dance set is very effective atm, being able to shred stall teams to pieces and annoy the fuck out of sand teams, removing their sand and threatening everything they commonly carry outside of Ferrothorn, which is easily trapped and KOed by Magnezone. In general because Manaphy's usage dropped over the last months, people have stopped preparing for it, which made it more effective. Even a simple TG + Wacan Berry can often get 2 KOes against bulky offensive teams.
    142-m.png: B+ ---> A-
    Mega Aerodactyl is only outsped by Mega Manectric + some scarfers, so its offensive sets, also thanks to its great coverage, are able to revenge kill a bunch of things, including, but not limited to, Gyarados, Dragonite, and ScarfTran. It resists Fire, Flying, and Normal, and OHKOs Pinsir, Talon, and Raptor, and so is a really good bird check, and also thanks to Taunt, Roost, and Flying/Water coverage, it's able to beat common Stall Pokemon like Heatran, Victini, and Amoonguss. MegaDactyl is definitely worth bringing to A- for its stallbreaking, revenge killing, and birdspam checking abilities.
    065-m.png: B+ ---> A-
    On paper, Mega Alakazam doesn't look that great, but in practice, it actually is a really effective Pokemon. It is able to revenge kill Pokemon reliant on speed-boosting abilities, which is fantastic, and it is also able to boost its power if it traces Sheer Force or Protean. There's no doubt that it's a superb revenge killer in OU, it's just that it needs to fit in with other A- Pokemon. I think its relevant problems are similar to those of Diggersby (both can be player around relatively easily), however due to one's immense power and one's immense Speed, they are really solid revenge killers and late game sweepers. Zam it has such little competition for its role and can do its job of revenge killing top tier stuff (Kabutops, Excadrill, Kingdra, Omastar, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gyarados) incredibly well (reliance on focus miss is it's only real flaw here).

    197.png: C- ---> D
    Umbreon dropped because with Aegislash gone it lost the biggest reason to use it. It is essentially outclassed by Sylveon as a cleric, which is in turn outclassed by Clefable in the same role.
    701.png: B- ---> B
    This Pokemon is literally the definition of a late-game sweeper. While it does need its fair share of team support, all it needs is 1 Swords Dance and activating its unburden in order to sweep your entire team. With Sub+SD, it can set up on the likes of alomomola and mew while at the same time safely activating its speed boost by just subbing down. sub also protects it from stray priority mons that would be trying to hinder your sweep. having unresisted stabs (besides Thundurus and Zapdos) is just icing on the cake since there's literally nothing on offense that can take a hit from it at +2, let alone outspeed it. Memento Latios makes for an excellent offensive partner as it offers leverage in order to utterly demolish the opposition. other than that, hawlucha appreciates a team that can hold its own while simultaneously weakening its checks and counters so that it can do its job more effectively. its pros without a doubt outweigh its cons and B rank should suit it just fine.

    113.png: Stays in A-
    Chansey stayed in A- because it's superior to the rest of the defensive Pokemon found in B+, such as Alomomola, Mandibuzz, and Quagsire, because it handles a much bigger array of threats. Yes it's passive, but so are Quagsire and Alomomola to a degree. Of course one could argue that Quagsire and Alomomola should be dropped to B rank, which is definitely a possibility, but before this happens i can't see those Pokemon in the same rank as Chansey.
    227.png: Stays in A-
    Skarmory also stayed in A- because people seem to think that it is useless with Magnezone getting so popular, instead of just equipping it with Shed Shell. Skarmory still handles many threatening offensive Pokemon, such as Excadrill, Dragonite, Landorus-T, Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mamoswine, Diggersby, Mega Tyranitar, and Mega Scizor, and unlike Chansey it's a much better team player and is less passive, thanks to access to Defog, Spikes, and Whirlwind, all of which Chansey lacks. Spikes are often overlooked but they have started becoming a very useful option on defensive teams, allowing them to better combat opposing stall teams and put more pressure on offensive teams, instead of just playing passive all the time. Even though Skarmory doesn't wall that much atm and is easy to trap and KO with Magnezone, it makes up for it with its ability to support its team, and Magnezone can be dealt with by Shed Shell, as long as you are careful and don't bring it mindlessly into Knock Off users.
    342.png: Stays in C+
    Crawdaunt might be slow and frail, but it has very few Pokemon in OU that are able to switch in. However, those few Pokemon include Mega Venusaur (with some Speed) and Keldeo, which are two very common Pokemon that are able to switch into Crawdaunt at least once. The problem in general with crawdaunt is that while it has great power, there is simply so little reason to use it over azumarill even with that. yeah, it's strong, but it doesn't have the typing or the bulk that make azumarill such a good pokemon, and outside of trick room it is usually an opportunity cost to use crawdaunt over azumarill.




    This all being said, I'm tempted to split the topic for the lower tiers and give each of them their own discussion.

  11. I did not destroy an opponent. I just destroyed a projectile of an opponent.

    There is a big difference. Too bad that you don't understand that.


    "I'm pretty sure I witnessed you ringing his doorbell and flawlessly punching him in the face. How exactly is that a projectile again?"

    *Hikari has gotten so eager to jump in to the RP that she completely forgot to introduce herself properly*

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