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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. *Hikari then looks at the people now surrounding her, their interest piqued by her words. She sighs*



    "Alright... The world I come from, Yukari's antics have caused her to... take in an apprentice. This apprentice, who was once friendly, began to harden her heart, to where she began to seek out someone who could give her a fight to the death. She went around Gensokyo, searching for one who could give her such, but to no avail. All that was left was her master... During that point, her desire for victory had caused her to tap into her power, becoming one with it, and gained the ability to destroy boundaries with her bare hands..."


    *Hikari looked down in sadness*



    "...Yukari didn't stand a chance. Her death caused a massive power struggle, as Gensokyo abandoned its spellcard rules. The struggle between humans and youkai reaching a new low as they declared war on each other, killing each other in cold blood at first sight. Its...*


    *at this point they hear a gun cock, only to see what looks like a shrine maiden resembling Reimu with dog tags holding a rifle, aiming at Hikari.*

  2. Considering I've been covering alot of lower tier Pokemon as PotW, I thought I would cover some higher tier Pokemon as well, so I'll be doing OU PotW every Wednesday and lower tier PotW every Sunday/Monday. With that, I bring you to this guy:
    Black Kyurem
    Base Stats (Max Stats Lv.100) (- Nature) (+ Nature)
    HP: 125 (360-454)
    Attack: 170 (345-439) (310-395) (379-482)
    Defense: 100 (205-299) (184-269) (225-328)
    Sp.Atk: 120 (245-339) (220-305) (269-372)
    Sp.Def: 90 (185-279) (166-251) (203-306)
    Speed: 95 (195-289) (175-260) (214-317)
    Current Tiers:
    Singles: OU
    Doubles: DOU

    Tier Metagame Viability (Singles):
    Ubers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    OU: A- / B+
    UU: Banned
    RU: Banned

    NU: Banned
    PU: Banned
    Tier Metagame Viability (Doubles):
    DUbers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    DOU: A
    DUU: Banned
    General Overview (Singles)
    When one looks at Black Kyurem's massive 700 Base Stat total and status as a legendary box mascot, coupled with its absurdly high base 170 Attack stat, the initial instinct is that such a monster would be deserving of ubers status much like Ho-oh, Kyogre, Dialga, and Zekrom before it. After all, Black Kyurem is literally Kyurem fused with Zekrom. However, many factors have allowed Black Kyurem to drop from ubers to OU since Gen 5. It's Ice/Dragon typing, for instance, leaves it with many weaknesses, including two common priority moves and a weakness to Stealth Rock. In ubers, it is completely outclassed by White Kyurem, who sports identical stats on the Special side, and with good special attacks to utilize it. Black Kyurem, on the other hand, lacks a physical Ice type move to utilize its high physical attack stat outside of Freeze Shock, which should never be used competitively, and its physical movepool in general is barren compared to its special movepool. However, Black Kyurem has found itself at home in OU as a mixed attacker, as it still sports a respectable 120 base Sp.Atk.
    OU Overview
    At the time of writing this PotW, Black Kyurem is currently ranked at A- viability in OU, and is currently being nominated for a drop to B+, which may or may not happen. In Gen 5, as well as most of early and mid X&Y, Black Kyurem was used mostly as a mixed wallbreaker, capable of hitting hard while also being rather bulky on both sides. Recently, however, the OU metagame has not been kind to Black Kyurem. With Aegislash's ban, Black Kyurem now finds itself facing fierce competition as a wallbreaker from Mega Heracross, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Medicham, as well as from Keldeo and Landorus-Incarnate, all of which do not require as much support to be effective as Black Kyurem.


    However, Black Kyurem can still keep up with the shift towards offense by utilizing a Choice Scarf and fulfilling the role of a revenge killer instead, as its rather average base 95 speed with 224 speed EVs now allows it to reach 423 speed, allowing it to easily outpace fast offensive threats such as Greninja, Mega Manectric, Choice Scarf Landorus-Therian, Choice Scarf Tyranitar, and, with a positive speed nature, Mega Charizard X after a Dragon Dance, smacking most of them with Outrage. Black Kyurem can also run an Assault Vest set, which allows it to check many specially based offensive threats in the metagame while hitting them back hard, even with no attack investment. For example, Assault Vest Black Kyurem 2HKOs Clefable, one of its main checks, with 0 attack investment while only being 4HKOed by Moonblast. Even Mega Charizard Y fails to score a 3HKO while Fusion Bolt OHKOs in return.
    Moveset (Revenge Killer)


    Nature: Naughty or Naive / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Choice Scarf

    EVs: 252 Attack / 32 Sp.Atk / 224 Speed -OR- 32 HP / 252 Attack / 224 Speed

    Moves: Outrage / Dragon Claw / Fusion Bolt / Ice Beam or Iron Head



    • As a revenge killer, Black Kyurem should be brought in after the opponent scores a KO, or through indirect switching through U-turn or Volt Switch.
    • Avoid using Outrage if a Fairy or Steel type are present on the opponent's team, otherwise Outrage should be spammed freely.
    • Dragon Claw gives Black Kyurem a safe STAB option when Fairies and Steel types are still present.
    • Ice Beam OHKOs both Landorus formes, while Iron Head is for Clefable, who otherwise walls this set.
    • If using Ice Beam, the first EV spread should be used, otherwise the second spread should be used for Iron Head.
    • Naive nature can be used to outspeed and revenge kill Adamant Dragon Dance Mega Charizard X, otherwise Naughty should be used for extra power.
    • If using Iron Head, Adamant and Jolly can be used over Naughty and Naive, respectively, to regain lost special defense.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Steel types (Mega Scizor, Bisharp)
    • Magnezone
    • Stealth Rock users
    • Defog or Rapid Spin users (Starmie, Excadrill, Latios, Latias)


    Moveset (Assault Vest Tank)


    Nature: Sassy / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Assault Vest

    EVs:  248 HP / 44 Defense / 200 Sp.Def / 16 Speed

    Moves: Ice Beam / Fusion Bolt / Iron Head or Dragon Claw / Dragon Claw or Earth Power



    • Assault Vest allows Black Kyurem to keep many offensive threats in check, including Thundurus-I, Greninja, Mega Gyarados, Mega Venusaur, Mega Alakazam, and even Mega Charizard Y, avoiding a 2HKO from most, if not all, of them while hitting back hard, even with uninvested offense stats.
    • Iron Head deals with Clefable, who cannot do much back with Moonblast.
    • Pairs very well with pivots and U-turn/Volt Switch users such as Rotom-Wash, Magnezone, Mega Scizor, and Landorus-Therian.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Counters to Mega Scizor and Jirachi (Magnezone)
    • Defog or Rapid Spin users (Starmie, Excadrill, Latios, Latias)
    • Volt Switch and/or U-turn users (Landorus-Therian, Magnezone, Rotom-Wash, Mega Scizor)



    Moveset (Mixed Wallbreaker - Physical Based)


    Nature: Lonely or Naughty / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Life Orb

    EVs: 252 Attack / 56 Sp.Atk / 200 Speed

    Moves: Ice Beam / Dragon Claw / Fusion Bolt / Iron Head or Outrage



    • Switching into resisted attacks and/or predicted switches is the best way to get Black Kyurem in.
    • Is easy to check and/or revenge kill when facing offensive teams.
    • Iron Head smacks Clefable along with any rock types that may switch in.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Defog or Rapid Spin users (Excadrill, Starmie, Latios, Latias)
    • Sweepers (Mega Tyranitar, Gyarados, Mega Gyarados, Manaphy, etc)


    Moveset (Mixed Wallbreaker - Special Based)


    Nature: Mild or Rash / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Life Orb

    EVs: 56 Attack / 252 Sp.Atk / 200 Speed

    Moves: Ice Beam / Earth Power / Fusion Bolt / Roost or Outrage



    • This set struggles to beat Clefable, and Chansey if it lacks Outrage.
    • Ice Beam 2HKOs Ferrothorn, but Hidden Power Fire can be used in the last slot to OHKO, as well as OHKO Mega Scizor.
    • Teravolt Earth Power strikes Rotom-Wash, while also dealing with Heatran.
    • Switching into resisted attacks and/or predicted switches is the best way to get Black Kyurem in.
    • Is easy to check and/or revenge kill when facing offensive teams.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Defog or Rapid Spin users (Excadrill, Starmie, Latios, Latias)
    • Terrakion



    General Overview (Doubles)



    DOU Overview

    Black Kyurem is just as much as an offensive powerhouse in Doubles as in Singles. He can be quite unpredictable with its ability to run as a mixed attacker. Although slow, Teravolt helps it take down threats such as Rotom-Wash, Rotom-Heat, and Mega Venusaur.


    Moveset (Doubles Substitute Special Attacker)


    Nature: Modest / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Leftovers

    EVs: 228 HP / 252 Sp.Atk / 28 Sp.Def

    Moves: Ice Beam / Earth Power / Substitute / Protect



    • Substitute in conjunction with Protect allows Black Kyurem to survive plenty of hits while buying its partner time.
    • Take advantage of Black Kyurem's resistances to Electric and Water to set up Substitute.
    • With 228 HP and 28 Sp.Def, Cresselia, Grass types, and most Electric types will not be able to break Black Kyurem's Substitutes most of the time.
    • Useful for clearing out threats to rain teams such as Mega Venusaur, Amoongus, and Rotom-Wash.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Aegislash
    • Kingdra
    • Heatran
    • Landorus-Therian
    • Mega Charizard Y or Mega Charizard X
    • Thundurus-Incarnate
    • Rotom-Wash


    Moveset (Doubles Mixed Attacker)


    Nature: Lonely / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Life Orb or @Expert Belt

    EVs: 240 Attack / 44 Sp.Atk / 224 Speed

    Moves: Dragon Claw or Outrage / Fusion Bolt or Earth Power / Ice Beam / Protect



    • Dragon Claw easily takes down almost every Dragon type in Doubles.
    • Dragon Claw is preferred over Outrage as it allows you choose a target, but Outrage can be used for extra power.
    • Fusion Bolt nails Politoed and Mega Charizard Y.
    • Earth Power is used for Rotom-Wash, Rotom-Heat, and Heatran.
    • Protect is used to scout the opponent's sets as well as avoid taking damage in situations where the opponent would double target Black Kyurem.
    • This Black Kyurem moveset should be used with partners that can perform speed control, such as through Icy Wind, Thunder Wave, or Tailwind.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Gardevoir (Choice Scarf sets only)
    • Quick Guard users (Hitmontop, Terrakion)
    • Tailwind users (Togekiss)
    • Follow Me or Rage Powder users (Togekiss, Amoongus)
    • Scizor/Mega Scizor


    Moveset (Doubles Choice Band)


    Nature: Adamant / Ability: Teravolt / Item: @Choice Band

    EVs: 24 HP / 252 Attack / 232 Speed

    Moves: Dragon Claw / Fusion Bolt / Outrage / Ice Beam or Rock Slide



    • Use Dragon Claw when it is not safe to spam Outrage.
    • Ice Beam should be used if Ice type coverage is needed, otherwise Rock Slide can be used for spread damage
    • Be sure to KO opposing Fairies and Steel types, as well as users of Intimidate and Will-o-Wisp, before using Outrage.

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Togekiss or Jirachi (Follow Me variants)
    • Gardevoir (Choice Scarf sets only)
    • Mega Charizard Y
    • Fairy type resists (Aegislash, Scizor, Mega Scizor)
    • Terrakion checks/counters (Aegislash, Scizor, Mega Scizor)



    External Links:

    Smogon Analysis (OU)

    Smogon Analysis (DOU)

  3. Some news in the tiers:


    OU News: Viability ranking updates

    229-m.png: C ---> C+

    Mega Houndoom moved up because it's a good way to take advantage of the rise in Psychic-types and Gengar, as it checks both, while being a 100% counter to SubWoW Gengar and Mew, which is great. It also has a fantastic Speed tier that lets it outspeed most of the tier and hits pretty hard with just its STABs and Nasty Plot.


    359-m.png: C+ ---> C

    Mega Absol is too frail and easy to check to be in C+, while also struggling to switch unMEvolved into the threats that Mega Houndoom can, such as Gengar and Mew, because it's afraid of WoW. Landorus-T, Fighting, and Fairy-types make Absols' life harder (Azumarill, Clefable, Keldeo, Terrakion), where Mega Houndoom covers most of them between Fire Blast and Hidden Power Grass / Fighting.


    680.png: C ---> C+

    The reasons for Doublade's rise in rank is already covered in the PotW above. To reiterate: although Doublade is kinda dead weight outside of beating 10 specific Pokemon, these 10 specific Pokemon are so hugely threatening to Stall teams that Doublade has pretty much become a necessity for them.


    242.png: Stays in D

    Chansey has alot more physical bulk than Blissey, but as far as stall is concerned, Blissey is not knock off prone and lefties is really helpful in regards to sandstorm, status, and hazard-stack double switches (which is the most common way offense deals with stall). Blissey has passable Sp.Atk so that it can run flamethrower/ice beam which is kinda noteworthy i guess (0 SpA Blissey Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Gengar: 65-77 (24.9 - 29.5%)-isn't stalled out by gengar too which fks most stall teams :o). but what it comes down to is the team you are using it with. do u need a secondary physical wall that can take on things like mega pinsir,gyara, or land-t so that u can twave/toxic it? or can you afford the loss in bulk for added longevity. Blissey isn't completely unviable in ou.


    598.png: A+ ---> A

    Ferrothorn dropped because the metagame is prepared for it, with magnezone and special attackers using HP Fire being everywhere.


    645-s.png: Stays in A+

    Landorus-T stayed in A+ because it doesn't excel in a single role as much as the other Pokemon in S rank do and lacks versatility in comparison with the Pokemon that are in S rank mainly because of their versatility, such as Mega Charizard X. Both of Landorus-T's sets are dead weight against stall teams outside of the U-turn chip damage, and none of them is especially good offensively or defensively in general, at least not enough for S rank. Scarf Landorus-T is the best scarfer true, but it lacks a spammable STAB and needs to predict correctly between the move that KOes the opponent and U-turn to not give up momentum, a problem many of the S rank Pokemon don't have (Specs Keldeo has Scald, Azumarill and Thundurus's most effective sets are not choice locked). And of course there is the opportunity cost in being unable to run Landorus-I.


    645.png: S ---> A+

    Landorus-I dropped because it's hard hitting ability is less needed as the metagame becomes more offensive, while its only good Speed becomes a bigger flaw. Also, it competes for a teamslot with Landorus-T, adding a significant opportunity cost.


    462.png: B+ ---> A-

    Magnezone moved because it can trap most relevant Steel-types between its Scarf and Air Balloon sets, while also providing defensive utility by checking birdpsam, Mega Gardevoir, Clefable, and SD Mega Scizor.


    286.png: A- ---> B+

    Breloom moved because it's getting easier and easier to check after sleep has been activated, as outside of Amoonguss and Mega Vevusaur, Pokemon such as Mega Heracross and Mew, that have risen a lot in usage over the past months, easily wall it. It's also much easier to anti-lead, with Jolly Mega Heracross and Fake Out Mega Medicham rising in usage. SD + LO is potent but the metagame hasn't adapted to this set yet, so it will stay in B+ until we see how the SD set fares in a metagame prepared for it.


    630.png: B+ ---> B

    Mandibuzz lost viability because one of the primary reasons for its usage, Aegislash, has vanished, and it can't run a set that functions with as much efficacy in the current metagame.


    373.png: Stays in D

    Salamence stays in D because nobody has presented a really good reason to use it over other Dragon-types with late-game cleaning abilities. Moxie Outrage is cool and all in theory, but i would prefer a much initially stronger Outrage, useful resistances, and the ability to fuck up physical Ground-types with Ice Beam that Scarf Kyurem-B provides. Or, Scarf Garchomp's superior STABs, bulk, and typing. Or, CB Dragonite's superior wallbreaking, defensive, and revenge killing abilities. Almost completely outclassed, stays in D.


    465.png: C- ---> C

    Tangrowth is an excellent answer to Sand Rush Excadrill. It beats it much more convincingly than Ferrothorn (dies after a bit of chip damage, needs Power Whip to beat it and is completely ruined by the SD variant) Celebi (has a very real chance to lose to Iron Head Flinches), MVenu or Amoonguss (who straight up lose). It also has a good niche as an Azumarill counter that's not completely ruined by Magnezone or Banded Superpower, and though it does lose to the BD set, that set is pretty uncommon atm compared to band and especially AV. Even though Celebi also counters non-BD Azumarill too, Tangrowth does it much more convincingly. Unlike Celebi, who can get worn down over time, Tangrowth doesn't have to worry about this at all thanks to Regenerator, and its Ground immunity, increased offensive presence and far greater physical bulk makes it a good pick over Amoonguss is a lot of cases. It's also an excellent answer to Terrakion (even takes banded X Scissor which Celebi does not), Bisharp (all Ferro can do is leech seed really, and Celebi and Venu kinda just lose pathetically), Landorus-T (Celebi, believe it or not, takes a U-Turn but doesn't take it well at all, and Ferro gets eaten by Zone) and Crawdaunt, which I've seen a ton more of, and who can dispose of Amoonguss, Celebi and Ferro with Banded Knock Off (you can lose to LO SD with Tangrowth but Band is the more common set from my experience). For the most part, it's eclipsed by these other grass types, but it does hold quite a few advantages over them, to the point where it's definitely a solid option for quite few teams, especially if you're Excadrill and Bisharp weak (the latter of which seems to happen a lot).


    251.png: B ---> B+

    Celebi moved because its Speed, Nasty Plot, ability, support movepool, and Psychic typing are big pros over Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, and Mega Venusaur.


    186.png: B+ ---> A-

    Politoed move because rain teams benefit from the increase in offensive teams, against which rain teams fare really good. Also, rain teams are getting more versatile, which helps.


    700.png: C+ ---> B-

    Sylveon moved because it's defensive set fares better than Clefable against offensive stat boosters and Sub users (Sub Mega Hera, Mega Gyarados, NP Thundurus, Sub Kyu-B, SD Garchomp, SubCM Keldeo, Sub + SD Terrakion, Sub Mega Medicham), and because its Specs set is good enough for B-.


    196.png: C+ ---> C

    235.png: C+ ---> C

    Both Espeon and Smeargle have dropped in viability as the viability of both are intertwined with the other; Espeon is never seen without Smeargle, and Smeargle is never seen without Espeon. The two are only seen on teams dedicated to Geomancy + Baton Pass Smeargle.


    306-m.png: C+ ---> C

    Mega Aggron moved because it's quite a bit inferior to Rhyperior outside of checking Fairy-types, such as Azumarill, Mega Gardevoir, and Clefable. Rhyperior has a much better typing for a physical tank, better STABs, Lefties, and doesn't occupy your moveslot. Mega Aggron is more or less one whole rank less viable than Rhyperior in this metagame, and should only be used over it if your team was Fairy-weak.


    171.png: Unranked ---> D

    Lanturn has better overall bulk than Rotom-W, while also being able to provide Heal Bell support while simultaneously being immune to Paralysis. Electric-types are also a pain in the ass for many teams. Lanturn has an easier time checking threats that Rotom-W can, such as Raikou, and can absorb Scalds thanks to Water Absorb.


    UU News: Smeargle Banned

    • Smeargle suspect test voting is done and Smeargle was voted to stay banned from UU.
    • Geomancy has been unbanned as a result of the Smeargle ban (since nothing else in the tier can use it)
    • Victini is now undergoing a suspect test to see if it can be allowed to return to UU.

    RU News: Moltres & Meloetta Suspects

    • Moltres and Meloetta are gaining support for suspect tests, which may or may not happen before ORAS is released.
  4. In other words Doublade is pretty fragile even though its a ghost/steel-type the fact it dosn't get effected by fighter,normal,poison-type moves unless the pokemon use 'oder sloth', 'magic eye' or natural abilities like 'Scrappy' that can hit it regardless. Pretty much almost another Glass-cannon but with the exception of having pokemon that can help it stay around in double battles. so its best for it to evolve to Aegislash in order for it to be in good standard.

    Not sure where you got the idea that Doublade is fragile, unless you mean its special defense stat.

    You'll never see Odor Sleuth or Magic Eye (which does nothing against Ghost or Steel types btw) in serious competitive play aside from Foresight Hitmontop, who uses it exclusively for the purpose of being able to rapid spin against ghost types.

    Again, Glass Cannon? Its used as a wall or tank for the purpose of being able to switch in to physical attackers that most other Pokemon wouldn't dare attempt switching in to, and the only reason it sees any use is because Aegislash is banned from everything in Singles except ubers.

  5. *Hikari watches as Maribel leaves, troubled by what had just occured*



    ("It may not be too late... If she's destined to become her, I can at least make her hold on to her human heart, her positive qualities. With those, I just may end up preventing her death...")


    *She proceeds to look at Meimu*



    "If you care that much about your master, then you should head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. If this Gensokyo's history is to repeat itself, then her death can be prevented there..."

  6. Well time for the next PotW, this one being one that caught my personal interest:
    Base Stats (Max Stats Lv.100) (- Nature) (+ Nature)
    HP: 59 (228-332)
    Attack: 110 (225-319) (202-287) (247-350)
    Defense: 150 (305-399) (274-359) (334-438)
    Sp.Atk: 45 (95-189) (85-170) (104-207)
    Sp.Def: 49 (103-197) (92-177) (113-216)
    Speed: 35 (75-169) (67-152) (82-185)
    Current Tiers:
    Singles: RU
    Doubles: DUU

    Tier Metagame Viability (Singles):
    Ubers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    OU: C+
    UU: B-
    RU: S
    NU: Banned
    PU: Banned
    Tier Metagame Viability (Doubles):
    DUbers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    DOU: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    DUU: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    General Overview (Singles)
    Before X&Y were released, we were introduced to Honedge and its evolution Doublade, the first Ghost/Steel types in the series. Once X&Y was released, we discovered that Doublade had a final evolution in the form of Aegislash, a Pokemon that, through its ability Stance Change and its signature move King's Shield, severely outclassed anything Doublade could do in the upper tiers, forever solidifying Doublade's fate to the lower tiers... At least until Aegislash was banned from OU in October of 2014.
    OU Overview
    The banning of Aegislash brought upon a very drastic change in the OU environment. With the only viable Ghost/Steel type gone, Mega Heracross, Terrakion, Mega Pinsir, Mega Medicham, and Mega Gardevoir have all skyrocketed in viability, as the former three are no longer required to fit Earthquake in their movesets, while the latter two are no longer forced to run Fire Punch and Shadow Ball, respectively. Additionally, Staraptor use has also skyrocketed from the lack of a Pokemon that resists or is immune to all three of Brave Bird, Double Edge, and Close Combat. These factors would have caused defensive stall teams to take a huge hit in viability, were it not for the fact that Doublade exists. It possesses the exact same typing as Aegislash, along with a physical defense stat identical to Aegislash's Shield forme that, when coupled with its similar base HP and Eviolite, gives Doublade more physical bulk than its evolution and thus able to tank physical hits better, while still maintaining an offensive presence with its base 110 attack stat, even when uninvested. While it may be tempting to invest towards its physical defense or attack, investing towards Special Defense allows Doublade to avoid a 2HKO from Mega Gardevoir while hitting back with Gyro Ball. Doublade, however, lacks the special bulk and nuking ability of its preevolution, so it is often dead weight when used outside of stall teams. No Guard often does more harm to Doublade than good, as it not allows moves with imperfect accuracy such as Fire Blast and Hydro Pump to hit it without fail. Additionally, Doublade lacks a reliable recovery move outside of Rest, a factor that can make or break a defensive Pokemon, so it requires Wish and/or Heal Bell support to keep it healthy so that it can continually check or counter the Pokemon it is meant to. Overall, Doublade has a huge niche on OU stall teams that no other Pokemon can replicate, one that most Stall teams cannot survive without nowadays.
    Sample Moveset:

    • Nature: Brave / Ability: No Guard / Item: @Eviolite
    • EVs: 240 HP / 16 Attack / 252 Special Defense
    • IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / X / 31 / 0
    • Moves: Gyro Ball / Toxic / Rest / Sleep Talk, Sacred Sword, or Pursuit

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Any Heal Bell/Aromatherapy user (Chansey, Clefable, etc)
    • Slowbro
    • Mega Venusaur or Mega Charizard X
    • Amoongus
    • Any Stealth Rock setter (Hippowdon, Skarmory, Clefable, Chansey)
    • Clefable
    • Gliscor (Specially Defensive)

    UU Overview
    Unlike OU where Doublade tries to fit in as a wall, Doublade is used as a tank in UU, sponging hits with its 3 immunities and 9 resistances while dishing out damage. It turns into a very potent sweeper when used on Trick Room teams in the tier, sporting perfect neutral coverage with the combination of Sacred Sword and Shadow Sneak / Shadow Claw. The tank set has just enough physical bulk to switch in to most physical moves, including weak super effective ones, but must watch out for mixed variants of Pokemon such as Sharpedo and Hydreigon. Alternatively, Doublade can run a defensive set similar to the one it uses in OU, though physically inclined rather than Specially Defensive.
    Sample Moveset (Tank):

    • Nature: Brave / Ability: No Guard / Item: @Eviolite
    • EVs: 240 HP / 252 Attack / 16 Special Defense
    • IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / X / 31 / 0
    • Moves: Gyro Ball / Swords Dance / Sacred Sword / Shadow Sneak

    Sample Moveset (Wall):

    • Nature: Relaxed / Ability: No Guard / Item: @Eviolite
    • EVs: 240 HP / 252 Defense / 16 Special Defense
    • IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / X / 31 / 0
    • Moves: Rest / Sleep Talk / Shadow Claw or Sacred Sword / Gyro Ball or Toxic

    Recommended Teammates (Tank):

    • Hydreigon
    • Any Special Wall (Assault Vest Meloetta, Umbreon, Florges, Porygon2)
    • Any Wish passer (Alomomola, Umbreon, Florges, Aromatisse)
    • Any Bulky Water type (Vaporeon, Quagsire, Swampert, Suicune)
    • Any Flying type or Levitate user (Mega Aerodactyl, Rotom-Heat, Flygon)
    • Trick Room users
    • Status Absorbers or Fire types (Rotom-Heat)

    Recommended Teammates (Wall):

    • Hydreigon
    • Any Special Wall (Assault Vest Meloetta, Umbreon, Florges, Porygon2)
    • Any Bulky Water type (Vaporeon, Quagsire, Swampert, Suicune)
    • Any Flying type or Levitate user (Mega Aerodactyl, Rotom-Heat, Flygon)
    • Trick Room users

    RU Overview
    Doublade sits at home in RU as a top tier threat, and perhaps the best spinblocker in the tier. It checks and/or counters a ton of threats in the tier, including Cobalion, Virizion, Hitmonlee, Braviary, Durant, and Cresselia. In RU, Doublade can fit only many different team playstyles, both offensive and defensive, due to its combination of physical bulk and offensive presence. Like in all other tiers, Doublade needs to watch out for Special attackers and Knock Off users, the latter of which removes its Eviolite and significantly impacts its ability to take hits. Unlike the upper tiers, a RestTalk set isn't as viable in RU as Doublade will be sacrificing its offensive presence in the tier, which if more beneficial in the long run.
    Sample Moveset:

    • Nature: Adamant / Ability: No Guard / Item: @Eviolite
    • EVs: 212 HP / 252 Attack / 44 Speed
    • IVs: 31 / 31 / 31 / X / 31 / 31
    • Moves: Iron Head / Swords Dance / Shadow Claw / Shadow Sneak

    Recommended Teammates:

    • Any Entry Hazard user
    • Any Wish user (Alomomola, Aromatisse)
    • Any Specially Defensive Tank or Wall (Slowking, Aromatisse, Virizion, Druddigon)
    • Any Fighting type (Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Emboar)

    General Overview (Doubles)
    Unlike in Singles, where Doublade's evolution, Aegislash, is banned from every tier except ubers, Doublade is outclassed by its evolution, which currently resides in DOU.
    DOU Overview
    Everything Doublade can do, Aegislash typically does better, and Doublade loses out on crucial components that its evolution gets, such as King's Shield, 150 base Special Defense, and 150 base Special Attack to spam Shadow Ball and Hidden Power Ice with. Furthermore, Doublade also loses out on Wide Guard, which only its evolution gets. In short, don't use Doublade in DOU, use Aegislash instead.
    DUU Overview
    DUU is still in its infancy, but Doublade is not yet ranked in this metagame.
    External Links:

  7. Dfq4Vej.png

    "This isnt good"

    *Hikari goes up to Maribel and puts a hand on her shoulder, looking into Maribel's eyes with a very concerned look on her face*

    "Merry... just now, you became her. Do you know that? Just now you let your power take control of you."

    *Hikari looked away from Maribel and at Gensokyo's ruins*

    "... You lost your humanity, even if it was for a brief second. Something like that is what will ultimately cause your world to become this place..."

  8. Dfq4Vej.png

    "Maribel killing herself simply isn't an option... If she dies, so does Yukari and all of Gensokyo..."

    *She turns her attention toward Maribel*

    "Yes... it's true, Maribel. Yukari Yakumo is your future self..."

    *She proceeds to give Maribel a hug*

    "...which makes me your cousin."

  9. Dfq4Vej.png


    *Hikari nods*


    "I thought so... This destruction that you see around you is what is left of Gensokyo 200 years from now in my universe. A destruction that you caused. Not intentionally, of course, but... Somewhere along your future, you allowed your power to grow beyond your control. You then set into action a course of events that... resulted in your death, causing this to happen. Because your power grew out of control, it changed you... psychologically, as if you became a different person."


    *Hikari looks down in sadness, taking a deep breath and clenching her hands together.*


    "... Yukari Yakumo... is that person."

  10. Scarlet Devil Mansion


    *Yukari, who is already there, notices Raina*




    "My my... is today impersonation day? First myself, and now Reimu. What else will th.."

    *Yukari's taunt is cut short as her eyes widen with a blank stare of horror, gasping.*


    Hakurei Shrine


    *Hikari nods at Lily, opening a portal and holding Maribel by the hand and walking in*
    "Merry, one day you're going to have to make a decision. Where I'm from, your power, the power than we both share, eventually consumes you. When it does, this is what happens as a result..."
    *The two step out of her portal, now standing on what seems to be Gensokyo's landscape, but barren and almost lifeless as the ground appears scorched. The Hakurei shrine is now demolished, and what appears to be an old WWI-era bunker has been erected next to it.*


    "Tell me Merry, is this the dream world you desired?"

  11. Dfq4Vej.png


    *As Hikari sees Raina fly off to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she becomes more concerned. She turns her attention to Meimu, who is about to attack Maribel*


    "Does a youkai create a time paradox that will result in more damage than keeping her here will do? Because that's what you're about to do..."


    *Hikari then walks over to Maribel*


    "If you want to know the reason why she wants you to leave so badly, I suggest you come with me."



    Meanwhile, at the Scarlet Devil Masion:


    *Remilia notices Meiling practicing styles of martial arts that she hasn't seen her do before. She finds this odd seeing as she would normally be dozing off.*




    "China just what are you doing?"




    "Practicing M'lady. Sensei will be proud when she comes here later."




    "Sensei? China, what are you rambling about?"




    "Oh my, isnt it obvious? It seems like someone has taken her under their wing to train her I would guess.." *she hides her smirk with her fan.

  12. Dfq4Vej.png

    *Hikari stands still, not even making an effort to dodge Yuuka's danmaku. Instead she simply extends her hand, extending her folding fan like a shield, which seems to block most of the danmaku. Those that do manage to hit her cause her to wince in pain, but she maintains her ground.*


    "I see..."


    *she sighs to herself*


    "... If that's your plan, then do what you will, but do not expect any reaction from me."

  13. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "As for you, that claim that you're Yukari's cousin has put her in a foul mood. She's even asked me to personally deal with you once Maribel is safely back in the outside world."


    *Hikari looks at Meimu with a more serious tone in her voice*



    "We both know that you don't really want to do that."

  14. Someone asked me if the 252 Defense in the OU tank set was a typo. It isn't.

    Unlike UU and RU, where tank Rhyperior can afford to invest in Special Defense, tank Rhyperior in OU wants to be as physically bulky as possible in order to check Birdspam reliably.

    Also the ranks aren't decided by me, but are taken from the various viability ranking topics on the Smogon forums. But just in case there's any confusion, here's a general breakdown of the different viability rankings:

    S Rank

    S Rank is reserved for Pokemon that are simply amazing in a given metagame, and are usually low-risk, high-reward. They are either very flexible by running a variety of different movesets, or excel at performing a single role. These Pokemon require little to no support from teammates, and are considered the top threats to prepare for.


    A+, A, and A- Ranks

    The A ranks are reserved for Pokemon that are fantastic, and are able to sweep, wall, or support a significant portion of a particular metagame. They usually require some degree of support to be effective, but their positive traits still far outweigh their flaws


    B+, B, and B- Ranks

    The B ranks are reserved for Pokemon that are generally good in a metagame. They have some more noticeable flaws that affect how they function, and require a bit more team support than the S and A ranks, but their positive qualities still outweigh their negatives.


    C+, C, and C- Ranks

    The C ranks are reserved for Pokemon that have notable niches in a metagame, but have enough flaws to effectively counteract their positives. They can still be effective, but require significant support to do so. Pokemon found in these ranks tend to find alot more competition from Pokemon in the higher ranks, and some may be partially outclassed as a result, but still have unique traits that allow them to fulfill specific needs for a team.


    D Rank

    Pokemon found in the D rank are mediocre in a particular metagame, but are just barely viable enough to be used in a given metagame. Pokemon in this rank have a number of notable crippling flaws that outweigh their positive traits, sometimes causing them to be completely outclassed as a result. Pokemon in this rank are either useable but have no real niche, or are only capable of performing a specific task and fail at doing anything else.


    F Rank

    The F rank (E rank on Smogon) consists of everything else not in the upper ranks that isn't explicitly banned from a particular metagame. Pokemon in this rank are completely unviable and should never see any use on serious teams for that metagame.



    Pokemon that have been either been explicitly banned from a particular metagame, or are banned from a particular metagame as a result of belonging to a higher tier. For example, all OU and BL Pokemon are banned from UU, RU, NU, and PU.


    EDIT: I forgot to put this into the Rhyperior PotW, but Rhyperior can also check non-specs Raikou and Mega Manectric, two popular Volt Switch users found on Hyper Offense teams in OU, while OHKOing both of them in return (even after an intimidate from Mega Manectric). Just to demonstrate:


    Defensive Calcs:

    • 252 SpA Mega Manectric Hidden Power Ice vs. 212 HP / 0 SpD Solid Rock Rhyperior: 163-193 (38.4 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
    • 252 SpA Raikou Hidden Power Ice vs. 212 HP / 0 SpD Solid Rock Rhyperior: 145-172 (34.1 - 40.5%) -- 97.1% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
    • +1 252 SpA Raikou Hidden Power Ice vs. 212 HP / 0 SpD Solid Rock Rhyperior: 219-258 (51.6 - 60.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

    Offensive Calcs:

    • -1 44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Manectric: 260-308 (92.5 - 109.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
    • 44+ Atk Rhyperior Earthquake vs. 32 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 416-492 (126.4 - 149.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  15. Welp, Rhyperior won the vote it seems, and so the PotW:

    Current Tiers:
    Singles: RU
    Doubles: DOU

    Tier Metagame Viability (Singles):
    Ubers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    OU: B
    UU: B+
    RU: A+
    NU: Banned

    PU: Banned


    Tier Metagame Viability (Doubles):
    DUbers: F (Unviable/Unranked)
    DOU: C

    DUU: Banned
    General Overview (Singles)
    Rhyperior is another example of a lower tiered Pokemon that can hold its own in the upper tiers. It has the classic stat distribution common to most rock types, consisting of high HP and physical stats, but poor special stats and speed. For Rhyperior, however, its physical bulk and offensive presence, coupled with its semi-exclusive ability Solid Rock, allows it to function as a physical tank in almost any tier where it is usable.
    OU Overview
    Rhyperior is a good check to Birdspam teams, a common playstyle in the OU format. Coupled with Solid Rock, Rhyperior can tank any hit thrown at it by the most common members of Birdspam teams; a +2 Close Combat from Mega Pinsir, for example, cannot OHKO while Rhyperior OHKOs back with Stone Edge or Rock Blast. Outside of Birdspam teams, Rhyperior can also check other threats, including any Mega Charizard X that lacks Will-o-Wisp, and Dragonite. While it may be tempting to slap an Assault Vest onto a Rhyperior on an OU team, Rhyperior prefers having Leftovers as it gets worn down from repeatedly switching into the Pokemon it's supposed to check. Additionally, Assault Vest prevents Rhyperior from using Stealth Rock, of which Rhyperior is a great user of due to the number of switches that it forces, and provides support to the team outside of tanking hits and checking Birdspam, allowing Rhyperior to be of use even when not facing these kinds of teams.
    Sample Moveset:
    Adamant / Solid Rock / @Leftovers
    212 HP / 44 Attack / 252 Defense
    Stealth Rock / Earthquake / Stone Edge or Rock Blast / Ice Punch or Toxic
    Recommended Teammates:
    Azumarill, Keldeo, Rotom-Wash, Mega Venusaur, Breloom, Mega Scizor, Tyranitar, Mega Tyranitar, Zapdos, Skarmory
    UU Overview
    In UU, Rhyperior can perform a similar function as in OU as a tank, but now has more options available to it. Its UU tank set is very similar to its OU set, but it can now run Megahorn, Toxic, Roar, or Dragon Tail as its 4th move, the latter two allowing Rhyperior to force switches and rack up entry hazard damage, while Megahorn allows it to check Celebi and Umbreon. Rhyperior now also has the option of running a Choice Band set, allowing it to perform as a wallbreaker, demolishing bulky threats such as 2HKOing Suicune, and functions well in UU especially on Trick Room teams.
    Sample Moveset (Tank):
    Adamant / Solid Rock / @Leftovers
    248 HP / 16 Attack / 244 Special Defense
    Stealth Rock / Stone Edge or Rock Blast / Earthquake / Toxic, Megahorn, Roar, or Dragon Tail
    Sample Moveset (Wallbreaker):
    Adamant / Solid Rock / @Choice Band
    172 HP / 252 Attack / 84 Speed
    Stone Edge / Megahorn / Earthquake / Aqua Tail or Rock Blast
    Recommended Teammates:
    Tank: Roserade, Rotom-Heat, Sableye
    Wallbreaker: Blissey, Alomomola, Aromatisse, Porygon2
    RU Overview
    A former S-rank Pokemon, Rhyperior is still a monster in the RU metagame even at A+. Its Tank set from UU is just as viable here as it is in UU, though Dragon Tail is now much more viable, and Rhyperior can now EV itself to guarantee a 2HKO on Doublade. Unlike the upper tiers, Rock Blast is preferred over Stone Edge due to its ability to dismantle threats with Focus Sash and/or Substitute, such as Substitute + Bulk Up Braviary. Its wallbreaker set functions such as in UU, hitting hard while being hard to take down itself, and can also demolish threats such as Virizion and Gligar with Ice Punch. One option that is now open to Rhyperior in RU, however, is its Sweeper set with Rock Polish, which boosts its speed to a respectable level, as Rhyperior already possesses a large attack stat that can demolish teams after a boost from Weakness Policy, which Rhyperior can easily abuse with Solid Rock.

    Sample Moveset (Tank):
    Adamant / Solid Rock / @Leftovers
    248 HP / 16 Attack / 244 Special Defense -OR- 248 HP / 92 Attack / 168 Special Defense
    Stealth Rock / Rock Blast or Stone Edge / Earthquake / Dragon Tail
    Sample Moveset (Wallbreaker):
    Adamant / Solid Rock / @Choice Band
    172 HP / 252 Attack / 84 Speed
    Stone Edge / Megahorn / Earthquake / Ice Punch
    Sample Moveset (Sweeper):
    Jolly / Solid Rock / Weakness Policy or Life Orb
    252 Attack / 4 Special Defense / 252 Speed
    Rock Polish / Stone Edge / Earthquake / Ice Punch or Megahorn
    Recommended Teammates:
    Tank: Roselia, Sharpedo, Slowking, Aromatisse, Virizion, any Spikes or Toxic Spikes user
    Wallbreaker: Sharpedo, Virizion, Slowking, Kabutops, Cobalion
    Sweeper: Roselia, Slowking, Amoongus, any Stealth Rock/Spikes/Toxic Spikes user




    General Overview (Doubles)
    Unlike Singles, where Rhyperior can survive in pretty much every tier where its allowed aside from ubers, Rhyperior struggles to perform in Doubles despite its placement in DOU.


    DOU Overview

    Rhyperior is used as a late game sweeper, however, it struggles in DOU as it is easily prone to top tier threats such as Rotom-Wash, Mega Charizard Y, and grass types such as Amoongus and Shaymin-Sky. Additionally, its attacking potential as a physical attacker is hindered by the presence of Intimidate and Will-o-wisp, which are almost everywhere due to the presence of threats such as Mega Kangaskhan and Mega Mawile. The majority of Rhyperior's damage output relies on its spread moves Earthquake and Rock Slide, which leaves it prone to Wide Guard users such as Hitmontop and Aegislash. Due to its low speed, Rhyperior is often dead weight outside of Trick Room teams and it outclassed by other bulky Pokemon otherwise.


    Sample Moveset:

    Brave / Solid Rock / Life Orb or Sitrus Berry

    252 HP / 252 Attack / 4 Special Defense

    Earthquake / Rock Slide or Stone Edge / Ice Punch / Protect


    Recommended Teammates:

    Any Trick Room user*, Cresselia, Amoongus, Trevenant, Gourgeist (any)


    (* indicates mandatory teammate)



    External Link(s):

  16. He suffers from 4 Moveslot syndrome as a result. While it's not noticable in UU, its definitely an issue in OU (not to mention hes frail and slow).

    Btw, nominations for the next PotW start now until monday. So far people have nominated Rhyperior, Meloetta, and Crobat.

  17. Hydreigon is actually at A+ now. The sole S rank Pokemon in UU is Lucario now.

    EDIT: It seems that Victini and Togekiss have been banned from UU and have now moved up to BL. I'll edit the first post to reflect the changes.

    EDIT2: Geomancy is now banned in UU as well, and Smeargle is currently undergoing a suspect test.

    EDIT3: Smeargle is also banned from UU, but its being suspect tested to see if it will be allowed back in now that Geomancy is banned.

  18. You wont be seeing Mummy or Simple Beam any time soon in OU, and Moonlight is redundant when Clefable has access to Softboiled (albeit Softboiled is illegal with Unaware, but since you're running Magic Guard that's not an issue). If Clefable wants a boosting move to use, it's going to want Calm Mind.

  19. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "I think I do. ...If that is all, then I should go back to causing some mischief on a certain human."



    "Oh I wasn't talking about the human... I meant that "youkai" claiming to be a blood relative of mine. If she wants to be a human, then you can teach her how she can die like one."

    Kalos City (American Miko Storyline)

    Before she could go away, she listened to their words. Lilly turned and looked first at Hikari.


    "I just hope you don't try anything funny. I don't have to point it out, you already know what and why I do hate you and Yukari."


    "I don't, actually. But if I had to guess, it was some kind of traumatic experience you suffered from."

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