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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Assuming you get those Pokemon in. No smart Mega Gengar player is going to bring it in against something that can escape it.

    You're going to be bringing Mega Gengar on something that it can easy KO. In Ubers, these are basically your Fairy types.


    Mega Gengar doesn't sweep teams. It purpose is to remove the things that prevent your other Pokemon from sweeping.

  2. The Swords Dance wallbreaker set isnt dead weight against Offense, either, since it can outspeed and KO Thundurus with Tough Claws boosted Aqua Jet:


    • +2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Thundurus: 274-324 (91.6 - 108.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO


    It loses to Greninja carrying Grass Knot, but 2HKOs with +2 Aqua Jet otherwise:


    • +2 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Aqua Jet vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 143-168 (50.1 - 58.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock


    Landorus-Therian and Talonflame can't revenge kill as both are OHKOed by AJ and Choice Band Brave Bird only does 66.8% max:


    • 252+ Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Feraligatr: 177-208 (56.9 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
    Mixed Mega Metagross with Grass Knot cannot OHKO while +1 Crunch does:
    • 0 SpA Tough Claws Mega Metagross Grass Knot (80 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Feraligatr: 144-170 (46.3 - 54.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
    • +1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Crunch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Metagross: 290-342 (96.3 - 113.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock
  3. With ORAS coming in 3 days, many of the information in these POTWs will be outdated. With that in mind, no more PotW articles will be done until after ORAS is released (and Mega Salamence inevitably banned from Singles OU) and the metagame settles to a more stable condition.


    This thread will remain open for discussion, but ORAS POTW will have its own thread opened.

  4. If Shadow Tag was a bad ability, it wouldn't have gotten a suspect test to begin with.


    The question during the whole thing was "Is Mega Gengar too good for even Ubers to handle?". The idea was that Shadow Tag allows Mega Gengar to reliably trap and kill any Pokemon, as it was perhaps the best user of it (Wobbuffet is passive and Gothitelle struggles against offensive teams). It removes the switching element from your opponent, and could potentially allow an unskilled player to beat a much higher skilled battler with minimal effort. This is why Mega Gengar was banned from Singles OU, and why Shadow Tag was banned from all tiers below OU (Wobbuffet is garbage in Singles OU and Gothitelle, as previously mentioned, excels against Stall but is dead weight against Offense).


    Keep in mind that this only applies to Singles. Doubles is a different beast altogether and neither Mega Gengar nor Shadow Tag are broken in Doubles.

  5. The result of Smogon's ongoing Shadow Tag suspect test in Ubers has come to a close:


    Initially, the results of the voting caused Smogon to announce that Shadow Tag would be banned from Ubers effective immediately, However, after some controversy arose among the staff as to how the voting was handled, this decision was ultimately overturned.


    To reiterate: Shadow Tag is NOT BANNED from Ubers.


    The following statement was also issued by Smogon's staff:

    Earlier today a suspect test for Ubers concluded. The way the results were interpreted were... controversial to say the least, leading to me overturning the ruling. Just to get this out of the way,

    Mega Gengar will not be banned from ubers, and neither will Shadow Tag, just as the community voted.

    We are instituting new policies to ensure new tier leaders understand what is expected from them. I apologize to anyone who felt they didn't get a say in this suspect test, and I hope it is some consolation that the error was corrected quickly. We'll try to prevent anything like this from happening again.

    I think it's the consensus of the Smogon Ubers community that the Uber suspect tests were a bad idea, and we will not be doing them anymore.

    Source: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/ubers-suspect-testing-aftermath.3522364/
  6. Darkwolf's Mega Feraligatr is actually a pretty decent example of the kind of posts I'm looking for in this thread (though I wouldn't use Jolteon in the argument unless you're trying to vouch for Mega Feraligatr for RU).

    Also while not required, sample Movesets would help.

    Should be noted that with only base 98 speed, it will outspeed Scarf Landorus-Therian after a Dragon Dance boost and OHKO with Waterfall, even with the Intimidate drop, so it can't be revenge killed that way. Defensive Landorus-Therians are OHKOed with Ice Fang and OHKOed by Waterfall after Stealth Rock and a bit of prior damage:

    • 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Waterfall vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Landorus-T: 290-344 (75.9 - 90%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

    Keldeo can outspeed, but Secret Sword is a 3HKO at best, while +1 Waterfall can 2HKO with Stealth Rocks up:

    • 252 SpA Keldeo Secret Sword vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Feraligatr: 103-123 (32.3 - 38.6%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO
    • +1 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Waterfall vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Keldeo: 153-181 (47.3 - 56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
    It also OHKOs Latios with Ice Punch at +1, while Scarf Latios can't OHKO with Draco Meteor unless it has Life Orb and Stealth Rocks are up:
    • 252 SpA Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Feraligatr: 250-294 (80.3 - 94.5%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


    Also Dragon Dance isnt the only thing it can do. It can also wallbreak with Swords Dance, and can even muscle past Mega Slowbro in ORAS:

    • +2 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Feraligatr Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Slowbro: 236-278 (59.8 - 70.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
  7. articuno.gif + 50px-Tretta_Mega_Evolution_icon.png = ?
    Ever wonder what would happen if Articuno got a Mega Evolution? What if Regirock got access to Recover? How about if Raichu got an electric type version of Pixilate/Aerialate/Refridgerate? Here, you can propose ideas for Mega Evolutions or moveset/ability changes to a Pokemon.
    Some rules to keep in mind when making proposals:

    • Try to be reasonable in your ideas. To put it simple, no Huge Power Mega Slaking or Wonder Guard Spiritombs or anything along those lines.
    • When posting an idea on a Mega Evolution, you must post the base stat and ability/type changes, if any. Keep in mind that when dealing with Mega Evolutions, you are limited to 100 extra base points, just like with the official Mega Evolutions (barring Mega Alakazam).
    • When making type changes, you can only add a new type to a Single-types Pokemon, or change one type of a Dual typed Pokemon. For instance, changing Mega Butterfree from Bug/Flying to Bug/Psychic is permissible, but changing Mega Slowking from Water/Psychic to Fire/Dark is not. Also when doing type changes, try to be reasonable, and don't just add types simply for the sake of adding another type.
    • For abilities, you can only use the abilities found normally in the games themselves, or minor variations of those abilities (for example, an Electric-type variant of Pixilate or a variant of Intimidate that lowers Sp.Attack).
    • Each idea should have some kind of brief description as to how the change should work. While is no minimum or maximum amount of words required, you should be able to judge for yourself if your explanation is detailed enough.
    • If possible, try to show damage calculations against other Pokemon to back up your argument. Damage calculations can be done using Pokemon Showdown's damage calculator Here.

    List of Theorymon discussions:

    • (submitted by DarkWolf13)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Noobie)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Dumanios)
    • (submitted by Noobie)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Galvatron)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Dumanios)
    • (submitted by Dumanios)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Galvatron)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
    • (submitted by Dumanios)
    • (submitted by RicePigeon)
  8. XY RU Viability updates (final until ORAS):


    680.png: S -> A+ (-1)

    917d0aa2d0.png: A -> S (+2)

    488.png: A -> A+ (+1)

    207.png: A -> A+ (+1)

    655.png: A+ -> A- (-2)

    106.png: A+ -> A (-1)

    464.png: A+ -> A (-1)

    655.png: A+ -> A- (-2)

    452.png: A- -> A (+1)

    662.png: A- -> A (+1)

    589.png: A -> A- (-1)

    442.png: A- -> A (+1)

    591.png: A -> B+ (-2)

    479m.png: A- -> B+ (-1)

    082.png: B+ -> A- (+1)

    531.png: B -> B+ (+1)

    354-m.png: B+ -> B- (-2)

    141.png: B -> B+ (+1)

    110.png: B+ -> B (-1)

    435.png: B -> B+ (+1)

    481.png: C+ -> B (+2)

    429.png: B -> B- (-1)

    465.png: B- -> B (+1)

    567.png: C+ -> B- (+1)

    711.png(Small): B- -> C+ (-1)

    711.png(XL): B- -> C+ (-1)

    237.png: C+ -> B- (+1)

    315.png: B- -> C+ (-1)

    626.png: C+ -> C (-1)

    441.png: C+ -> C (-1)

    124.png: C+ -> C (-1)

    272.png: C+ -> C- (-2)

    221.png: C -> C+ (+1)

    479f.png: C -> C+ (-1)

    254.png: C+ -> C (-1)

    389.png: C- -> C+ (+2)

    689.png: C -> C- (-1)

    132.png: C -> C- (-1)

    463.png: C -> C- (-1)

    479.png: C- -> C (+1)

    460.png: Unranked -> C- (+2)

    623.png: C- -> Unranked (-2)

    264.png: C- -> D (-1)

    262.png: C- -> D (-1)

    062.png: C- -> D (-1)

    449.png: Unranked -> D (+1)

    624.png: Unranked -> D (+1)

    508.png: Unranked -> D (+1)

    618.png: Unranked -> D (+1)

  9. Ah! So i see how this is going. They pretty much is going to reintroduce most of the Legendaries from the past games in to one. (as well as getting the three kanto legendary birds tranfered from pokemon X/Y). Hmm.. thats clever for those who just gotten into pokemon. :goodmood:

    Hopfully Regigigas has a different ability this time around. :-P


    Mega Regigigas confirmed with Truant :p

  10. Blastoise & Mega Blastoise



    Type (Blastoise): Water

    Type (Mega): Water


    Abilities (Blastoise): Torrent / Rain Dish (HA)

    Abilities (Mega): Mega Launcher


    Current Tiers:

    Singles (Blastoise): UU

    Singles (Mega): UU

    Doubles (Blastoise): DUU

    Doubles (Mega): DUU


    Tier Metagame Viability (Singles):

    Ubers (Blastoise): F

    Ubers (Mega): F

    OU (Blastoise): F

    OU (Mega): C

    UU (Blastoise): C

    UU (Mega): A+





    Tier Metagame Viability (Doubles):

    DOU (Blastoise): C+

    DOU (Mega): C+




    One of three starters of the original Red & Blue, Blastoise was generally seen as the middle man of the Kanto trio, being better competitively than Charizard but less than Venusaur. With the introduction of Mega Evolutions in X&Y, Charizard's viability skyrocketed it so much that it rose all the way from NU to OU, while Venusaur continued to exist as an OU Pokemon, albeit with a much different role than in Gen 5. Blastoise, however, continues to sit in UU, where it continues to be one of the tier's premier Rapid Spinners. With its Mega Evolution, Blastoise gains access to the semi-exclusive Mega Launcher, an ability that gives a 50% Base Power boost to Water Pulse, Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, and Dark Pulse, turning these attacks into hard-hitting coverage moves.


    Ubers Overview

    Ubers Viability (Blastoise): F

    Ubers Viability (Mega): F


    Outclassed. Even when Mega Evolved, Blastoise's power and bulk are mediocre for the Ubers metagame. As a Rapid Spinner, it faces severe competition from not only Excadrill and Forretress, but also from the many Arceus forms that use Defog. As bulky offensive water type, its outclassed by Arceus-Water, grossly outclassed by Kyogre, and outclassed by Palkia. As a Mega, it pales in comparison to the much more useful Megas such as Mega Gengar, both Mega Mewtwos, Mega Blaziken, Mega Scizor, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Lucario, and even both Mega Charizards.



    OU Overview

    OU Viability (Blastoise): F

    OU Viability (Mega): C


    For the most part, Mega Blastoise is outclassed in OU. While it has bulk and power, its power often pales in comparison to other Megas, and it gets worn down fairly easily as it has no forms of recovery to take advantage of its bulk, a problem that is further complicated by the fact that as a Mega Evolution, it is unable to hold Leftovers. Blastoise's role as a Rapid Spinner now suffers competition from not only Excadrill and Starmie, the former of which has been unbanned from OU this generation, but also from the newly buffed Defog, which now acts as a reliable way of removing entry hazards that isn't stopped dead by Ghost types. Of the three viable Rapid Spinners in OU, Mega Blastoise has the highest opportunity cost due to also being a Mega Evolution, as teams using Mega Blastoise cannot pair it with the Pokemon who require entry hazard removal the most, such as Mega Pinsir and both Mega Charizards.



    OU Singles Moveset: Mega Rapid Spin


    Ability: Rain Dish (Mega Launcher) / Item: @Blastoisinite

    Nature: Modest w/ EVs: 236 HP / 252 Sp.Attack / 20 Speed

    Moves: Rapid Spin / Hydro Pump, Scald, or Water Pulse / Dark Pulse / Aura Sphere or Ice Beam



    • Rapid Spin is necessary in order to remove entry hazards for your team, and is Blastoise's only niche in OU.
    • The second slot is dedicated to Blastoise's Water-type STAB move. Hydro Pump is the most powerful, though lacks perfect accuracy and is not boosted by Mega Launcher. Scald is not boosted by Mega Launcher either and is the weakest of the three options, but is valuable for its 30% burn rate, which can cripple potential switch-ins to Blastoise. Water Pulse is a middle ground that reaches 90 Base Power with Mega Launcher, which has a 20% confusion rate.
    • Dark Pulse is mandatory to hit Gengar, the only notable Ghost type Pokemon in OU and therefore the only spinblocker in OU.
    • For the last slot, Aura Sphere is the preferred option to hit Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Ferrothorn hard. Ice Beam, however, is Blastoise's best option to hit Dragon types such as Garchomp and Dragonite hard.
    • The given EV spread with Modest allows Blastoise to hit as hard as possible. The 20 EVs in Speed are needed to outspeed base 80 speed Pokemon with no investment, such as Mamoswine, Mandibuzz, Goodra, and defensive Dragonite. The remaining EVs are put into Hp to make Blastoise as bulky as possible.
    • This Blastoise should be used on teams that need a tank, preferably ones that need entry hazards removed, but do not want their own entry hazards removed by Defog.
    • Since it lacks any form of recovery, this Blastoise should not be played recklessly as it is very prone to being worn down.
    Recommended Teammates:
    • Clerics and Wish users (Clefable, Sylveon, Alomomola)
    • Dragon types (Latios, Latias, Garchomp)
    • Tornadus-Therian (Can beat Mega Venusaur)
    • Talonflame (Resists Grass, can beat Mega Venusaur & Ferrothorn)
    • Ground types (Immune to Electric, can block Volt Switch)
    OU Checks and Counters to Blastoise
    • Azumarill (Resists or immune to all attacks Blastoise commonly carries)
    • Grass types (Mega Venusaur, Ferrothorn, Breloom, Amoonguss, Chesnaught)
    • Electric types (Rotom-Wash, Mega Manectric, Raikou, Magnezone)
    • Bulky water types (Manaphy, Gyarados, Mega Gyarados, Keldeo)
    • Chansey (Can sponge any hit and recover off damage, can wear Mega Blastoise down with Seismic Toss)
    • Dragon types (Dragonite, Garchomp, Black Kyurem; former two must watch out for Ice Beam variants, latter must watch out for Aura Sphere)
    UU Overview

    UU Viability (Blastoise): C

    UU Viability (Mega): A+


    No longer suffering from competition of the higher tiered Rapid Spin and Defog users and higher tiered Mega Evolutions, Blastoise finds itself as one of UU's best Rapid Spinners, facing competition only from Starmie and Forretress. It can reliably beat all Ghost type spinblockers in UU with Dark Pulse. As a non-Steel type grounded Rapid Spinner, however, it is still vulnerable to all forms of entry hazards, taking neutral damage from Stealth Rock and being poisoned by Toxic Spikes, and with no reliable recovery means it can still be worn down. While a regular Blastoise with Leftovers can be used to help mitigate this, it loses out on bulk and power that defines Mega Blastoise's niche.



    UU Singles Moveset: Mega Offensive Rapid Spin


    Ability: Rain Dish (Mega Launcher) / Item: @Blastoisinite

    Nature: Modest w/ EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Attack / 4 Sp.Defense

    Moves: Rapid Spin / Hydro Pump, Scald, or Water Pulse / Dark Pulse / Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, or Aura Sphere



    • As always, Rapid Spin is necessary in order to remove entry hazards for your team.
    • The second slot is dedicated to Blastoise's Water-type STAB move. Hydro Pump is the most powerful, though lacks perfect accuracy and is not boosted by Mega Launcher. Scald is not boosted by Mega Launcher either and is the weakest of the three options, but is valuable for its 30% burn rate, which can cripple potential switch-ins to Blastoise. Water Pulse is a middle ground that reaches 90 Base Power with Mega Launcher, which has a 20% confusion rate.
    • Dark Pulse is mandatory for demolishing the Ghost types that can block Blastoise's Rapid Spin. The fact that Dark Pulse is boosted to 120 Base Power by Mega Launcher is a nice bonus as well.
    • For the last slot, Ice Beam provides necessary coverage against Shaymin, Chesnaught, and Flygon. Dragon Pulse also hits Flygon hard, as it is boosted by Mega Launcher, but also hits Dragons that are not 4x weak to Ice much harder, such as Kyurem and Hydreigon. Aura Sphere can be used if hitting Umbreon and Mega Aggron is needed, though is generally inferior to the other two options for this slot.
    • The above EV spread and nature ensure that Blastoise is both as powerful and as bulky as possible.
    • Rain Dish, while situational, can provide passive recovery against opposing Rain teams before Mega Evolving and is generally more useful than Torrent, as you'll more than likely be Mega Evolving Blastoise immediately.
    • Due to its bulk and power, Mega Blastoise can safely take out the many Fire and Ghost types that run rampant in UU, allowing it to safely use Rapid Spin with little to no difficulty.
    Recommended Teammates:
    • Clerics and Wish users (Florges, Umbreon)
    • Wallbreakers (Nidoking, Meinshao)
    • Checks and Counters to common Electric and Grass types (Nidoking, Darmanitan)
    UU Singles Moveset: Mega Defensive Rapid Spin


    Ability: Rain Dish (Mega Launcher) / Item: @Blastoisinite

    Nature: Bold w/ EVs: 252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Sp.Defense

    Moves: Rapid Spin / Scald / Dark Pulse / Toxic, Roar, or Dragon Tail



    • As always, Rapid Spin is necessary in order to remove entry hazards for your team.
    • Due to its physical bulk and lack of offensive investment, Scald is the Water type STAB move of choice for its 30% burn chance.
    • Dark Pulse is mandatory for demolishing the Ghost types that can block Blastoise's Rapid Spin. The fact that Dark Pulse is boosted to 120 Base Power by Mega Launcher is a nice bonus as well, and makes up for the lack of Sp.Attack investment.
    • For the last slot, Toxic can be used to cripple switch-ins and walls, but may conflict with the burn rate from Scald. Roar or Dragon Tail can be used to force switches on the opponent, especially if entry hazards are on their side of the field or if they start setting up stat boosting moves. Keep in mind that Roar can be stopped with Taunt or Magic Bounce, while Dragon Tail can be blocked by Substitute and Fairy types.
    • The above EV spread with a Bold nature capitalizes on Mega Blastoise's high physical bulk.
    • Rain Dish, while situational, can provide passive recovery in Rain before Mega Evolving and is generally more useful than Torrent, as you'll more than likely be Mega Evolving Blastoise immediately.
    • Due to Scald's burn chance and the physical Defense investment, this set can cripple many physical attackers.
    • While Dark Pulse is useful for hitting the Ghost types that block Rapid Spin, this set lacks the same offensive power as the the Offensive Spinner set, so a teammate that can handle Ghost types is recommended.
    Recommended Teammates:
    • Clerics and Wish users (Florges, Umbreon)
    • Checks & Counters to Ghost types (Hydreigon)
    • Checks and Counters to common Electric and Grass types (Nidoking, Darmanitan)
    UU Singles Moveset: Mega Special Attacker


    Ability: Rain Dish (Mega Launcher) / Item: @Blastoisinite

    Nature: Timid w/ EVs: 252 HP / 4 Sp.Attack / 252 Speed

    Moves: Hydro Pump or Water Pulse / Ice Beam / Dark Pulse / Dragon Pulse or Aura Sphere



    • This set forgoes Rapid Spin for extra coverage, to hit as many threats as hard as possible. As such, Hydro Pump and Water Pulse are the Water STAB moves of choice, choosing whichever one you need more; power vs accuracy.
    • Ice Beam provides good coverage and is useful for nailing Grass types such as Chesnaught, Shaymin, and Roserade.
    • Dark Pulse nails Ghost types and allows you to bluff a Rapid Spin set.
    • For the last slot, Dragon Pulse is boosted by Mega Launcher and hits Dragons that are not 4x weak to Ice hard, such as Kyurem and Hydreigon. Aura Sphere can be used if hitting Umbreon and Mega Aggron is needed, though is generally inferior.
    • As an offensive attacker, this set maximizes Speed and Sp.Attack, as Blastoise no longer needs to invest in HP in order to take a hit while Rapid Spinning. Timid allows it to outspeed neutral natured 90 Base speed Pokemon.
    • As this set does not use Rapid Spin, it can be useful for luring in and eliminating Ghost types for other Rapid Spinners who have difficultly with them, such as Forretress.
    • This set can also be used if you're using a Defogger on your team, which can also remove entry hazards.
    • Because this set does not invest in bulk, it will not be able to take the same kind of hits as the Rapid Spin sets. However, it can still take many resisted and neutral hits well, especially Fire type attacks.
    • Though the EV spread and moves may suggest so, this Blastoise set does not function as a wallbreaker, and will require them to take care of the defensive threats it has trouble with.
    Recommended Teammates:
    • Rapid Spin users (Forretress, Donphan)
    • Clerics and Wish users (Florges, Umbreon)
    • Wallbreakers (Mienshao, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Darmanitan)
    • Checks and Counters to common Electric and Grass types (Nidoking, Darmanitan)
    UU Checks and Counters to Blastoise
    • Special walls (Blissey, Florges, Umbreon)
    • Gastrodon (Immune to Water STAB with Storm Drain, takes minimal damage from all other attacks)
    • Faster Grass & Electric types (Shaymin, Raikou)
    • Toxicroak & Chesnaught (Immune or Resists Water STAB, latter immune to Aura Sphere, both must watch out for Ice Beam and Dragon Pulse)


    DOU Overview

    DOU Viability (Blastoise): C+

    DOU Viability (Mega): C+


    Whereas in Singles, Blastoise's niche is that of a Rapid Spinner, entry hazards are nonexistent in Doubles and thus the need for a Rapid Spinner is a waste. Blastoise, however, finds itself able to use Water Spout, a powerful STAB Water-type spread move that at full power, hits for 150 Base damage (112.5 against each opponent). However, the obvious catch is that Blastoise must be at full health in order to utilize Water Spout, otherwise it becomes pitifully weak. Due to Mega Blastoise's low base speed, it will often require Tailwind or Trick Room support in order to make use of this tool. Additionally, Blastoise also gains access to Fake Out, a very potent tool in Doubles for disrupting an opponent's strategy and leaving their Pokemon vulnerable for a turn. While Blastoise also gains access to Follow Me due to a Gen 5 event, there are generally better users of the move and is counterproductive to using Water Spout. In short, Mega Blastoise is a Pokemon that cannot be slapped on to any Doubles team, instead it needs the team to be built around it in order to be effective.



    OU Doubles Moveset: Mega Special Attacker


    Ability: Rain Dish (Mega Launcher) / Item: @Blastoisinite

    Nature (1): Modest or Timid w/ EVs: 252 Sp.Attack / 6 Sp.Defense / 252 Speed

    Nature (2): Quiet w/ EVs: 252 HP / 252 Sp.Attack / 6 Sp.Defense /w IVs: 0 Speed

    Moves: Water Spout / Ice Beam / Aura Sphere / Protect



    • Water Spout is the key move to Mega Blastoise, hitting both opponents hard when at full health.
    • Ice Beam provides nice coverage and hits the various Dragon and Grass type Pokemon that don't care about Water Spout, and hits Landorus-Therian harder than Water Spout even at full health.
    • Aura Sphere is mainly for Ferrothorn, but is also an option for other Steel Types and Mega Kangaskhan.
    • Protect is used to buy time and scout for an enemy's move, or to allow Blastoise's partner to assist it.
    • The first EV spread makes Blastoise as powerful and as fast as possible, with Modest giving it as much power to Water Spout is possible, though Timid can be used to ensure that it can fire off full power Water Spouts as quickly as possible if Tailwind isnt up, albeit at slightly reduced power.
    • The second EV spread is a variant that should only be used on Trick Room teams, and makes Blastoise as slow as possible so that it can outspeed as many threats as possible under Trick Room.
    • Tailwind or Trick Room Support is mandatory, in order to ensure that Blastoise is as fast as possible so that it can abuse Water Spout without taking a hit and therefore reducing its damage.
    • Partners with Follow Me or Rage Powder can redirect attacks so that Blastoise can spam full power Water Spout as much as possible, especially if your opponent has a Pokemon that uses priority attacks such as Mach Punch, Sucker Punch or Fake Out. Note that Follow Me will not stop spread attacks such as Earthquake.
    • If needed, Helping Hand or Rain support can be used to further bolster the power of Water Spout.
    • Keep in mind that Wide Guard users can stop Water Spout spamming short, so something that can check or counter these Pokemon works.
    • If facing against a team with Mega Charizard Y, try to KO it before spamming Water Spout, as sun will be severely detrimental to Water Spout's damage output.
    Recommended Teammates:
    • Tailwind or Trick Room users (Hydreigon, Togekiss, Latios, Cresselia, Aromatisse)
    • Follow Me or Rage Powder users (Togekiss, Amoonguss, Jirachi)
    • Pokemon that can keep offensive pressure on the opponent (Mamoswine, Genesect)
    • Politoed or Helping Hand users (bolster damage output of Water Spout)
    • Checks and Counters to common Wide Guard users such as Aegislash & Hitmontop, or users of Feint (Hitmontop)
    • Checks and Counters to Mega Charizard Y (Terrakion, Garchomp, Tyranitar, Landorus-Therian)
    DOU Checks and Counters to Blastoise
    • Speed Control (Slows down Blastoise and forces it to attack last, leaving it susceptible to being hit and reducing Water Spout's power)
    • Wide Guard users (Aegislash, Hitmontop; blocks Water Spout spamming)
    • Common fast Electric and Grass types (Mega Manectric, Sky Shaymin)
    • Gastrodon and Jellicent (Immune to Water Spout)
    • Residual damage (Chip damage lowers Water Spout's damage output)
    • Priority attacks users (Talonflame, Bisharp, Conkeldurr, Mega Kangaskhan; bypasses any speed control and weakens Water Spout before it can be used)
    • Bulky Water types (Rotom-Wash, Azumarill, Gyarados)
    • Grass types (Venusaur, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Mega Venusaur; resist Water Spout, former two must watch out for Ice Beam, Ferrothorn must watch out for Aura Sphere)
    • Mega Charizard Y (Sun reduces the power of Water Spout, can outspeed and KO with Solarbeam)
    External Links
  11. Amen to that. I swear, everything from what Ive seen from this MB character scandal to the stupidest things like youtube takedowns by false reasoning, It seems like every single battle always end up having the haters win by abusing the simpliest laws just because they need something to fap to, thinking maybe porn is not good enough.

    Times like this I hope net neutrality wipes these trolls out.


    Just based on what you said, you don't really have any idea what net neutrality actually is, otherwise you would know that it has nothing to do with copyright takedown and a lot more to do with bandwidth, data transfer, and ISPs blocking or restricting access to websites and content owned and operated by their business competitors (ie: Comcast blocking access to Youtube in order to promote Xfinity).

  12. So based on Showdown's usage of the new ORAS info, they decided on the following viability ranks for the new Megas in OU:

    Mega Beedril: B
    Mega Pidgeot: C-
    Mega Slowbro: A
    Mega Steelix: D
    Mega Sceptile: A-
    Mega Swampert: B+
    Mega Sableye: A-
    Mega Sharpedo: B-
    Mega Camerupt: B
    Mega Altaria: A
    Mega Glalie: C
    Mega Salamence: S
    Mega Metagross: A+
    Mega Latias: A
    Mega Latios: B
    Mega Lopunny: A
    Mega Gallade: A+
    Mega Audino: D
    Mega Diancie: A

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