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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. *Hikari follows the sound of Reimu's voice, giving her a friendly smile*



    "Thanks Reimu..."


    *she returns her attention back to Lilly*


    "I know you dont trust me, but we can handle Maribel."


    *Hikari turns back to Reimu*


    "I dislike fighting, but I suppose we don't have a choice. She IS offering her help after all."

  2. *Hikari gives chase to Lilly, being quite athletic and mobile despite her clothing*



    "Think about what you're doing for a moment... Even if she does become Yukari, right now she's an innocent person. You can't just punish an innocent person for a crime that hasn't been committed yet. You abduct her now, and your actions will cause just as much damage as any time paradox that will result from the two of them meeting each other."

  3. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "I'm well aware that I'm a youkai and accept that if that's what you're asking. But I suppose what you're really asking is if I feel my behavior is more appropriate for a human than a youkai. I suppose in that case, I think I feel that I act more like a human than a youkai. I guess I took that from you since you act like a human more as well."



    "Oh my how insulting..."


    *Yukari then covers her mouth with her fan, smirking a bit*



    "If you truly believe yourself to be a youkai, then you know it is a youkai's duty to attack humans. In similar vein, a youkai that acts human is not a youkai. Do you see where I'm getting at with this?"

  4. OU Kabutops wants as much wrecking power as possible, so Life Orb is the item of choice. Kabutops is just too frail, even with Assault Vest. As a sweeper, it wants to be fast and hard hitting. Swift Swim allows it to do that.

    What probly made Kabutops lower ranked is its type (water/Rock) which gives it some disavantages against pokemon types that are:
    Grass**, electric* , fighting*, ground*, water (with high Sp.Atk), Psychics (with high Sp.Atk), Bugs (with high Sp.Atk),Rock (with high Sp.Atk), Ghost (with high Sp.Atk), Dragon (with high Sp.Atk), Dark (with high Sp.Atk), Steel (with high Sp.Atk), and Fairy (with high Sp.Atk).

    Its actually the way Smogon's tiering process works: It starts with determining which Pokemon are OU from the ones that arent. From the Pokemon that aren't, the process is repeated with just those Pokemon to determine the UU Pokemon, then the same for RU, NU, and PU. In Kabutops's case, his placement in NU wasn't based on his usage in the OU environment, but his usage in the RU environment, which allowed him in based on his usage in the UU environment. It's a trickle down process. Granted, if Kabutops were to ever make 3.41% usage in the OU environment, then this would mean he would jump from NU all the way to OU. But if he ever fell below that number, he would become UU instead of falling back to NU.

    Speaking of Pokemon viability, some OU viability ranking updates:

    635.png : C ---> C-
    Hydreigon has no niche in the OU metagame currently. It's not a bad Pokemon by itself, is unique, and it isn't useless, but it just fails to have an impact especially when other Pokemon can do the exact same thing it can.

    479h.png: C ---> C-
    Rotom-Heat is a similar case to Hydreigon, where it has no real niche to make itself stand out, especially when its outclassed by its Wash forme as a pivot due to Stealth Rock weakness and Overheat forcing it out.

    195.png: B+ ---> B
    Quagsire is not as useful as it once was, with the rise of Mega Gardevoir, Mega Heracross, and Mega Medicham, which only makes its less than stellar bulk much more noticeable. It has no use outside of stall teams, which prefer to use Slowbro for its ability to handle Keldeo and Mega Medicham, or Alomomola for its ability to pass huge Wishes to keep the team healthy, both of which also have better physical bulk and longevity with Regenerator.

    464.png: B- ---> B
    Rhyperior is a good and consistent birdspam check that can stomach anything thrown at it, even Close Combat from +2 Mega Pinsir and Staraptor, while still providing an offensive presence even with minimal attack investment, and supporting the team with Stealth Rock and its wide coverage moves.

    385.png: B ---> B+
    Jirachi has only gotten better and better with Aegislash and Mega Mawile being banned. It serves as a nice check to Mega Gardevoir, Clefable, Latios, Latias, and Greninja, and has been seeing alot of use on Stall/Defensive teams due to how hostile the metagame is to that playstyle right now. Jirachi can be used either offensively or defensively, ranging from its Choice Scarf set to Specially Defensive to even SubToxic, while also providing Wish support if necessary.

    395.png: C- ---> C
    Empoleon has a unique typing, both offensively and defensively, which allows it to take on threats such as Azumarill, Suicune, Kabutops without Low Kick, and Sub+Dragondance Gyarados. It can run an offensive Choice Specs set, which allows it to beat Clefable, or a Specially Defensive set that can be tailored for either hazard removal (Defog) or hazard setup (Stealth Rock), though it should not be using both on the same moveset as Skarmory outclasses it in that role. Empoleon can also Roar away setup sweepers, fish for burns with Scald, or cripples common switch-ins with Toxic.

    145.png: B ---> B-
    As a Defogger, Zapdos is only subpar, being weak to the very same Stealth Rocks that it's meant to remove. It gets worn down easily with its subpar bulk, and relies too much on its typing to be effective defensively. It also suffers from 4 Moveslot Syndrome: Roost, Defog, and Thunderbolt are all mandatory. It wants Heat Wave so it can KO Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor, but cannot beat common Stealth Rock setters barring Ferrothorn unless it runs HP Ice, and becomes bait to common switch ins and setup sweepers if it doesn't run Toxic. It hates Sand Offense and Terrakion, and none of the Mega wallbreakers (Mega Gardevoir, Mega Medicham, Mega Heracross) make its life any easier. As a birdspam check, it can still take on Mega Pinsir rather well, but Staraptor and Talonflame give it issues, something that other Birdspam checks, both offensive and defensive, can handle better than Zapdos.

    197.png: D ---> Unranked
    Umbreon's only use in OU was as a cleric, which is outclassed by cleric Sylveon, which is in turn outclassed by cleric Clefable. Unviable.
    Potential future Rank change(s):
    700.png: C+ ---> B-
    While Sylveon is outclassed as a cleric by Clefable, who sports better defensive abilities in Unaware and Magic Guard while giving Steel types a difficult time switching in with Flamethrower, Sylveon has been gaining some popularity lately as a Choice Specs nuke, capable of firing off a powerful Pixilate-boosted Hyper Voice. Any Pokemon that isn't hit for at least neutral damage by Hyper Voice is met with either Psyshock or Hidden Power Ground/Fire. Additionally, Specs Sylveon can function as a pivot with Baton Pass, despite the fact that it won't be passing any stat boosts, allowing it to maintain momentum which works great in tandem with Pokemon such as Magnezone, who traps common switch-ins to Sylveon such as Mega Scizor, and Mega Charizard Y, who has good type synergy with Sylveon while also being a powerful nuke itself.

  5. *Lilly is taken by surprise when she sees Hikari standing behind her*



    "I'm already well aware of Maribel and Yukari's connection. While I, much like yourself, would prefer if Maribel were to stay as the person she currently is, it saddens me that we both cannot interfere with her fate running it's course..."


    *She looks down with a concerned face, as if something were seriously bothering her."


    "I understand. I just hope when I get rid of her it will still make her eventually decide to become...well....you. I wonder why that gap youkai claims to be your cousin. Not a lot of people would want to associate themselves with you since you've become notorious of being quite the nuis-... I'll be quite now and get going."


    "Yes, you go do that..."

    *Before Meimu leaves, Yukari goes deep in thought.*


    ("She seems to be youkai, but sympathizes with humans too much. She rejects fear, and instead embraces love. If she's going to be here, then she needs to learn the basic tenets of the relationship between humans and youkai. That much is certain. But to associate herself with me... I simply cannot allow that to happen.")

    "Actually, Meimu... let me ask you, do you consider yourself to be more human or more youkai?"

  6. reimuhakurei1.png?w=247&h=300

    Hikari, are you somehow related to Yukari? Aside from the names being damn near the same, what got to me was the golden hair. But worry not, I don't have any reason to suspect you. I mean after all, there's only one youkai I know that actively visits my shrine, a place where you can "free food".


    "We're cousins, actually, though I'm sure she's aware of it too. It's a long story, so I won't bore you with the details. Still, I appreciate your not holding me in the same contempt as her."




    "I don't think I'll be as much of a mastermind troll as yo-. Wait, you want me to annoy your past self to the point she'll leave on her own?"



    "In a sense, yes. There's too much at risk by allowing her to stay here. However, I am more concerned about that other gap youkai claiming to be my cousin."

  7. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "YOU of all people should know considering you DID make me. Yukari, the least you could do is help me figure out a way to solve this crisis."


    "You're overstepping your bounds, Meimu. Solving crises isn't your job at this point. Causing them, however, is."

    "Oh right, Raina Havenray." The American Miko then extends a hand.

    *Hikari extends her gloved hand toward Maribel*


    "Hikari Tannenbaum. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

    *Hikari notices Reimu looking at her scrupulously, suspecting Hikari of some kind of foul play. Although Reimu doesn't need to say a word, Hikari already knows Reimu thinks she's Yukari*

  8. *Yukari notices Meimu giving chase to her*
    "My my you're persistent aren't you?"
    *Meanwhile, Hikari sees Reimu, Raina, and Maribel exiting from a gap near her*
    "Oh hey... Back so soon?"
    *Hikari takes a closer look and notices Reimu and Maribel*
    *gulp* ("What are those two doing here? This isn't good. Maribel shouldn't be here. I was trying to avoid this situation, but god only knows what irreparable damage has been done now.")

  9. cNkn8y5.png
    "My lookalike? Just who has the gall to try to impersonat.."


    *Yukari notices Maribel standing there, fortunately not noticing Yukari, who now gazes with a cold, menacing stare.*



    "She shouldn't be here..."


    *Sinks back into her gap and disappears*

  10. EDIT: This sort of gives me an idea of a weekly thing where I give a brief introduction to a Pokemon and go over its competitive viability. Nothing in depth, just something to give people a better idea of how it used.


    Gonna start this off with some lower tiered Pokes as I think it'll make for some interesting discussion and show that just because a Pokemon is lower ranked doesn't mean its garbage:




    Current Tiers:

    Singles: NU

    Doubles: DUU

    Tier Metagame Viability (Singles):

    Ubers: Unranked

    OU: B+

    UU: Unranked

    RU: B

    NU: A


    Kabutops is an odd case of an NU Pokemon. While Most NU Pokemon are simply outclassed by Pokemon in the higher tiers and rarely see any viability in the tiers above UU or RU, Kabutops is able to hold its own in OU consistently well. The most significant reason for Kabutops's low tier placement, however, is not with Kabutops itself, but the fact that the ability Drizzle is banned in all tiers except Ubers and OU, which limits Kabutops's effectiveness in UU. Otherwise, Kabutops would see itself placed in UU.


    In OU, Kabutops serves as a key member of rain teams, and is the only viable physical attacking Swift Swimmer. While Kabutops may not have the most expansive movepool, it has everything that it needs to 2HKO everything in the tier after Life Orb and a Swords Dance boost. The only Pokemon that resists both of its STAB moves, Ferrothorn, is quickly manhandled by Low Kick. (Kabutops OU Analysis: http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/kabutops.3506106/)


    In both RU and NU, Kabutops has the option to perform the same role as it can in OU, except that it must now must rely on manual rain setters as Drizzle is banned, so this option isn't as appealing as it is in OU. However, Kabutops's main draw in these tiers is its Rapid Spin set, which no longer faces competition from the higher tiered and more effective hazard removers such as Latios, Latias, Skarmory, Excadrill, and Starmie. In NU, Kabutops is often compared to Cryogonal as a Rapid Spinner, but has a niche in that it can Foresight, allowing it not be spinblocked by the Ghost types in the tier.


    Sample Recommended Teammates:

    OU: Politoed*, Mega Scizor, Latios, Rotom-Wash, Kingdra, Azelf, Terrakion (w/ Stealth Rock), Clefable (w/ Stealth Rock), Ferrothorn

    RU: Durant, Moltres, Ludicolo, Escavalier

    NU: Rotom, Sneasel, Raichu, Chatot


    (* indicates mandatory teammate)

  11. mugen119_zpsef2d1aaf.png


    Hong Meiling Updates

    Changes from Version 2013.07.06

    * Spellcard names now last until the state is over.

    * Counterhit detection added.

    - Moves now deal 25% more damage on counterhit.

    - Light Normals now deal +1 additional hitstun on counterhit.

    - Medium & Strong Normals, Specials, and Supers now deal +3 additional hitstun on counterhit.

    * Removed Specials:

    - Searing Rainbow Fist.

    * New Specials:

    - Descending Flower Slam: HCF+x/y/z (41236x/y/z)

    * 6y

    - No longer hits overhead if cancelled into from other normals.

    - Can now cancel into 5z, 6z, 2z, or 3z during Fierce Tiger's Strength.

    * 3z

    - Damage per hit during Fierce Tiger's Strength increased: 30*30 -> 35*35

    - Fixed bug during Fierce Tiger's Strength where 2nd hit would not make contact.

    * j.5x

    - Damage increased: 30 -> 40.

    * j.5y

    - Active frames reduced: 8f -> 4f.

    - Hitbox extended horizontally in both directions.

    - Vertical hurtbox size reduced.

    - Damage increased: 55 -> 70.

    * j.5z

    - 1st hit Hitbox shifted. Now hits less space behind Meiling while hitting more space in front.

    - 1st hit Hitbox now covers more space directly in front of Meiling.

    - 2nd hit Hitbox extended downward.

    * Fragrant Wave

    - Hitbox range on projectile significantly increased.

    * Cyclone Light Step

    - Now hits three times during Fierce Tiger's Strength.

    * Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

    - Minimum Damage scaling is now set to 33% for all attacks during this super's effect duration.

    - Moves now ignore juggle points during this super's effect duration.

    - Normals now perform Soft Knockdown on Airborne opponents during this super's effect duration.

    - Fixed bug where all damage proration values would be multiplied by 50%.

    - Fixed bug where Timer would begin countdown prematurely.

    * Changed Proration values for the following attacks to the following (All damages altered to compensate):

    - 3z (Regular): 85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - 3Z (Tiger): 85%*85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Cyclone Light Step (Regular): 90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Cyclone Light Step (Tiger): 90%*90%*90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Scarlet Cannon: 85% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Tremor Kick: 90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Fragrant Wave (Y): 92%*92%*92% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Fragrant Wave (Z): 92%*92%*92%*92%*92% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    - Strike Sign "Roc's Fist": 90%*90%*90% (Additional 90% if used as 1st hit of combo)

    Added 08/10/14:

    * Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

    - Effects Renewed.

    * Flower Sign "Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm"

    - Total Damage increased: 370 -> 385

    Added 08/13/14:

    * Bug fixed on all hitdefs where gravity acceleration was not applied correctly.

    * Supers now perform Hard Knockdowns. Soft Knockdown handling corrected.

    * Negative Edge detection improved. Adjusted command input leniency.

    * Tremor Kick:

    - Effects Renewed.

    - Vertical hit velocity adjusted.

    * Descending Flower Slam:

    - Can now be used in midair.

    - Heavy version trajectory altered. Now has more vertical trajectory and less horizontal.

    Added 08/14/14:

    * SFF file converted to SSFv2.

    - Custom palette selection added.

    - 6 new palettes added.

    * Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

    - Effects renewed.

    * Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

    - Fixed bug where 3rd hit would whiff.

    Added 08/16/14:

    * 2Z:

    - Hit velocities adjusted/fixed. No longer knocks opponent as high on hit.

    * 3Z:

    - Vertical hit velocity slightly increased.

    * YZ/4YZ Throw

    - Effects added

    * Fragrant Wave

    - Projectile's horizontal hitbox size increased.

    - Effect size is now 50% larger horizontally.

    - Startup time on Y and Z versions increased by 2f. Fierce Tiger Strength variants are unaffected.

    - Fixed bug on hitsounds.

    Added 08/25/14:

    * 2y:

    - Hit velocity adjusted.

    * Air 3x, Air 3y, & Air 3z

    - Effects added.

    * Fragrant Wave

    - Fixed bug on hitpause times that would cause not all hits to connect.

    * Qi Sign "Fierce Tiger's Strength"

    - Now a level 3 super.

    - Command changed to D,DB,B,D,DB,B+x+y+z

    - Duration increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.

    - Damage penalty on normals removed.

    - Damage penalty on specials reduced from 10 damage to 5 damage.

    Added 09/07/14:

    * New Super:

    - Color Sign "Colorful Windchime" (D,DB,B,D,DB,B + x/y/z)

    * Strike Sign "Roc's Fist"

    - Extended hitbox of 2nd hit to avoid whiffing.

    Added 09/11/14:

    * Dash behavior adjusted. Grounded back dash now has startup invincibility.

  12. When Meloetta was viable in OU before the Aegislash ban, the Pirouette form wasn't viable at all. Even in RU, Meloetta has 6 viable movesets and only one of them utilizes her Pirouette form. Even in UU, only 1 of Meloetta's 3 sets is the Pirouette form. So while Pirouette is an option in the lower tiers, her Aria form is by far the more versatile of the two.


    EDIT: This sort of gives me an idea of a weekly thing where I give a brief introduction to a Pokemon and go over its competitive viability. Nothing in depth, just something to give people a better idea of how it used.

  13. Dfq4Vej.png

    "I was just about to say, you do look like Reimu. If that's what you needed, I think I might actually be able to help you there."


    *Hikari opens a portal*



    "This portal should take you to the shrine in Gensokyo where Reimu lives. I'd go with you, but I'm afraid my presence will only cause confusion, resulting in more harm than good, so I'm afraid you'll have to be on your own."

  14. But one thing I should add: Speed isn't everything in Pokemon. I'm really annoyed when people say "Oh, this Pokemon is so slow, even though all his other stats are amazing, he can't attack first so that makes it useless"


    Azumarill, Clefable, Ferrothorn, Heatran, Mega Heracross, Mega Venusaur, Bisharp, Gliscor, Rotom-Wash, Mega Scizor, Slowbro, Amoongus, Breloom, Diggersby, Hippowdon, and Kyurem-Black... That's only just Pokemon from the S, A+, A, and A- ranks in the OU Metagame, and out of those 16 mentioned, only 3 actually belong to a tier lower than OU.


    "this Pokemon is so fast, even though his attack and defense stats suck he's fast so he's OU bound."

    Case in point: Ninjask, Accelgor, and Electrode.

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