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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. 1.) take one of your subpar favorite author's characters

    2.) take the SFF file of another favorite author

    3.) replace char A's sff file with char B's sff file

    4.) rename the character and post a release thread








    5a.) Get "Nice Car +1" x10000000

    5b.) Rage at the person who talks shit about your creation


    6.) Bonus points if the character is from an american cartoon or comic book, because people will like it more

  2. To be fair, there are few things that Mega Sableye does have over the other three magic bouncers:

    1.) MUCH better typing

    2.) Much better physical bulk in conjunction with Will-o-wisp (HP still sucks though)

    3.) Isnt weak to ghost and dark moves (Mega Absol has this too but its frail as shit)

    4.) Access to reliable recovery (Xatu has Roost but lol Xatu, and Morning Sun is never used on Espeon)

    5.) Priority Taunt/Will-o-wisp/Recover/Nasty Plot prior to Mega Evolving

    6.) Can maintain an offensive presence without sacrificing its bulk thanks to Foul Play

    7.) Access to STAB Knock Off and Shadow Ball (Mega Absol has the former)

    That 4 Moveslot Syndrome and possibly mediocre Sp.Def is going to be its undoing, though.

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