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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. Big Green


    Reminds me of how one of the people at my school told me a story of how one of his friends smashed an original SSB cartridge against a wall making him cry. On a side note, I'm still surprised nobody made a "If only there was someone out there who loved you" joke in the thread.
  2. Big Green


    Why did I call all of this being moved to this thread? More importantly, why do people even praise sloppy characters (Haven't tested her out, but she's been dissected sufficently)? A.I isn't what automatically makes a character good. Seconded, I guess. See that thing in your mind other people? That's a brain filter. Use it.
  3. I wish I had my computer on me to test this character... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Judging by the screens, this still looks like a usually good character.
  4. Final Fantasy VII. The masked man is the hero's father.
  5. Steven Universe. The dog was behind everything.
  6. LOL DOUBLE REPPUPOST I've got the KOF 2003 and XI collections on my plate as of current, but the former has priority, as I've yet to find high quality images for the latter. Also gui, shouldn't you rename the KOF XIII collection to include KOF XII?
  7. For now I'll just do '98. If I see the need, I'll add the other ones.
  8. Would anyone be opposed to me making a collection of the KOF98 characters and stages?
  9. The names of Patchy's level 1 Hypers don't show up when preformed, but the bar they appear on does.
  10. Those websites don't do that. Also, the websites may give you instructions on how to upload. MF, 4S and DB aren't the only ones you can use either. This thread contains other ones you can use.
  11. OOC: Filler arc? Alright then. Alright then, I hope you know why I called you two up... I'm quite tired of having to give you two undercover rides to specific places. So as a result, report to the driving centre tommorow. You're getting driving lessons. What's the meaning of this? Is this some sort of joke?! What do you expect? This IS a filler arc.
  12. The screenshot is broken. I did look on the screenshot in the link, and your preview should maybe be in a .png format to leave best impressions. I'll test the stage later, as it looks promising. SSW2 is one of my all-time favorite DBZ games. You should maybe also make a mirror to another website, as the archive gives people download problems.
  13. [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/09m1cd6nptii1a0/Athena_MA.7z [Comments] Another edit by MichaelAmaros. It plays quite well and is pretty flashy. Other MA edits:
  14. PotS styled gameplay. Typical of his other creations.
  15. Links: http://www.4shared.com/rar/g_7vVWrYba/Strider_Hiryu.html or http://www.mediafire.com/download/5q4zjirpelp64dd/Strider+Hiryu.rar Aaaaaand take a wild guess of what style the character is in...
  16. I've thought the same thing too. Hence me nicknaming him Chairzord.
  17. Lez do it. Benimaru by R@CE - 1 Konata by SennouRoom - 1 Charizard by Gladiacloud + Dylanus -1 Karaage by The Magic Toaster - 1
  18. Robo-ert qualifies on purpose. Also worth noting is Iori Bogard and MvC Shen Woo, with his F***ING PYRON MORPH.
  19. I have Oswald. He's in the screenshot.
  20. [Download] Boku ni wa kattenai yo. Stolen Yata Mirror Link [Comments] An edit of Jin's version. Not found on the creator's website, this version boasts some new specials and the like. It also has a new A.I. Made by MichaelAmaros
  21. *grabs popcorn* Impressive, but not impressive enough. You see... When the opponent seems to show zero signs of scratches or pain, I send out more of my minions. Allow me to finish this. By all means. *Oswald leaps in* Got him. Stay out of the big leagues for now, bucko.
  22. HM Hibiki's SB2 Vegeta: https://mega.co.nz/#!qcJn3TSS!Qjap7Pi83DbTs5u5R5uSUlA6IdZu-7akU94U8l13YmY Also, the Yellow Ranger actually comes from a Japan-only Super Sentai Famicom game, so it may not belong here.
  23. Kill the youkai hunter. Her muscles are freaking me the f*** out. Anybody else that seems like a threat, end them. The rest, take them to me. I'll deal with them.
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