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Everything posted by GohanSSM2

  1. Keeping my mouth closed Hint, Pioupiou did a bunch of this stuff when he did his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles MUGEN Remake game way back when. I never released my DBZ UB 22/27 screenpack stuff publicly because I've been toying around with the idea of big portraits and such but like said it would make the characters 'game specific' and not really 'generic' anymore. Edit, and oops, yeah you can get a really wild setup going when you set the random sprite to an animation number and such but not sure if you've got that far yet. And keeping my mouth closed because I like what you're doing and don't want to jinx it Amaan Saeed Khan. Same as I liked when Pioupiou helped push some boundaries way back when. I always like to see people trying something different. Good work so far Amaan Saeed Khan
  2. Welcome Ryochi. Omega Supreme is the one that does the Transformer characters aka Optimus Prime, Megatron, and such
  3. I couldn't do large files (over 5 MB) and the like with the old free sites. The netne.net site is still there but missing the larger files (musics, intros, etc.). Now... Got my own domain name and all and site is here... http://www.gohanssm.com/mugen.html Let me know if any of the links don't work. Thanks.
  4. Oh, OK. I was hopin for existential/realist and are we just figments of some warped beings vivid imagination type stuff. Are you sure you're alive LansingWolverine? Good luck with the pooter anyway.
  5. I enjoy doing the odd and unusual stuff. Kinda why I've stuck with DBZ stuff for so long. Not much into the spriting or that kinda stuff. More into the reworking and revamping type stuff. Flying around, swapping places, mega spirit bombs, battling Kamehamehas, turning the opponent into chocolate, gas attacks, fatalities, and that kinda stuff. I'm more of a strategy gamer and I like the odd ball stuff. Being a scripting engine, you can do all kinds of stuff with MUGEN.
  6. If you can find a feature you want to work with, then by all means upgrade to the newest version. I think most of the 1.0 stuff is compatible with 1.1 so may be good to go to 1.1 if you want a certain feature found in 1.1. Always easier to try and upgrade something than to try and downgrade it. Note, WinMUGEN is not really supported anymore so probably best to avoid that one. Pssst, try not to bypass what you feel you'd really like to do for popularity's sake. Then again, you could always do two versions if you like. Your heart will tell you what's right so follow that Young Grasshoppa (really old 'Citizen Kain' TV show reference here, lol)
  7. The nice part about MUGEN is that it is open sourced and you can always adjust stuff to balance things out. In other news, it is nice to pretend you can put different games together and everything works out OK, but in reality, each game has something specific or unique to it to try and set it apart from the others. So in that respect, Capcom vs. Mortal Kombat will kinda miss because Capcom doesn't have the fatalities and likely Mortal Kombat doesn't have birdies, skulls, and the like either. So with that said, I tend to keep my MUGEN stuff separated by game type which would lend to balanced I guess. I like what is. I got the originals but its nice having something adjustable too. And that old adage, "Balanced = gameplay. Unbalanced = cheap". I like the 'MUGEN only' stuff the best though. Stuff like Fallen Down MUGEN, Twisted Fate, Ninja Warriors, and stuff like that. I would love to see a full fledged MUGEN only game someday.
  8. OK, shoot me. Files in zip. Why? Well I do one char at a time and the 'folder in zip' sometimes ends up making two folders so I have to select all the files then cut and paste then delete the folder. I've had some real messes with folder in zip in the past with it creating a 'double' directory sometimes.
  9. Most of the file size for the character is in the sprites (sff) and sound (snd) files. I've seen quite a few great characters at 500 KB and less and some real crappy ones with huge file sizes (5 MB and up). But then too, I like playing a game, so wild hit sparks and 10 second narratives really don't appeal to me much. Pausing a game for so long (5 seconds and more) just to play out some 500 hit super combo or some mini movie or such doesn't really appeal to me as a gameplay necessity. A little extra here from a creator standpoint I guess... Different people like different things and it's nice with MUGEN because you can have a bit of variety and its more personal taste than anything else. So what one may not like, another may like. You never know. But that's why most of the creators that stick around aren't caught up in who's popular or that kind of stuff. Most of the creators that stick around have their own ideas and such and don't really care much about popular or not. Just something to do to pass the time and if you brighten someone else's day (or make someone miserable) stuff happens. But the nice part is that there is a lot of variety and something for everyone if you look hard enough. Some like team play, some watch mode, some arcade, but most look for something that interests them. Everyone's different. And every character is different (unless a direct rip off of someone else with just a name swap or such). And a silly part, I just realized that for 3 different size sff files, very little coding, and a bunch of sounds, that Thee Ace Man Fartaholic character came in at a whopping 5.8 MB file size. Nearly 6 MB of farting. Sheesh. Takes all kinds I guess. And I just did a Beam Battle version of Supersaiyan Goku from sb1 with 300 KB (yes, the beams battle back and forth) while the non super saiyan Beam Battle version from sb1 came in at just under 1 MB.
  10. Try a google or bing listing for: Goku Mugen 1,160,00 Ryu Mugen 1,230,000 K' Mugen 12,300,000 Orochi 648,000 Megaman 907,000 Naruto 1,770,000 Kung Fu Man 20,000,000 Scorpion 1,160,000 The winner is...
  11. I use mainly watch mode to look for any possible hangups or such. I play test sometimes in training mode. Most of the time, 90+ percent, I just let it run in Demo / Screensaver mode. I prefer real time strategy games to fighters. More strategies and decisions than 'mindless button mashing'.
  12. GohanSSM2


    All filler, no substance. Spam away... Speaking of which, whatever happened to the "bloody Vikings" anyway. You'd think that a bunch of guys with horns on their heads would be a cool group to join, but where are they, and do they have membership cards now or something?
  13. I got Isuka for the PC. I got Guilty Gear X2 #Reload as well for the PC. They added a couple modes for Isuka but it takes a bit getting used to it. The controlling on the new modes in Isuka is kinda hairy so most prefer X2 Reload cuz it's simpler I guess. Oops, oh yeah, er, um, my last acquisition was the Rise of the Triad Remake (2013) for the PC. It requires a beefier video card than the 64 MB card I got on my laptop though.
  14. There isn't. You need to go to the Holy Cow level instead. It's a glitch in the engine. Don't know if it got fixed in 1.1 or not yet.
  15. I kinda moved away from MUGEN a bit back when eBFP (English Bid For Power) came out for Quake III. Has been kinda hard to get back into the 2D MUGEN world after that came out around 2004 or so. I think I answered this in another topic a while back. But I didn't comment on the Quake III stuff. Anyway, original ideas is my big one. So much stuff is so similar which is to be expected since most fighters are basically similar to begin with. But I like the implementation of 'strategy' type features and I am not much on the reflexes stuff which is why I lost interest with most of the fighting game stuff over the years. It gets pretty boring just mashing the same buttons over and over again.
  16. Middle aged, wasn't that with the Knights of the Round Table and Camelot and stuff? I think popularity puts it around 35 to 45 but I've seen it between 30 and 50. 40 is 'over the hill'. Anyway, MUGEN? YES Ry. but probably more "be involved" than expect miracles and all that. There are so many different opinions and ideas (some that work and a lot that don't) that a person with ideas can find something to tinker with here and there (and a lot of stuff to toss out). But DON'T EXPECT MIRACLES. MUGEN has been around since 1999 and it ain't gonna change overnight... I pretty much play First Person Shooters and Real Time Strategy Games. MUGEN and fighting games in general have pretty much been relegated to 'screen saver' status on my computer. I start 'em up and let 'em run in 'demo mode' while away from my computer. I still get laughs when Thee Ace Man character pops up here and there in my Mortal Kombat and GohanSSM2 DBZ MUGEN compilations. "Quick, pull my finger" "Look it's a flock of flying turtles" and all that
  17. Thanks Gopal. Anyway, I seem to be working around a bunch of rocket scientists ( ). Got another one that has a month off on disability after being seen kicking a piece of luggage and then claiming his knee hurts. He comes back now and after a week at work he says, "I never kicked the luggage, I just lifted it and my knee went out." This is the same guy that tossed the computer monitor over the top of our counter and tossed a company cell phone out into the middle of a highway. Anger management classes don't work, trust me. But yeah, I need a break away from the chaos at work and being here at MFFA helps quite a bit. Language barriers can be overcome, but the 'stupidity' factor I deal with at work. The one that keeps calling off now says she is dating a mortician. You know it's bad when 10 to 30 year olds seem to have more common sense than 40 to 70 year olds.
  18. Anyway, sorry for being away for quite a bit now but I had a lot of stuff happen at work. I had to abandon this for a bit because we had three people leave but then they came back but were about worthless and unreliable. So, I have been working long and odd hours and not much time in between for other stuff. Now, two kinda back at work and one retired. But the one is pretty much worthless when here and the other... Well, to try and explain better. I have one guy that was so afraid of getting a heart attack that he nearly gave himself a heart attack. He came into work going, "I'm having chest pains. I'm gonna have a heart attack I know it." I asked him, "Did you lift anything heavy?" And he answered "Yes my groceries but I'm having chest pains and I'm gonna have a heart attack." So the boss took him over to the hospital and of course nothing seriously wrong besides his worrying almost giving him a heart attack. So, he's back but too much of a worry wart at times to be useful. The other one just took off March, April, May and part of June because "having back problems". Seems like every year in April, May, June they have back problems, then need time off to get drunk at the Legion meeting (second Monday of the month), plus almost every week is calling off sick either the first two days after two days off or the last two days before getting two days off. Royal mess. The nice part is that I just had my 30th high school reunion and was able to be there for that but pretty much everything else in life has had to be put on hold for a bit because of lack of sleep and odd hour call-ins and such. Anyway, Hi peeps : )
  19. If you look at the original company made fighting games, AI is done very game and character specific. With this in mind, I think Elecbyte is kinda leaving things open on purpose on this. It allows the creator to kinda decide how to incorporate stuff. As Elecbyte notes, 'The AI is very incomplete at the moment'. I still believe decisions are being made as far as how to implement or not implement a standard in the game. I think Elecbyte's stance on this still is 'undecided' as there are so many different factors involved it is probably better left up to the creator at this point in time. If a character is meant to be 'wimpy' it can be, same as 'boss'. But yeah, you need to know the nuances of a character to really implement an AI anyway and with such variety available it becomes difficult to 'standardize' stuff with so many probable exceptions available.
  20. The best creator is always the one who looks to get better everyday (whether they do or not is another story). I always appreciate someone that tries whether they succeed or not. You never know. My favorite? I don't really have one and probably never will. (But if KGenjuro ever started posting on here I'd have to concede this I guess , Pioupiou used to post at World of MUGEN and would be a close second).
  21. Anyway, my two bucks worth I guess. Rare, pretty much unavoidable at times. The lack of good servers and the cost of hosting and such contribute greatly to this. But as demonstrated back in the old TESTP forum days... Way too many people and way too much bandwidth needed to have an all inclusive one stop site. A bunch of stuff is probably best left out anyway. Many times a person just loses interest or loses time and doesn't continue. Someone else comes along and does a better job anyway so the other person leaves which is what I call the 'dump releases'. MUGEN is loaded with these. People move on to other things. Many DBZ people left MUGEN because of the Quake III Bid for Power stuff. Many others stayed. You never know. As far as private... Some got worried about possible lawsuits from the original game companies. Some may have been actually involved with the original game companies and were worried about getting caught. MANY, MANY different stories and it depends on the person involved. Most of the time, the person involved was tired of people taking their ideas and taking credit as well (Vissual Kreations vs. RRRRRR comes to mind as the first). Some got tired of getting hassled for updates and such. Some got tired of critics that never did anything themselves but whined about everyone else. Some got tired of people trying to force their standards on everyone else. The reasons behind private releases are as varied as the ones doing private releases. Best to ignore these. Reason being is because they aren't worth pursuing honestly. Some for greed (I want stuff in return). Some for notoriety (my Tien Shinhan was originally just available in a 'private' full game compilation that I never really denied to anyone. I had to keep it private because I could never get permission from people that weren't around anymore and all that, so I kept it 'private'). Some got tired of 'the competition' turning in their site for 'violations of terms and service' and all that too. Which, yeah, way too much politics in MUGEN over the years and pretty sickening when you think about it, but what ya gonna do? Get smart. If they are really 'that good' then why hide it? Because you get tired of copying and credit stealing and all that is why. So notice how 'hidden' Tien is now. And how many characters now make copies of themselves and all that like Tien did back when. I guess they still can't figure out the postition switch coding in Ginyu and that yet. And all that nonsense I got after Android 16's Rocket Punch and the 'birth of helper projectiles' and all that back in 2000 (Hyper Buu's Candy Munch, MK Fatality coding, etc., you do get tired of nonsense after a while and 'opinions from so-called experts who have never really DONE anything creative themselves' aka politics - What has Dr. Stephen Hawking ever actually done himself anyway besides sit in a wheelchair and say how smart he thinks he is, but if he is really so smart then... - this kinda stuff). But if ya hide it, why? That's the whole idea behind 'open sourced' to begin with and was what the original MUGEN community was about. Getting together, working together, and sharing ideas. Some got the wrong idea I guess, so best to let them go. Everyone is different. It's better that way. Password protected usually means that the person doesn't want someone else knowing that they ripped off someone else's stuff. 99% of the time anyway.
  22. Thanks for coming back werewood (borewood). Anyway, don't sweat the small stuff. Things happen. None of them are 'perfect' either at MI or MFG, so like said, "don't sweat it too much". I've had so many updates over the years but as you do more, you learn more. It takes time. I remember quite a few of them (MI and MFG) saying how this can't be done and that can't be done and all that. Then when it got done, um, they still don't learn over there. Anyway, hope you just keep going with what you got. If you enjoy what you're doing (and you should) then do what you can. Don't worry about the rest. Ain't nothing wrong with being boring, exciting, whatever. It is what it is.
  23. Original sprites are actually double pixeled (2x actual size). The original game has a zoom during flying modes. MUGEN doesn't support the zooming yet. Anyway, the sprite size between the different characters of UB22/27 is too big for certain characters (Dabura, Tien, Recoome, Android 16, etc.) Was the same problem that CHOUJIN and such ran into with the arcade games. If they had used 'flying' in their characters they would have had to reduce the sprite size to accomodate the lack of stage size. And to that effect, The CHOUJIN / Franciynaldo & miaoyu type arcade characters are a bit too oversized gameplay-wise for the size of the stages they are using. Results in 'cramped' or close quarters gameplay with no elbow room to work with.
  24. Sorry Ry, spring break and I work at an airport. But I do fill in the outline on the sprites. The original game had the outline that blended in with the background. Gray background / gray outline. green background, green outline, etc. Anyway, I recolor the outline to near black (8,8,8) to kinda help define the sprite. Hercule is sized the same as in the game now compared to my Dabura, Fat Buu, Young Goku, Android 18, Goten, Tien. I use the 45% scaling value to give a little extra room for the dual level fly coding. At 50% the sprites for Dabura and a few others become a bit too large height-wise for dual level flying. Kinda hard to fly around when your feet are knocking the opponent in the head.
  25. Amyway, v11.10 finally released. Redid sprites and all that. Also added in a 'nsc' = not so cheap air file still the same locale.
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