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Everything posted by GohanSSM2

  1. Yeah, my link above has the PC specs (laptop) plus the programs I use as well as the games too.
  2. try this link http://www.thenewmathbook.com/pooter.doc pooter specs at top of page...
  3. Great ideas here. Keep 'em coming. This is probably one of the best feedback topics for a creator that I've seen in years. Lots of great ideas and suggestions here. I'm kinda with Skeletor but in a different way. I understand some that release alphas and betas and such to give someone a feel for what the creator(s) are trying to do and get feedback possibly before a 'final' version. But there are some that release alphas and betas as final type releases which I don't think is a good thing. If it's still a WiP (Work in Progress) release then hopefully label it as such (alpha, beta, demo, v 0.8 and such). Otherwise it can get confusing to the downloaders. Nothing worse than thinking you are getting a finished version and it is half arsed done at best. And one of my 'great' things about MUGEN has always been that it allows any person the ability to edit and change things around to suit any person's liking (open sourced). It's always been nice to be able to edit things to your individual tastes and add stuff in or take things out as you see fit on your own. Not everything has to get uploaded to a site does it?
  4. OK, backwards I guess but, Dislikes: 1. badly coded anything - character / stage / whatever... (bad coding that causes crashing or hang ups or lags in gameplay) 2. Overpowered (I like a match to last more than 5 moves or 5 seconds) 3. AI, Only needed to possibly keep a character from going into a 'penalty' state if computer controlled or activating a short range attack when an opponent is out of range. Any well developed character should be balanced enough not to require much of an AI. I like to see a variety of different moves when computer controlled, not a repetition of the same overpowered and overdamaging moves. 4. Infinites, infinites, infinites... (able to do a move over and over again causing damage without rest). 5. Comboholics. Too many combos leads to #4 again doesn't it? Likes: 1. Originality - something different 2. Balanced. Able to be played as as well as played against which leads into #3... 3. Has none of the dislikes...
  5. I know the feeling gopal. I've had to redo things several times in the last year or so and it always takes time. Now I've got a portable drive that helps immensely because with 1.5 TB I have enough room to keep a backup of my system plus copy over other stuff and use it as a spare drive. I can also copy stuff a lot quicker from my comp to someone else's. When I first saw your release I thought "Super Sonic Goku" because of the sprites and such. Keep up the good work gopal. There's always something different that can be done.
  6. Fudencio / Luiz Barin was far worse, but still had some ideas. I remember spending hours on Fudencio's stuff just to get it to play without crashing the game every 5 seconds. He tried but just couldn't grasp it. An A for trying, though. Fudencio didn't speak english so the coding concepts were literally 'foreign' to him. Try to keep working on it gopal. The more you do (and mess up) the more you learn from your mistakes. Speaking of which... I am working on redoing my site and since I have the space now I can finally put up the stuff needed so that maybe people will realize that it takes time to work through stuff and progress. Anyway, I'm adding all the old versions from way back when till the recent stuff. Every character with all the updates, updates, updates... Every character has its little quirks and the more you do, the more quirks you learn. It just takes time and not giving up on yourself.
  7. GarchompMatt, try opening the cns file and looking for the 'xscale' and 'yscale' values at the top of the cns. Instead of 1.000, try using 2.000 (or bigger maybe?). Don't forget proj.doscale = 1 as well : ) Anyway, not a great first effort but not a terrible one either gopal. Welcome to the land of mediocrity : ]
  8. Keep working on learning about stuff gopal. remember the ctrl = 0 stuff to keep from looping attacks and infinites and such. Always stuff to work on gopal. Welcome to the world of character creation. And don't fret the mistakes gopal. We all make 'em sometimes and then we learn and then we update, and honestly, some of the biggest breakthroughs in coding for MUGEN came from someone doing something a bit different and out of the ordinary. Keep up the good work gopal and keep working to learn what works and what doesn't. It's a big world out there and plenty of room for something different. You never know what you can possibly do until you try... Edit: And for an explanation of this see the very bottom of my main page (the Chun-Li link) http://gohanssm.netne.net/mugen.html
  9. Keep up the good work Squirtle. Gotta start somewhere. And after ya start and get more ideas it becomes hard to stop lol. Welcome to the whacky world of MUGEN creation Squirtle...
  10. Probably a bandwidth issue thing for a bit. Mine has been working fine and no SQL errors either. Using Win7 Home Premium with IE 9 and the 100mps (not the 10mps) connection at the Elmira Corning Regional Airport lately (South Central NYS).
  11. Originally I was gonna use Anonymous4 as a username back in 2000 but I chose to go with GohanSSM2 instead. Back on TESTP I used to have "Why be just great when you can be a Super Saiyan Man Too" or something like that (the second incarnation of Gohan as the Great Saiyanman with the head scarf and sunglasses and such). But I used Gohan from the DBZ series but instead of "Great" Saiyaman I used Super Saiyanman as a kind of tie in with Superman and all that 'super hero" type stuff. Yeah, I'm actually the "Ace Man" in real life which pretty much took on a life of its own as well (Ace,Mister Super Smart A$$, so to speak). So pretty much a combination of DBZ and comic book superheroes with a bit of real life thrown in as well. The never ending fight for truth, justice, and the right to behave goofy and wear goofy clothes if you wanna... On some other places I do use 'TheAceMan4" or "The AceMan77" as a nickname but after a while I tend to get tired of being a 'true life legend' and try to get away from it. I mean how many can do 2 hour tests in 15 minutes and get a 105 out of a 100 score? Stuff happens... .
  12. Alright, 'sabout time we wished Ry a happy B Day. So happy B Day Ry...
  13. I voted twice for Bill Clinton. The only one I voted for that was president. Never voted for Reagan, either Bush, no H. Ross Perot, and not for Obama (I voted for McCain last time) or Romney. Who did I vote for then in 2012? Well, for prez I voted for "A. Box O'Rox" and for VP "Phil DeVoid". I figured they wuz the best candidates under the circumstances. So I voted and no matter how bad it gets I still have a clean conscience.
  14. OK, and so I put the book up on the site. It's the file originally used to make the book with and doesn't contain the formatting and such of the printed book by Strategic Book Group. It is the full content of the book I wrote however. Link at the top of the 'home/main' page at http://www.thenewmathbook.com Edit: added a 'promo' video to top of site on 10-28-12
  15. Cool Sou-Bot. yeah you always learn a bit more figuring stuff out on your own. A few of MUGEN's 'breakthroughs' actually started out as "I was looking to do this but I think I like it better this way" type stuff. Figuring out what you really want to do is probably half the battle. Then after the ideas start flowing it's hard to stop...
  16. Howdy. Feel free to browse around and get yer feet wet in MUGEN.
  17. Nope, had nothing to do with Dead Man Wonderland series. I didn't really realize that. I actually wrote a book in 2008 and then got it published in 2011 on my life story and all. I called the book "The New Math" because it is really filled with 'problems and solutions' so to speak. I'm kinda the 'intellectual' a lot of people really don't know about (just nickname only). In real life I'm kinda the guy that Dr. Steve Hawking likes to take pot shots at because let's face it, what has Hawking ever actually done himself yet he sits on his 'throne' taking potshots at others (myself, Sir Nicholas Boehr, and others). There is "New Math" yet to be explored and all that yet Hawking keeps saying 'impossible because I would know about it before anyone else' and such. Wheelchair or not, the phrase I've heard that probably best describes Hawking was "Overbearing, pompous, windbag" and that was quite a while ago (late 1970s). And although Einstein was living with the Boehr family, Albert never had anything to do with Sir Nicholas and his using a million sided polygon in an attempt at a proximation of pi. That was all Sir Nicholas' idea. Einstein just gave Sir Nicholas encouragement was all. Oops, and 'Nick' to myself, Einstein, and immediate family, Sir Nicholas to everyone else (especially Sir Nicholas to Dr. Steve, hint, hint). But, sorry, nope, nothing to do with the Dead Man Wonderland series. Edit: But yes, yours truly (Thee Ace Man) was part of the blame for the IQ test format being changed from a fill in the blank test to multiple choice (multiple guess) back in 1979 roughly. Not directly responsible, but after I filled in the blanks 'a little differently' than expected, the test was changed. Imagine Dr. Steve's chagrin when I attacked the "answers on the following page" directions with "You oughtta at least label "the following page" with the following page" and a lot of derogatory 'f'ing a-hole, follow your own f'ing directions' comments on my part about the faulty IQ test directions. But really, would someone rather be accused of 'hawking' a test or 'aceing' a test. So be it...
  18. Thanks Ry. I've had a lot of personal non MUGEN stuff getting in the way of my time lately. Two weekends in a row where I was literally at work for more than 48 hours straight. Anyway, I figured this might be a good start for those thinking about doing something on thier own. Not that involved really. The hard part is coming up with the ideas and then working on bringing things together. It was just an idea for a non violent 'farting' character and then the rest just kinda fell into place really. And yes, I did tuck my shirt in during the video and 'voice cracking' in the audio and a few other things. The joys of editing software lol. Take one, take two. But honestly, the entire video I shot and used is there as well as the full audio chunks. Live at the Elmira / Corning Regional Airport in south central New York State. The video chopped up into three parts because I had the settings set on high capture and the HP software recorded it in chunks because my laptop couldn't keep up. It was all done in one take, but the Webcam software saved it in three chunks.
  19. Just recently thought about releasing the 'work files' for this. The actual original video and the full sound files for those interested. Anyway, a whopping 30+ MB download http://www.thenewmathbook.com/acemanworkfiles.zip
  20. Cool, but for real. You don't beat a bully by joining them. Anyway, I had a guy cut me off then at the next traffic light we both got out of our cars. He came towards me and I just stood my ground. Next the guy tries to head butt me in the chest. I just stood there. He tried a second time and nearly knocked himself out. Then this funny 'scared shitless' look came over his face and he got smart enough to get back into his car and get away. Stuff happens.
  21. Opinions is opinions. Boobs is boobs. Party on...
  22. Can't you just feel the love lol. Usually pretty quiet actually. We all have our moments though. I've always liked the smaller places. Usually a lot more comfy. Places get too big and next thing you know you have a bunch of people "too big for their britches" gettin on everyone else's nerves. Smaller places tend to work together since most pretty much know each other.
  23. What no Angry Birds characters too?
  24. Geez ZombirBrock, you've done so much and you wanna do more? I guess there's some things that money can't buy. Seriously. OK guys, a joke but not a full joke. But I've never really known anyone to donate to the paypal links. Back in 2001 Elecbyte had the Paypal link and got I believe somewhere around 16 whole people that donated. Elecbyte added a Paypal link because they didn't have the money to do a Windows version of MUGEN because the compiler programs were like a thousand bucks a piece. But geesh guys, has this ever been a 'pay' site at MUGEN Free For All? Calm down, sounding like Silent Storm back in the day - Storm - "U watch, I be'cha Elecbyte is gunna charge u mugen by november and it wills be pays only. U watch. But lamfo, I knows ways around this pay skeme. I still get mugen free and yuz pays." OK now everyone - "Gohan hush you mouth!!!"
  25. I agree with Ryon's ideas of keeping the tutorials at a kind of basic level. each character can pose its own unique challenges and leave that up to the 'creator' really as far as how developed they wish to get with the release. Rats, one of those silly thoughts came through again and I just gotta post it somewhere. Anyway Ryon, how about a tutorial on how to send money to Ryon whether by check, money order, or whatever means to thank Ryon for his good work. I guess we'll just have to settle for applause and all that kinda stuff for now
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