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Everything posted by GohanSSM2

  1. Anyway,my Sega Saturn "Tree of Might" stage has the rain effect in the foreground and the Sega Genesis "Boiling Namek" stage has a lightning effect in it. Feel free to use whatever for ideas, graphics, etc. They are on this page http://www.gohanssm.com/stage.html
  2. You can make a projectile 'blockable' by creating an invisible projectile during a move that would cancel a projectile. I did a 'projectile block' type move in all my Dragonball Z PSX characters (except Hercule Satan). You press the 'x' key and the character does a fireball block type move (state 800). It's in Fat Buu, Dabura, Android 18, Young Goku, Goten (alpha & beta), and Tien Shinhan here: http://www.gohanssm.com/chars.html
  3. There is a roundno trigger (trigger1 = roundno >1). Trying to remember how to do this. It is a bit tricky because you need to set a var that needs to carry through to the next round. There is/was a setting in the cns file at the very top that would allow all variables to carry through to the next round keeping the same values. The tricky part is that the second round and beyond don't use the intro states and if using multiple vars, most vars you want to reset for the next round. Ah, look at the top of the cns file for Kung Fu Man (MUGEN's only default character) and read the part about 'intpersistindex' and set that value to like 55 or such. Then when a win happens, set a var higher than 55 to a number. An example... At the top of the cns file... intpersistindex = 55 then later under the -2 statedef part... [state -2] type = varset trigger1 = win var(56) = 1 And remember that ANY vars 55 and above won't reset after the round ends and before the next round starts.
  4. The English release was DOS and called "Fatal Encounter" (8 of the 11 characters were playable in the original). Good find
  5. For a long post I usually highlight the post and then right-click and do a copy. Then I click on the 'post/submit' button and that way if the connection breaks or whatever, I can do a 'ctrl-v' paste if it goes haywire. Gohan making a long post?
  6. The sprites are a bit smaller, but could also use any number of the Sailor Moon type characters out there. Maybe even Bridget from Guilty Gear (but the yo yo graphic in Bridget may be tough to get around). Variable Geo (Japanese) may be another game to look into. Athena may work as well.
  7. Only partway done but I started mine here http://www.gohanssm.com/select.html From about October 2000 to April 2003 I used to have a 'secret' page on my site. Haven't done that in a long time. Page updated to include non DBZ as well as DBZ games.
  8. Ryoucchi's back. Wait a minute, front. Something like that.
  9. So anyway now that we got all that cleared up... Drinking & driving don't mix. Titties & beer mix. Titties & driving don't mix. (Look at Danica Patrick's winning streak in indy car racing for proof of this) I think I'm onto something here...
  10. This place, has, was, and always will be Ryon's baby. From the setting up of the forum to the collections and on and on... It's a nice place to call home for those that like nice places. The rest live at the Guild I guess. Like an underwire bra, feel the support! MFFA all the way
  11. Lol, this went from "I'm taking a little break" to "Toe-tagged and in the vault awaiting the undertaker" in just a couple days. But anyway, remember Ryon that you can't just pass away or "kick the bucket" without giving your two weeks notice and all. It's in your website terms of service agreement. Feel the love.
  12. It's all Hentai because I guess English people can't say porno in English anymore. Just like it's not a comic book or story book but a manga. What ever happened to English is surely what happened to brain cells Ry. You just can't win sometimes. And remember it's a bicycle because a vest has no sleeves. That's what I heard anyway. Working on getting that DBZ Junk game of mine running in DOSBox. Gotta convert over 500 chars to 8 place filenames plus stages and all. Lotsa fun for a bunch of stuff I don't really use anyway.
  13. So long as Hawking don't find out but he'll figure it out eventually Cayne. Whatcha need help with Ry? Just make 600 versions of the screenpack and wait for the inevitable "Can you make this to fit 23,728,311 characters?" question.
  14. No, Steven Hawking sits in a wheelchair and craps himself and expects everyone else to do all the work while he gets paid bucketloads of money to crap himself in public. Gohan is actually Thee actual "Ace" in real life that got 105s on 100 point tests and 11s on 10 point quizzes, helped (Sir Nicholas Boehr did most of it) get the IQ test format changed back in 1978 from fill in the blank to multiple guess, and back in 1983 posed a query on scholarships because the granddaughter of the one the scholarship was named after tried to contest the scholarship and wondered why the grades weren't provided (to which the teacher replied, "The computer only accepts up to 100 but Ace had 108, 106, 104, 102 for grades reapectively. Which grades do I use, the actual or computer?". So actually in real life I'm kinda the one over the years that Hawking has taken pot shots at saying "I don't exist" and such when I do. The Boehr family was the family that Albert Einstein stayed with in the guest house during his last few years of life. Myself (Ace) and Albert Einstein were the only ones outside superiors and immediate family that were allowed to call Sir Nicholas 'Nick' in peivate. Always Sir Nicholas in public though. Dr. Hawking was never allowed especially after Hawking's insinuations that Einstein did the work for Boehr's million sided polygon approximation of pi. Note, Einstein only ever said "good idea" and encouraged Nick, but Nick did all the work. Einstein was busy studying the physical properties of light ("you can feel the warmth and see it, but try holding it in your hand") And with that, No, getting a 100 on a 100 point test is not 'aceing' it. Getting a 105 (or higher) on a 100 point test is aceing it. One of my classics was on an 8th grade math test where I added to the test "The problem as stated is unsolvable, however if we assume that x is approaching zero, then the answer would be...) And of course my 6th grade science teacher swearing up and down that the rings around Saturn are solid and that the video played in class the next day would prove me wrong and that the rings around Saturn are NOT repeat NOT made up of ice, rocks, debris, and such like Ace just said. Solid I tell you, SOLID. Everyone knows that Saturn's rings are SOLID!!!
  15. Actually I don't use Skype or chat or Twitter or such Ry. I rarely use Facebook anymore. If there's a Gohan or AceMan or such on Skype, t'ain't me. If you notice at times my ip changes a bit. Sometimes at the house (VerizonDSL), sometimes at work (ECRA [ELM] - Elmira / Corning Regional Airport), and at the Laundromat (Time Warner Road Runner), and a couple times at McDonald's (AT&T) and Wendy's (AT&T too I think). Most of the time I'm on the road literally (from July 5, 2007 to present), so I don't have much computer time like I used to (1990 to 2006 roughly). Kinda hard to keep am internet connection going while driving down the highway of life 25 hours a day / 8 days a week / 417 days a year (whether leap year or not 8 X 52 = 416 The New Math).
  16. As far as MFG, NunorZ and I kept trying to make it more of a peaceful, learning kind of place, while Nevermind and later Valodim kept kind of turning it into hotspot 'den of inequities'. After a bit, NunorZ and I just kind of drifted away from all that drama and such which later became MFG's trademark. I got banned a few times and I felt better for it actually. I've never been much of a drama queen / king kinda person really. Others kept trying to draw me in and after a while I just withdrew. My original homes were TESTP ( Motoslave, June to October 2000, Bravenet October 2000 to April 2001) then World of MUGEN (July 2000 to December 2001) then my own MaxiMUGEN (October 2001 to July 2003) and The Arcade with Slack86 (around March 2002 to July 2003). CharaSoon (Japanese) got destroyed (Honest I didn't know about CharaSoon until after it showed up as a place I had posted at when I had never been there. Hint, my EZ Board account was hacked into was how I found out about this forum), Dev destroyed, M.U.G.E.N. Being destroyed (imploded more like it), ZGTeam was a nightmare and never really a home for me, Was a lot after TESTP closed. Kind of why I do what I do too Ry. I bounce in and out probably a bit more than you do. OK, A LOT MORE than you do. It's not really age or that but more after a while it seems kinda stale. You work on other stuff (like the database BASIC stuff I do and Warlords Battlecry III, and Rise of Nations Rise of Legends, and The Lord of the Rings War of the Ring, and...) Anyway, ya go away for a bit then come back for a bit after some ideas come about, then disappear again, and. But the nice part is that if you do something well (like make an awesome set of video tutorials) that make things easier for others, you can sit back and watch as others 'catch the creative fever' like we all did at one time or another. That becomes the real fun after a while. But yes, the nice part is that after you've done something very well to help others along, it becomes easier all the way around. You aren't needed as much and that allows you (me too) to drift off into the background a bit and relax while others enjoy the fun of creating (and the agony of defeat too lol). But its nice when things get calmed down enough where many can relax and take care of themselves. We are all part of MFFA in our own way but together we've always grown stronger. After a bit, we can relax because we aren't really needed as much anymore and it is a good feeling really to know that others 'carry on the traditions' in our own ways no matter where we may stray. It's always nice to have a home to feel comfortable and come home too Ry. Thanks and enjoy. You made it so and we've all helped in our own ways to keep it so.
  17. Edited: Anyway, um, you put up a video with stuff people may want then wonder why people ask for stuff because you didn't provide a link. Um, you advertise the stuff, why should someone have to hunt through Google to find it? Why not just provide a link? But it must be everyone else's fault. Oi vay. SuperMystery Junior = Nesphext if he ain't the original SuperMystery himself.
  18. Oops, and oh yeah, the Kame House stage is visually a bit messy because the stuff I wanted to do got done (the flying birds and all that) but the graphics were for a 'flying only' type stage and players 'walking on water' at times is a bit awkward to look at as well as the size factor is a bit out of whack because of the 'fly only' of the original stage.
  19. Yup, just got the new site Disk Ex-Chan. My old site Netne net didn't allow large files over 5 MB. I just changed over to gohanssm.com now and it seems to be doing well. And yes, the 'road' stage came from Sega Saturn's DBZ Shin Butoden game. Thanks. Wow, Scourgesplitter you must have had a lot of spare time and a HUGE hard drive ( ). A lot of times it just helps to write it all out as best as you can rather than try making heads or tails out of things. We all have our moments. The history page literally started out as a 'rant' page and grew from there. Ranting gets boring real quick, so it got changed to a history page instead and I did leave a few of the rants in for history's sake, but it toned down a lot. A different 'rant' page came out in 2002 and all I did in that page was agree with my detractors that they couldn't possibly have done such things (even though we got 'em backed up on this site because we all know what will happen to the evidence. They could never even think of doing such things, just ask them). But the other half of the history page got turned into the other rant page (kind of hidden on the site now) which helped keep the history page more focused on history. Thanks for taking at least a little time to read it Scourgesplitter
  20. Yeah, first, the old netne.net didn't allow file sizes over 5 MB and with the stuff I'm doing lately... Anyway, new site at http://www.gohanssm.com/mugen.html The 8 Stages are at the bottom of the stage page http://www.gohanssm.com/stage.html And the stages are... Note all stages are for MUGEN 1.1 beta Cell Games Babidi's Ship Namek Roadway Planets Room of Space & Time Tree of Might Kame House (a bit messy but)
  21. Awesome Electrocaid. Nice to see you around again. It seems times have changed in MUGEN for the better. Many more people working together than in the old days.
  22. Same here, I just expand it bit by bit and test along the way. Nothing worse than 500 characters that work amd ONE character that crashes the whole thing while in demo mode. You leave it on as a screen saver and come back to NO SCREEN SAVER RUNNING. Also double check stages too for the same reason.
  23. The Ashura Warp code (VK). Character disappears then reappears elsewhere on the screen away from the enemy (and usually doing a projectile type move towards the opponent after reappearing). Invincible taunts and powerups, The 'destructo shield' (invincible attack that sends the enemy flying). Quite a few other 'cheapo' inventions out there and it's almost guaranteed in MUGEN that when something is 'cheap' almost all will try to copy it into their 'super duper invincible' character somehow. Um, sorry, but I was responsible for... The p2 lifeadd trick (originally in Cell from SB1 in the energy drain attack) small scaling to make difficult to hit (Li'l Gohan was the first) Invincibility mode Recoome (it was in the original Sega Megadrive/Genesis game, honest) The Tien Shinhan 'Split Form' stuff with multihit attacks (before that I always had a 'breather' in there using the numhits as a fake 'combo counter' in between the pausetimes in the coding. Sadly, I was one of the few that had interruptible multi hit combos back in the day, but I got accused many times of having multi hit combos when I actually didn't have any and the ones accusing had tons)... Oddly, the 'Kaioken' mode from Goku SB1 hasn't been spammed yet that I'm aware of and it has been about 12 years now... And more I imagine, but you can't have some kinda innovation without someone taking that and blowing it outta proportion somewhere along the line...
  24. Oops, originally I started out with everything all in one directory. But with requests and such, it just became easier to separate to find stuff easier when a request came in. Much easier to sort through a directory of 100 characters than 5000+ (yes, I had way over 3000 characters back in early 2001 and with all the 'update' type requests and such, by the end of 2001 it was over 5000). The stuff is still pretty much balanced between each other just split apart to make it easier to find.
  25. Rats, in the old days some used to consider me a virus of sorts because I seemed to have a way of attracting the 'brain dead' MUGEN users. Probably ain't changed much. Speaking of 'brain dead', isn't that kinda what 'baka' means in Japanese (insane / brain dead / kooky)? Gohan is a 'rice' dish which then leads to 'Taki Fu', duck everyone, "pppfffftttt". After clearing the air, now back to our regularly scheduled program...
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