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Everything posted by Demitri

  1. Don't forget to update the link on your main post :)
  2. Yeah you'll get used to it. if it makes you feel better, Ryon nuked MFFA like 5 times already ;D Mega break. Gamedev is all i'm focused on right now.
  3. Late because....well im done with this so i dont visit. Welcome to adminhood. Anything that can go wrong, probably will, all at the same time. :)
  4. we failed time travel and now we're stuck :(
  5. your 1.1 mugen.cfg is either not set to OpenGL when you run 32bit 1.1 stages, OR it is and your pc cant run OpenGL properly
  6. weird, i dont get that issue. got an example topic/link I can try?
  7. I seriously hate to detract from the release, but is this for winmugen? lifebars and screenshot size kinda implies it is.... congrats on the release though!
  8. I've been saying that for years! Congrats tho guys. I feel like I should say a thing to you Ry, but I think the site speaks for itself.
  9. That's pretty brilliant. Ban them before they do/say something you don't like!
  10. The lack of me mentioned is astonishing. no MFG release?
  11. @Mr. KOtik holy- wow you released it. i thought you were gone again! haha dat shoutout fun fact number 95 used to be called Ghey Smiley stage before it got released =) that Planet Urithia stage is on MA (uploaded by che clarke funny enough) http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=15340 it doesnt follow the same filename format because Ex was pretending to be someone else (i forget why, most likely a stage contest thing) I'm 90% sure the filename for that Shaq Fu stage is just XX'WASTELAND'XX(.zip presumably). I had/may still have the beta to it somewhere, not likely that i'll have the final version though since i was pretty anti-lowres and prob didnt download it. LOL I REMEMBER THE CHEERIOS STAGE man this brings back memories. i know i had access to some of this beforehand but now that its all here, its just....nostalgic. I dont even remember 80% of those 2007 stages tbh (i dont think i'll ever forget Vyn's stage to everyone: i feel obligated to say use this as inspiration for.....well anything. Ex made garbage back in the day, but he wasnt afraid to get creative. Look at him now. Like, just stay at something and you'll get good at it, period. old guy lecture over @Vibrant I know you hear it all the time one way or another, but it really has been a honor to watch you grow from back then till now bro.
  12. pretty late and i didnt get to test extensively, however, i wanted to share the few things i noticed -run back and forward sprites are not paletted -not that you have to accommodate people like me who use a different res, but how his command list looks for me -some 1.1 debug -Is the mid.pos based off his get hits?
  13. @Ex☆Cham HD too mainstream. Widescreen :>
  14. messing around with the mugen again (gotta fix layering ><)
  15. maybe MFFA could be the first to do improvement of the month something to encourage creators to like.....get better. dont ask me how this would work im not even real
  16. I meant to mention that as well. I've literally been part of the "hey vote for this creation so that creation doesnt win" or the "you should vote for me because" thing
  17. COTM is dumb. IDC which forum does it. It just suggests to the aspiring creator that they should do something much like that creation. It wouldn't be such a bad thing if, you know, everyone knew what they were doing. That leads into an entirely different topic so i'll cut off about that here. The other issue is that it becomes a ego/popularity contest. Or can, I should say.
  18. lol @ 666 we can talk about the thing soon. how did you get past that bug from coding movelists? i meant to ask that last time
  19. yeah its just a wallpaper with some falling particle sprite http://wallpaperstock.net/forest-grass-bright-sunshine-wallpapers_w51096.html
  20. im gonna guess you copypasta'd from mfg. i'll check it out
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