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Posts posted by Arias

  1. the truck changing lane is a nice touch, I'd speed up the first line of trees just abit, 

    btw if you don't want characters to get too close to the edge use screenleft/screenright, instead of leftbound/rightbound. you will have less space to move if you use it in 1.0 but using left-right bound is buggy.

    I just checked the 1.1 version, but in the video looks like you have trees slinding in the 1.0.


    ps: the bgm sounds very familiar, but can't pinpoint it, actually I have an idea but i'm not 100% sure.

  2. try something like:

    bgmloopstart = 0, bgmloopend =44100

    or 44100-88200

    compare the 1 sec beat with your pc timer or something, just tried it for 2 min with several themes and didn't desynchronize.

    so basically:

    bgmloopstart = 2868079/44100= 65.035 sec
    bgmloopend = 5577347/44100= 126.47 sec

    I never bothered with this, since people just change the music anyway.

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