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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. its ok if i was them id change alot of the specials and supers there not very original
  2. [preview] http://www.mediafire...2jl7i50e3uet65u [download] http://www.mediafire...gbzdz9im5ucp81b
  3. i hate when people split movies in half its a great short film tho
  4. it amazes me how you can always seem to be online and yet you never seem to update your collection
  5. any news or link to that other character
  6. i wouldnt no iam going to change the pic and put the video instead btw did you ever update the megaman thread to add sungod
  7. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] http://www.freewebs.com/wubbi/mugen.htm
  8. [PREVIEW] [DOWNLOAD] HIS Homepage:http://steve674.myweb.hinet.net/mugen/ Skydrive:http://sdrv.ms/U7yMWP [COMMENT] What's done 1.Rearrange buttons 2.Moves remade 3.New moves 4.AI ETC... Pallet 6 is cheap mode, it will have an shining effect. Don't ask why, my own taste. You can open cns file to delete it by yourself. Search trigger1 = palno = 6 Then delete the type command. By the way, BAGIRA_EX updated.
  9. you know what would be more nicer to see is someone making Apocalypse in his first form
  10. i agree with black chaos
  11. see yeah iam leaving my self just for the weekend as normal then on to look at some new apartments
  12. aint this use to be my old post from the old mugen free for all
  13. after playing every single dynasty warror and orochi game well besides this one i would its diffrent and would prove a challenge
  14. the death note one looks really stupid. the rest are kind of cool
  15. yep if done right and so far most things that are being made now are half ass done or poorly done
  16. it really aint much to look at maybe use it as a win pose if anything ill have to get it again and ill pm you about it
  17. haha i grew up watching loony toons you should think about maybe making his counter part you could have alot of fun in making him since he has a shitload of moves to use and yet you would think he intellgent as he is why does he always seem to get hurt more lol anyways i do know they made the game for the snes and i think they did with gamegear dont no for sure but keep your eyes out and give it a shot
  18. the only thing that sucks about this game dont matter on wii or xbox is you cant play with the snake
  19. you do know sega had one right also dude if you need more sprites why not just rip them from sega and snes and maybe take a look on the sega cd i think they even had one for nes and gamegear that also could help or maybe have some ideals on what else oh lets not forget termintor and robocop forgot about that i did find a sprite sheet that has his robot look rather then his human look if you want aint much to do with it but you could impalment it to this fine character
  20. i wouldnt worry about it after all its still here when ever you get around to it id update it my self but i still cant seem to make it as nice as you do too lazy besides you got free time why dont you do it
  21. thats odd but yeah iam glad you agree i mean it would make sense right since in the cartoon he is the most fast bird in the world so it would fit as for coding i dont got a clue also might want to get the rom of road running what you could also do maybe as a hyper is have him eat some bird seed and maybe just start him out with a dash and as he rushs the person have him do a combo of pecks kicks and then use like a train to hit him you know after all his counter part always seeh to get hit by a train a rock or his own inventions
  22. i have a feeling i know why ryon didnt want to talk about it and is asking people not to upload it. he is not the type to be a asshole just to be a asshole and never normally ask people not to upload something even if its garbage so if he says not to there is a good reason behind it. never cared for the characters my self anyways so no big loss i know iam wait late for this topic but since i finally got my mediafire up and running again thanks to 2 very specially programs i finally got my data back as to you Celest i been looking on some of your posts you seem to be very childish trying to be all big and bad and yet all you can do is run your mouth why dont you stfu and listen to people who do have some experiences on running a forum i was going to say something before on a topic i made that you so had to run your mouth about but i thought not to because i had hope you might had a brain somewhere in that peanut size head but i guess not
  23. well i just seen on guild on this character he seem to have a few attacks no specials no hypers he a 1 sprite and iam sure they suck but if you over look at everything i just said at least he is diffrent from the most of the same crap you see just not any good either
  24. besides the fact that i agree with glisp does he have any attacks at all
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