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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. when i first seen this i was very happy hoping it was sho from bta but i was wrong
  2. all it is a edit off of oggy it still has alot to improve iam not impress at all yes he has major damage and some of his moves dont even connect that well but iam glad he has some kind of improvements made to him
  3. now if only they could rip the sprites from the caslteavnia for the wii
  4. wow this just seem to keep growing and growing is the game really that good i never played it or even the characters that are in mugen
  5. out of all the ones that are made are there any good decent ones out there
  6. why dont you take a leap off a cliff. i never said he couldnt listen to his dad but making it sound like if he was to come on here or any other fourm he would be grounded or sent off to borading school is a bit much if his father really thinks being on a forum was that bad then he really shouldnt even live on this earth there bad people everywhere and anywhere and being the fact he is 12 if he even is i really doubt he has a bank account and other imported infomation that anyone would really want to try to gain that info as for grammar this is not school i really dont care what needs to be improve or not and if you want to step up bring it wasnt trying to get into a fight but i also wont back down either from one and since we are on the subject of grammar and proper spelling you might want to scan over yours
  7. is that a sword that he is holding or is that a spear
  8. the laser seem out of place but the character looks pretty cool
  9. that is stupid considering i seen alot of mugen videos that has main stream music playing i have uploaded only 2 vids and there still there
  10. sent you a message you might want to read it other then ignore it like you do some of my messages
  11. i cant stand the look of it he also seem like he is lacking some moves other then that i really cant say anything else about it and since when does he know how to say fuck??
  12. the real joke would be the psp character i seen on mfg
  13. why indeed from what i understand this is all that there is to this character slap on a new voice pack fix some of the sprites where his mouth is and add some of venom move and there you go another shitty character
  14. [preview] [download] http://crusadercast.com/index.php?topic=12814.0
  15. its not even scarey to begin with beat the game in a hour flat it wasnt worth downloading in the first place. beta or not if someone is going to release a game even its not done competely yet then i expect to at least jump out of my chair the first game that scared the shit out of me an still does is clock tower for the psx clock tower for the snes was good also check out that game alone in the dark also scared the shit out of me for the 3do you start with no weapons you have to find your own but the thing that makes it more scarey is the fact you dont no if there behind you since there is no noise so the only way your be able to find out is if they hit you those kind of games are way more scarey fear is also good condemned and condemned 2
  16. you do know there are internet at cafe spots or you could leech someone elses internet i had to do that one time my self.why dont you just go to a friends house and use there computers surely if he is only 12 there are alot of ways to get by rather then trying to getting attention by saying iam leaving for good specially on what he posted on any forum is a forum full of cybercriminals and rapists so i guess now facebook and evey other social stie is the same now might as well not even going outside
  17. i wouldnt say they are scarey the first 3 are garbage
  18. i bet your one of those people who does everything your parents tell you to do huh
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