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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. oh no i was not saying what you would recommend i was saying about kabals move
  2. they should relize this is not ps2 ps3 xbox or xbox 360 this is from the sega cd game it was never ported to any other system the first one was on sega gen but not this one so yeah back then they didnt have any other way to rip and i for one dont think there ugly but then again iam not all about the looks and also is one of the reasons why so many video games are going under its all about the looks not the gameplay sigh people well never learn
  3. i dont normally like the ideal of giving the same move to other characters as i find it not to be very original at all but if you took kabal running move from mortal kombat and give it to the road runner that could be counted as a move for him considering he is pretty fast
  4. when i seen this my first thought was the music i know for sure it wouldnt fit but still nice stage
  5. i wish someone would make the ones that are in mugen and make them a bit more better like there counter parts on the sega cd love this game very much
  6. how is that even remotely close to being just a lil nsfw when she still has her cloths on unless its animated and she takes them off
  7. pretty awesome he could do a bit more with it if it is possible maybe take ideals from the tv show or movies but either way pretty stage now if only we had a decent super man
  8. just because someone thinks it sucks dont make them retarded dude grow up just because someone dont like the same thing as you do or share the same view as you its called having a opinion to be ones individual if we all had like the same thing or share the same views this world would be a boring place
  9. i think he going to re do this stage or at leat i hope i agree it is bad
  10. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?ss78he67x6kbwiu [comment] for feedback for the stage go here http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/xmen-mutant-apocalypse-magnetos-final-clash-144413.0.html
  11. [preview] [download] http://saiyajinmui.mugen-infantry.net/
  12. chibi robo would be nice as it was on the gamecube earth bound/mother all 3 games megaman but this time you can choose to play all of the robot master rather then megaman or zero all the damn time or maybe a sigma story that let you play as him i really like eternal darkness on the gamecube would be nice to have it on another console or computer lunar 3 would be awesome
  13. psp and nintendo ds aint old now ps2 is now considerable old now but not as old as the late nes and so on
  14. that dude is hard as fuck no really i try taking him down with evil ryu i hardly even put a dent in him
  15. dont forget you also have a few others to add also
  16. lmfao love the video funny as hell when it has its moments this is very interesting
  17. not my link the music easy to find
  18. yeah i can tell just by looking at it but hey its spyro that maybe so but at least its cute
  19. gamecube had a few good things for it problem with it not only hardware but lack of software there was a way to make it play movies also
  20. well if its a part of megaupload then yes it is still that is if that come back just as well as megaupload then its not that hard to get into by blocking your ip and with a bit of hacking
  21. yeah i heard about that you can play ps2 games now on there to but you have to buy them from the psn store which i think its a rip off when you got the games that you own before the system even came out iam not that impress with it the only good thing i like about it is they have only a few games on it that xbox 360 dont and you dont have to pay just to play online you can now finally mod the ps3 which if i didnt have to get another phone i would get one just for that. yeah i know the olders ones can but they also have issues with burning up alot did you know you can now buy a nintendo dvd player or just make one for your self with some spare parts and a cheap dvd player
  22. yes finally someone else wants Battle Arena Toshinden in mugen besides me someone is making Mumm-ra from ThunderCats
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