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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. [preview] [download] Download - http://www.mediafire.com/?5kapnh5t30s2ft6 BGM - http://www.mediafire.com/?g7haduczvby7jld
  2. i would understand it more if you pay someone to take there time out of there busy day to make a character for you but to sell someone elses hard earn work plus the game company sprites if it was not for them no one would ever even heard of mugen to begin with sure they didnt make the engine but they did put out alot of video games and had it not been for them. we would never have gotten all the sprites that we do know if anyone should company and bitch it should be them and elecbyte because there using there engine btw there more there also just seen a snk one also
  3. you know in all my time in mugen i never once ever seen anyone trying to sell it for profit until now i just signup for a website trying to see about getting my gf something special when i was looking around and ended up spotting this ad http://www.ioffer.com/i/210896008
  4. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?78dxrk60iql9c1l
  5. i like the sonic cartoon that use to come on tv the 80s and then i like the 90s sonic also never care to watch sonic x
  6. and tails is nothing more then a big baby if it wasnt a ok movie id say throw this into the garbage cant belive someone made this
  7. ahhh been some time since i really play power battles so i dont rember but yeah in the game they made him into a clone why in the hell they did that guess they ran out of ideals huh
  8. dont he do that in the game also so how would he be a clone when they made capcom made bass almost into a clone of megaman as it is?
  9. i cant stand there voice its like there talking thu there nose rather then there mouth
  10. i dont think his zim aint to bad now out of all his other shit that would probably be the only one
  11. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/?947i47bewaf8b2q
  12. no ofensive but aint you the last person to give advice on what is worst or bad when your goku cant even play right and given the feedback that people have said to you and you have yet to fix what is really wrong with it?
  13. well i agree with you i wouldnt want to play with a shitty character who has no hope in defending its self from say ryu or someone from guilty gear i do like a challenge which is why in my roster i dont have anything that is shit unless it happen to be someone from my fav game which any more there are now decent versions of the character now so that hardly rarely happens now but yeah i get what your saying tho so i guess this topic could go either way
  14. just like the dragonball game that they got out now really awesome
  15. well there are some people who like it and others dont honestly after seeing about 100 of the same type of character it does get old when they could use there talent to make something that no one else has i know there are tons of characters from fighting,rpg,and so on that has never been made and by making the same damn thing with some improvement aint going to be a new character really it just means they made more move for a character that you have seen so many times i was so excited to see a new character on mfg until i seen it was Yet another king of fighter or fatal fury character its like no one knows how to make something new so when i see things like this iam excited might be lame to you or to others but iam not the only one who would like to see something diffrent
  16. yeah once i find it again i save every single character i find either it being a punching bad or just plan crap sad thing is its on my hard drive along with every thing else i save from torrents and etc ill be getting it back next week so ill be posting it then unless i find the website i found them on i agree kong is horrible making characters and trying to balance what is still broken iam glad he stop making characters
  17. you do know there is more people who made them besides kong dont you they have been remade by at least 3 different people
  18. the only thing i like about googoo64 compare to most people is at least he is diffrent dont know much about the character its probly as bad as the rest of his but at least its better then the endless clones of other fighting games
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