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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. Mugen infantry was never any good even from the beginning what you talking about
  2. look who its made by that should tell you everything you need to know just by looking at the rest of the characters made by the same person
  3. oh never mind i see it now its a stage a nice one at that never new they had one for the iphone tho
  4. thats right its just a myth much like alot of things that people make up thinking what they want to and make it real but yet no hard core prove to back that up it go back a long time but rather to get into a arguement which i know well happen base on what i think and not just on this only ill keep it to my self
  5. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire...0t4xdlbzqlqqcbd
  6. someone must love the cock enough to make this dude lol
  7. after the 64 version of the game i didnt like it i borrowed a copy from a so called friend just because i was excited about it but after playing and beating it i was like wtf thats it there hardly much to unlock and sure you can hack it but thats only changes the characters not the moves or even give them any new moves so whats the point its pretty much a sprite swap
  8. why did i think after i was reading the name first thought was parasite eve
  9. well at times you can be a bit of a prick but then again who aint one at times there are many times iam one but i also don't candy coat shit either however since i have known you on here even tho we hardly talk unless its about mugen your pretty helpful at times a bit lazy lol just like everyone else on here including me lol but all in all your pretty cool i wouldn't sweat it much people normally pull shit like this because they want to make drama or there not happy with there own life so they rather drag someone else down with them just keep on doing what your doing and dont worry about anyone else if you let them get to you your only letting them win and for those who dont know you or the kind of person you are does not need to put there own 2 cents in specially if they dont know the history about you and that other person
  10. http://fs08n1.sendspace.com/dl/4925110898c12e310ff9a94d570de818/503c9cab3124390f/sbmmus/d008d5f971aa945d7cfdbb3449371c33.png
  11. click on the pic to download
  12. Darklight

    Ash (50%)

    oh never new was just trying to help seen tho and thought you might be able to use them
  13. so is this any good does he have his own moves or does he have spider man moves?
  14. Darklight

    Ash (50%)

  15. not to be mean but you really either should put more effort or just give up all your characters are horrible when you take them out of the full game and even in the full game there are so many missing moves,sprites,bugs that it could take you a very long time and even tho i pointed out some of the things you should fix i really dont see you doing them at all sorry iam not one to candy coat things and most of the time i don't give feedback at all
  16. havin' an edge in his 'tude that was just a little to funny when i was thinking that over and over
  17. Darklight

    Ash (50%)

    interesting once i get my mugen if i do get it back up and running again ill give it a shot
  18. and yet you seem to forget the first one was decent at least i thought so this one does not plays nothing like she does in the game and before anyone stops me by saying well shes a beta this is true which means it leaves alot to improve upon but i rather see nightmare get redone if anything else and yes i do care you might not but there is no point in making something over again if it wasnt crap in the first place.as far as multiple versions which someone not saying this character but in generalspeaking when someone makes more then 10 copys of the character then it gets annoying dont matter if its good or not adding supers hypers specials pallets or minor fixes such as sound and fx does not make it any more diffrent then what it was before such as all the kof edits wouldnt you like to see something diffrent that wasnt made before i know i would and iam sure i aint alone in that area either
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