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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. at least this one you can hardly see his deformed face
  2. i never played the game where this was from but i heard it is very close to it
  3. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?vssjo4f7pb6l7rb
  4. the best thing with characters or in some cases some stages that was not made right and was release to shitty people such as kong who is so quick to release and even tho things have been pointed out to him to fix what needs to be done is other people who could take there release and make it what it should be and fix the issues and maybe even improve it from the ground up or just by editing itif people would do that rather then this crazy fad of making more characters that has been done over 50000 times we might have something alot better
  5. its not that hard [preview] [download] adif you have something to say about what ever your posting you put this [comment]
  6. aint you Russianand other things my point is this you cant be rasicts if you your self is mix iam irish,native,germen,dutch and italian
  7. lol have you stop and think to your self here you are white however your not purely white just as much as i aint either everyone is mix with something dont matter the percentage on what you are mixed with and really you might be a different color on the outside but not on the inside everyone is the same only different in some people is being a jerk or a asshole but any more now days everyone is like that to some degree
  8. there no need to make racist remarks dude after all its hard to be a racist when iam mixed my self and besides that there really is no need
  9. its cool i thought it was pretty funny lol i rember that game it was fun i know a few other games like that
  10. opinion are like a asshole everyone has one and just because someone does not share the same views as you do does not mean nothing everyone is different and if everyone was the same in this world it would be dull and bring so get over your self and move the fuck on its getting old
  11. i have a ds that i never play,also got a psp that i hardly play at all i have a xbox 360 that i still play time from time if iam not on my pc i sold my ps3 nothing more then garbage never like it when they change the ps2 play ability my 3d0 sega gen and sega saturn dreamcast ps1 i sold and my gameboy sp i gave to my ex
  12. Christian lol thats a joke and lets not bring religion into this that is one of the biggest jokes of all
  13. if you took the time to read what i said i didnt say anything about 'privatizing' their crap
  14. i dont see why people want to make these really ugly characters still or all the puching bags that you see alot in mugen database
  15. you know what piss me off the most is when people make characters or stages base on what the game company put out every time they release a new game and people get so majorly butt hurt by trying to clam its there character that they made when in fact if it was not for the game company you wouldn't have had it at to begin with unless you took the time to really draw each and every sprite for that character,true you put in the time and effort into making it playable even if you are less experience in making one however lets not forget where that truely came from also another thing i hate is this why take the time and effort into making something if down the line somewhere that person wants to just stop mugen all together rather then asking for someone to host it they rather just take it with them to be lost forever as some of the really good stages/characters are
  16. you are bound to know some who likes this garbage it would be me saying oh i love all the punching bag that people release nothing but trash
  17. why is it all the time they release shit like this they always seem to fuck up the face i have notice that alot with these filtered
  18. mfg dont even do that
  19. if its the one i have its ok i wouldnt say awesome thanks for the post tho
  20. not a problem you must have had more things going at the time and forgot to post it happens to me some times
  21. i wonder how they rip those sprites btw where is the download link
  22. if that is something you want then you shouldn't be here at mffa there is however another website that does provide that option i cant really rember the name of the site but its really not that hard to look for
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