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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. i thought it was yugi from yugiho
  2. [preview] [download] http://cid-1c5f8e9b035caa21.office.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public pass:救いのヒーロー
  3. that was random lol funny thing is i had all of them that was released sadly there on my hard drive that i dont have with me
  4. i use to have them on my pc but my hard drive is not working curry boss and golden sliver are 2 bosses from gunstar hero that link is Txpot website he made a few so its something to go on for now
  5. will there are i think there was 5 maybe 8 characters that was made not all of them are on his site
  6. http://members.multimania.co.uk/txpot/newpage.html curry is a boss from the game so is goldenliver and there are 3 other characters to somewhere
  7. oh will iam pretty sure i posted a few on here but golden sliver
  8. both iam going to do GUARDIAN heroes but i do know there is alot of characters from gunstar heros too
  9. you know we have so many characters on here we could make a collection for them
  10. Nemesis moves are a bit hard to pull off either using a keybored or my 360 controller he was the only one i really did test i have not try the tick yet
  11. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?24g2g2p1q2t6ggr
  12. always find it funny how the game compenys are always trying to squeeze out more money from you whenever they get the chance such as the ps3 after hearing some of the horror storys when it first came out they thought it would be cool to take the ps2 emulator out of it so you cant play any of your old ps2 games what they didnt tell you is sure you can still play your ps2 games but you have to rebuy them from the ps store same with xbox 360 even tho it has a limit amount of some of the old xbox games it does not support all same go for vitia and now it looks like wii is doing the same iam glad i stop playing and having console games you end up paying more then what you get
  13. will either way the character is hard to find now only place i found her was on esnips and iam not going back there so if anyone wants to go dig in and look for her your welcome to
  14. yes the same mugen hunter.i dont have this character any more due to the fact a virus destroy my os on my hard drive so you may want to ask if anyone else had download it
  15. brock is right it does infact work it works just like 4share does you have to wait there is more then just you who wants to get on there its a big server you just have to wait and try again
  16. stop being lazy and start adding them then
  17. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?7cm4m9g4lds58w6
  18. [preview] [download] http://d01.megashares.com/dl/pCtG4RL/SuperArabian.rar
  19. yeah your right mvc1 came out for the dreamcast tho and no i never new that about the rest
  20. [preview] [download] http://d01.megashares.com/dl/SBeAGUX/TransSonic%20and%20TransSonic%202.zip
  21. [preview] [download] http://d01.megashares.com/dl/DTybrU8/Super%20Shadow.rar
  22. [preview] [download] http://d01.megashares.com/dl/MM3Ptnv/Super%20Sonic%204.rar
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