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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. i thought i posted this already iam pretty sure i did
  2. he would be if he was not so fat still pretty cool
  3. [preview] [download] A patch for DivineWolf's Mai that gives her a few new features available only on Mugen 1.0: - Scalable AI - Winquotes Also included is a winmugen patch (AI only) for anyone using that version. You can download the patch here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mbpc7l13mn7lh9u Here is the release topic if you don't already have this great character yet: http://mugenguild.com/forumx/index.php?topic=140257.0
  4. [preview] [download] http://jamugen.blog103.fc2.com/
  5. [preview] http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=vURNU9iZ1XI&feature=player_detailpage [download] http://www.mediafire...wbh99d2bmfmd52l
  6. http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/5015-nicole-neil-by-wz-4/page__hl__nicole
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXo68xSNVVE&feature=plcp
  8. if there is i didnt see one on mfg
  9. The member Ryon cannot receive any new messages would you mind if i post the link on here ?
  10. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire.com/?vxvq55n453te99h
  11. i try to pm you but it said you cant accpet any messages and was not trying to disrespect you by any means sorry
  12. bio broly would be awesome mr Sinister more characters from battle arena toshiden the only one that seem to have been made is sho by using the gameboy sprites slient hill and more resident evil
  13. dont no never played with it just copy what i seen on mfg
  14. hey ryon i posted nail if you can look into fixing her cus whoever made her really did a poor job on it
  15. i only play it a bit so i couldnt tell you but it can hold its own on some characters it does do some combos and it does have some moves that are pretty cool
  16. [preview] [download] https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=a41426a5d3421fa8&sc=documents&id=A41426A5D3421FA8!121
  17. its about time this was update do you know whats new? wish they made more characters from lufie
  18. [preview] [download] http://mugenmultiverse.fanbb.net/t230-borchid-by-ahrimanes-updated-by-dope or http://www.sendspace.com/file/5fm7sa
  19. [preview] [download] http://flamekyo.mugen-infantry.net/characters-2
  20. [preview] [download] http://www.mediafire...73t0f88p69cczyz
  21. [preview] [download] http://www.sendspace.com/file/fl0p98
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