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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. it looks more like a character edit more then a full character
  2. some of them aint to bad i do happen to like a few but i mostly play with large characters for the most part unless iam a fan of a character
  3. i gathered that but he not to bad playing with he does hold his own i feel like he incomplete tho on a side note if he jumping and you attack him in the air he some times get stuck
  4. yeah still have not try any of your characters because i really dont play naruto at all or much of any chibi characters really there hard as hell to hit when you have such a larger character but i do have a few i do like
  5. wow it looks not to bad but not that great either try him a bit just now not to bad of a character
  6. i think he should after all why be so defensive less it could also be a taunt also for the toad
  7. your probly right. also one thing i hate about her new class the black mage is when she turns you into a toad you cant attack in every game you was able to at least hit 1 damage in this version you cant hit nothing
  8. is he base off the game for sega saturn last bronx
  9. it also depends on which final fantasy tactics they based this off on either the psx gba or psp
  10. why dont you rip it your self if you want him that bad rather then asking others
  11. this game is as bad as the thought of making it its super slow the command of which button to push is very sluggish however given the ideal as to rip these and making a character for mugen is a plus and has not been done that i know of yet so that right there is a plus the same as street fighter 3 for the nes is also
  12. i really dont like pokemon much but i do got a few i like mew the pokemon that looks like gum i cant remember his name and the 3d pokemon pragon i think
  13. dude you got off lucky not everyone has that same luck i been fighting with them tons and not once have i ever got a reply back and i sent them 5 diffrent emails
  14. i really dont like anything this guy comes out with. on one hand iam glad he is making them so someone with more talent can edit these all he does is rushing it with making these characters but in everything he made none of them are anything to write home to about
  15. you must be blind pretty soild huh i guess if you can say being stuck in the ground or freezing up on you is your type of game play them more power to you personal this character is pretty bad even just for a beta in fact most of this guys characters is pretty bad and before anyone get there panty's in a twist take kuma for example he has none of his own moves from tekken all it is made to look like him and thats not really saying much his ogre needs alot of improvement i think he rushes these characters out more then he does taking his time to make them right hopefully he well do this character justice and improve on him
  16. id like to see kain from blood omen lubo from dynasty warror even if they have to rip it from the ps1 to get him alf just because i love the show could have him battle a cat in mugen for all those times he try to eat the cat a decent version of inspector gadget ronin warriors iam not even sure if they ever been released yet ghost busters someone was making mr state puff but no word on it
  17. i cant stand his taki to be honest and he has eyes he can see whats new this is not for him but for anyone who would rather have sound rather then no sound as for the weapon sounds thry could be used for anyone
  18. this is just something i found it comes with the following from soul caliber 4 Win Intro quotes Weapon sounds from SC4 In Battle voice http://www.sendspace.com/file/a594xl
  19. iam glad i dont feel the same and with talent like mario has i was shocked to see he would make something like this such a waste of time when there already a few that are decent that is already out there already
  20. how is that one on the bottom color loss by that i mean the sould caliber stage dont seem to lose that much color anyways thanks for posting
  21. Siegfried is being made now Marthwas made twice already not sure if he any good tho there are already some military characters for mugen already
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