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Everything posted by Darklight

  1. almost all of imt are hardly anything but playable the very few that they have is not saying much at least crusadercast characters are more playable but very buggy and they dont even listen to the feedback that is posted on there forums if you think iam wrong go check it out your self being the fact some of mfg gave them feedback they refused to even say anything about there prograss to give detail on what they are going to fix. brock yes its another character at least probly another broken or spammer character
  2. more then likely it wont much like most of the symbiotic characters and coming from crusadercast i bet it wont be there just as bad as imt
  3. iam going to have to get this for my gf she just got the zombie u game yesterday
  4. from what he said Cactaur was already in it but only as a sub boss this time he well be a playable character
  5. i got it to in fact any new open window that i go to on here says the same thing over and over
  6. my adhd is really bad i cant pay attention long to learn on how to make a character and other issues which i wont get into so i dont even try. but yeah i agree not much has change with most of the characters that have been released i mean updated to characters that are already made thats cool but to make a character in the same style that has been made countless time is pointless specially when that character is better then all the rest when they could be making something that has not yet been converted into mugen lets say more of battle arena toshinden since there only one character or what about a better superman since the ones that are made are horrble even with the ai patch i wouldnt mind seeing a vr tooper or if someone could pull it off making someone from dragon force now that would be a challenge right there
  7. thanks bro for taking the extra time and fixing it
  8. there are 3 so far that was made and all of them are just garbage
  9. it still looks very incomplete mostly becuse some of the moves he uses just copy other peoples moves no originality thats just my opinion tho
  10. how i wish it was that easy hell by now i would have already converted every single battle arena toshiden character there is if that was the case
  11. oh sorry i thought you already did that my bad
  12. [preview] [download] http://magmadragoonmk2.webs.com/
  13. hey now the sandwich is easy making a character is not and you know this too brock lol
  14. really odd it said i needed permission it still says it on my end its the only stage that does this i got all the rest
  15. id be greatful for anything that plays better more then i care for how it looks not sure about this one but so far none of them are any good when it come to gameplay
  16. [preview] [download] http://fs09n3.sendspace.com/dl/74ed48a2b377c043141caf839231953a/50da088757158c93/af8rqa/Goenitz_UM.rar
  17. [preview] http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=08xmwUIcCYg [download] http://www.4shared.c...ndofSebas_.html
  18. [preview] [download] DownLoad Link(Gildiss): http://www.mediafire...afoackoe3gq54d3 DownLoad Link(Great Dragonian): http://www.mediafire...cl4ql25wlhwj3q9 by Dark ruler [comment] Character is the character that I had produced in the past.Finally reveal the character. Character one by one as the final boss of the King of the Dragons, his pattern is powerful. Unless the guard, a powerful damage. Weaknesses of this character does not change the direction. The total number of times he changes direction four or five times more than that does not change. Note Before you use this character! Make use only the character of a dedicated stage! And also my Great Dragonian other character.
  19. have not got to try it out yet but anything is better then what was out already going to try it right now thanks for letting me know
  20. Portuguese is kind of the same as Spanish same for french also there very similar to each other
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