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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. (Preview)






    Several months ago, a spriter named "Senor X" quietly released a complete sprite pack of Crash Bandicoot, and Nexus Gaming turned it into a complete, loosely Capcom vs. SNK styled character. Crash plays somewhat shoto like, but has a wider variety of special moves than the average character, and rather powerful hypers. He also possess a unique Custom Combo that spawns Aku-Aku to temporarily tank a single projectile for Crash with no damage. Notably, almost all of Crash's basic attacks are traced from Dr. Mario in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and his trademark spin is one of his worst special moves. By and far the most complete, traditional styled Crash Bandicoot in Mugen for now.

  2. Personally dislike them, an artifact of an earlier time however. I would personally care if there were any gameplay changes to note, but given how they're paletteswaps and filtered sounds at most, I don't see the point. I did personally like a Symbiote edit of Super Mario Maker, mainly because it had replaced the few Mario clips with snippets from rock songs. Very interesting choice.

  3. (Preview)






    This fullgame was trending on Twitter lately, needed to spread the word here. Following the footsteps of Dong Dong Never Die, some Italian teens decided to make a Mugen fullgame using digitized photos of themselves. It uses simple 6 button gameplay, 3 attack buttons, with a grab, easy hyper button with 3 hypers per character, and signature move button that can range from Rekka commands, teleporting, UMvC3 Pheonix Wright's Evidence system, or stage control via simple traps. Deceptively high quality and well designed fullgame, very talented friends. It has an Italian menu download or English menu download as well.

  4. This stage is from the Nijikaku project, an old and very long running Mugen fullgame about "2chan" memes fighting. Saying that because every contributer in the project is anonymous, with all .def author names being used for gender spefic interactions in characters and stage authors being blanked. "SSBKing95" also has uploaded everything from the game in his "Nijikaku Collection".


    Thank you for bumping this stage though, it's one of the fullgame's finest easily. Shame the talented creator will forever be uncredited really.

  5. This will be the last bump for this old thing, but this is a very weird question


    Does anyone know of or have a FightFX and Common1.cns for Mugen 1.0, that works alongside KoF 2000's "crater in the ground" effect? I ask because I used to have a special set of them that caused Mugen to "slow down" whenever a character lands on the ground from an attack like KFM's Smash Fu Upper, but lost it and cannot find it again.  It is not Add004 by the way.


    Thanks again in advance if anyone knows anything about this or the 3 above requests.

  6. mugen test


    Have been editing Ahuron's Ironfist Ryu a bit to make him a little more comfortable for me to use in personal play and want to tinker with his own Goh-Un as well, but very stumped on how to make it so the enemy can be hit by a cancelled special or super after tripping them with his crouching strong kick. I made his low kicks able to hit foes lying down as well, but they cannot be OTG'd as well after the trip. It does not cause their hitbox to become intangible either, very confused. Goh has this feature as well.


    I tried:

    -Adding, removing, and changing Juggle Points

    -Checking -3 and -2 States for anything related to his strong crouched kick, couldn't find anything

    -Checking his animations to see if his tripped animation is intangible, it isn't

    -Checking to see if the kick causes a custom animation on hit that causes this effect, it doesn't seem to and they use their normal state

    -Replacing his Common1.cns as he came with his own custom one


    Very stumped, anyone know what could be causing this?

  7. (Preview)






    A flashy, 1.1. only 3D animated original character, it's an agile sword/magic hybrid using fox with simple 4 button gameplay, two basic attacks, a mode switch to sheathe or unsheathe their sword, and a grab button. Can mode switch cancel or jump cancel out of their launcher attacks, but only if their custom gauge has power for it. It also has competent, but inconsistent A.I. as well.

  8. (Preview)


    (Download, file named "アルティメットアーマーエックス")




    Despite what would probably pop into your mind upon hearing about a Mega Man X, this is not a small and spammy conversion. This X plays like something resembling Street Fighter, but keeping X styled dashes. This X even settles with having a common punch, his Buster and Charge Shot is divided into 2 special moves with 3 variants. Despite having only 3 physical attack buttons, his other 3 buttons are solely for a small selection of diverse Maverick weapons, and there's even a command grab referencing Gutsman from classic. Not only that, but the secret Hadouken and Shoryuken moves are also in there, but only usable if he has full life. Notably, he has the ability to cancel some of his attacks into his dash, which can be used into another attack. Very fun to experiment with.

  9. If anyone remembers me vaguely requesting an "obscure Mario themed stage", I actually found video of the stage I was looking for on YouTube: (Solved)



    Unfortunately, long dead SendSpace link however. Anyone happen to have this on hand? This stage has been reuploaded, solved.


    The second request is the long outdated beta release of Squigly from Skullgirls created by Ryutaro: https://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/skullgirls-squigly-20-172505.msg2221693.html#msg2221693


    I know he completed her, I would just like this specfic beta for collection purposes on the off chance anyone still has her sitting around.


    I have a 3rd and stranger request, a stage on here made by a previous account name of mine, "Jun the 1st", but was generously compiled by another MFFA user who no longer seems to be active. Named The Battleship's Dark Core, that vaguely resembles SvC Chaos's Power Generation Room stage. Anyone happened to get this? I can't find it on here at all.


    Something I have been lately stumped by, is anyone able to download and share Kotori's edits from their Baidu account?



    Have been very addicted to their work lately, and I don't think their most recent updates have been shared anywhere. Cannot get them without an account.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. (Preview)









    A Discord bot that shares and alters meme images turned into a fighter that was modeled and animated by Z9 themselves, it specializes in using the infamous Get Real and Get Fake caption memes as unorthodox projectiles to fight, and also can summon and edit cat images as stage control traps to disrupt the foe. It's a slow bot, but it can use the Sad SpongeBob meme to escape from long combos to make up for it. It can apply buffs to itself to greatly speed itself up, become invisible, or make an attack unblockable at the cost of high startup. Also posses a caption meme Raging Demon and almost every sound it makes is from Discord itself. 1.1 only character.

  11. (Video)






    Flashy and pretty OP (R/D)onald McDonald, this one has a ton of content shown in the video above however, and a ton of cutscenes in the form of intros and winposes based on his eternal meme status in Japan. STG also released a patch for him on the 30th in the video description as well seemingly fixing a bug on his 7th palette. He comes with a Options.txt that can turn off auto A.I. he comes with by default as well.

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