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Posts posted by Gaulbetti


    That Mario on the right. He's an odd beast... Yeah, there's a couple NES Marios similar to FC Mario. Wonder if it's OK to edit Basara's old Mario to try to be more like FC...


    So happy they converted Haggar Mario instead, that custom Goomba grab gets me every time, how did we just uncover him when he was made over a decade ago for Mugen?

  2. Wait, my bad for the confusion.


    B-Mario and Mario FC are two Marios I really wanted in Knuckle Fighters Alpha. I used to have B-Mario but lost him in a laptop crash. Don't think they're W.I.P. conversions.


    Cannot wait for that Micheal Jackson conversion. He shoots Tetris blocks and has SMB hammers, I was hoping he'd get converted someday. Very surprised Yotoman hasn't been made yet, thought he was pretty much a seconary mascot for the engine. SUNZ's OCs either, they're pretty impressive.


    If I could add one suggestion, a method of getting stage photos. I've seen some collections back in the times that had nice clean little stage photos, like the old Eternal Fighters Zero collection

  3. Huh, since no one else ever gave some feedback, I guess I can give a amateur attempt at things I could see needing to be fixed:


    -Please tell me a grab is coming in the next update. Sonic's melee game is really awkward without one and he's pretty much forced to use kicks only or the crouching hazards.


    -Tails should not be on the same "assist cooldown" timer as his other assists since he's always behind Sonic. Technically, not Knuckles either. Personally, I would like cooldown to be a smidge shorter, or maybe have Moto Bugs be a little more spammable than the other more devastating assists since they're basic weak cannon fodder and could be Sonic's "weak Hadouken" while waiting for the true baddies to regenerate.


    -Sonic can be "hit in the signs" during his punches, not sure about his crouching hazards. It doesn't make sense at all because it's a disconnected weapon, even if it were for balance's sake, the Sonic sign on his hard punch has a really odd hitbox that doesn't even fully cover the sprite. (Need to see what it looks like in hitbox mode, I see enemies clip through the top while jumping in and not take damage).


    -Why does he have cooldown on his dash? He's Sonic, running should be second nature for him, and not leave him open. Even in the Classic games, you can jump while skidding. I commonly dash towards the enemy and get hit while skidding because I'm so used to dashing in with others.


    -"Studiopolis" could do more damage since it's a hyper? It does around the same damage as the Egg Rider assist and far less than Puyo Puyo. If damage must be kept low, can it OTG? I'm assuming more hypers like a Super Sonic hyper or maybe a Forces reference are coming? Or maybe the Mirage Saloon Sonic The Fighters cameo hyper? Having Bean be in at all would be the best.


    -Lightning Shield could be a bit more generous with it's hitbox if it must only hit while Sonic is going upwards? It should at least cover the whole shield sprite? Bubble Shield needs a buff in some way, enemies can tech after being spiked and then hit Sonic while he's bouncing. Maybe if it could OTG, had the hitbox cover the whole shield, be untechable, let Sonic block or bounce again after the initial bounce would greatly help.


    I REALLY love the quirky direction this Sonic has. Love all the spawning too much, haven't had a Sonic this legitimately interesting since Time Flux Sonic. I really like the van intro too, it's vastly more unique than any intro I would expect from a Sonic. What about a spring super jump similar to Brawl/Smash 4?

  4. That Mario is extremely unique, BTW. Hope he gets updated to fix his "Winmugen only" attacks, that honestly annoys me greatly. That must be awesome to talk with him too. I honestly have always enjoyed his characters, they make me laugh quite a bit genuinely. Translating the notes on his site made me only like his characters even more, even the ones I didn't try. He made Seaman into a character, that is legit impressive.


    Of course, The_None really knocked it out of the park with this remake. I remember him saying so long ago he wanted to make another version of Kinyo Roadshow. I was always hoping that was more than "just another possible concept for a character". I wonder what made Kinyo stand out to The_None to remake. I'm curious about that winquote at the end there... Don't know if that's rude, thoughtful, or supposed to be a joke of sorts...?

  5. I understand. I didn't know that he had such a legacy behind him. I would try him right this moment to see this brand of "weird", "overpowered" and "annoying", but does he have to be unplayable though? That's the real turn off, I never use Watch.

  6. No Very few edits of Shinryouga's Mario are good edits. The cheap ones are, well, cheap (But are easily the best edits.), the more traditional edits nerf him too hard, and the soundpack edits generally make me want to quit Mugen.


    So... What makes this one just as bad as those?

  7. Oh. Was busy and haven't actually gotten her yet... Never heard of that game though, but she looks vastly cuter than anything else I've seen of Shoujo Mahou.

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