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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. 2 hours ago, Masterhand128 said:

    -The characters by Actarus(Aka Easychar) he made a badly made version of Peter Griffin.


    - The characters by Kingstar is similar to Actarus and he made his own badly version of Max Payne.


    -Maximus(LOL, his creator has the same name) this character has poorly made attacks, poorly animations and bad voice quality.


    On 3/16/2016 at 8:37 PM, Weiss_Circal said:



    Key work: OVERhated. as in characters you think are overhated.


  2. 5 hours ago, Mʀ. Stᴇal-Yoᴜʀ-Waifᴜ said:

    IDK, he may pull a Hulk, where he can stand up to his own power and overwhelm the guy reflecting his stuff. People tried that with Hulk and couldnt take it because he was too much.

    So, Mugenrookie and the rest of you guys, what do you think?

    Cloverfield vs King Kong, Cirno vs Twilight, Lex Luthor vs Dr Doom, Master Roshi vs Yujiro Hanma, Until Dawn Wendigos vs Xenomorph aliens?



    1: King Kong was on par with Godzilla in King Kong vs. Godzilla. If it's that Kong, it's a stomp. If it's not that version of Kong, then the fight between him and the Cloverfield monster might be more even.

    2: If this is Cirno vs. Twilight Sparkle from MLP, then I wouldn't know. I'm not familiar enough with the series. Cirno vs. Stephenie Meyer's Twilightpires would be a very enjoyable one-sided roflstomp, though.

    3: I'd have to say Dr. Doom. While they're both very smart scientists, Doom has the advantage of knowing magic as well. And odds are, even if Lex Luthor wins, it'd just turn out to be a Doombot.

    4+5: I'm not familiar enough with Hanma or the Wendigos to say, tbh.

  3. Since I have nothing else to do...


    8 hours ago, Mugenrookie said:

    Asuna vs Ezra scarlet

    Deadpool vs kirito

    Cloud strife vs link 

    Sackboy vs mario

    Naruto vs superman:lifeofstudy:


    1: I'm not familiar enough with Fairy Tail, but my sister says Erza would probably beat SAO Asuna, but possibly lose against ALO Asuna.

    2: If Deadpool wants Kirito dead, he could probably do it. His fighting style is too unpredictable for Kirito to fight, and his healing factor makes him essentially impossible to kill. Deadpool wins.

    3: I'll just say Death Battle did that and be done with it.

    4: Not familiar with Sackboy at all.

    5: Sookie does mention that the Ninjutsu and Genjutsu of Naruto can act as magic, so that might give Naruto the edge. Assuming end of Shippuuden Naruto, base Naruto couldn't do it (mostly due to his strategy never really evolving beyond spam Shadow Clones + Rasengans) , but I'd say Sage Mode or Kyuubi cloak might stand a chance. This is of course assuming Superman doesn't one-shot Naruto at the start.


    20 minutes ago, Mugenrookie said:

    Guts and ichigo vs dante and sasuke

    Kenshiro vs kratos 

    Virgil vs inuyasha

    Cole magrath vs mikata misoko

    Dark schneider vs saitama:lifeofstudy:


    1: Sasuke's kind've out of his league here. Guts slays giant demons and monsters on a semi-regular basis, Ichigo apparently gets godlike powers near the end of his series (according to my sister, anyway), and Dante has literally killed gods. I'd say Sasuke might be a match for Guts, but not Ichigo or Dante. Dante would probably win regardless.

    2: Kenshiro would probably reveal some ultra-powerful insta-kill technique and OHKO Kratos.

    3: While I have limited familiarity with both series', I'll tentatively say Vergil.

    4: Not really familiar with either series, tbh.

    5: Saitama's whole thing is that he's the strongest person ever. He's not exactly meant to be taken seriously. Saitama wins.

  4. 10 minutes ago, yaminogun said:

    look at chat log they usually abuse it in chat room , it probably erased already but maybe admin or mod still can see it. if you don't understand how people mock then you are ignorant.


    the first reply of this post is the evidence:yaoming:


    The burden of providing proof lays on the person making the accusation. Saying "look at the chat logs" is not evidence.


    Also, if you feel someone is breaking the rules, then report them and have the mods look at it.

  5.  - Gurospooo.


    It's bad, but I personally think it gets more hate than it really should. A lot of the people who bash it tend to focus more on the spriting (same author as D4 Miku) and the shocking imagery.


     - GooGoo64's characters.


    They're also bad, but at least they're funny to watch if you've been having a bad day (though to be fair, there's a lot of mugen chars like that).


     - Chuchoryu's characters.


    They're not very good, but the amount of negative attention these characters receive is more than necessary for what are essentially meant to be eternal betas.

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