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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. Eh, I'm pretty sure there exist places that are more scary than DeviantArt.

    Technically correct.

    Let us not find out about scarier sites though and instead hijack this thread and make it about Touhous.

  2. Wouldn't it be easier if candidates only required 3 votes?

    I imagine it would. I get where Rice was coming from with the 4 votes system for quality control, but between the additional vote needed to get a character on the ballot and the fact MFFA is less active than MFG, and the COTM votes become more difficult in acquiring the chars. I'd suggest reducing the amount needed for a char to be on the ballot to 3 votes, which would the current month to five.

  3. Copypaste of Jango Hakamichi's feedback from Guild.

    EDIT: OKAY, I finally got it by disabling Chrome's malware checks so if my computer gets infected, you know why. Sadly that will be in vain because this character is actually pretty terrible.

    • System sounds are too loud and are all over the place.
    • All of her attacks have blue clsn covering the red entirely. This means every attack will trade at best. The few exceptions are her crouching sweep, her grab special, and QCB+P (which is hilariously too good due to those hitboxes basically covering the entirety of Anne so that you can't even jump over her.
    • These attacks take way too long to use. Even her jabs come out slower than most people's heavy attacks. Specials have tons of start up and lots of ending lag. Supers are entirely useless due to this.
    • The Diana call super won't start until Diana makes her way to Anne, which means it'll either come out instantly if she's all the way to the back of the screen, or it'll take a while for her to hop over, during which point you can hit Anne and stop it. Even if she hangs out with Diana, she's still completely vulnerable, so if you sweep her while she's talking to Diana you can end the super early and Diana walks away like nothing happened.
    • He sped up Anne's voice clip for the light version of the QCB+P, so it sounds like a chipmunk is saying it.
    • Her gethit voices and death cry are so different from her usual sounds they could probably be from another character
    • I don't know what sorcery he did but fighting Anne eliminates superpause entirely from opponent characters which results in all sorts of weird-looking animations and shit. I thought I made a horrible mistake in Pupa's last update until I found out more characters were doing it. It doesn't happen on some chars (ie: Roken's Violent Ken), but it happens on a few others (ie: My Pupa, Pneophen's Kasugano+, Felineki's Akuma...)


    Also, the stage looks like ass.

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