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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. hgdMXSj.jpg


    'That power of his...it seems he can control it with no problem. The ability to switch that dark power on and off is interesting.'


    Nanye and Lilith would both be excited about facing such an opponent... Raina preferred caution against these sorts of opponents...


    Caution... something else was bothering Raina. Invoking the powers of gods was something that she'd never had trouble with before she'd found herself here. Had whatever entity that sent her here removed or sealed away that ability? Or was she so far from home that even the gods of Fantasia were out of reach?


    'Thinking about this won't lead to anything changing. Maybe talking to someone else might help'


    Raina moved from the screen showing the fight. There were other people here, presumably moved from their homes by some unexplained phenomenon. Maybe they might've had prior experience?

  2. On 7/29/2018 at 11:55 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    LightFlare lowers his center of gravity and grunts as he stomps the ground. A redish, purple aura momentarily imminates from his back but disappears quickly. He lifts one knee up as he moves across the arena towards Hyde. His movement suggests that he is not actually running...but is actually gliding.




    'That aura... auras like that tend to mean bad news...'


    Raina didn't want to assume too much. He seemed to have that dark side under control, but obviously Raina needed to know more about that fighter.

  3. On 7/16/2018 at 12:13 AM, A person said:


    Penelope: Woo-hoo, you both did really good in that fight! It was so awesome seeing all of that light stuff Raina did, and that one thing where you tore out a chunk of the floor, Anwalt! I wanna learn that stuff, too!





    By now, the fight had only intensified since Raina had seen the screen. It was clear that a lot had occurred during her trip.


    "Hey kiddo, how's the fight?"

  4. On 7/17/2018 at 8:02 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    Yes! A little surprise for first time participants. You guys provide entertainment as well as train. So for that, you are compensated. Well, at least the winner is! Ha! Here's your prize!


    The receptionist hands Raina a gift card worth 1000 gil.





    She smiles and returns to her duties.





    "Thanks!" Raina exclaimed.


    'I guess 1000 gil is a big deal, huh? Come to think of it...


    Raina heard the calling sounds for the next fight. Fighter 4 had shown up, but not Fighter 3... hadn't it been that guy with the beard earlier? She heard cheering once again and saw a viewscreen of the arena. Facing Hyde was a different bearded man, older and more experienced.


    He almost reminded her of Sophos, the Havenray God, at least in appearance. And even through the screen, Raina could tell he was calm. And powerful.


    It may be best to view this directly.

  5. On 7/15/2018 at 6:37 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Location: The Arena


    He got up and cleaned some of the dust in the clothes. Then, he scratched his head and sighed.



    Anwalt: Well... nothing I can do, right? A loss is a loss. Gotta admit, I went cocky because of my training with Lucent, but I should've known it wouldn't be the same thing.


    Anwalt: By the way, there's no need for you to attack me. Your first knockdown was on that moment when it looked like nothing happened. I took advantage of the moment just to look as if I wasn't down.


    He went towards Raina and extended his hand. He wasn't planning to trick her after revealing the truth... and even if he did, what would it change?



    Anwalt: You're pretty strong, I'll give you that. Next time, I won't be an idiot and I'll give you a hell of a fight.




    Raina took Anwalt's hand for a firm shake.


    "That was pretty exciting. It's been a while since I fought someone who preferred to go up close."


    On 7/15/2018 at 8:14 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


    The match was over. The crowd erupted in cheers as the winner wws announced...



    That's it! The match is over! The winner is...Raina! Everyone! Lets show these two fighters our appreciation!


    The crowd cheers for the two fighters as they exchange after battle commentary in the middle of the arena...



    Fighters! Thank you for your participation! Please make you way towards the Lobby threw the large doors! Raina! Please speak to the receptionist to claim you prize!



    Once Raina left the arena, she proceeded towards the receptionist.


    "I heard there was a prize, right?"

  6. 4 hours ago, Tabris666 said:

    Only problem with this character is "english voice" (uugghhh i throwed up my lunch) i dont know or understand why he choose english voice but is plain weird since the game has only japanese voice by default (I think there is a DLC to have english voice but is plain stupid and is really bad dubbing ) update the char and use the original japanese voices.

    BTW i have the game in all the releases and still havent found the english voices besides DLC (i was curious because i grabbed this char so i wanted to know if the game had or not english voices) and i couldnt find anything.

    Making voicepatches isn't hard my dude.

  7. On 6/22/2018 at 11:13 AM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Anwalt evaded some of the orbs, but others were aimed at him into an point where he wouldn't evade.



    Anwalt: Alright then...


    With his palm, he stopped an orb. A second one came in and stopped it with his another hand while being pushed by them. A third and a fourth orb came, fusing themselves with the others. While still being pushed, Anwalt managed to hold them still.



    Anwalt: Now to take off this annoying light...!!


    Anwalt's dark aura got visible once again as he began to drain the light and fill the orb with darkness. Soon, the big orb got pitch-black.



    Anwalt: And back to your owner you go!

    Viper's Staggering Fang!!


    He charged energy and reared back in a stance. Once done, he hit the orb with a leading hand to a jab and sent it flying at fast speeds back to Raina. 



    'That darkness!'


    Raina tossed aside the orbs she'd been preparing. Perhaps some normal orbs would've repelled it, but Raina didn't feel like taking any chances.


    "Havenray Seal!" Raina shouted, bringing several red white and blue orbs to match Anwalt's appropriated attack.

  8. On 6/9/2018 at 3:44 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Unable to escape, Anwalt gets hit and his first visible yet second knockdown happens.



    Anwalt: (Shit... Knocked down once again. One last chance.)




    'That worked.'


    Wordlessly, Raina spun several orbs around her, preparing to toss them at Anwalt. If previous trends were taken into account, he'd probably be even faster than before....

  9. Fourthing.


    On 6/8/2018 at 3:33 PM, Darkflare said:

    Absolutely the fuck not. Not unless Archive gets new management to run their ship. Archives higher-ups do nothing but spew venom at everyone that remotely even disagrees with them even going as far as banning anyone that does so. I'm pretty sure they were the ones that told their members to constantly harass the other discords.


    As long as individuals like Dizzy and Sol mantain a high rank position, Archive is better off remaining blacklisted as a principle.


    3 hours ago, PlasmoidThunder said:

    I've already said my part on Discord and it generally boils down to them very easily reinstating the ad referral at any given time, as they have done before. While not really a valid reason for keeping them blacklisted, the restrictions in place for unregistered and low-ranked users mean a lot of content is unobtainable, so its usage in collections would become problematic.


    In addition, while there's no real way of confirming whether this is Sol, Dizzy, or any other higher-up speaking on behalf of MA (as opposed to the usual MA shills who grace various MUGEN servers from time to time, assumptions of who they are aside), the following messages were posted earlier in the MFFA server:




  10. 3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    Location: Arena



    Anwalt: Like hell I'm gonna let you do whatever you want. HAAAAAH!!


    Anwalt ran blindly at her, taking the hits from the amulets. The damage he was taking was boosting his own strength, so he didn't mind getting hit.



    Anwalt: Here we go! Nightmare Stampede!


    Anwalt went back at her with a flying kick once again. Because of his ability, however, he went at her like a furious cannonball.




    Raina saw the incoming attack and how he'd let the smaller attacks hit him. He'd been getting faster and stronger the entire fight. 


    A Freedom Seal could do strong damage, but probably not enough. The Havenray Barrier might be able to block the attack, Fourth of July could be strong, and Raina did have some tricks for up close. If things got too crazy, Evocation could be-


    That was sealed away.


    whatever brought Raina to this realm also sealed that ability away.


    This was not a great time to find that out.


    To Raina's credit, she did block the attack. With her stomach. Anwalt scored his first knockdown as Raina flew back.



    Fourth of July it'd have to be.

  11. On 5/4/2018 at 9:18 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    BGM: The Tyrant (BlazBlue Chronophantasma)


    As the cloud of dust rose, there he was, standing normally. One could see that was a good hit, though. That didn't mean something actually nice. After all, his strength had been rising for a while now.



    Anwalt: Heh, you're good, I admit. It's nice to get a different fight once in a while.


    Anwalt: Well, guess I can actually go a little more wild now!


    Anwalt repeated the same move from before: rising up a boulder and shooting it at Raina. However, instead of only going with one, he went with five boulders, those going even more faster than the previous ones.



    Those rocks were larger than the projectiles Raina was used to. Still, she could still dodge them. Raina tossed a set of card-like bullets toward Anwalt, before preparing a couple more orbs.


    She guessed that the pincer hadn't been a knockdown.

  12. On 4/19/2018 at 11:58 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



    Geez! Where the heck...!? UUUUUUAAAAAHHH!


    Anwalt halts his movement and performs a powerful axe kick that pushes the up the ground in front of him blocking the orbs.



    (That was close...she can summon those out of thin air. Heh...that's gonna really complicate things.)






    Seeing the spellcard blocked, Raina decided to create two large orbs, sending them around the sides of the newly-formed outcropping.

  13. 8 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:









    Anwalt narrowly escapes the needles as they pass his shoulders. However his boulder misses it's target as well as it crashes to the ground. Using his special dash, he closes the gap between him and Raina..





    'We've been matching each other pretty well so far. If he can up his output, then so can I.'


    "Havenray Art - Freedom Seal!" Raina shouts, as several large orbs pop into existence around her, before heading towards Anwalt.

  14. On 4/13/2018 at 8:38 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


    Anwalt: (Typical flying shooter trick...)


    Seeing that Raina moved to her right, he moved to his right, in order to keep blocking some of the projectiles with the use of the two orbs, still reflecting each other. He then proceeded to raise another boulder, but he tossed it in an arc, like a volleyball, instead of going straight.





    'Another boulder?'


    Raina moved out of the boulder's path, firing needles as she moved further right.

  15. On 4/5/2018 at 9:54 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

    Seeing as the orb came at his direction, Anwalt reared back and began charging his power. The ground began to shake a little.



    Anwalt: Not interested on buying the orb. Black Doom Spear!!


    Anwalt's dark aura finally revealed itself as he charged forward and hit the orb with a hook punch. The clash between the powers was difficult, but he managed to send the orb back towards Raina. Once he did, he charged back at her while going behind the orb, in order to not let the distance enlarge more so that she was in a comfortable zone to win.





    "Black Doom Spear, I better watch out for that..."


    Raina began to create a second such orb, but soon noticed the first orb beginning to come back. Raina tossed the premature orb, less than half size, at the larger first orb. Raina opted to move to her right, out of the path of the returned orb...


    'He feels stronger, that's for sure...'


    She tossed a few energy blasts his direction, her mind turning toward some of her more serious techniques...

  16. 3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

    The distance between them made it hard for Anwalt to attack. However, he also got unsure about keeping the offense since Raina hasn't attacked once.



    Anwalt: C'mon, Raina, show me what you got! If you'd rather just give up, I'm fine either way!



    'That charge of his was pretty tough, but it's told me that he either has strengthening abilities or isn't entirely human... time to attack then.'


    Keeping the advantage of range would be important. Raina unleashed several projectiles shaped like needles and cards towards Anwalt, followed by two larger orbs aimed to his right and left. 



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