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Everything posted by LATER HERO

  1. Also sorry for be so fussy but most of smilies and emotion aren't properly displayed.
  2. You just need to copy and paste the YouTube URL, the forum automatically will embed your video. BBCode is not necessary.
  3. A back up of the few MUGEN characters that were made by Quetzalcoatl_88 Pepito https://www.mediafire.com/file/41c2gg6qeboqm5o/Pepito.zip/file Juan https://www.mediafire.com/file/qq0m10rx8jgods0/Juan.zip/file Zinc https://www.mediafire.com/file/j1vo22b0yunowa1/Zinc.zip/file Huey Freeman https://www.mediafire.com/file/zn6lnjb7ywx8gio/Huey+Freeman.zip/file The King https://www.mediafire.com/file/gu75fknw92jvg8n/The_King.zip/file
  4. Pues saludos amigo, y bienvenido. (Sí, me metí a tu perfil y dices ser male).
  5. I have decided to see "Lain Serial Experiments" again, a japanese animation from 1998 on these nights.
  6. I have never seen the character "Marshall" be knocked out on his 12th palette. I discovered a Donald edit known as "Jealousy_0515" that is able to cause damage to Marshall's health bar but reducing it very slowly. So I had to wait a lot of time to can see something like this: I found impressed myself thinking that finally I would see Marshall (12p) defeated. So I still watching the combat and it seemed that finally Jealousy_0515 was going to win. So I was just watching and waiting... Time passed and nothing happened... And I mean a lot of time. Then suddenly (and for my surprise) Marshall's health bar was fully recovered from one moment to another... But what a disappointment!
  7. Dándole click a la imagen que está debajo de la otra que dice download te redirige a la página de descarga.
  8. ¡Hola y bienvenido a Mugen Free For All! Contamos con un subforo en español el cual NADIE usa pero bueno... Ahí queda como una curiosidad.
  9. Pepito: What the fuck is that!? 3 Doritos later
  10. Well, I must confess that I am not very familiar with the subject. The only character I have downloaded that include a "Symbiote label" was such a "Symbiote Omega Tiger Woods" This edit resulted being OTW2012 without any changes and, for some reason, a single graydish palette for all the buttons... The "edit" was quite unnecessary if you ask me.
  11. Today I've changed my 2nd roster. I left out overpowered characters and replace them with another in favor of a more balanced roster... Still some few cheap characters. If in the next weeks I find them annoying I will be changing them as well. MUGEN 1.1 Elecbyte Original Screenpack (214 slots edit).
  12. Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses I remember hearing this song on a radio station that broadcasts 80's and 90's music about 11 years ago and I've always loved it. Maybe because the song always sounded sad and melancholic to me. Even when I didn't understand it because English is not my native language. I recently looked it up for the memories and still love it. Fun fact: the singer of the song known as artist Q Lazzarus was a woman named Diane Luckey and I only recently found out about it. Yes, her voice cataloged hers as a contraalto voice, the lowest type of female voice, a very deep female voice similar to a man's. I also heard of her recent death. Diane Luckey aka Q Lazzarus RIP
  13. Today I've downloaded the stage and I know, I already know is not relevant but MFFA has been showing me this thread the last days with 0 views even when I've visited it a couple of times before... (and probably other users as well). It's like MFFA updates are failing, sorta of?
  14. Yes, the download link is broken. Today I've uploaded the file to my Media Fire account just to get a warning sign "This file has been restricted due to copyright claim" So I've uploaded again but to MEGA. I hope that the file doesn't cause troubles: https://mega.nz/file/qjhgSICa#bR0CESX7HSrMJQPT9Y8moCsoW-EqbUEOxi9IfT5kLWs
  15. EDIT: Well... How I could not read that "Doesn't come with any lifebars" FACEPALM*
  16. Firstly I offer you my condolences I know how feels loss a member of your family, you seem to have the maturity to be able to overcoming it. It is nice to read the words of someone that try to motivate to others even when yourself are happening for a hard stage of your life. To be honest, I don't know much about you morover that you are affiliated with MFFA but your message to thank to the whole MUGEN community over the web is very encomiable of your part. I'd like to wish you the good luck and you stay here with us for a lot of years more.
  17. Rare Akuma beats 1 round to Dark Donald RARE VICTORY! This has been the one and only time I have seen Dark Donald be KO'ed for Rare Akuma.
  18. The spitting image of what the characters of KAZ are. I mean they all are pretty much overpowered but not only that but KAZ makes use of anti-cheap codes so that they are invincible. In words of the author "対凶悪系キャラ用ブルーフェニックスモード強制発動" [ENG] "Forced activation of Blue Phoenix mode for anti-villain characters" as this can be read in the BEW_Karin_1.0.st file of that "Blue Eyes White Karin"
  19. Hi my friend. If you´re interested in knowing to someone who frecuently post things about IKEMEN you will need to make contact with LasombraDemon. He talks spanish, by the way. And if you want to post something in spanish you can use this thread:
  20. This is my main MUGEN roster. It's based on characters from Logical Bends site (The_None & aokmaniac13 website) and characters that have an interaction with Omega Tiger Woods 2012 (my main, of course). It's still incomplete.
  21. Could you return the "go back to the top of the page" purple button? It seems I am the only weird user that miss it.
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