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Everything posted by LATER HERO

  1. David Bell Survival MUGEN by LATER HERO Sadly at the end I got an unexpected error message. The recording was being nice for me so I just uploaded the video anyway...
  2. DEV - In The Dark In The Dark I remember hearing this song on the radio many years ago. I recently looked it up on YouTube and I can say that the song is still good for me and the video is so hot!
  3. A user asked for the same screenpack some weeks ago and Jewel Men10 provided the answer: It's the STREET FIGHTER TAG TEAM TOURNAMENT MUGEN 1.1 The download links are in the video's description but I will put them just right here: Part 1: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2gur244bhpka3zc/street+fighter+tag+team+chars.rar Part 2: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dcvr6cwk4a6olmq/street+fighter+tag+team+screenpack%2Csound%2Cstages.rar
  4. Some friend of mine commented me about the realese of a new character from the author known as "KAZ" named "Seikimatu Guile" Watching him on Watch Mode againts other overpowered characters Guile beat them most of times but at least a Donald Edit named "Ultimate Ronald" from the author "Dark" managed to beat him one round. Both characters on their 12th palette on WinMUGEN, by the way.
  5. Can you give me the Dark Lee Rekka's download link? Please!
  6. Can you give me the download link of that Shinjuro, please.
  7. Right now I'm listening to the "Turbo Remix" from the dance simulation machine Pump It Up - The Ultimate Remix over and over again.
  8. The_None's Dopefish and Mighty Stymie's Cala Maria.
  9. A message of The_None to DDR, Warner and other few authors I guess...
  10. Tengo descargado un edit de Omega Tiger Woods conocido como "Omega Guy" Algo que no me gustó de él es que no entra en animación de recibir ataques, lo que quizá algunos conozcan como superarmor. Tuve curiosidad y revisando sus sprites en el Fighter Factory encontré lo que al parecer tendrían que ser los sprites que representan al Omega Guy siendo golpeado, sin embargo estos aparecen con unos colores muy extraños, acá dejaré una captura: Así como aparece este sprite en Fighter Factory otros 26 más están allí y estoy seguro de que se tratan precisamente de los sprites correspondientes a la animación de daño, lo que desconozco es el por que de esa apariencia, de entrada en vez de tener un color magenta alrededor está un rojo no sé por que, a eso le añado el por que el sprite pareciese tener los colores como corruptos, el cuerpo verde y manchas en la cara. El sprite normal luce de este modo: ¿Habrá algún modo de corregir o reparar los colores de esos sprites que menciono?
  11. A friend of mine organized a 2vs2 A. I.'s tournament. This was conformed by 8 teams featuring characters that were suggested by 8 users from AK1 MUGEN community incluiding the organizer himself. Here are the matches: ROUND 1 Mugen - Match 1 - Team Awakeηing vs Team Baron Bombano [2v2] Mugen - Match 2 - Team The Pepsi In The Comments vs Team XStorm [2v2] Mugen - Match 3 - Team Clarice vs Team Daimonϟ [2v2] Mugen - Match 4 - Team LATER HERO vs Team BlindSlayer [2v2] SEMIFINALS Mugen - Match 5 - Team Awakeηing vs Team The Pepsi In The Comments [2v2] Mugen - Match 6 - Team Daimonϟ vs Team LATER HERO [2v2] BRONZE MATCH Mugen - Bronze Match - Team Awakeηing vs Team Daimonϟ [2v2] FINAL MATCH Mugen - Finals Match - Team The Pepsi In The Comments vs Team LATER HERO [2v2] Mugen Tournament 2v2 - Challonge
  12. Can you give me Matou Sakura's download link? Please!
  13. [ENG] Welcome to Mugen Free For All! I hope you can enjoy your stay here. [SPA] Por cierto, si necesitas comunicarte en español, puedes usar este hilo:
  14. Oh, my dear Mugen Archive! It was my first home talking about MUGEN communities. I don't keep hard feelings to the site, afterall there I met my first friends of MUGEN. My account on that site was sent at Purgatory and despite I opened a thread in it asking for how I could get the redemption I never received a reply, and some weeks later my IP was banned. Dizzy already knew about my ISP. She knew that my public IP is dynamic so decided to ban all of my IPs at once. Hey Dizzy, If by chance you are reading this, unban my IPs and take your responsability, please.
  15. Pretty spammy that Devilot/Michelle Heart team. At least the dude that was playing with it decided after a certain time try to get close and fighting with physical attacks... That Devilot glitch when for some unknown reason she did not fall knocked out a couple of times was fun.
  16. Yestarday while playing MUGEN I couldn't believe I managed to beat one round to Lucy Diclonius with a Perfect! And the best part was I did not use the "Bus" and "Armageddon" especial motions but just the "Mike Dawson's Greatest Hits" especial motion in a certain combo.
  17. ¡Oh vaya! Oye, muchas gracias Basara-kun. De modo que se trata de "Octohead" proveniente de la serie de Clay Fighters. Debería de descargarme las versiones existentes del personaje como tal, para ver como luce en combate. De lo que no estoy seguro es de que si los sprites que por cierto incluí todos los que se hallan entre los sprites sin usar de OTW2014 en mi post sean suficientes como para lograr una animación de ayudante. Sí, no estoy seguro de ello, son mus pocos sprites como para que la animación luzca fluida ¿o no? En seguida paso a descargarme a los Octoheads disponibles para mayor referencia.
  18. Well, thank you so much! I've downloaded the file and the files weight 17GB once unzipped! The folder is divided on three sub-folders: "nijibox" "nijibox uploader_a" and finally "nijikaku_up" Why the files are divided this way? Now I think this download is more oriented to people that are true connoisseurs of the nijikaku universe rather than casual MUGEN users.
  19. @Matiu ¡Oye Matiu! Ya no te he visto mucho por acá en MFFA. Si de casualidad regresas y lees este mensaje... Verás, una amiga me está editando tu OTW2014, es decir, yo pongo las ideas y ella se encarga de plasmarlas al poner la codificación, quizá gráficos, etc. Recordé que me habías comentado que en aquellos tiempos hubieras querido agregarle un ayudante a tu OTW2014 pero que, en resumidas cuentas, la idea se quedó en el tintero por decirlo de algún modo... Revisando los sprites de tu edit encontré a este pequeño monstruo: Desconozco como se llame o cual sea su procedencia. Estuve investigando un poco en Google y las imágenes más parecidas que me aparecieron fueron de personajes de la película de Monsters Inc. Aunque no parece ser el caso... A lo que voy es que viendo esos sprites que quedaron sobrando ¿De casualidad tenías la idea de incluir a este pequeño bicho multi-brazos como el ayudante el cual nunca se llegó a concretar? De ser así, ¿dejaste algún rastro de codificación incompleta de esto o nada del todo? Me serviría tu orientación por que, tal y como ya lo mencioné, una amiga me está editando el personaje o como se lo comento yo "arreglándolo" Hasta el momento ella ha podido arreglar la codificación del proyectil "Fooby" a su vez que el comando para el "DualHead" ha sido modificado para que no coincidiera accidentalmente con el ataque de la grúa. Entre algunas otras pequeñas modificaciones.
  20. As embarrassing as it may seem, I confess that half the time I watch this video I also sing the song at the same time
  21. In this site can be found some Final Fight MUGEN characters from the author known as "Baron Bombano" https://baronbombanowebsite.es.tl/Mis-Personajes.htm
  22. Yes, this violates all biological rules, but damn it! How the heck was this guy able to create such effects in his videos? There were 21 videos where he showed how his homuculus were growing and even reproducing. After his 21th video he passed off apparently. His channel on YouTube is abandoned.
  23. My name is (First name) Miguel (Middle name) Angel (Last name) Romero Moctezuma. My youtube channel is named after my full name. The reason was at the time that Google recommended its users to use their real name as the YouTube channel name to match their Google+ account... So I did it that way just so a few weeks later Google+ will cease to exist... [SPA] Vaya, este tópico me hizo ver que tenemos a dos que tres Carlos por acá, el Noside, el Ex✭Cᴀʜᴍ y si no me equivoco el Basara-Kun. No es que sea relevante, solo una curiosidad.
  24. Oh, she is a character from the author KAZ... Geez! And you beat her at A.I. 10 Wow! Good job man.
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