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O Ilusionista

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Everything posted by O Ilusionista

  1. This is The Spider movie, another wip of mine, but you can see a little of Morph
  2. so he will change colors based on the powerset? sweet
  3. Nice. I like your gifs, how do you make them?
  4. Lazyness, I was edited this image when it was late at night :) I will make more soon
  5. Misaligned sparks everywhere, you need to fix it
  6. So why dont you move yout butt and make a char YOUSELF? That reply was SO useless
  7. Ryon,i just pasted it on a new file. But you can copy the values easily with FF And add a gif no a png, so it will keep the color order
  8. She Hulk - Red She Hulk Morph
  9. Nice, really nice. And I love when the creator makes lifebars too. or isn't a full SP to me.
  10. Done his frozen state Midnigth bliss Kicks: one of his running animations Took ages to do (since I am a bad and slow spriter) but here is Doom 2099 back dash (based on Alienmorph idea) and the image with normal colors and nose
  11. Nice, I always wanted to make this char. Oldschool rules
  12. that is okay to me, I hate Naruto anyway :) I just made the stage because the image is cool
  13. Stage I did for my upcoming Hulk 2099. The windows opens, to reveal the rain and all the animations (lights, helicopters, planes, etc) There are 4 monitors with shows Hulk2099 and Hulk pictures, with many animations and an ...easter egg ;) Music by mr. WizzyWhipitWonderful Shots Video http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdRSxE9DXzg Download http://adf.ly/47Lu0
  14. This is an animation I did with Cinema4D, when I started to learn it. It was done after 2 weeks of study, by selftaught. Too bad I haven't touched it in ages :( I know some sand wall anims is too square, I should watched for the how camera moved. Took 13 hours to render. [/media] I plan to make a stage with that someday
  15. What is new (1.2) - New 6 palettes by Goodaldo: - Bug fixes at some of his hypermoves - readme updated Thanks guys
  16. yes, I know. I just mean the distance, because I've tested it against Cyclops and it was too low on the screen
  17. btw, it was updated (1.1) What is new: - Fixed bugs reported - new big portrait - new palette Whats Left: - Intro Avengers - Hyper Amalgam - Add more Palettes
  18. heheeh that is JUST the comic ones :) I think I am working in something about 20 chars at once :) btw, on the lvl, you could use the head position to align Croix, because if you use the move on a big char, it will hit his knee. Something like target,const(size.head.pos.y)
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