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O Ilusionista

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Everything posted by O Ilusionista

  1. Wait, its a new version? Someone edited his char? Because I don't remember of a new version, and Ex-Inferis is a close friend of mine And his site is http://mugenexus.mgbr.net/
  2. guys, you need to hear HyperSonic's voice works, its amazing. *Voice: Now I have wings? Sweet!
  3. *voice: I...am...the Apocalypse! Wait a minute.
  4. I am making that char too :) Good luck
  5. We have been working on this for some time and well, its time to reveal this wip. :) Its a team work: Codes & idea - Me Base sprites - Doom Capes - Loganir Aditional sprites - Hypersonic Support - ZVitor and Acey Custom voice acting - Hypersonic This is the Exiles version of Morph. I plan to make him like my MB-03, which shapeshift a lot to make the attacks. Morph will remain on his normal look just on few moments, for the rest of the time, he will be morphed I am gathering as many Marvel edits as I can, so if you have one and/or wanna contribute with him, drops me a line. Many people already gave the authorization, like Navs, HyperSonic, Blagoy, Ens23, Max007, Sei , Beja and many others. Screenshots more to come :)
  6. no. And it was already released, check my site
  7. Thanks guys. I will update him soon, there was one or two moves to add.
  8. Comming right from Avengers Facebook game,Dormammu's minion Mindless One (beta) Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xszPLSk6mCg download http://adf.ly/47Lu0
  9. Yeah, I was beeing watching over those rips from some time. I plan to make other chars too, like the sentinels. And yes, lasers are the main skill
  10. When I saw this rip, I started the char immediately :) Rigth now, he has that ground wave from Hulk (in fact, he is beeing built over my Goliath). Dunno if I keep it or not. Eye laser Mega Eye Laser And, probabily, you won't face just one at time, but a group. It would be a hard battle indeed...
  11. very nice! I like those weird chars
  12. I've dropped it to another creator some time ago, but I got it back now :)
  13. I got this wip back, and I have somethings to show :) Throw (man, I am rusty, lol) Name logo and hyper portrait (there are 20 random portraits) Shaken (based on a move coded by BDC)
  14. Thanks dudes. That is a game which I really like, because the sprite work. I plan to make more stages from this game soon.
  15. Northern Barramundi is the first stage from the Arcade game Undercover Cops, with some edits. Animated and with music. Thanks to Mrgrill247 for the sprites Video: Download: http://adf.ly/DgHG8
  16. I am a big fan of your works
  17. So are you making kirby? That is great; I will check it now. Btw, dunno if you know, but me and friends have a full kirby game project, take a look: http://brazilmugenteam.com/kirby-the-dream-battle/
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