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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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I'm interested to see what the do with Samus tbh. Giving samus different beams could make for some interesting gameplay, hell I'd even take a fully charged beam = Ice Beam. I also want Morph Ball to not be so useless, and maybe they should think about actually incorporating her Space Jump, make it like the Corkscrew Attack in Prime 2: Ecchos, you have to press the buttom in a pattern or you fall. That'd add some actual skill to gameplay. I think Ness would be good to revamp too, he was utterly useless in Melee unless you go his midair back-A to hit properly, or the very tip of his bat. Other than that Ness was only good in team fights to stand on the sidelines and spam PK Thunder or PK Flash as a hazard. Jiggly Puff was good in Melee, I had mastered using her effectively enough that I could take down most people. Note- I've never played Brawl.

Samus morph ball in melee and brawl was a little bit useless imo. Pretty much, the only way you could actually consider it kinda useful is if you spam it correctly, which it will still suck. I haven't played any Metroid games so I can't determine the beams or stuff like that.


Ness back aerial has very good knockback in Melee. I'd use it as a nice finisher to my opponents as it is strong but downsides obviously come from it's very low range. Brawl's felt a little nerfed but well.


Jigglypuff feels more like that crazy combo'er when used correctly and felt hard to annihilate during his/her attack streak. He's/She's dangerous to combat but at the same time is light which makes him/her less of a threat.


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Samus morph ball in melee and brawl was a little bit useless imo. Pretty much, the only way you could actually consider it kinda useful is if you spam it correctly, which it will still suck. I haven't played any Metroid games so I can't determine the beams or stuff like that.


Jigglypuff feels more like that crazy combo'er when used correctly and felt hard to annihilate during his/her attack streak. He's/She's dangerous to combat but at the same time is light which makes him/her less of a threat.


Well Samus morph was a minor aid in her recovery, but otherwise yeah not much use especially in brawl where they no longer explode on contact with the  opponent.  Jigglypuff was pretty formidable in Melee not so much in brawl due to another dose of the unneeded nerf stick.

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  • 3 weeks later...

nintendo said they weren't doing anything much at E3 maybe will see new SSB but i doubt it 

When did they say this? IIRC, they said they'd be showing screeshots of it at E3 and possibly video footage.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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really!? cause I haven't gotten any news saying they were doing E3 cause i know xbox showing there thing on the 21st of may but eh I'll just have to wait and see


When did they say this? IIRC, they said they'd be showing screeshots of it at E3 and possibly video footage.


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  • 1 month later...

お知らせしておきます。6月11日23時配信のNintendo Directで、新作『スマブラ』の映像が初披露となります。世界同時、ここが初! お見逃しなく。

Should note. In Nintendo Direct delivery of 23:00, June 11, New video of "Smash Bros." will be unveiled for the first time. Simultaneous world, here for the first time! Do not miss out


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The trailer looked awesome the game looked way better then brawl. Its a for sure thing its gonna be better. Megaman all the way baby! Also I would like to try the villager I know Sakurai wanted to add that one guy sense brawl was being made. Well here he is now. Thanks Sakurai I forgive you!


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First off whoever started this topic you gotta rename it. Anyway I love how great SSB 3DS look cool with its cel shading. The Wiiu version looked even more awsome than Brawl's graphics! Let's hope this Game is better than Brawl!

Ani-san isn't particularly active, so...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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That was just too funny but she looks like a good fighter, Sadly I think she replaced Zero suit samus. her jumps look similar, Also Toon Link may have retired, he was a stage element in the 3ds version. But all this is just me guessing so I could be wrong.


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