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[WiiU/3DS/NS] Super Smash Bros

~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

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i prefer Marth....Roy is a Fag

Ike is far more of a fag than Roy is! The reason why Roy was removed was do to time constraint during production. (You need to tell me 3 delays was not enough for Brawl's development?). I personally hate Ike! I would have loved Roy as a foe instead of Ike, I constantly bash his slow ass as Marth in Brawl. I loved how Roy charged up his neutral B and then Roy wen't "ERAAAAH!" and Roy also suffered damage as well but Roy sure gave you his payload of damage from that move. What did Ike have as his neutral B move? some half assed move where he stabbed his sword in the ground and it did minimal damage. Yeah you sir need to get your facts straight, Ike is the bigger fag here!  

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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You sir are now my enemy! How dare you call Roy that. I think Ike's a bigger fag then Roy. I meant moves slow and swings slow? Are you a Warcraft nerd with no muscles?



Ike is far more of a fag than Roy is! The reason why Roy was removed was do to time constraint during production. (You need to tell me 3 delays was not enough for Brawl's development?). I personally hate Ike! I would have loved Roy as a foe instead of Ike, I constantly bash his slow ass as Marth in Brawl. I loved how Roy charged up his neutral B and then Roy wen't "ERAAAAH!" and Roy also suffered damage as well but Roy sure gave you his payload of damage from that move. What did Ike have as his neutral B move? some half assed move where he stabbed his sword in the ground and it did minimal damage. Yeah you sir need to get your facts straight, Ike is the bigger fag here!  

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the chaos i was expecting :D mwhaaaaaaahahahaha  :troll:



BUT...........the truth is i liked and played Roy more than Marth.......ON MELEE. Judging by the personality from their 1ST games, Marth appeals 2 me most....Ike sucks ON Brawl...its true LOL but hes definitely NOT a fag in my opinion......i like him in his game so SUE ME!!!

Thus this thread has descended into speculative chaos, inevitably.



The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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I prefer Roy. His sword produces fire. Fire is awesome, though not as awesome as electricity.




Will always be better than

"Pizza!" (I don't care if it's Aether, it sounds like pizza)



wait that just gave me an idea...

great.. PIZZA!!!!

I fight for my pizza.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Same here too, Ike is good in Fire Emblem in fact I recruited in Fire Emblem: Awakening (after Roy :troll: )

I just hope Sakurai isn't stupid and thinks Ike was awesome, cuz a lot of people where deceived in the trailer, I thought he was gonna be a fast fighter. :bye:  BTW we are no longer enemies.


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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL the chaos i was expecting :D mwhaaaaaaahahahaha  :troll:


Damn I got trolled... I should have seen that coming... LOL! Anyway, Ike is not the type of guy for a fight like Roy was. I hope either Roy or Chrom replace Ike in Super Smash Bros WiiU. I'm more for Roy though I don't want Chrom to end up like Ike, added in the roster but bad moveset.


I don't know if anyone noticed but we are also waiting for Super Smash Bros 3DS too guys! Everyone is just talking about the WiiU version but ignoring the 3DS version! I know Sakurai said that the two consoles will interact with eachother. I think that might be the hint for a bigger roster or better gameplay. However it goes we have only 3 months remaining until E3 is here, so either we see improvements or failings like Brawl did(that's my opinion on Brawl).

Where you can download my old MUGEN stuff

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Damn I got trolled... I should have seen that coming... LOL! Anyway, Ike is not the type of guy for a fight like Roy was. I hope either Roy or Chrom replace Ike in Super Smash Bros WiiU. I'm more for Roy though I don't want Chrom to end up like Ike, added in the roster but bad moveset.


I don't know if anyone noticed but we are also waiting for Super Smash Bros 3DS too guys! Everyone is just talking about the WiiU version but ignoring the 3DS version! I know Sakurai said that the two consoles will interact with eachother. I think that might be the hint for a bigger roster or better gameplay. However it goes we have only 3 months remaining until E3 is here, so either we see improvements or failings like Brawl did(that's my opinion on Brawl).

i too await 4 the 3ds to get reconized


The Power Of Excellence <3  ReigiOzora18's YouTube Channel

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I don't know if anyone noticed but we are also waiting for Super Smash Bros 3DS too guys! Everyone is just talking about the WiiU version but ignoring the 3DS version! I know Sakurai said that the two consoles will interact with eachother. I think that might be the hint for a bigger roster or better gameplay. However it goes we have only 3 months remaining until E3 is here, so either we see improvements or failings like Brawl did(that's my opinion on Brawl).


i too await 4 the 3ds to get reconized

I've only been talking about the 3DS version!


Also, I didn't mean to +1 your post Zaibatsu, I missed the multiquote button :P

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Man, Project M is so fun. I hope if this game becomes created, it becomes just as fun as Project M (or gets most of the polished ideas from it anyway)

Told ya it was awesome. Too bad I have a Wii U now, I wanted to try it.


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