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Cheapest Attacks?

Super Nicholas

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I'd figure I'd start another topic concerning the word cheap. For this topic, I want you to list the cheapest attacks that characters have. You may include one-hit killers, spammable moves, moves that do too much damage, and others. List the attack, the character that uses it, and why it's cheap. My list of cheap moves: Shun Goku Satsu, Various: Instant killer that is extremely overused. Armaggedon, Omega Tiger Woods: Summons many missiles that do ridiculous damage. The 2012 version's is less cheap. Fullscreen Attack, Ryugen: Ryugen spams this all the time. The gold palette gives infinite use to this attack. Summon Naruto, Sasuke-Kun: Extremely overpowered, spammable, nearly unavoidable, does a lot of damage even when guarding. Summon Kakashi, Sasuke-Kun: Extremely overpowered, spammable. Shadow Clone Jujitsu, Naruto-Kun: Summons at least 10 clones that juggle you and make it impossible to win the match. Face of Doom, Zim (Old Version): Spammable, does a lot of damage even when guarding. Random H-Bomb, Zeeky H. Bomb: One-hit killer you CONSTANTLY have to watch out for, because if you attack Zeeky H. Bomb while he uses this, you're as good as dead. In team battles, your partner is very likely to attack him while he uses this. Moonlight, Umbreon: Heals over half of max health. Getsuga Tensho, Reshiram/Zekrom: Extremely overpowered and takes out at least two thirds of your health. Wazzup Blowup, Annoying Orange: Unavoidable one-hit killer. Mario Finale, SSBB-Styled Mario: Extremely overpowered. Axe, Dink Smallwood: Very spammable and cheap. Fullscreen Attack, AirMoto: Spammable, overpowered, and unblockable. Bio, Sephiroth: If you attack while affected by this, you take damage. Devastating to opponents with good AI.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Yeah Light Agreed Thats Why I Moved F1 into my Win Mugen XD mmmmm OK MY TURN I Hate KILLING EFFECT PEOPLE IT FREEZES the people then KILLS THEM DRAINS THEIR HP THEN BAM DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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Any attack Crazy Catastrophe does.

Screwed up time pausing muni kaerou- Well, pauses time, the opponent, and insta kills

Super freaking muni kaerou - its loud and stuff, plus it only happens when you skip the intros, the screen gets red and the opponent dies

scary freaking muni kaerou - skeleton with hair looks really scary, plus just makes the other character dissappear.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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