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holy shit


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i would understand it more if you pay someone to take there time out of there busy day to make a character for you but to sell someone elses hard earn work plus the game company sprites if it was not for them no one would ever even heard of mugen to begin with sure they didnt make the engine but they did put out alot of video games and had it not been for them. we would never have gotten all the sprites that we do know if anyone should company and bitch it should be them and elecbyte because there using there engine btw there more there also just seen a snk one also

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What are talking about, i love that guy, all people should make money when they find good opportunities, anywhere, everywhere, anytime, whatEveeer but i dont mean "Go kill for money". I dont know how you gonna think about this but i work 8hs a day and i make some good money but also when i go home i download and burn pirated games for the xbox 360 and create new mugen games and "MAME" games and send them to my friend's shop to get sold, thats not illegal in MY countrey...Time=money. People make a living offf it here.



Scene # 2: "Little happy things": WE WILL HAVE OUR REVENGE...

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well i mean personally i dont want to see mugen sold, simply because capcom,snk & a few other major companies know that it exist & see it as fan Art, so long as NO ONE MAKES A PROFIT OFF OF IT,has it been happening for quite a while in mugen that some people make a comp & sell it, ofcourse ive seen mutible comps in my time for sale on various websites over the years , do i agree with it, not no but hell no simply because i dont want to see marvel ,dc, ect ect see it as an illegal thing & kill it off, & make no mistake about it , that will happen, creators from time to time have always charged for mugen creations, hell even sean alty is doing commsions over on guild , but its like the old saying goes, if your good at something,never do it for free


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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to be honest its actually illegal to sell mugen for profit, elecbyte owns the rights. you can pay someone to create something for you. or help towards getting it done. but as far as actual selling others work for it. nope if elecbyte sees it they can sue. to be honest its actually illegal to sell mugen for profit, elecbyte owns the rights. you can pay someone to create something for you. or help towards getting it done. but as far as actual selling others work for it. nope if elecbyte sees it they can sue. mugen is freeware selling it profit is completely illegal bull shit.


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i wouldn't worry so much about elecbyteafter all its open sounce i would be more worry about the big game company rember if it was not for them mugen would never even exist to begin with aand this is why i bring it up more because of how people say oh they stolen my character or stage or my sprites rember if it was not for them no one would be playing mugen to begin with

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good point but they see mugen as *fan art* according to them they don't care but selling it yeah they could have a problem with it.

for no profit yes they could careless what you do with all there hard earn time and work but if you turn it into a profit then they well find a way to stop it then the only characters and or stage we would have would be what we have rip so far or made from other things there well be no more mugen as far as we know and it would suck for everyone
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exactly thats why its illegal to sell mugen creations.

i just seen a mortal kombat one now on there also snk vs the world now this is diffrent becuse of the size of the screenpack that makes eve and the one made by lunardash into nothing more then a day care it passes the both of the screenpacks
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Money makes people do stupid and evil things ~ That's the reason. Anyways, I think people need to make a warning video in youtube or something to prevent stupid events like this to happen. Now if people try to use my creations for their profit, I'll personally sue them =o

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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