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What is your Saddist mugen memory?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My sad moment was called system restore, pretty much any mugen character, stage, personal edit, and the one original character I put a crapton of effort into was gone. I haven't had it in me to go back to playing mugen since then, which is why I stay in random chatter. Edit: @Vegaz BSOD Blue Screen Of Death

"...love spreads like fire touching all in its path, leaving a few more smiles and happiness as the aftermath." ~Senpai, AKA Michael Haye

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  • 2 years later...

When I thought I lost some rare characters, one called Itaib, she was worthless having no actual attacks, but rare nonetheless. I deleted her folder one time but several days later, I found it in my old computer's hard drive. I was so relieved, but losing a rare char is never good for anyone. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I stopped playing and lost interest in mugen back in 2013, because the character I was using was too easy to win with and I didn't have a good controller for the Capcom vs SNK 2 characters. But then I found the two chibis on my signature, who I use with the keyboard.

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  • 7 months later...

Mine was when that one screenpack by Josh Geary fucked up my entire roster. I coudn't add more chars, no matter what I did and a roster that only contains Super Mario, Mr Game and Watch, Eric Cartman and Kenny isn't really good. Even worse, it was the first roster I was evr working on, so I was really sad back then. BTW, that's also the reason why I hate Josh Geary.

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On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 3:55 PM, MissingLuigi said:

Mine was when that one screenpack by Josh Geary fucked up my entire roster. I coudn't add more chars, no matter what I did and a roster that only contains Super Mario, Mr Game and Watch, Eric Cartman and Kenny isn't really good. Even worse, it was the first roster I was evr working on, so I was really sad back then. BTW, that's also the reason why I hate Josh Geary.



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Why I haven't I said anything here yet...


Well, going by the title, I train on NSFW stuff ALL of the time, so... There was also the time I actually used Slime Plus after learning what his purpose was... I'm still disappointed in myself for that.


By what you actually mean, there's quite a few:


1. Recovering from the last computer crash... ONLY TO HAVE MR.IBZS'S SITE DEAD BY THE TIME I FIND MY WAY TO IT AGAIN! Man, I remember the first time I went there and got all of his Pac-Men... More annoyingly, there's older Webs sites still open, working links and everything... As well as that MugenTK site that I used to have a link to. They even had another Viewtiful Joe there, that wasn't Near and Nestor's. It wasn't very good, though... I can even IAWM his site, the Pac-Men links are the only things not archived, though.


2. A ton of stuff that I ran into in Nijikaku... I don't play it anymore, a series of long stories short...


3. When I ran into my first cheap palette. I was SO confused, annoyed, frustrated, etc... 


4. Well, every time I have to fight my favorite characters, I guess... That's no fun.


5. When I just got the Broken Mugen screenpack, and put in that Tendril character. Long story short, that was one heck of a way to start out a new Mugen roster... Shame, I think that character alone kinda ruined Broken Mugen for me, that is one powerful character... Heck, I'd say this instance alone was more sad for me than the other NSFW run-ins I've had.


Yeah, sad and sadist moments.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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8 minutes ago, MissingLuigi said:

Yeah that really happend. The screenpack i downloaded was his Josh Geary Ultimate MUGEN 2013 1.0 Edition. Never download it.


Wow... I know Josh was a bad creator, but when your screenpack messes up your Mugen... you have done something wrong.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/25/2012 at 2:04 PM, Ryoucchi said:

The most sadist mugen memory i have when i bored and go to training mode, picked up the rapist Iori_WLS to rape Homura bwahahaha :=D: Eh? You mean saddest? Well...when my harddisk crash and i lost some of character...luckily i can recover them. And when i found some cool character link, but found out that the author website had gone with the wind :donwan:

Link to XXX Homura plz :)))))) it's for "educational purposes" 


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  • 2 weeks later...

When my old laptop died a few years ago and I lost my entire 1000+ char roster including some chars I will never get again. I've been looking for that decent Wolf O'Donnell I had in that roster before my computer died and ever since I lost him, I haven't been able to find that specific version.

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Accidentally deleted my +30GB MUGEN  i was working on since 2010 (it got some good offline characters), since then i'm a bit off for building another MUGEN


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