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Darkflare's Lair by Vegaz_Parrelli

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[COMMENT]Most of you that have taken the time to get to know me, have figured out that I'm generally known for my positive and encouraging attitude. It's what got Brock to ask me to join. But there was one individual who was so douchy, so irritating and just plain....uuughhh!!

DARKFLAIR!!!!!! :extremeanger:

Just the thought of him...it sends me to a bad place. Well, it used to. But I'm ok these days. Darkflare picks on noobs, bullies and just acts like a real scumbag. Then one day I couldn't sit back and watch it any longer. So I made this. Well not this one. This one is an updated version. The original is in my Hotmail Account(you can reach it from most any of my other links.

So Darkflare aka "Buttflare" and his band of merry men aka "The Just-Us League" which consists of,Capt Commando aka Capt. "Cum-Manhoe", I Am Commander Sheppard aka "I am Sheppards Pie" aka "I Am General Tao's Chicken", and A Secret Bro aka "Undercover Brother" aka "Super Homo Brother" all decided to flame me into oblivion.

Then to finish it of, Iced(a mfg admin) decided to drop my rank. I was contributor for 2 hours! Then Rajaa pm'd me and lectured me about what I can and cannot post. Whatever! They said I would have to work extra hard to get my rank back. I told them that I do that anyway, and I'M GETTING MY RANK BACK CHUMPS!

And that's exactly what happened. Those marshmellows HAD to give me my rank back! Bunch of softies!

So that's my moment of rage. I appologize if this makes anyone think differently of me....


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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haters gon' hate bruh, it's tha way of tha world, especially tha world of MFG. some niggaz ain't got shit else to do with their time, y'know? glad to see you push'd that bullshit to tha back & K.I.M.

& i don't think any differently of ya: i still think youse a sucka! :=D:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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DarkFlare sounds like quite the Asshole which is why I guess this stage has a toilet house dedicated to him. nice stage none the less.

He is. And thanks for support...

hes the new orochi gill.


Someone else made a similar comment actually...

They're like Ken and Ryu. But THEIR style is called "Anal-setsuken Jerk-su"


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Dark flare never screwed with me, but GD i hate Gill hes such a know it all prick,knows how everything should be done to make it perfect, yet dose nothing but be condescending, i swear i wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire & what has he made for mugen? ive been into it since alittle past its inception & i dont own a single thing with his name in the def file? but hes his rank is under contributing on MFG


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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hes a beta tester a heavy one for most of the regulars of guild he gives really amazing feedback hes also made some stages. also gill has stopped being that way lately and even apologized to alot of ppl hes offended. so yeah. thats why i said hes the NEW orochi gill hes gill back when he was a douche hes not so much anymore.


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DARKFLARE is a pussy he talk alot of smack over the computer becuse he knows if he says it in person he would get his face smashed in i would be one of the people i rember him when he use to be on mugen legion before the site finally died

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Dark flare never screwed with me, but GD i hate Gill hes such a know it all prick,knows how everything should be done to make it perfect, yet dose nothing but be condescending, i swear i wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire & what has he made for mugen? ive been into it since alittle past its inception & i dont own a single thing with his name in the def file? but hes his rank is under contributing on MFG

Yea, I don't have any of his stuff either. But he's a six star contributor. What's up with that! Lol!

hes a beta tester a heavy one for most of the regulars of guild he gives really amazing feedback hes also made some stages. also gill has stopped being that way lately and even apologized to alot of ppl hes offended. so yeah. thats why i said hes the NEW orochi gill hes gill back when he was a douche hes not so much anymore.

Yea he HAS been petty nice lately...

DARKFLARE is a pussy he talk alot of smack over the computer becuse he knows if he says it in person he would get his face smashed in i would be one of the people i rember him when he use to be on mugen legion before the site finally died

Without a doubt. But that could apply to alot the mugen community. Except here, tell keep 100% real here...

this is the fisrt time i'v seen V_P burst out like this.. i dont know DF but he must'v really pushed alot of buttons.. >_<

Heh, he the exact opposite of me. Kinda like a nemesis...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Yea, I don't have any of his stuff either. But he's a six star contributor. What's up with that! Lol!

You get stars for posting on MFG. It's similar to the ranking system here.

Gill has over 10,000 posts (According to his profile), so that's probably why he has six stars.


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  • 1 month later...

It's a little strange to see you in this anger. Actually, I was thinking on joining MFG, but after what you said, better not.

its totally ok to join at MFG, im a member there as well & i do post from time to time,


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Actually, I'm not a creator...yet. I planned to think about chars that I want to create but I need time.

in that case i wouldnt post anything of my work on mfg sure they give good feed back at times but they get confused on how to handle feedback if you can even get that they mostly bash things alot or they ignore what you post becuse its something they dont like id just post here at least people do help you here
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in that case i wouldnt post anything of my work on mfg sure they give good feed back at times but they get confused on how to handle feedback if you can even get that they mostly bash things alot or they ignore what you post becuse its something they dont like id just post here at least people do help you here

I admit that it can be bad at times, but avoiding MFG is a bit much. You could get ALOT better feedback there than you do this forum. Just saying xp

Take it from someone who has already went up that road, post it there, and you will get good feedback. The troll comments are only a bonus, and don't happen all the time :)

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I admit that it can be bad at times, but avoiding MFG is a bit much. You could get ALOT better feedback there than you do this forum. Just saying xp

Take it from someone who has already went up that road, post it there, and you will get good feedback. The troll comments are only a bonus, and don't happen all the time :)

this is true but there sure are alot and some times it can be a bit tiresome too tho after a while you get sick it
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Woah, when did all this happen? Well let's talk...

Lightflare Your Right I Got A Kick Out Of This :=D:

Laharl Was Right About Gill I Too Have Noticed He Has Not Fought With People Anymore Maybe The Mods Bitch Slapped Him Around Lol

Heh..I knew you would. Thanks for the support. As far as Gill goes, he is nicer these days but his advice is thourogh and to the point. Sound's like a win/win to me...lol!

It's a little strange to see you in this anger. Actually, I was thinking on joining MFG, but after what you said, better not.

It's cool. Things seem mellow there right now. But then again, I don't hang out there as much lately. There are some REALLY cool individuals there with great feedback and encouraging words. Just ignore the idiots who want to act tough. And the aristocrats who sandwich their indebt, technical advice between "basher bread"...well there mostly there to stay. They look out for each other and REALLY I can't blame them. It's what friends do and most of the admin consider themselves friends. I just recently told a good friend of mine to remain humble in the face of an overconfident fool. :defend: But if the "fecies" hit's the fan...I've got his back...

its totally ok to join at MFG, im a member there as well & i do post from time to time,

...yep. That's where I first met "Zom_B"...

in that case i wouldnt post anything of my work on mfg sure they give good feed back at times but they get confused on how to handle feedback if you can even get that they mostly bash things alot or they ignore what you post becuse its something they dont like id just post here at least people do help you here

Yea we help here and it's pretty laid back. We allow necroposting, which is strickly FORBIDDEN at...well...any other site I've been to. But, the Guild has alot of exprerienced contributors. Make friends, listen and you'll get a lot of good advice. Then you can invite them here, help build this community and eliminate the hassle of having to deal with the Guild. Think about it...

I admit that it can be bad at times, but avoiding MFG is a bit much. You could get ALOT better feedback there than you do this forum. Just saying xp

Take it from someone who has already went up that road, post it there, and you will get good feedback. The troll comments are only a bonus, and don't happen all the time :)

Wise words from a wise...uh...person? I would assume "EX" is a guy, but you never know. What I do know is that he's right. And he's been around long enough to know what's he's talking about.

You really intrigue me, EX. you seldom post comments. Mostly your creations. Your skill is in a league of it's own, yet you're very humble. You don't leave a whole lot of feedback here, but you've commented on THIS post TWICE. The stage is mediocore at best, so it must be the story behind the stage. Is it a story you can relate to? Have you and "Buttflare" crossed swords? Were you singled out by the Guild? Your story MUST be an intersting one.

:goodmood: Feel free to share your thoughts...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Actually, I'm not a creator...yet. I planned to think about chars that I want to create but I need time.

Just Be Careful Get Some Beta Testers And Be Careful Of Flamers Trust Me There Are Some Around, But Mugenguild Is The Best Place To Get Feedback, But For Some Reason I Got No Feedback There At All, I Wonder Why...


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