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You two need a roleplay thread...or settle in Smash. Heh...although my boy Trini might go O.P. on yah and he'll never take real damage.

isnt that why oi left in the first place.. trini (or someone else i have bad memory) kept interupting ppl unwarantedly.

and i hold grudges too much for it to be "sttled" in anything.

but all in all i actually like trini. so pick on him. like a 5th grader


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isnt that why oi left in the first place.. trini (or someone else i have bad memory) kept interupting ppl unwarantedly.

and i hold grudges too much for it to be "sttled" in anything.

but all in all i actually like trini. so pick on him. like a 5th grader

Ah, come on! I did absolutely nothing awful to you.

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I am good in MUGEN coding

I found at least a dozen bugs in your character (I forgot it's name rip), and you didn't even fix it. I am not sure about the definition of "good" you have in your mind, but if your character's attacks are spammable when the enemy is in the corner; then your coding is not good at least by my, and probably many other's, standards.
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I found at least a dozen bugs in your character (I forgot it's name rip), and you didn't even fix it. I am not sure about the definition of "good" you have in your mind, but if your character's attacks are spammable when the enemy is in the corner; then your coding is not good at least by my, and probably many other's, standards.

Considering that it's Gopal who just said this.....

True or are you fucking around?

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You don't even know, why they would want someone like me.

I mean, I am relatively good in MUGEN coding. Not to brag, just stating facts, that's all.


Again, I am good in MUGEN coding (even released a few characters for MUGEN).

Sheesh, why are people being so picky nowadays? Why cannot THAT be already a standard?


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I am good in coding, what the hell is wrong with you!

Tell me at least 10 bugs you can find in my Flareon. I dare you!


I found at least a dozen bugs in your character (I forgot it's name rip), and you didn't even fix it. I am not sure about the definition of "good" you have in your mind, but if your character's attacks are spammable when the enemy is in the corner; then your coding is not good at least by my, and probably many other's, standards.

Rober Pasta's attacks are NOT spammable, what the hell is wrong with you?

EDIT: Looks like testing with Training by Stupa was not enough. Daniel just told me, what exactly is wrong, and I went ahead and fixed it.

Like I said, I'm not perfect. Actually, nobody is perfect.

However, I'm also far away from being awful, and at least I don't ignore feedback.

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Actually, I never released that character in the first place.

Syncro got it secretly through the MFFA chat...at least, that's how I remembered it.

But anyway, I want to improve, so if I release characters, I do want feedback, no matter how harsh it is.

And I, of course, will take a look at it, so both me and my character can improve.

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