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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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The creature proceeded to roll forwards and to the left of Lightflare, causing the axe blade that was lodged into its back to finally cut through the flesh, the blade taking a somewhat sizable chunk out of its back, though this seemed to do little to slow the creature down. Because of this, both of the punches aimed at it would narrowly miss their mark, though the orbs would strike the creature, this time appearing to have a proper effect as it seemed to take a moment for the creature to fully stand up. 

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17 hours ago, A person said:

The creature proceeded to roll forwards and to the left of Lightflare, causing the axe blade that was lodged into its back to finally cut through the flesh, the blade taking a somewhat sizable chunk out of its back, though this seemed to do little to slow the creature down. Because of this, both of the punches aimed at it would narrowly miss their mark, though the orbs would strike the creature, this time appearing to have a proper effect as it seemed to take a moment for the creature to fully stand up. 



Time to tag up, Melina!



Lets take him down!


LightFlare quickly lunges toward the beast and perfoms a rising uppercut capable of connecting multiple time and sending the beast into the air. Simultaneously Melina executes a hard hitting combo capable of sending the creature into the air if it connects. Both LightFlare and Melina time their attacks so their last strikes connect at the same time.




I'm going to crush YOUR SKULL! KUUUUUAAAAH!



If Melina's and Light's attack manages to launch the creature, Anwalt will leap into the air, grab the beast and drop it on its head with a mid air suplex. If Melina's and LightFlare's attacks do not send it into the air, Anwalt will perform a Black Doom Spear, a powerful punch aimed at the creatures head.



Kill it! Kill it! KILL IT!


While this going on Umbra leaps through the portal while pulling his axe back towards him. If Anwalts suplex connects, Umbra will attempt to deliver an axe blow to the creatures neck while it is on the ground. If Anwalt does not connect with the suplex, Umbra will simply take a defensive stance.



We're almost there! Flame Fusion!



Lucent casts Flame Fusion on Melina.


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 7/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. LightFlare

Protect(Defense stat up for 2 turns)


5. Anwalt Vermillion

Flame Fusion(Attack power up for 1 turns)


6. Melina Braveheart

Flame Fusion(Attack power up for 3 turns)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Raina prepared her next attack - several orbs that would target the monster from different, intending to keep him from absorbing all of the orbs. The temptation to go in close was there, but she held it back.


Flandre, meanwhile, dashed toward the monster, intending to slam into the creature with a hard punch.




Sasuke's chidori is charged and ready - he moves forward towards the monster, before using a substitution technique to switch places with one of Raina's orbs to instead pierce the monster's side rather than a frontal attack.

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The barrage of attacks all struck the creature at the same time. This appeared to be too much for the creature, as it was soon fell backwards and faded into a somewhat large puddle of purple goo. Shadows seemed to be visible around it, but it did not take the same shape as the creature's body. With the creature's defeat, the vortex soon close, leaving the goo that once made up the creature's body behind. 

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7 hours ago, A person said:

The barrage of attacks all struck the creature at the same time. This appeared to be too much for the creature, as it was soon fell backwards and faded into a somewhat large puddle of purple goo. Shadows seemed to be visible around it, but it did not take the same shape as the creature's body. With the creature's defeat, the vortex soon close, leaving the goo that once made up the creature's body behind. 



Is it dead? 



Looks that way. Though that goo worries me. 



The creature has dissolved...but...something remains.



Yeah! This putrid purple poop! Uuhhh...



No...he's right. Something still lingers here. I don't think that creature even had a mind of it's own. It fealt..."possessed."



That battle was intense and out of nowhere. Like that creature literally fell from the sky. Could it be possible something else is here as well and we don't know it?



That's exactly what I think. But it's close...almost like it's among us. Or at least...watching us. 



I'd expect this type of thing back home. But here!? Heh...some vacation this turned out to be.


The others continue to speculate as LightFlare stares at the purple goo and the strange "shadows"...



(I know you're there. But why aren't you making a move? Or am I just imagining things?)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"If something out of that thing survived, it will likely have retreated. Unless that goo springs back to life there's no point in worrying too much."



"Although I must admit, I feel that thing was sent to test the waters so to speak."


Lilith then noticed the presence of Sasuke and Flandre.



"Oh, I didn't realize we had others that got dragged into this."

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On 12/16/2019 at 3:14 AM, A person said:

The barrage of attacks all struck the creature at the same time. This appeared to be too much for the creature, as it was soon fell backwards and faded into a somewhat large puddle of purple goo. Shadows seemed to be visible around it, but it did not take the same shape as the creature's body. With the creature's defeat, the vortex soon close, leaving the goo that once made up the creature's body behind. 





Although the monster had been defeated, Raina didn't come down from her position in the air. Whatever those shadows were boded poorly. Sasuke seemed to have the same idea, though he was looking more towards the vortex that brought the monster to this place in the first place, wondering the exact nature of the portal.


Flandre, on the other hand, didn't really pay attention, flying towards Raina.


"Hey Raina! It's been a while!"


"A... while?" Raina responded, confused.


"Yeah, it's been so long! Don't tell me you forgot?"



On 12/17/2019 at 5:04 AM, Darkflare said:

Lilith then noticed the presence of Sasuke and Flandre.



"Oh, I didn't realize we had others that got dragged into this."





"I can't speak for that girl, but I knew that monster was a threat and simply acted."


Sasuke had a feeling that that creature, like himself, was from outside this world. Perhaps learning more about that monster would help him learn about both the Otsutsuki clan and provide a path home... he had to consider how difficult it would be though for a ninja to face off against those monsters...



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The battle was over and the fighters begin to realize that they were among new faces...


On 12/17/2019 at 5:04 AM, Darkflare said:


"Oh, I didn't realize we had others that got dragged into this."



(Who are they?)


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:




Although the monster had been defeated, Raina didn't come down from her position in the air. Whatever those shadows were boded poorly. Sasuke seemed to have the same idea, though he was looking more towards the vortex that brought the monster to this place in the first place, wondering the exact nature of the portal.


Flandre, on the other hand, didn't really pay attention, flying towards Raina.


"Hey Raina! It's been a while!"


"A... while?" Raina responded, confused.


"Yeah, it's been so long! Don't tell me you forgot?"



Flandre! I see you decided to join us. I guess I won't need to reunite you with your old friend.



So you know her?


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"I can't speak for that girl, but I knew that monster was a threat and simply acted."


Sasuke had a feeling that that creature, like himself, was from outside this world. Perhaps learning more about that monster would help him learn about both the Otsutsuki clan and provide a path home... he had to consider how difficult it would be though for a ninja to face off against those monsters...



I saw you and the others attack the creature along side us. I immediately buffed you. It was obvious you were on our side.



That was some quick thinking.



I'm glad I could help. Is everyone ok?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"I'm fine."


The mecha maids that have come out to investigate begin to approach the group.


"No casualties and minimum damage. Not bad."


Though the words came from one of the mecha maids, the voice itself was Flare's who was using them to communicate with them.


"Well, whatever that was may be gone now, but it will probably have friends coming by to avenge it. Royal guards will want to know the details, so please let them know what you found out fighting that thing."

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On 12/18/2019 at 10:43 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Flandre! I see you decided to join us. I guess I won't need to reunite you with your old friend.



So you know her?





"Course I do!"




"I... don't believe we do?"


Raina hadn't ever met the kid in red who was talking to her, the kid with powers much like those of her home Fantasia. However, she clearly knew her. Did the incident that brought Raina to this world also take away memories? Was it possible that Flandre knew a Raina, but she wasn't that Raina?


"Don't you remember everything we did?"


"Maybe I'm not your Raina?" the shrinemaiden supplied, trying to make sense of the situation.


"Hmm...," Flandre thought about it, "maybe what happened is that those gap ladies tried to bring you back but they messed up?"


Speaking of a gap demon was unexpected - the idea of multiple even more so. Raina had only ever known one and believed her to be a one of a kind type of monster. If there were multiple...



On 12/18/2019 at 10:43 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




I saw you and the others attack the creature along side us. I immediately buffed you. It was obvious you were on our side.



That was some quick thinking.



I'm glad I could help. Is everyone ok?





"I'm unharmed," Sasuke responded. He glanced over towards Raina and Flandre - the two appeared to be uninjured as well.


'Where have I seen them before?' he thought. He'd seen Raina in the lobby, but the other girl was by all means unknown, and yet...

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On 12/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, Darkflare said:


"I'm fine."



I'm ok, as well.



Luckily, we all worked together. Making it hard for it to zero in on us. Although I must admit...it didn't have a ton of trouble getting a close to me in particular.



What's the matter, Light. Can't handle a little attention from a portal hopping, homicidal monster from...well, who knows where?



I don't mind a little touchy feely except when it involves impaling my abdomen.


Yeah. Lucky for that creature he never touched me. Or else he'd be even less than a puddle of goo right now.



Hahahaha! Sure! Whatever helps you sleep at night "Mr Yakuza Tough Guy!" Hahahaha!



Careful what you say. You may live to regret it...or not...



5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"I'm unharmed," Sasuke responded. He glanced over towards Raina and Flandre - the two appeared to be uninjured as well.



That's good news. Thanks you all for joining the fight.


On 12/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, Darkflare said:


The mecha maids that have come out to investigate begin to approach the group.


"No casualties and minimum damage. Not bad."


Though the words came from one of the mecha maids, the voice itself was Flare's who was using them to communicate with them.


"Well, whatever that was may be gone now, but it will probably have friends coming by to avenge it. Royal guards will want to know the details, so please let them know what you found out fighting that thing."





LightFlare shares the knowledge gained during the battle with the mecha maids.


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"I... don't believe we do?"


Raina hadn't ever met the kid in red who was talking to her, the kid with powers much like those of her home Fantasia. However, she clearly knew her. Did the incident that brought Raina to this world also take away memories? Was it possible that Flandre knew a Raina, but she wasn't that Raina?


"Don't you remember everything we did?"


"Maybe I'm not your Raina?" the shrinemaiden supplied, trying to make sense of the situation.


"Hmm...," Flandre thought about it, "maybe what happened is that those gap ladies tried to bring you back but they messed up?"



Well...I guess we're all just strangers in a strange land then. Maybe she's a fan. She sure seems to have a similar fashion sense.



At least SOMEONE does...



Whatever you say, Wolfwood.








Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 12/19/2019 at 2:16 PM, Darkflare said:


"I'm fine."


The mecha maids that have come out to investigate begin to approach the group.


"No casualties and minimum damage. Not bad."


Though the words came from one of the mecha maids, the voice itself was Flare's who was using them to communicate with them.


"Well, whatever that was may be gone now, but it will probably have friends coming by to avenge it. Royal guards will want to know the details, so please let them know what you found out fighting that thing."


On 12/20/2019 at 9:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




LightFlare shares the knowledge gained during the battle with the mecha maids.



Sasuke shares his observations of the beast as well, especially the fact that it seems to observe the world through something other than human sight. He also notes that while it was able to absorb energy projectiles, it never did such with physical kunai.



On 12/20/2019 at 9:07 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Well...I guess we're all just strangers in a strange land then. Maybe she's a fan. She sure seems to have a similar fashion sense.





"Hmm. Maybe," Raina replied, though she wasn't satisfied with the explanation.




"That works! So, now what??" Flan asked.

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"Perhaps we should look around this city to make sure more of these things didn't appear."


"Don't be so reckless in chasing after them. I'll check the news and see if they mention anything, but you should come back if you need anything."

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On 12/24/2019 at 4:37 PM, Dumanios said:



"Hmm. Maybe," Raina replied, though she wasn't satisfied with the explanation.




"That works! So, now what??" Flan asked.



While you two figure that out, I think we need to make sure this area is clear.



Ready to get your butt literally handed to you, Boulder Brains?



Umbra's right, Anwalt. We need to access the situation first.


On 12/24/2019 at 8:02 PM, Darkflare said:


"Perhaps we should look around this city to make sure more of these things didn't appear."



See!? Now That's what I'm...


On 12/24/2019 at 8:02 PM, Darkflare said:

"Don't be so reckless in chasing after them. I'll check the news and see if they mention anything, but you should come back if you need anything."



Well...I actually agree with Darkflare on this. Although the fact that the words are coming from another body helps me process this a bit better, heh. Let's head inside. When the Royal Guards show up, we can talk to them then.



Meh...I suppose...






I'm cool with that.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 12/26/2019 at 10:56 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well...I actually agree with Darkflare on this. Although the fact that the words are coming from another body helps me process this a bit better, heh. Let's head inside. When the Royal Guards show up, we can talk to them then.



Meh...I suppose...






I'm cool with that.





"I'd be fine with coming."




"Wait, before everyone leaves what about Penny? Maybe I should stay here with her?"

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On 12/26/2019 at 11:56 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Well...I actually agree with Darkflare on this. Although the fact that the words are coming from another body helps me process this a bit better, heh. Let's head inside. When the Royal Guards show up, we can talk to them then


"Well, this is interesting. I was already prepared to expect you to want to search for more of these things."


"I wonder what happened to make him make that decision. I'm not going to complain, seems like even you can learn to play it smart at some point."

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On 1/1/2020 at 12:33 AM, Dumanios said:





"I'd be fine with coming."




"Wait, before everyone leaves what about Penny? Maybe I should stay here with her?"



Don't worry. Penny is already inside. We'll check on her when we go inside the Hangout.


On 1/2/2020 at 3:50 AM, Darkflare said:


"Well, this is interesting. I was already prepared to expect you to want to search for more of these things."


"I wonder what happened to make him make that decision. I'm not going to complain, seems like even you can learn to play it smart at some point."



I have my moments. Anyway, lets head inside. I'm sure the entire lobby is wondering what happened by this point. Something tells me this isn't an isolated event...


LightFlare, Melina, Anwalt, Umbra and Lucent head inside the hangout.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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As soon as the group made their way into the hangout, Penelope was there to greet them. She immediately ran over to them, clearly very worried about them.



Penelope: Omigosh, what the heck was that thing? Are you guys okay? Did it do some weird super infection thingy?!

Not long after the girl worried about(and hoped for) something weird having happened to them, a young man made his way in after them. He whistles upon entering the building.






???: My my, quite a crowd here. Seems like I've come to the right place.


The young man was dressed in a fine suit, far different from the common armor usually worn by a guard, though he was being shadowed by one of the guard robots that had been previously seen. Behind him, the guards could be seen finally arriving on the site, closing off the area with barriers to prevent entry and exit. The young male made his way further in, putting on a friendly face. He was quite tall, standing at an imposing 6'5", and had a strange air about him, though there was no doubt that, were here a part of any guard or police force, he was most definitely high ranking. He cleared his throat.



???: I am truly sorry for the sudden intrusion, but, there have been reports of a strange occurrence within this area. One that...mmm...may have involved some form of portal, or vortex suddenly forming in the sky, and a creature falling out from it. The king himself would be interested in hearing about it, if so...


Penelope remained tight-lipped as soon as he showed himself. His height alone was enough to keep her quiet.





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Flare took a gander at outside the building, noticing the guards setting up outside. He simply lets out a sigh.



"Why are you making it look like I'm harboring the monster here?"



"That monster is taken cared of, as far as we know. We were wondering if more of those things have shown up elsewhere. I believe that monster was just the beginning."

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35 minutes ago, Darkflare said:




Flare took a gander at outside the building, noticing the guards setting up outside. He simply lets out a sigh.



"Why are you making it look like I'm harboring the monster here?"



He's got a point...


2 hours ago, A person said:


Penelope: Omigosh, what the heck was that thing? Are you guys okay? Did it do some weird super infection thingy?!



Hey, hun! Don't worry. We sent that thing packing!



Luckily we had it outnumbered. A one on one fight with that thing may have gone differently...



Speak for yourself, "Light Bulb!" I could've took that thing on my own with one hand tied behind....


Before Umbra could finish telling and obvious lie, someone new and seemingly important walked into the Hideout...


2 hours ago, A person said:


???: I am truly sorry for the sudden intrusion, but, there have been reports of a strange occurrence within this area. One that...mmm...may have involved some form of portal, or vortex suddenly forming in the sky, and a creature falling out from it. The king himself would be interested in hearing about it, if so...



Hello. My name is Anwlat Vermillion. I believe I could be of assistance. To whom am I speaking to?


35 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"That monster is taken cared of, as far as we know. We were wondering if more of those things have shown up elsewhere. I believe that monster was just the beginning."



I have to agree wholeheartedly. I still question if it ever truly..."left".


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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34 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Hello. My name is Anwlat Vermillion. I believe I could be of assistance. To whom am I speaking to?

The man proceeded to bow.



Detective Abraxas: Ah, where are my manners! I am Abraxas Haydn, a detective of sorts. I am the one His Majesty goes to when a case proves to be...abnormal.


59 minutes ago, Darkflare said:




Flare took a gander at outside the building, noticing the guards setting up outside. He simply lets out a sigh.



"Why are you making it look like I'm harboring the monster here?"

The man chuckled, seeming to find humor in the situation.



Detective Abraxas: Haha, you don't have to worry; the goo in front of the building is enough proof for us.


However, his amusement quickly faded away.



Detective Abraxas: What we are doing is ensuring that, should another appear, it doesn't manage to escape.

1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"That monster is taken cared of, as far as we know. We were wondering if more of those things have shown up elsewhere. I believe that monster was just the beginning."


24 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I have to agree wholeheartedly. I still question if it ever truly..."left".


Detective Abraxas: Normally, I would not be so keen on sharing that information with you. However, considering the cirumstances...



Detective Abraxas: That was not the only one of its kind. Perhaps you may have seen the previous scene on your way here? That, too,, was another occurrence of the same type: a vortex appears, a creature leaps out of it and causes havoc. We were able to dispatch the creature before we suffered any casualties, and had the same result as the creature you slew outside. I can confirm that the creature was no longer a threat after its body collapsed into the strange goo; I have a feeling the same applies to your situation. But...



Detective Abraxas: Those vortexes can reform at any given moment. There are currently five other sites that are actively being monitored at the moment, three of which have reopened and created multiple creatures, each different from the last one. Intel also reports that activity is greater outside of the city and within Applebell Forest. And all of this has begun happening within the last week.



Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is.

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36 minutes ago, A person said:


Detective Abraxas: Ah, where are my manners! I am Abraxas Haydn, a detective of sorts. I am the one His Majesty goes to when a case proves to be...abnormal.



Nice to meet you, Detective.


38 minutes ago, A person said:


Detective Abraxas: What we are doing is ensuring that, should another appear, it doesn't manage to escape.



I guess you have a valid point as well.


43 minutes ago, A person said:
1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Detective Abraxas: Normally, I would not be so keen on sharing that information with you. However, considering the cirumstances...



Detective Abraxas: That was not the only one of its kind. Perhaps you may have seen the previous scene on your way here? That, too,, was another occurrence of the same type: a vortex appears, a creature leaps out of it and causes havoc. We were able to dispatch the creature before we suffered any casualties, and had the same result as the creature you slew outside. I can confirm that the creature was no longer a threat after its body collapsed into the strange goo; I have a feeling the same applies to your situation. But...



Detective Abraxas: Those vortexes can reform at any given moment. There are currently five other sites that are actively being monitored at the moment, three of which have reopened and created multiple creatures, each different from the last one. Intel also reports that activity is greater outside of the city and within Applebell Forest. And all of this has begun happening within the last week.



Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is.



Ah...I can keep a secret, Detective. I have quite a few of my own.



Don't we all...



Speaking of secrets, detective. The name's LightFlare. I have a question. What did you do to defeat the creature you fought? And have they shared any common weaknesses? We were able to overwhelm it but that might not always be the case. If I may ask, is there any obvious weapons or...well anything that work best?



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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6 hours ago, A person said:

As soon as the group made their way into the hangout, Penelope was there to greet them. She immediately ran over to them, clearly very worried about them.



Penelope: Omigosh, what the heck was that thing? Are you guys okay? Did it do some weird super infection thingy?!

Not long after the girl worried about(and hoped for) something weird having happened to them, a young man made his way in after them. He whistles upon entering the building.



  Reveal hidden contents



???: My my, quite a crowd here. Seems like I've come to the right place.


The young man was dressed in a fine suit, far different from the common armor usually worn by a guard, though he was being shadowed by one of the guard robots that had been previously seen. Behind him, the guards could be seen finally arriving on the site, closing off the area with barriers to prevent entry and exit. The young male made his way further in, putting on a friendly face. He was quite tall, standing at an imposing 6'5", and had a strange air about him, though there was no doubt that, were here a part of any guard or police force, he was most definitely high ranking. He cleared his throat.



???: I am truly sorry for the sudden intrusion, but, there have been reports of a strange occurrence within this area. One that...mmm...may have involved some form of portal, or vortex suddenly forming in the sky, and a creature falling out from it. The king himself would be interested in hearing about it, if so...


Penelope remained tight-lipped as soon as he showed himself. His height alone was enough to keep her quiet.









"I don't know what that was but it was kinda scary and very ugly. I'm okay though and I don't think there's any infection things going on."


6 hours ago, A person said:



???: My my, quite a crowd here. Seems like I've come to the right place.


The young man was dressed in a fine suit, far different from the common armor usually worn by a guard, though he was being shadowed by one of the guard robots that had been previously seen. Behind him, the guards could be seen finally arriving on the site, closing off the area with barriers to prevent entry and exit. The young male made his way further in, putting on a friendly face. He was quite tall, standing at an imposing 6'5", and had a strange air about him, though there was no doubt that, were here a part of any guard or police force, he was most definitely high ranking. He cleared his throat.



???: I am truly sorry for the sudden intrusion, but, there have been reports of a strange occurrence within this area. One that...mmm...may have involved some form of portal, or vortex suddenly forming in the sky, and a creature falling out from it. The king himself would be interested in hearing about it, if so...


Penelope remained tight-lipped as soon as he showed himself. His height alone was enough to keep her quiet.






Raina listened in on the conversation. Anwalt and Darkflare had taken the opening initiative in it.


2 hours ago, A person said:


Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is.




"You're secrets are safe with us... there are more of those creatures?"

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On 1/7/2020 at 10:17 PM, A person said:


Detective Abraxas: Would you happen to have anymore questions about the situation? Oh, and do please keep this information to yourselves; sight of the vortexes is causing enough of a panic as it is.


On 1/8/2020 at 12:06 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Speaking of secrets, detective. The name's LightFlare. I have a question. What did you do to defeat the creature you fought? And have they shared any common weaknesses? We were able to overwhelm it but that might not always be the case. If I may ask, is there any obvious weapons or...well anything that work best?



"I have the same question. While I don't plan on actively seeking these things out, it would be better if we knew the best way to deal with them should we get caught having to fight another of them."

On 1/7/2020 at 10:17 PM, A person said:

The man chuckled, seeming to find humor in the situation.



Detective Abraxas: Haha, you don't have to worry; the goo in front of the building is enough proof for us.


However, his amusement quickly faded away.



Detective Abraxas: What we are doing is ensuring that, should another appear, it doesn't manage to escape.



"Just doing your job. I just don't want any misunderstandings. I mean, some of their majesty's knights have passed by here for training after all."

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