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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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After hearing the explanation of the map, Lucent started to consider a strategy for them. Anwalt and Umbra saw Lilith take off to her team.



Anwalt: Well, we're gonna need a strategy. Lilith and the other won't give us a simple pushover.


Umbra: I think we already have one. Isn't that right, Lord Lucent?


Lucent: ... Alright, I thought onto something. Listen closely.


BGM: Trial Underground



Lucent: We already have to count the fact that our opponents, from the most part of it, are unknown to us. Their skills and abilites will be learned throughout the training. I would say they have an advantage over us because of Lilith, but I can dismiss that.


Umbra: Even if she was to explain whatever she saw about us, just talk doesn't mean the real thing. A lot of our specialities are still very unknown, even to each other.


Lucent: Exactly. This is why we'll need to have to fill roles here. Considering our situation, this distribution  I planned should work nicely.


Lucent: Anwalt, we will make use of your damage absorption so you'll take the role of the defender. Your idea is to secure kills, but we also need you alert when the invader comes out. In the 20 seconds they have to attack us, we'll need you sustaining the hits and building up your own damage for the later fights.


Anwalt: A high risk, high reward task for me? Nice, I like it!


Lucent: Melina, your focus will be on damage distribution. Your attack power seems slightly subpar compared to Anwalt, but you have speed to back you up. Focus on attacking as many targets as possible. Your own personal skill seems to help you on that, but I'll cover that up with buffs so you can leave your trick to the last shot. Be careful, though, and don't get overconfident or else the enemy will swipe you.


Lucent: Raina, your magic skills at long distance are your prime asset, so having you airborne for most of the time will be a good position. With an amplified sight of the field in the air, you should be able to check whether enemies and the invader are arriving, as well as doing damage distribution from afar. We'll be counting on you as our long-distance fighter.


Lucent: Umbra, you'll join the front field with Anwalt, Melina and Light but in the moment the portal opens, you're to be deployed as our invader. Your high mobility and wolf summoning might help us on distraction and since this is a role you wish to fulfill, I see no better person.


Umbra: My wolves aren't the only things they'll worry about, I can assure you that much.


Lucent: Light, you'll take the versatile role and be our shot and long distant fighter all at once. Your power is incredible and potent so I can trust you to do the right thing. You'll help on all spots, whether against enemies or helping Anwalt with the invader. Just be sure to be accurate enough to not hit us. You know your power and your fighting style more than myself to know the possibilities of you hitting us.


Anwalt: That leaves you as the healer and buffer from our team, right? You'll be covering our damages and giving us those sweet power-ups to our abilities, making us even more deadly on our roles.


Lucent: Yes. Albeit my magic works on single target, I'll be focusing on giving you buffs according to your roles. My main focus will be on healing and buffing, so I'll attack only when needed.


Umbra: Wait, that makes you as our team's main target! Forget my role, I'm going to protect you!


Lucent: Please don't. I want to try this on my own. If I get attacked, I'll counter at will. If necessary, I'll change to my dark grimoire in the middle of the fight and use the Nightmares to aid me. I'll try to stay close to the team for as long as I'm able to.


Umbra: I'm not agreeing entirely with this but I'm not going to discuss it any longer...


Lucent: This is the insight I have thus far. If someone has a different opinion, I'd like to hear it and discuss it while we still have the time.


Anwalt: I don't have objections. I liked my role!


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53 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: I'm not agreeing entirely with this but I'm not going to discuss it any longer...


Lucent: This is the insight I have thus far. If someone has a different opinion, I'd like to hear it and discuss it while we still have the time.


Anwalt: I don't have objections. I liked my role!



Sounds solid. I'll do my best.



My powers may seem explosive at times...but I know how to pace myself.



Subpar...heh. Just try not to get sniped. Sit "too" still and the chick with the quiver on her back might end your turn early. Don't worry. I'll cripple her before she can fire a shot. Ready when you guys are.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 5/27/2019 at 10:28 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

After hearing the explanation of the map, Lucent started to consider a strategy for them. Anwalt and Umbra saw Lilith take off to her team.



Anwalt: Well, we're gonna need a strategy. Lilith and the other won't give us a simple pushover.


Umbra: I think we already have one. Isn't that right, Lord Lucent?


Lucent: ... Alright, I thought onto something. Listen closely.


BGM: Trial Underground



Lucent: We already have to count the fact that our opponents, from the most part of it, are unknown to us. Their skills and abilites will be learned throughout the training. I would say they have an advantage over us because of Lilith, but I can dismiss that.


Umbra: Even if she was to explain whatever she saw about us, just talk doesn't mean the real thing. A lot of our specialities are still very unknown, even to each other.


Lucent: Exactly. This is why we'll need to have to fill roles here. Considering our situation, this distribution  I planned should work nicely.




On 5/27/2019 at 10:28 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Raina, your magic skills at long distance are your prime asset, so having you airborne for most of the time will be a good position. With an amplified sight of the field in the air, you should be able to check whether enemies and the invader are arriving, as well as doing damage distribution from afar. We'll be counting on you as our long-distance fighter.





"Sounds good. Ready when you are."

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The groups would begin to be lead into their respective arenas. Raph signaled some nearby mages who all proceeded to cooperate with each other to bring the groups into the center via teleportation magic. 



"Counting down..."


The group arrives in the center, what appears to be plains. They could see every other area and how they sort of merged with each other in their respective edges.



"3...2...1...Training drill started. Let's start off cool and easy. Your first wave is in the arctic area."


Off in the arctic area, the enemies would begin making themselves visible. A group of snow coat wearing soldiers surrounded by floating sphere drones would begin to patrol the area. Until the group entered the area or shot them from afar they would continue to wander around the area.



Sphere drones

Floating drones designed to patrol areas. Will emit a loud alarm to let others know once an enemy has been spotted. They rapid fire energy beams at their enemies. They're capable of flying and shooting at the same time.


Snow Soldiers

Basic grunts with equipment to work in cold fields. They carry energy rifles that fire automatic shots or can be charged to fire one powerful beam.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x10

Snow soldiers x5


Invasion Portal: Off (0/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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BGM: Trial Underground still playing


On 5/29/2019 at 6:17 AM, Darkflare said:

The groups would begin to be lead into their respective arenas. Raph signaled some nearby mages who all proceeded to cooperate with each other to bring the groups into the center via teleportation magic. 



"Counting down..."


The group arrives in the center, what appears to be plains. They could see every other area and how they sort of merged with each other in their respective edges.



With the teleportation magic in play, the teams were teleported to the plains in the center of the map. 



Anwalt: Whoa, we're in!


Umbra: All that we need is the start and we can rush in.


On 5/29/2019 at 6:17 AM, Darkflare said:


"3...2...1...Training drill started. Let's start off cool and easy. Your first wave is in the arctic area."


BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO Remix)



Anwalt: Time to pile on some AI! Let's head in!


Umbra: Time to kill!

Lucent: I won't let us lose!


Anwalt and Umbra ran towards the arctic area with Lucent following them on flight. The training began and they were in for the victory. The trio was the first to step in the area.


On 5/29/2019 at 6:17 AM, Darkflare said:

Off in the arctic area, the enemies would begin making themselves visible. A group of snow coat wearing soldiers surrounded by floating sphere drones would begin to patrol the area. Until the group entered the area or shot them from afar they would continue to wander around the area.


Upon entering the arctic area, Anwalt, Lucent and Umbra hid behind a frozen rock. The moment their steps were made, the drones seemed to get more active, searching for whoever stepped in.



Anwalt: They gotta be searching for us. Should we attack right now?


Lucent: Wait until the others arrive. We can't risk any jump-in without the rest here.


Anwalt: Got it. Let's try not to call attention then.


Umbra: The enemies seem really attentive, so I bet we already caught their focus. One misstep now and we're caught.


Lucent: We need the right moment to misstep, though. Right now isn't that moment.


Lucent called upon the Kiravel grimoire and held it tight. Anwalt and Umbra kept themselves at attack position, ready to jump in as soon as the attack possibility appeared.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 0%


2. Umbra

Soul of Chaos: Inactive


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10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


With the teleportation magic in play, the teams were teleported to the plains in the center of the map



We're here...



Let's get this show on the road...


10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt and Umbra ran towards the arctic area with Lucent following them on flight. The training began and they were in for the victory. The trio was the first to step in the area.


Melina and LightFlare slowly follow behind them.


10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Upon entering the arctic area, Anwalt, Lucent and Umbra hid behind a frozen rock. The moment their steps were made, the drones seemed to get more active, searching for whoever stepped in.



Over there. Behind that rock...


10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent called upon the Kiravel grimoire and held it tight. Anwalt and Umbra kept themselves at attack position, ready to jump in as soon as the attack possibility appeared.



Raina shouldn't be far behind. But I suggest we use projectile attacks to take out several of the drones at once before they have a chance to react. Then move in according to what we discussed. Umbra, Walt and Melina toward the front. Me and Raina at mid range. Lucent in the back. Walt and Melina focus on ground units. Umbra can help while keeping an eye on drones. Me and Raina will focus primarily on drones.



Light...we still need to keep and eye on your teamates. We may need to switch roles or help the other. But I do agree with Light's format. If you agree Lucent, we'll move on your cue.



Once the word is given and you guys start, I'll pick a drone, snipe it and move in. 



I'll move in once the first drone is down...just say the word.





Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Over there. Behind that rock...




Raina shouldn't be far behind. But I suggest we use projectile attacks to take out several of the drones at once before they have a chance to react. Then move in according to what we discussed. Umbra, Walt and Melina toward the front. Me and Raina at mid range. Lucent in the back. Walt and Melina focus on ground units. Umbra can help while keeping an eye on drones. Me and Raina will focus primarily on drones.



Light...we still need to keep and eye on your teamates. We may need to switch roles or help the other. But I do agree with Light's format. If you agree Lucent, we'll move on your cue.



Once the word is given and you guys start, I'll pick a drone, snipe it and move in. 



I'll move in once the first drone is down...just say the word.





"I'm ready when you guys are," Raina said.


Five soldiers who looked better equipped than the pirates they'd encountered earlier, along with ten... orbs? These drones were an unknown to Raina, but the rest of the party seemed to regard them with little threat.


Raina had a set of cards in her right hand, but made no move to use them yet. Not until her teammates were prepared.

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BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO REMIX) still playing


10 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Raina shouldn't be far behind. But I suggest we use projectile attacks to take out several of the drones at once before they have a chance to react. Then move in according to what we discussed. Umbra, Walt and Melina toward the front. Me and Raina at mid range. Lucent in the back. Walt and Melina focus on ground units. Umbra can help while keeping an eye on drones. Me and Raina will focus primarily on drones.



Light...we still need to keep and eye on your teamates. We may need to switch roles or help the other. But I do agree with Light's format. If you agree Lucent, we'll move on your cue.



Once the word is given and you guys start, I'll pick a drone, snipe it and move in. 



I'll move in once the first drone is down...just say the word.


5 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"I'm ready when you guys are," Raina said.


Five soldiers who looked better equipped than the pirates they'd encountered earlier, along with ten... orbs? These drones were an unknown to Raina, but the rest of the party seemed to regard them with little threat.


Raina had a set of cards in her right hand, but made no move to use them yet. Not until her teammates were prepared.



Lucent: What Melina said is true. Don't follow the strategy blindly. If improvisation and role changing is necessary, do it as you must. With that being said...



Lucent opened his grimoire and began his buffing magic work. With his powers, he uses Chill Focus and grants a Spellstrike to LightFlare, allowing to a 100% hit rate on a single skill usage.



Lucent: This is to make sure that you won't miss the target.


Anwalt: Nice! Whenever you're ready to strike, we'll follow!


Umbra: Hmph. I'll let you have the opener. I want to see your power for myself.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 0%


2. Umbra

Soul of Chaos: Inactive


3. Buffs Given by Lucent

LightFlare's SpellStrike: 1 skill left.


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The drones began to sound an alarm as the soldiers faced the group. The drones began to float higher and spread apart as the soldiers raised their weapons. The drones proceeded to get closer and begin to open fire. Two of the soldiers stayed in the back as they began to charge energy into their weapons as the remaining three followed behind the spheres. One of them proceeded to take out a flashbang and throw it behind the rock.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x10

Snow soldiers x5


Invasion Portal: Off (0/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Hmph. I'll let you have the opener. I want to see your power for myself.



No time like the present...


18 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The drones proceeded to get closer and begin to open fire.



LightFlare roles out from behind the rock as he fires a Light Burst at one of the drones nearby, striking it causing it to explode as he circles around the parameter of the arctic arena.


18 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Two of the soldiers stayed in the back as they began to charge energy into their weapons as the remaining three followed behind the spheres. One of them proceeded to take out a flashbang and throw it behind the rock.



Head's up everybody! 



Melina does a short leap and kicks the grenade back toward the guards in the front before it could explode. She follows LightFlare as she advances around the arena.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 5/31/2019 at 7:01 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO REMIX) still playing





Lucent: What Melina said is true. Don't follow the strategy blindly. If improvisation and role changing is necessary, do it as you must. With that being said...



Lucent opened his grimoire and began his buffing magic work. With his powers, he uses Chill Focus and grants a Spellstrike to LightFlare, allowing to a 100% hit rate on a single skill usage.



Lucent: This is to make sure that you won't miss the target.


Anwalt: Nice! Whenever you're ready to strike, we'll follow!


Umbra: Hmph. I'll let you have the opener. I want to see your power for myself.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 0%


2. Umbra

Soul of Chaos: Inactive


3. Buffs Given by Lucent

LightFlare's SpellStrike: 1 skill left.


On 5/31/2019 at 9:18 PM, Darkflare said:

The drones began to sound an alarm as the soldiers faced the group. The drones began to float higher and spread apart as the soldiers raised their weapons. The drones proceeded to get closer and begin to open fire. Two of the soldiers stayed in the back as they began to charge energy into their weapons as the remaining three followed behind the spheres. One of them proceeded to take out a flashbang and throw it behind the rock.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x10

Snow soldiers x5


Invasion Portal: Off (0/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent




Raina rose into the air and threw a pair of card-like bullets at a pair of drones.

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On 5/31/2019 at 11:19 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


LightFlare roles out from behind the rock as he fires a Light Burst at one of the drones nearby, striking it causing it to explode as he circles around the parameter of the arctic arena.


Thanks to the special buff, Lightflare manages to destroy the drone. However, it has also turned him into a prime target as the nearby drones and soldiers begin to focus their fire on him as they believe him to be out of position from his team. One of the soldiers in the back proceed to assist by firing a charged beam toward him.


On 5/31/2019 at 11:19 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Melina does a short leap and kicks the grenade back toward the guards in the front before it could explode. She follows LightFlare as she advances around the arena.


The grenade gets kicked but unfortunately still manages to explode nearby going far enough to only affect her.


6 hours ago, Dumanios said:





Raina rose into the air and threw a pair of card-like bullets at a pair of drones.


The drones manage to get hit and proceed to fall down exploding on contact with the ground.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x7

Snow soldiers x5


Invasion Portal: Off (3/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO Remix) still playing


As LightFlare, Melina and Raina went on the offensive, three of the drones were sent down. Anwalt, Lucent and Umbra didn't jump out yet, especially because the shooting was fierce.



Anwalt: Freaking bullet hell, I can't go in with those stupid things shooting, even if they're all at Light!


Umbra; Lord Lucent, use an offensive spell on then! It might disperse the enemies and give us an opening!


Lucent: Fine. But after this, I'll cease the attacking and return to my role!



Lucent flew and joined Raina in the air, not standing close to her. Opening his spellbook, he casted Thunderflare in order to disperse the enemies with thunderbolts coming from the air and hoping to hit some of them with his magic.



Anwalt: This might've helped, but what should we do now?


Umbra: I don't know about you, but I'm not going after these stupid robots! Those soldiers are mine!


Umbra called two wolves and went out of hiding. After spinning in midair, he and the familiars converged into one single spinning drill form and went at high speeds after the soldiers. The Drill Fang moved around into a strange pattern, not going exactly into a straight line.



Anwalt: Well, not staying behind on this. You're helping me, rock!


Anwalt grabbed the boulder they were using to hide and threw it at the drones, hoping it would smash some of them.

System Information


System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 0%


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 1/10.



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On 6/3/2019 at 3:58 AM, Darkflare said:

Thanks to the special buff, Lightflare manages to destroy the drone. However, it has also turned him into a prime target as the nearby drones and soldiers begin to focus their fire on him as they believe him to be out of position from his team. One of the soldiers in the back proceed to assist by firing a charged beam toward him.


LightFlare narrowly escapes as he dives behind another large rock. He could hear the blast hitting the other side of the large boulder. The soldiers and the drones were focused on LightFlare leaving them open to the rest of the teams attacks....



Melina! Now's your chance! 


On 6/3/2019 at 3:58 AM, Darkflare said:

The grenade gets kicked but unfortunately still manages to explode nearby going far enough to only affect her.


Melina's back is turned and she able to avoid the flash and but is the bang is unavoidable. Her ears constantly ring and she can't hear LightFlare but she can see LightFlare pinned down behind a large boulder. Lucent had just covered the area were the soldiers were with lighting. Umbra was moving and Walt attacked from afar.





Melina tries to move toward LightFlare...



That noise! Flash grenade! Of course...


LightFlare quickly runs and positions himself in front of Melina. His body flashes yellow as he immediately fires a Light Burst at the guard charging his rifle.




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/3/2019 at 3:58 AM, Darkflare said:

The drones manage to get hit and proceed to fall down exploding on contact with the ground.





With the battle getting hot, Raina tossed another pair of cards toward a second pair of drones that were focused on Lightflare.


On 6/3/2019 at 3:58 AM, Darkflare said:

The grenade gets kicked but unfortunately still manages to explode nearby going far enough to only affect her.


"Melina, are you alright?" Raina asked loudly in her direction.

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21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent flew and joined Raina in the air, not standing close to her. Opening his spellbook, he casted Thunderflare in order to disperse the enemies with thunderbolts coming from the air and hoping to hit some of them with his magic.

 The soldiers proceed to cease fire long enough to begin spreading out to start avoiding the attack. Unfortunately for them, a few of them get struck by it.....only to come out of it seemingly unscathed.



"Wait, what the hell? That was a direct hit. Is the system suddenly bugging out? Hey kid, tell me quick, is there anything I should know about your magic?


21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: I don't know about you, but I'm not going after these stupid robots! Those soldiers are mine!


Umbra called two wolves and went out of hiding. After spinning in midair, he and the familiars converged into one single spinning drill form and went at high speeds after the soldiers. The Drill Fang moved around into a strange pattern, not going exactly into a straight line.



With the soldiers spread out from Lucent's attack, they would begin backing off while shooting at Umbra's familiars. The attack would only be able to get one of them while the remaining proceeded to focus fire on the familiars.


21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Well, not staying behind on this. You're helping me, rock!


Anwalt grabbed the boulder they were using to hide and threw it at the drones, hoping it would smash some of them.


The drones were still focus firing toward Light that they were unable to react to Anwalt as his boulder manages to take out two of them at once


19 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


That noise! Flash grenade! Of course...


LightFlare quickly runs and positions himself in front of Melina. His body flashes yellow as he immediately fires a Light Burst at the guard charging his rifle.


The soldier fires his shot as both projectiles clash and destroy with each other. The soldier then looks toward his teammates as he temporarily ignores Light to proceed to take out another flash grenade.




He proceeds to throw it in the direction of Umbra's familiars.


4 hours ago, Dumanios said:



With the battle getting hot, Raina tossed another pair of cards toward a second pair of drones that were focused on Lightflare.

Raina manages to hit one of them but the other proceeds to hover out of the way in time. The remaining drones proceed to split in two groups as each pair begin to target Anwalt and Raina.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x4

Snow soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (7/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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On 6/4/2019 at 8:38 PM, Darkflare said:


"Wait, what the hell? That was a direct hit. Is the system suddenly bugging out? Hey kid, tell me quick, is there anything I should know about your magic?


BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO Remix) still playing


A voice suddenly was heard on Lucent's ear. It would be normal for Raph to be really confused, yet he accepted the fact that no damage was dealt normally.



Lucent: Sir Raph, was it? My magic cannot damage something without a spirit. My stronger ones are able to do it so, but I cannot use them freely. Hold no worries, I came here knowing exactly what to expect.


Lucent: And since damage dealing isn't exactly my role, I'll return back to what I'm supposed to do.


Lucent flew towards Raina, while using a barrier to shield himself from the incoming lasers. He had an idea to keep the enemy occupied while the close fighters could recover.



Lucent: I suppose we'll be needing a bullet hell to cover the people at the ground. I know you're fast, but let's make you slightly closer to blinding. 



Lucent casted Boon of Swiftness on Raina, raising her attack and movement speed. She would be able to move and attack at a faster rate than usual.



Lucent: I'm descending to help the others. Scream if you need something!


Lucent flew downwards, going to Melina and LightFlare before helping Umbra and Anwalt.


On 6/4/2019 at 8:38 PM, Darkflare said:

With the soldiers spread out from Lucent's attack, they would begin backing off while shooting at Umbra's familiars. The attack would only be able to get one of them while the remaining proceeded to focus fire on the familiars.


One of the wolf familiars was brought down, which made the Drill Fang grow smaller. The remaining wolf was ready to be shot down but Umbra had another idea.



Umbra: Hunt him down with the utmost of energy you can have!


He picked the wolf and stopped spinning, still in mid-air. With the wolf in tow, he charged dark energy in the familiar and aimed at one of the soldiers. After charging, he uses his Cannon Fang and shoots the familiar at a soldier, itself filled with dark energy.



Umbra: (Now for the landing. This is going to be risky, but it's worth a shot!)


Umbra held his axe and tossed it at the icy ground. The blade got caught in the ice but it slipped away a few centimeters. Umbra twisted in mid-air, just so his feet would actually land on the axe's handle.



Umbra: I think I got it - Whoa!!


He landed but drove himself away a few meters. He was getting distant and rather isolated from the others. What was worse: the axe was cutting the ice.


On 6/4/2019 at 8:38 PM, Darkflare said:

The drones were still focus firing toward Light that they were unable to react to Anwalt as his boulder manages to take out two of them at once


Raina manages to hit one of them but the other proceeds to hover out of the way in time. The remaining drones proceed to split in two groups as each pair begin to target Anwalt and Raina.



Anwalt: Aha! Got two of them in one strike!


Commemoration was short lived, since the drones separated in pairs, with two of them going after Anwalt and two of them going after Raina. She could shoot and fend herself off but Anwalt couldn't. The slippery ice didn't help either, since walking on it was pretty inconsistent.



Anwalt: (Shit, this damned ice is going to cause me trouble! And I can't hit them without causing a break on the ground!)


Anwalt: (Hold the phone... did that boulder-)


It did. Anwalt may have hit the drones, but it didn't have consequences. The boulder fell on the ice, breaking it and forming a hole where cold water ran under. If someone were to fall there, elimination would be certain.



Anwalt: And I really messed up. Cool...


Anwalt: (I might go after the soldiers, since they're people I can hit. Being hit by those drones won't be nice, though...)


Anwalt changed targets and went after the soldiers who were aiming at Umbra earlier. The drones' lasers were hitting him, since he had a hard time moving around.

System Information


System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 2.23%


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 1/10.


4. Buffs Given by Lucent

Raina's Quickened: 3 turns left.


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Melina recovers from the flashbang...



Melina?! Are you ok!?



Yea...that flashbang had a short fuse...much like myself I suppose. I was able to prevent it from affecting everyone else.



Thanks. Now please...be more careful..



I won't let you down!


On 6/4/2019 at 2:37 PM, Dumanios said:





With the battle getting hot, Raina tossed another pair of cards toward a second pair of drones that were focused on Lightflare.



"Melina, are you alright?" Raina asked loudly in her direction.



That flashbang went off too close to me. I avoided the flash but the bang caught me good. But I'm good to go, now. Thanks for having my back, Raina.


On 6/4/2019 at 7:38 PM, Darkflare said:

The soldier fires his shot as both projectiles clash and destroy with each other. The soldier then looks toward his teammates as he temporarily ignores Light to proceed to take out another flash grenade.




He proceeds to throw it in the direction of Umbra's familiars.



They're closing in on Umbra. But that ice isn't gonna make closing the gap easy. I'm going in. I'm going to take out one of those soldiers but I'm going to need some cover fire....



11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: I'm descending to help the others. Scream if you need something!


Lucent flew downwards, going to Melina and LightFlare before helping Umbra and Anwalt.



Lucent! I didn't see you after the flashbang. Looks like you were out range. Good...


11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

It did. Anwalt may have hit the drones, but it didn't have consequences. The boulder fell on the ice, breaking it and forming a hole where cold water ran under. If someone were to fall there, elimination would be certain.



Great...now you have even more reason to be careful. That large hole isn't gonna make things easier. If you're going Melina..now's the time!



I'll cover you!


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at one of the drones as Melina advances around the parameter towards the guards.


11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt changed targets and went after the soldiers who were aiming at Umbra earlier. The drones' lasers were hitting him, since he had a hard time moving around.



(We're so spread out...Umbra and Walt have become isolated. Fortunately, this was our strategy from the start.. It it seems to be working. The soldiers are focused on Umbra and Walt. Now's my chance...) 


Melina advances in to attack the soldier who threw the flashbang. If she can get near him she'll strike him down.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/5/2019 at 8:39 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Lucent flew towards Raina, while using a barrier to shield himself from the incoming lasers. He had an idea to keep the enemy occupied while the close fighters could recover.



Lucent: I suppose we'll be needing a bullet hell to cover the people at the ground. I know you're fast, but let's make you slightly closer to blinding. 



Lucent casted Boon of Swiftness on Raina, raising her attack and movement speed. She would be able to move and attack at a faster rate than usual.



Lucent: I'm descending to help the others. Scream if you need something!


On 6/4/2019 at 7:38 PM, Darkflare said:

Raina manages to hit one of them but the other proceeds to hover out of the way in time. The remaining drones proceed to split in two groups as each pair begin to target Anwalt and Raina.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x4

Snow soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (7/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent





"Thanks Lucent," Raina said. With her newfound speed, she sent a mass of projectiles at the drones aiming toward her, more than she normally would have been able to send.

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On 6/5/2019 at 8:39 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


BGM: Rude Buster (NITRO Remix) still playing


A voice suddenly was heard on Lucent's ear. It would be normal for Raph to be really confused, yet he accepted the fact that no damage was dealt normally.



Lucent: Sir Raph, was it? My magic cannot damage something without a spirit. My stronger ones are able to do it so, but I cannot use them freely. Hold no worries, I came here knowing exactly what to expect.


"Sorry to handicap like you like this, but the system can't detect attacks toward spirits. It's not exactly something you see normally around here. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it means they won't be very effective for this drill."


On 6/5/2019 at 8:39 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

One of the wolf familiars was brought down, which made the Drill Fang grow smaller. The remaining wolf was ready to be shot down but Umbra had another idea.



Umbra: Hunt him down with the utmost of energy you can have!


He picked the wolf and stopped spinning, still in mid-air. With the wolf in tow, he charged dark energy in the familiar and aimed at one of the soldiers. After charging, he uses his Cannon Fang and shoots the familiar at a soldier, itself filled with dark energy.



Umbra: (Now for the landing. This is going to be risky, but it's worth a shot!)


Umbra held his axe and tossed it at the icy ground. The blade got caught in the ice but it slipped away a few centimeters. Umbra twisted in mid-air, just so his feet would actually land on the axe's handle.



Umbra: I think I got it - Whoa!!


He landed but drove himself away a few meters. He was getting distant and rather isolated from the others. What was worse: the axe was cutting the ice.

The soldiers began to cover themselves from the flash thrown by their partner toward their direction before one of them got assaulted by the familiar. The flash would disorient him and the familiar as his partners noticed what happened and headed toward their partner to help whack and shoot the familiar off of him.


On 6/6/2019 at 8:11 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I'll cover you!


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at one of the drones as Melina advances around the parameter towards the guards.


The drone preoccupied with another target takes the hit and proceeds to fall before exploding


On 6/6/2019 at 8:11 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(We're so spread out...Umbra and Walt have become isolated. Fortunately, this was our strategy from the start.. It it seems to be working. The soldiers are focused on Umbra and Walt. Now's my chance...) 


Melina advances in to attack the soldier who threw the flashbang. If she can get near him she'll strike him down.


The soldier manages to notice Melina and proceeds to fire....at the ice between them causing a hole for Melina to fall into if she couldn't stop...a feat that would be quite hard to do given the lack of traction she would have due to the ice.


2 hours ago, Dumanios said:






"Thanks Lucent," Raina said. With her newfound speed, she sent a mass of projectiles at the drones aiming toward her, more than she normally would have been able to send.


The drones were no match for her firing speed and would be shot down.


The remaining drone ceased fire and proceeded to hover at a high speed toward Raina intending to self destruct on her.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x1

Snow soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (9/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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On 6/9/2019 at 7:58 PM, Darkflare said:


"Sorry to handicap like you like this, but the system can't detect attacks toward spirits. It's not exactly something you see normally around here. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it means they won't be very effective for this drill."



Lucent: Don't apologize. Like I said, I came here knowing exactly the negative handicap I would have.


He kept flying towards Melina, but saw her moving towards a guard rather close to her position.


On 6/6/2019 at 9:11 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(We're so spread out...Umbra and Walt have become isolated. Fortunately, this was our strategy from the start.. It it seems to be working. The soldiers are focused on Umbra and Walt. Now's my chance...) 


Melina advances in to attack the soldier who threw the flashbang. If she can get near him she'll strike him down.


On 6/9/2019 at 7:58 PM, Darkflare said:

The soldier manages to notice Melina and proceeds to fire....at the ice between them causing a hole for Melina to fall into if she couldn't stop...a feat that would be quite hard to do given the lack of traction she would have due to the ice.



Lucent: Melina, watch out!



In a way to prevent the fall, Lucent casted Avalanche right in the hole's area, rising an ice mount high enough to cover and stop Melina's advance in the open hole in a considerable period of time.


On 6/9/2019 at 7:58 PM, Darkflare said:

The soldiers began to cover themselves from the flash thrown by their partner toward their direction before one of them got assaulted by the familiar. The flash would disorient him and the familiar as his partners noticed what happened and headed toward their partner to help whack and shoot the familiar off of him.


Umbra looked from afar as the soldiers defeated the wolf familiar. He was rather away from the fight, so reaching them with a shooting would be a bad idea.



Umbra: (Repeating Drill Fang won't do me any good. Alright, time to use the axe for something.)


The idea was risky, but was worth something. Umbra jumped down back into the ice, removed the axe from it and began to run towards LightFlare.  He aimed the axe towards Light and sent the blade away with the chain. If Light were to grab the chain, swing Umbra around and toss him, he would have a chance of reaching the confused group of guards. He screamed from afar.



Umbra: Light!! Grab the chain and swing me at them!!


Anwalt tried to advance on the same group, but had to stop to effectively maintain balance. He saw Umbra going at Light and understood the idea.



Anwalt: (If that's going to work, he'll need a distraction. Alright.)


He leaned back his body and charged his energy. Once done, he went at the soldiers with Black Doom Spear in order to either hit them or distract them from Umbra.



Anwalt: Delivery for the bozos that requested a punch right in the face!!

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 2.23%


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 2/10.


4. Buffs Given by Lucent

Raina's Quickened: 2 turns left.


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On 6/9/2019 at 6:58 PM, Darkflare said:


The soldier manages to notice Melina and proceeds to fire....at the ice between them causing a hole for Melina to fall into if she couldn't stop...a feat that would be quite hard to do given the lack of traction she would have due to the ice.



Not good...!


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: Melina, watch out!



In a way to prevent the fall, Lucent casted Avalanche right in the hole's area, rising an ice mount high enough to cover and stop Melina's advance in the open hole in a considerable period of time.



(Close call...thanks Lucent...now to capitalize...)


Melina uses the large ice formation as cover as she advances around it to blindside the soldier who shot the hole in the ice or any soldier open to attack.



(Hang in there Melina...)


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the soldier who shot the hole in the ice.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

The idea was risky, but was worth something. Umbra jumped down back into the ice, removed the axe from it and began to run towards LightFlare.  He aimed the axe towards Light and sent the blade away with the chain. If Light were to grab the chain, swing Umbra around and toss him, he would have a chance of reaching the confused group of guards. He screamed from afar.



What is he...?


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Light!! Grab the chain and swing me at them!!



Interesting strategy to say the least...but I like it...


LightFlare stands still and focuses. As the axe comes within inches of him he suddenly grabs it and swings it with Umbra on the other end at the soldiers in hopes he could reach guards before they recover from the grenade.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/9/2019 at 6:58 PM, Darkflare said:

The drones were no match for her firing speed and would be shot down.


The remaining drone ceased fire and proceeded to hover at a high speed toward Raina intending to self destruct on her.


Wave 1/5

Sphere drones x1

Snow soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (9/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent




The drone's sudden change in tactics surprised the shrinemaiden. Raina quickly made a large orb and tossed it toward the drone, intending to finish with the drones and then maybe help against the soldiers.

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On 6/10/2019 at 8:40 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

He leaned back his body and charged his energy. Once done, he went at the soldiers with Black Doom Spear in order to either hit them or distract them from Umbra.



Anwalt: Delivery for the bozos that requested a punch right in the face!!

With the soldier still helping up their teammate, they didn't expect an attack so quickly as one of them was struck and eliminated from it.


On 6/10/2019 at 11:21 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Not good...!




(Close call...thanks Lucent...now to capitalize...)


Melina uses the large ice formation as cover as she advances around it to blindside the soldier who shot the hole in the ice or any soldier open to attack.



(Hang in there Melina...)


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the soldier who shot the hole in the ice.


Caught off guard by Lucent's attack, the soldier near Melina starts backing off while waiting for her to be visible. However, it gets blindsided by Light's attack and taken out.

On 6/10/2019 at 11:21 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Interesting strategy to say the least...but I like it...


LightFlare stands still and focuses. As the axe comes within inches of him he suddenly grabs it and swings it with Umbra on the other end at the soldiers in hopes he could reach guards before they recover from the grenade.

 The remaining soldiers were aiming for Anwalt before noticing the oncoming Umbra. They throw themselves into the ground using the ice to intentionally slip and create more distance to take shots at Umbra and Anwalt.


22 hours ago, Dumanios said:




The drone's sudden change in tactics surprised the shrinemaiden. Raina quickly made a large orb and tossed it toward the drone, intending to finish with the drones and then maybe help against the soldiers.


The drone's kamekaze attack fails before it even gets very close as it gets utterly destroyed by the orb.


Wave 1/5

Snow soldiers x2


Invasion Portal: Off (13/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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7 hours ago, Darkflare said:

With the soldier still helping up their teammate, they didn't expect an attack so quickly as one of them was struck and eliminated from it.



Anwalt: Alright! One down!


7 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The remaining soldiers were aiming for Anwalt before noticing the oncoming Umbra. They throw themselves into the ground using the ice to intentionally slip and create more distance to take shots at Umbra and Anwalt.



Anwalt: What the hell?!


Anwalt was suddenly pelted by lasers as he covered himself, taking damage. Umbra, seeing as his axe's blade hasn't returned yet, generated a shadow axe and spun it in order to improvise a shield.



Umbra: Great, they found me. Now what?!


Lucent: Umbra!! The ice!!


Umbra: The ice?! Oh!!


Umbra: Ehehehe... you want to escape, eh? Well, you're not going to!!


Umbra charged his power while taking lasers for a moment and used his Lupine Quake, smashing both axes in the ground strongly and creating a quake in front of him. The ice began to crak in an arc, right in front of his direction.



Lucent: It's true that my spells don't hit those AI...


Lucent; But who said I need to hit the AI and not the ice?



To help Umbra with the plan, Lucent casted Cragfall right in the area where the soldiers were. The rocks wouldn't damage them, but the same thing couldn't be said about the ice.


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