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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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44 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: I'm an only child...


     Then, his suspicions about the king being powered by a Great Spirit resurfaced.



Jude: This other me...did he mention Spyrite Technology?


Hera: A technology meant to revive spirits that were once thought to be lost, correct, Master Mathis? If so, then...

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2 hours ago, A person said:

Hera chuckled as she led the group out of the throne room and towards the north side of the castle.



Hera: His Majesty most certainly would not mind your excitement! After all...he needs it at this point in time. But that is a story for another time, I suppose.



Hera: Since I am leading you, I do not suppose you would be willing to give me your names, Masters and Mistresses? I feel obliged to refer to guests by the names they wish to have!

ezgif-1-efc5c4063c.png Seth....

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1 hour ago, A person said:


Hera: A technology meant to revive spirits that were once thought to be lost, correct, Master Mathis? If so, then...


Jude: Not only that, but it's also a way for common people to use spirit artes without killing spirits.


     He was perplexed, asking himself why would someone use his name to talk about Spyrite Technology in Candor.



Jude: (Just what's going on here?)



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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


The commotion would certainly call some attention. Luckily, there weren't guards near the area anymore. Still, the people were looking at the scene they caused. Agni sighed hardly.



AgnI: ... I'll just move on and pretend this never happened. You two will resolve this on your own, don't pin this problem into me.


Agni moved along, following Yui and Hinamori. Mirfah was surprised: not because of the scream, but because Tommy screamed.



Mirfah: So you can scream. Never thought you even understood the concept of rage.


Mirfah: Anyway, that ain't changing my opinion of you so quickly. I still think you're a brat that lives in a colorful world, full of unicorns, rainbows and where you can sing and dance freely. Sad to say, you didn't manage to wake up back to reality yet. But at the very least, I can give you respect. However...


Mirfah held Tommy by his collar and looked at him fiercely. The alien boy was a reminder of his past self, something he hated with all of his guts.



Mirfah: Don't drag Agni into your little magical place. It's idiots like you that make people like him sacrifice in order to let you living.


He pushed Tommy away and went after the others. Mirfah gave him a last look before moving.



Mirfah: Since I don't want to cause him more problems, let's not talk with each other, got it? We can TRY to be friends once you fully realize how dire our situation actually is. Keep being that smiling, innocent lunatic if you want, but don't get near me.


Mirfah finally walked a little far from Agni and the others. As Hinamori looked at a corner, he noticed what she had found there.



Agni: (A gleaming web? What is that?)


Audience Team (Seraph, Magnum and Elizabeth)


They followed Hera through the castle when she asked for her names.



Magnum: Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service! But please, no "Mister", "Sir" or something formal. Magnum is just fine.


Lize: My name is Elizabeth Bathory. One day I will be an idol but right now, I'm a Servant under the command of Agni Artwaltz.


Seraph: I'm Seraph Artwaltz, First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven.




As Kirimuri left to somewhere, Melina stood alongside Darkflare, who was clearly suspicious of her because she spoke that Emilia's death was an option she'd never mind to use. Still, she wasn't minding it. In fact, his company would be even better to her than the supposed "assassin" she was talking to some seconds ago.



Melina: If you wish to do it so, I do not mind. That being said, I do hope we can help each other, Flare.


Melina began walking through the corridor as Flare was carrying Emilia with him. She had looked the first four rooms, so she had three left to look.



Melina: By the way, can I ask you something? It involves that white-haired angel... what is his purpose for being in this town?


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11 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


The commotion would certainly call some attention. Luckily, there weren't guards near the area anymore. Still, the people were looking at the scene they caused. Agni sighed hardly.



AgnI: ... I'll just move on and pretend this never happened. You two will resolve this on your own, don't pin this problem into me.


Agni moved along, following Yui and Hinamori. Mirfah was surprised: not because of the scream, but because Tommy screamed.



Mirfah: So you can scream. Never thought you even understood the concept of rage.


Mirfah: Anyway, that ain't changing my opinion of you so quickly. I still think you're a brat that lives in a colorful world, full of unicorns, rainbows and where you can sing and dance freely. Sad to say, you didn't manage to wake up back to reality yet. But at the very least, I can give you respect. However...


Mirfah held Tommy by his collar and looked at him fiercely. The alien boy was a reminder of his past self, something he hated with all of his guts.



Mirfah: Don't drag Agni into your little magical place. It's idiots like you that make people like him sacrifice in order to let you living.


He pushed Tommy away and went after the others. Mirfah gave him a last look before moving.



Mirfah: Since I don't want to cause him more problems, let's not talk with each other, got it? We can TRY to be friends once you fully realize how dire our situation actually is. Keep being that smiling, innocent lunatic if you want, but don't get near me.


Mirfah finally walked a little far from Agni and the others. As Hinamori looked at a corner, he noticed what she had found there.



Agni: (A gleaming web? What is that?)


Hmph. And I thought Ed was a grump... looks like I was mistaken.


Tommy noticed a nearby building; this gave him an idea.



(...maybe I might be able to stealth-attack whatever creature is making that if I just catch up to the team without it seeing me... it seems like a fairly good idea in my book... plus, no guards will be able to catch me if they can't see me...)


Tommy used a fire boost in order to launch himself into the air, high enough to land on the building he was eyeing.



Heh. I can see Agni from here. Maybe I could even get his attention to he could see how high up I am... he might be impressed for that one...


Tommy proceeded to perform parkour, leaping from roof to roof in order to catch up with his team, as well as his "brother". Once he was close enough...



Hey, Agni! Can you hear me from up here!?

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



AgnI: What?! Tommy, get down from there this instant! A guard will spot you!


Mirfah: Guess he won't change. We might as well move on. C'mon.


Mirfah grabbed Agni's arm tightly, surprising the angel.



Agni: M-Mirfah, what are you doing?


Mirfah: If we stay around, we're going to draw attention. Let's go.


Agni: OK, OK, but don't drag me like that.


Mirfah: We don't have time. Hurry, his scream will give us more problems.


Without waiting for the others, Mirfah dragged Agni with him to somewhere else. Surely, guards would appear and give them a very problematic situation.



Mirfah: (I was unable to save you all... Krantz, Libera, Kafka, Rhoa, Iris, Griff. I'll do a compensation though, and that will be making sure that Agni won't die.)


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14 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Melina: By the way, can I ask you something? It involves that white-haired angel... what is his purpose for being in this town?


"Seraph? Far as I know he's looking for something. He showed up asking for information. Anything I find that resembles anything he's looking for I pass to him. In exchange, he takes care of a few bounties for me, granted he still gets the majority of them, all I get is a small cut as a referral fee. And before you ask, the information he's looking for is classified. Ask him about it."



"By the way, I could tell by your expressions that him and you have some history. I won't force you to talk about it, but maybe it's best to keep anything that happened in your world to over there."

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3 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)



AgnI: What?! Tommy, get down from there this instant! A guard will spot you!


Mirfah: Guess he won't change. We might as well move on. C'mon.


Mirfah grabbed Agni's arm tightly, surprising the ngel.



Agni: M-Mirfah, what are you doing?


Mirfah: If we stay around, we're going to draw attention. Let's go.


Agni: OK, OK, but don't drag me like that.


Mirfah: We don't have time. Hurry, his scream will give us more problems.


Without waiting for the others, Mirfah dragged Agni with him to somewhere else. Surely, guards would appear and give them a very problematic situation.


Wait, what!?


Tommy immediately jumped off the roof... and caused a small crack in the ground, but at least he landed feet-first, and didn't get knocked over either!



Shit! Wait for me, brother! We're going through this together! We're like a family! We stay with each other no matter what happens! No matter how stupid someone acts! We have a bond that'll never be separated... well, except for Mirfah, but that's beyond the point.

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3 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

He approaches the guard, pretending to be a tourist just to assure his cover.



"Scuse me my friend, I am tourist from anotzerr countree. Can you show me wherr is tza clozest bank? I need to exchanje my money voor tza bling-bling tzat you peopel of dis magniiiiiiiifizent kingdum use."



Two blocks north...take a left at the coffee shop. It's on the right.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:


Jude: Not only that, but it's also a way for common people to use spirit artes without killing spirits.


     He was perplexed, asking himself why would someone use his name to talk about Spyrite Technology in Candor.



Jude: (Just what's going on here?)


Hera: Ah, perhaps it is merely a case of mistaken identity, Master Mathis. The Royal Guard is not perfect, after all. 


The guards standing at the gates leading out to the northern bridge proceeded to open them for them, allowing them to proceed into the outdoors.


BGM: Skyscape Probe



Hera: It would not be the first time it has happened. Previously, a slum citizen managed to find his way into the castle after identifying himself as a deceased member of a high-ranking family before news of his death made its way to the castle. Perhaps you happen to have a silent observer following you who has done the same?


55 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

They followed Hera through the castle when she asked for her names.



Magnum: Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service! But please, no "Mister", "Sir" or something formal. Magnum is just fine.


Hera: Please excuse my formal behavior, Master Alexandria; it is a habit that I find very difficult to drop these days, but I shall try my best, Magnum!


She giggled.


58 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lize: My name is Elizabeth Bathory. One day I will be an idol but right now, I'm a Servant under the command of Agni Artwaltz



Hera: Wow, I had never imagined that I would be fortunate enough to meet an idol-in-training in person!


Hera just had to stop and curtsy.



Hera: I, too, had dreams of becoming an idol, so it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Bathory! Perhaps I may be able to learn something from you if you are to ever visit the castle during your free time!


1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Seraph: I'm Seraph Artwaltz, First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven.

Hera curtsied for Seraph once again, this time out of respect.



Hera: I must admit, it is quite rare to be able to witness angels in person, especially under my...condition, I suppose. Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Artwaltz!




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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)

(The unknown person then looks down at the team from the building)

ezgif-1-89af669346.png Awww, just when the curious fly was about to be caught in a web.  Oh well.  I better get a move on myself.  Can't just lose track of a curious group, and the popo might be getting suspicious.

(The person then starts to chuckle more while following the team in another route.)

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Tommy knew that there had to be somebody close by to him... but who? Just that thought scared him; it was blatant, considering the fact that he was shivering slightly, even while trying to hide his fear.



M - maybe a bit of guitar playing might help the f - fear...


Tommy decided against it; he wasn't getting backtracked no matter what happened.



...no. I'm not going to get myself distracted when I have bigger concerns at hands.


Tommy looked at Agni; maybe if he could get his attention, he'd help Tommy become less scared.



B - brother! I'm scared! What's going on!? Why do I feel like someone's right behind us!?


@Agni Blackheart plz

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Audience Team



I'm Shirou Emiya, but I'm often referred to through my class role, Archer.



My name is Artoria Pendragon, and I'm a Saber.



At this point, there really isn't much of a reason to refer to us by our class names. They're mostly kept out of habit at this point.


Investigation Team 1



I see. Thanks for telling me.


As he was giving his response, Cu takes notice of Lightflare's whistling. He decides to leave the area with his team.


Investigation Team 2



Alright, thanks for your time.


After gathering the information, Dante decides to continue searching so he can try to gain more.

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1 minute ago, Tony Redgrave said:

Audience Team



I'm Shirou Emiya, but I'm often referred to through my class role, Archer.



My name is Artoria Pendragon, and I'm a Saber.



At this point, there really isn't much of a reason to refer to us by our class names. They're mostly kept out of habit at this point.


Hera: Class names?


She mused over it for a moment, then came to a realization.



Hera: A way to sort yourselves from one another, then...interesting. 



Hera: Though I am interested in learning more, I am afraid it will have to wait until after we arrive at the destination. But beyond that, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Master Emiya and Mistress Pendragon!

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On 22.8.2017 at 10:39 PM, Darkflare said:


  Hide contents



"....right. The registration desk is over there although I have my doubts as to how a bunch of robots would benefit from this place."

u4EsOao.pngBecause to be fair, I think my friends need more training outside of our cozy home that we call Megatropolis.

pi5Wlrr.pngOur boss is right. We need to gather as much battle information as possible so we can be prepared for any foe who wants to harm the peace between dimensions.

bX7E6Ba.pngI'll go registrated all of you guys. You guys can do...whatever you want in the meantime, but don't cause any ruckus and don't go too far away from the Hangout.

LG1wLF4.pngUnderstood, boss!

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13 minutes ago, A person said:



Hera: It would not be the first time it has happened. Previously, a slum citizen managed to find his way into the castle after identifying himself as a deceased member of a high-ranking family before news of his death made its way to the castle. Perhaps you happen to have a silent observer following you who has done the same?



Jude: Not exactly a person, but a group of terrorists named Exodus. At first, their plan was to further the Otherworld Reactor plan, but after the Schism was dispelled, nowadays, they've been trying to end the peace negotiations with Rieze Maxia...And that involves getting in the way of Spyrite Technology.


Jude: Their former leader was involved in that research and that was my first true contact with a spyrite...And he was using it as a weapon.


Jude: I assure you, I'm the real Jude Mathis, and right now, Spyrite Technology is far from complete, we haven't even started tests with great spirits yet. If a person tries to use a Spyrite with a Great Spirit on it, that person is at great risk of dying from the backlash of mana since there's not a proper pact with it.


Yomi: A slum citizen infiltrating the castle huh? I wonder if both cases are connected.


Jude: What?


Yomi: (Alright, I guess it's time to reveal my thoughts.) No, I'm sure of it. Maybe it happened more than twice.


Jude: Wait, you don't mean...


Yomi: I refrained to say this in front of Your Majesty out of fear he might kick all of us out for wasting his time...but I believe that there's someone from inside the castle that is providing resources to those rebelious people at the slums. And I believe those guys at Exodus wanted part of it so they decided to share about Spyrite as a trade coin.


Yomi: Of course, this is just pure conjecture, but don't you think it's weird the supposedly powerful Candor hasn't been able to quell a small rebellion located in the northwest of the city? Your guards sure make a big deal of telling other people to not go there.



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8 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: Not exactly a person, but a group of terrorists named Exodus. At first, their plan was to further the Otherworld Reactor plan, but after the Schism was dispelled, nowadays, they've been trying to end the peace negotiations with Rieze Maxia...And that involves getting in the way of Spyrite Technology.


Jude: Their former leader was involved in that research and that was my first true contact with a spyrite...And he was using it as a weapon.


Jude: I assure you, I'm the real Jude Mathis, and right now, Spyrite Technology is far from complete, we haven't even started tests with great spirits yet. If a person tries to use a Spyrite with a Great Spirit on it, that person is at great risk of dying from the backlash of mana since there's not a proper pact with it.


Yomi: A slum citizen infiltrating the castle huh? I wonder if both cases are connected.


Jude: What?


Yomi: (Alright, I guess it's time to reveal my thoughts.) No, I'm sure of it. Maybe it happened more than twice.


Jude: Wait, you don't mean...


Yomi: I refrained to say this in front of Your Majesty out of fear he might kick all of us out for wasting his time...but I believe that there's someone from inside the castle that is providing resources to those rebelious people at the slums. And I believe those guys at Exodus wanted part of it so they decided to share about Spyrite as a trade coin.


Yomi: Of course, this is just pure conjecture, but don't you think it's weird the supposedly powerful Candor hasn't been able to quell a small rebellion located in the northwest of the city? Your guards sure make a big deal of telling other people to not go there.

Hera came to a halt and turned around, putting an index finger to her mouth. She spoke in a low voice.



Hera: If they hear you, you'll be arrested...we need to get out of the city before we can talk in-depth about this, Mistress Mizu. Once we are in safety, I suppose I should attempt to explain the circumstance. After all; you two are here for more than simply aiding the others, correct?

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4 minutes ago, A person said:

Hera came to a halt and turned around, putting an index finger to her mouth. She spoke in a low voice.



Hera: If they hear you, you'll be arrested...we need to get out of the city before we can talk in-depth about this, Mistress Mizu. Once we are in safety, I suppose I should attempt to explain the circumstance. After all; you two are here for more than simply aiding the others, correct?


   Yomi starts speaking with a tone just a low.



Yomi: You're absolutely correct. I'm glad I've managed to grab your attention to this matter.



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Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


Agni felt his arm being pulled by a running Tommy. But before he could be caught and taken away, Mirfah held his arm strongly.



Agni: Agh...!!


Mirfah: (You're not taking him...! I'm not risking his life, not like I did with Krantz!)


Agni: E-Enough... I'm not a rope to be used in this tug-of-war...!





Melina: Is that so? Well, to be honest, from where I came, angels and gods aren't saviors. They decimated the whole humanity, so I am on edge with those three.


Melina: Those three know my story somehow. I am worried that their mission is to kill us, just like their kin did back then...



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Just now, Mister Fael said:


   Yomi starts speaking with a tone just a low.



Yomi: You're absolutely correct. I'm glad I've managed to grab your attention to this matter.

Hera started to move again.


Hera: I have known from the very beginning. However, there is far more to the story than you are aware of, Mistress Mizu.

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Just now, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


Agni felt his arm being pulled by a running Tommy. But before he could be caught and taken away, Mirfah held his arm strongly.



Agni: Agh...!!


Mirfah: (You're not taking him...! I'm not risking his life, not like I did with Krantz!)


Agni: E-Enough... I'm not a rope to be used in this tug-of-war...!





Melina: Is that so? Well, to be honest, from where I came, angels and gods aren't saviors. They decimated the whole humanity, so I am on edge with those three.


Melina: Those three know my story somehow. I am worried that their mission is to kill us, just like their kin did back then...


Lucina, who had remained silent, meditating on how long will it take to end this ordeal, and get answers that might lead to Magio and Argento's fate, witnesses this childish spectacle, and breaks the silence by brutally exploding


Angry.png ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! (violently throws Tommy and Mirfah off Agni, and makes sure to leave both away one from the other) Agni's our leader, not a babysitter, he's here to guide us through this dangerous path, and you two are behaving like little children who did not get a toy for Christmas! act civilizedy, or else, I will be forced to use my Falchion, UNDERSTOOD!? (walks by Agni's side) sorry for the outburst...but I needed to discipline those two

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32 minutes ago, Trinitronity said:

u4EsOao.pngBecause to be fair, I think my friends need more training outside of our cozy home that we call Megatropolis.

pi5Wlrr.pngOur boss is right. We need to gather as much battle information as possible so we can be prepared for any foe who wants to harm the peace between dimensions.

bX7E6Ba.pngI'll go registrated all of you guys. You guys can do...whatever you want in the meantime, but don't cause any ruckus and don't go too far away from the Hangout.

LG1wLF4.pngUnderstood, boss!

By the time, the unlimited force had responded, Flare had already left leaving a Mech Hisui nearby who was sweeping the lobby.



"The registration process requires you all to be present in order for you to be properly registered."

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4 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Investigation Team 3 (Agni and Mirfah)


Agni felt his arm being pulled by a running Tommy. But before he could be caught and taken away, Mirfah held his arm strongly.



Agni: Agh...!!


Mirfah: (You're not taking him...! I'm not risking his life, not like I did with Krantz!)


Agni: E-Enough... I'm not a rope to be used in this tug-of-war...!


(crying) L - let him go! I don't want to lose another brother!


Tommy let go.



I - I already lost most of mine a long time ago...

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