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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare watches as the resilient Ren fell without a word...he calms down..



Darkflare, I'm truly sorry about what just happened. I was a bit reluctant to accept he challenge in the first place. I knew she wouldn't stop until I almost killed her...but I thought maybe I could reason with her. Guess I was wrong. Be a pal and show me to a medic to tend to my wounds. After that I guess I'll grab a bite to eat. Maybe watch a fight or two.. Heh.




Flare responded by proceeding to land a solid punch toward Lightflare's face.



"You damn idiot. I warned you about this for a good reason. Not just for your sake, but for hers as well."



"Flare-sama, I must take some of the blame. I was the one that suggested him to fight Ren-sama as she was available."



"Inform your sisters to not allow Ren into another spar without my approval. As for you, Light..."



"Infirmary's on the top floor, get yourself patched up. And apologize to Ren, not to me. If you really care, the least you could do is comfort her."

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Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


They were supposed to fight, but got distracted with Hinamori's and Nemesis' return. Not to mention, they ended up getting into Agni's and Magnum's battle, so they totally forgot about theirs.



Lize: No... Agni!


Mirfah: Wow... Magnum's strong. Sheesh, those punches seemed to hit hard.



Agni Artwaltz VS Magnum Alexandria


Magnum: Heheh... that was kind of easy. You shouldn't fight me when you're using guns.


However, a shadow quickly rose from the crumbles and landed behind him. Magnum looked back and there was Agni, breathing moderately.


BGM: Blood Drain -Again- (Under Night IN-Birth)



Agni: Haah... haah... Karma Collider...


Agni: *points one gun at Magnum* Don't look down on me! This fight... it isn't over yet!


Magnum: Heh. I knew you wouldn't throw the towel just yet. Even if the odds are against you, there's no sign of you giving up that soon!


Magnum: You should've stood quiet, but I'll beat you for good since you decided to get up!


Magnum ran towards Agni, who didn't move a single inch. He went for a punch towards the head...



Agni: Shadow Step!


... but hit nothing. Agni vanished into the shadows by a fraction of a second and evaded his attack. The worst part of it is that another surprise was hidden: when Magnum's motion ended, a crosshair appeared where he stood.



Magnum: What the- Karma Collider?!


But before he could make heads or tails about it, the crosshair exploded and he was sent to the air similarly to Ruin. In that moment, Agni reappeared, jumped and hit him with a backflip kick, sending him back to the ground.



Agni: (If I change to Ravager, I'll be putting myself in risk. Also, I only have four bullets left. Reload must be avoided as well...)


Agni: (They will have to suffice then! I'll make use of my resources well, even if he's able to weaken me! It's time to play against all odds, like I usually do!)


While he was going towards the ground, Magnum managed to get up. Seeing that Agni hasn't returned to the land, he looked to the sky.



Magnum: (He hasn't landed yet. That's the opening I needed!!)


Magnum heads into position and prepares to attack Agni with another Ionic Punt.



Magnum: I'll kick you back to the hospital!! Haaaah!! *kicks upward*


Agni: (Heh, thanks for the opening, idiot!)


As Magnum tried to kick Agni, he grabbed his leg at the exact moment. He gave a single spin and kicked Magnum upwards and then returned him towards the ground with an aerial axe kick.



Magnum: Ghah!!


Agni: You're not going to the ground yet! Blazing Fission!


Agni shot a bullet in the ground and a dark fire wave rose from it. The wave hit Magnum and sent him back into the air once more. The gunner descended at him with a dive kick right at his stomach. He drove him into the ground violenty and jumped back away.



Agni: I'll end this with this last streak... Veil Off!!


A purplish aura surrounded Agni and he released energy around him. Magnum, who had the winning hand, had his role reversed to the one beaten down. He tried to get up, but only managed to stay kneeling.



Magnum: (Damnit... I guess I underestimated Agni along the lines...!!)


Magnum: *looks up* What?!


Agni: The game changed and I'm the victor!! Blitz!


Agni kicks Magnum once and shoots two bullets at him...



Agni: Launch!


He attacks with a backflip and launches Magnum upwards. Now only one bullet was left... and this bullet was the one to determine his victory...!



Agni: Let's see how you're able to dodge this!!


The entire scenery has changed. A dark cloud surrounded them as they seemed to be floating in space. Suddenly, twelve crosshairs appeared around Magnum. Agni shot the bullet upwards and it started to ricochet through the crosshairs. Soon, a single bullet was rebounding so fast that it looked like he was being assaulted by a multitude of bullets. This... was Agni's Infinite Worth.



Agni: Only one bullet and I create chaos!! Obelisk Fusillade!!


The bullet hit Magnum one last time and the crosshairs began to shine. Soon, they all exploded at once, driving him inside the flames. The scenery returned to normal, completely intact. He fell down... no signs of resistance were shown. The battle has ended.





Agni Artwaltz



Agni: Heh... just because I use a gun doesn't mean that I can't fight. In the next time, don't get cocky because of one detail.


Then, the battle ended with Agni being the victor in the end.



Lize: He did it?! He did it! Agni won!!


Mirfah: Holy hell, how did he managed to just win?! Those beatdowns seemed brutal!


Lize: That's Agni for you! Don't go underestimating an Archgeneral!


Seraph Artwaltz

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arenas


As the battle ended, Seraph's face couldn't portray something else other than a smile.



Seraph: (Agni played a good list of reversals. He really did managed to turn back things around with the sudden grapples and traps.)


Seraph: (Hmm. Just as I expected... these two are good to go.)



Location: Aromatic Corner Café


Melina takes her last sips out of her cup, finishing the tea.



Melina: Yes, let us return. We had managed to do some investigation in some of the town's layout but the rest will have to wait.


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58 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Flare responded by proceeding to land a solid punch toward Lightflare's face.



"You damn idiot. I warned you about this for a good reason. Not just for your sake, but for hers as well."



"Flare-sama, I must take some of the blame. I was the one that suggested him to fight Ren-sama as she was available."



"Inform your sisters to not allow Ren into another spar without my approval. As for you, Light..."



"Infirmary's on the top floor, get yourself patched up. And apologize to Ren, not to me. If you really care, the least you could do is comfort her."


Fair enough. I'll go see her right away. Oh...and Darkflare...



...thanks for not hitting me so hard.


And with a slight smirk on his face, LightFlare gets directions from the maid and heads to the infirmary. A short time later he finds Ren being treated and asks the doctor if it's OK for him to speak to her. Once he had permission he approaches Ren...



Hello Ren. I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. 


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Underground Arenas


BGM: Pascal (NieR: Automata)


They reappeared in the pods. Both were considerably tired.



Agni: Whoo... that was a heck of a fight...


Magnum: Damn... I lost...


Magnum: But at least it was for you, so it doesn't matter.


Agni: Heh, in the next time, don''t think so low of me.


Seraph walked towards them while clapping. He seemed very satisfied with the results, not thinking about who won.



Seraph: Well, you two were excellent. I can see why you two are one of the best back at home.


Agni: Heh, well... compared to you, we're still newbies...


Seraph: Much to the contrary. I think you're both are quite skilled. Sometimes, even more than me.


Magnum: I... I'm receiving praise... from Lord Seraph... holy saint god...


Agni: Magnum...


Seraph: *sigh* You're overdoing it, stop.


Magnum: A-Ah!! Y-Yes, sir!! I'm sorry, sir!!

Seraph: ...

Agni: Easy there, one day this will be different.


Seraph: Now... Agni, extend your arm.


Agni: Huh? What for?


Seraph: You'll see. Just extend it.


Agni did as Seraph ordered and extended his arm. He put a metal bracelet that was exactly sized as Agni's arm.


Agni: What... is this...?


Seraph: I've ordered this specially to you, Agni. It's a holografic device that contains your weapons. Your dual guns are there, alongside a machine gun, a rifle, a rocket launcher and a laser cannon. Consider it as a gift.


Agni: Brother...

Seraph: You can change them between battle however you may wish. It's hard at the beginning, but you'll get the hang of it.


Agni: Thanks. I'll make the most use of it.



Agni Artwaltz's Skill List (Update)


Under Night IN-Birth


Agni mainly fights with his Arsenal, containing shooting weapons. He uses a set of dual guns, a rifle, a machine gun, a rocket launcher and a laser cannon. Whenever he goes close combats, he is able to attack with kicks, but is more proficient towards grapples and reversals.

  • Black Bullet: Agni shoots a bullet enveloped in dark fire with his dual guns. Costs 1-2 bullets.
  • Misdirection Raid: Agni shoots dark fire bullets at random directions towards his enemy with his machine gun. Costs 5 bullets.
  • Visionary Karma: Agni jumps backwards and aims with his rifle. When the crosshair locks the enemy, he shoots a bullet that pierces through defenses, but deals 40% less damage. Costs 3 bullets.
  • Shadow Step: Agni dashes in the shadows, evading attacks. Can combo into Black Bullet.
  • Karmic Collider: Agni sets an invisible crosshair trap. If the enemy approaches it, the symbol appears and immediately explodes.
  • Reload: Agni reloads his bullets. Only usable when all bullets have been spent.
  • Force Function "Spread Disaster": Agni shoots rockets at his enemy with his rocket launcher. Powerful, but highly innacurate. Costs 8 bullets.
  • Infinite Worth "Arsenal Exhaustion": Agni attacks the enemy with all his weapons from a sequence Dual Guns > Machine Gun > Rifle > Rocket Launcher and finishes them with a single blast from his laser cannon. Costs 10 bullets and leaves Agni in Overcharge Mode.
  • Infinite Worth EXS "Deadeye 6-Kill Streak": Agni locks the enemy in a dark magic circle and its soul becomes exposed. He backs off to a considerable distance, charges magic in his gun and shoots six dark bullets. They hit the enemy's soul in sequence, dealing enormous damage but not killing him.



Magnum: Good job, Agni!


Agni: Same can be said to you.


Seraph: Well, let's get back upstairs. One round is already good.


Agni and Magnum: OK!


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Location: Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


   As they were waiting for others, Hina's own cellphone started to ring.




Hinamori: Wah!


Yui: Wait, you have a cellphone Hina?


Hinamori: Y-Yeah...Mommy told me to carry it...but I've never really used it.


Yui: Oh.


Hinamori: A moment...*asnwers the phone* Hello?


Yomi: Hi there Hina. How is it going over there?


Hinamori: How did you get this number?


Yomi: Let's just say your parents are a bit overprotective...Anyway, tell the others I'm done with my little recon mission and I'm heading over there. Oh, and I made sure to not enter the Slums section...Although, I think I saw someone that looked like LightFlare...but I couldn't get a closer look since he boarded a bus. My eyes must be deceiving me...I must get my glasses checked.


Hinamori: Why don't you tell them yourself? You're right at the entrance after all.


     Suddenly, the door opens. Yomi had a smug smile on her face.



Yomi: Nothing gets past you and your ghosts huh?


Yui: Ah! Welcome back Yom-


Yomi: Yoru Mizu...Seriously, when are you going to get my name right?


Hugh: She almost slipped a military secret...so it's no surprise she missed your name, Yoruichi...


Yomi: Maybe we should demote her from her leader position.


Yui: (I know they are joking...I know they are joking...)


Yomi: Anyway...All these mecha maids around...I bet the owner must be one of those PRETTY rich guys huh?





Etomo: (Looks like LightFlare has something else hidden within himself...)


Etomo: (This is getting really interesting.)


Ryuko: Hi there...traitor!


Etomo: Hi there Drama Queen! Did you lose expetaculary to the Doctor?


Jude: She surprisingly put up a fight. I'm genuinely impressed with her skills...


Ryuko:  So There!


Etomo: Still...My sights are on LightFlare right now. If you want a duel with me, you'll have to impress me more than he did.


Ryuko: Hmpf...Fine, If that's what it takes, then I'll do a performance that will shake your very soul! Mark my words!


   Then, Ryuko turns around and heads to the cafeteria.



Etomo: (I'll be waiting for it that day...my rival...)



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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Hello Ren. I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened. 


"Hmph, still alive? I suppose I was stopped before I finished the job....and you look too well considering what we went through. Tch, I must be slipping... it's bad enough that everything hurts and I have a terrible headache. ...I should have that Hisui dismantled, but I can't even tell them apart."

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Kiryu stood with his back against the wall and started thinking

LCNSIa2.png-well this place sure does seem nice.....there a lot of people I don't know

He then looks around for Morrigan but she doesn't seem to be here. he then takes out his packet of cigarettes

B219yX3.png-well she aint here kinda weird but eh....also wheres Kirimuri? I thought he would have came with everyone else......and am I even aloud to smoke in here?....id better not

He puts the packet of smokes back in his pocket then proceeds to find somewhere to get something to eat


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Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory, Mirfah and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


BGM: Pascal (NieR: Automata) still playing


The elevator door opened and they came out of it. Everyone was reunited in the lobby, almost not having that much space.



Agni: We're back.


Lize: Agni! I saw your match, you were incredible!


Agni: Ah, uhh... thanks.


Mirfah: You weren't bad as well, Magnum.


Magnum: Heheh. Thanks, Mirfah!


Seraph: (So many people here... from Heroic Spirits to spirit masters... what reunited them, I wonder.)


Agni: Is... something bothering you, Seraph?


Seraph: Ah no, don't mind me. I was just thinking a little.


As Agni looked around, he saw that Nemesis had returned. He went towards her and asked her the usual.



Agni: Oh, Nemesis! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.


Agni: I was kind of worried that something might have happened. Are you alright?


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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"Hmph, still alive? I suppose I was stopped before I finished the job....and you look too well considering what we went through. Tch, I must be slipping... it's bad enough that everything hurts and I have a terrible headache. ...I should have that Hisui dismantled, but I can't even tell them apart."


Shouldn't be too hard to find the maid that struck you. Just look for the one with the damaged head. Because your skull...is thick. I'm pretty sure when I slammed your head to the floor...the floor was hurt more than you were. But one things for sure...


...you are a true warrior. So thank you for a great match. Hope you get sell soon...



...just not while I'M around. Heh...take care...


LightFlare turns around to leave...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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28 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare turns around to leave...


"A warrior? Is that how you see me? I don't hold the same values as your kind. For as long as I could remember, one could say I fit more an assassin than a warrior. Perhaps you could explain to me why you see me as such."

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58 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory, Mirfah and Seraph Artwaltz

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


BGM: Pascal (NieR: Automata) still playing


The elevator door opened and they came out of it. Everyone was reunited in the lobby, almost not having that much space.



Agni: We're back.


Lize: Agni! I saw your match, you were incredible!


Agni: Ah, uhh... thanks.


Mirfah: You weren't bad as well, Magnum.


Magnum: Heheh. Thanks, Mirfah!


Seraph: (So many people here... from Heroic Spirits to spirit masters... what reunited them, I wonder.)


Agni: Is... something bothering you, Seraph?


Seraph: Ah no, don't mind me. I was just thinking a little.


As Agni looked around, he saw that Nemesis had returned. He went towards her and asked her the usual.



Agni: Oh, Nemesis! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while.


Agni: I was kind of worried that something might have happened. Are you alright?


Nemesis: Fine...just fine..where's everyone else? I have something important to tell everyone concerning these..."events"...

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56 minutes ago, A person said:


Nemesis: Fine...just fine..where's everyone else? I have something important to tell everyone concerning these..."events"...

(Seth ended up appearing right beside Nemesis)

ezgif-1-c93e965eff.png"Events" hmm?  (This should be interesting)

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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"A warrior? Is that how you see me? I don't hold the same values as your kind. For as long as I could remember, one could say I fit more an assassin than a warrior. Perhaps you could explain to me why you see me as such."



LightFlare stops but does not around completely, only turning his head to the side...


Your determination. Your love for battle. You unwillingness to give up. You seek strong opponents to test yourself. These are all qualities that I share as well. And I am...without a doubt...a warrior.


LightFlare turns around...



....it could also be said that you are resilient. You love conflict. You live by your natural instincts of self preservation. And you seek strong targets to defeat. Those Indeed are the qualities of an assassin.



I guess a more accurate deduction would be that you're somewhere I the middle. You may think your more an assassin than a warrior, but inclined to believe the opposite. What do you think? Or...



Does it even matter to you?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Location: The Warrior's Hangout


Agni gave her a firm nod, understanding that she had something to say, but she was waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon, Kimimuri and Melina returned from their scouting. As she walked in, Seraph had a surprised fact to see her walking, talking... be there in general.



Melina: Oh my, so many people. I suppose we did miss much of it, correct?


Seraph: (What the...? How is the Sixth Bariura Princess alive? I can understand the amount of people here, since they are alive... but she's...)


Magnum: I suppose Lord Seraph has the same doubt as ours about Melina.


Agni: I would be surprised if he understood it immediately.


Seraph: (... Someone revived her. I can feel her life being manipulated, as if she was just a puppet.)


Agni: And... he made heads or tails of it.


Magnum: He's quick. As expected of Lord Seraph.


Seraph: (... What are you intending to do with her? Is she another of your pawns for you devious schemes?)


Location: Candor City - Streets


BGM: Wretched Weaponry -Quiet- (NieR: Automata)


The little girl kept walking until she ended in an abandoned alleyway. She looked behind her to see if no one was near and opened a weird portal.



???:Are you sure that this is what you wish to do? Become their enemy?


She seemed to be talking alone, but she started to smile with a response only she was able to hear.



???: To think you'd start to go against the side you fully belong... Hah, that's so entertaining. Maybe I could insert some chaos here to see what they're made of.


???: Hmm...? The Primids want to wreak havoc and you want me to hold them a little more?


Her smile stopped but soon returned. She was disagreeing with the voice coming from the portal.



???: Sorry, but I'll use them as I wish. I'm not the one who likes to wait when the chance of breaking out things.


Nothing spoke to her anymore. She looked back at Candor's majestic view.



???: Such a waste... this beautiful town is going to be destroyed and left in ruins soon enough. Either by my hand or by someone else. But I don't care.


???: In the end... all worlds will eventually be mine. All shall be plunged in the Subspace...


She entered in the portal as it disappeared. What is the plan of this mysterious girl? And from who or what was the voice that only spoke to her?



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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Does it even matter to you?


"When we first met 2 years ago, I could have told you that I didn't, but now I'm not so sure. Being with these guys for so long, I can easily tell they trust each other especially the ones that have been around the longest. It spread to me as well, I find it much easier to suppress any desire to kill them at least. But honestly? I happen to quite enjoy being a monster, I don't think that will ever change. Still, I do hope my younger sister doesn't turn out like I did, she deserves to be normal."

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48 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"When we first met 2 years ago, I could have told you that I didn't, but now I'm not so sure. Being with these guys for so long, I can easily tell they trust each other especially the ones that have been around the longest. It spread to me as well, I find it much easier to suppress any desire to kill them at least. But honestly? I happen to quite enjoy being a monster, I don't think that will ever change. Still, I do hope my younger sister doesn't turn out like I did, she deserves to be normal."


Hmm...I guess even a..."monster"...can have people they care about. And it has brought you THIS far. Being cold and calculating is fine, but having someone to fight for other than yourself sometimes makes the difference. Having a sister is a blessing. It's something I don't have. And although I have friends that I've met along the way, it's not quite the same as the bond between siblings. Please...tell me about your sister.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Finally, seeing that nobody else was going to be coming any time soon, Nemesis cleared her throat.



Nemesis: Okay, everyone, gather around; I'm not going to be yelling this stuff out so that everyone and their dog can hear me. Anyway, while you guys were apparently busy fighting each other and...well, wasting time, I was going out and gathering information about this place. What I found out might interest you, but it's a lot, so I'm just going to keep it simple and tell you all everything I've learned.


BGM: Revealing



Nemesis: Starting with the most asked question: where the hell are we? Well, to answer that, we're on a planet called Vecordia. It's a planet filled with a variety of fauna, flora, environments, resources, and everything else in-between. From what I've been told, a lot happens here. There's been giant monsters who raid cities often, invaders from different planets who try to make it their own, people who show up out of nowhere and throw everything out of balance...if you can think of it, it's probably happened at some point. It's a beautiful planet; I saw a lot of pictures of various places; it's actually really beautiful! But I guess all that beauty does is hide the ugly interior.



Nemesis: Onto Candor itself. If it wasn't obvious, Candor isn't quite a city, but a whole kingdom ruled over by two people...



Nemesis: King Randolph, a man gifted with supernatural powers supposedly bestowed upon him by a god, though I don't believe that...




Nemesis: ...and Queen Rupina, a former royal knight and guard for the previous rulers. Both are capable of defending their kingdom and are known for joining their forces in battle when it is necessary to fight. They also happen to have a son and a daughter...



Nemesis: Prince Hideki, also known as Lepus due to his...um...affinity with rabbits. He's a favorite of the people, but I heard he has a style that doesn't match a boy. And, of course, the princess...



Nemesis: ...Princess Hideko. By all judgments, she is the most gifted of the two, going so far as to surpass her parents in almost everything they're capable of. However, she let that power get to her head, and soon found herself exiled from the kingdom. But some people say that she's still within the kingdom, and took on a different name and appearance just so that she could observe everything going on within until the day that she is needed. I don't know if it's valid, but I'd probably be on the lookout if I were you.



Nemesis: Candor was established as a main kingdom meant to protect anyone who pledged their allegiance to the king and queen, though, as we can see, it slowly evolved into a full-fledged city filled with many, many different people. It isn't the only "city" or kingdom on this planet, either; there's many more. There's only three of them that have any ties with this one, but the others are unknown as far as the citizens here are concerned. I guess a lot of information doesn't really get beyond the walls here. 



Nemesis: Next, the "infected creatures". I asked an alchemist about them, and what I found out is...they're not "infected creatures" entirely. They're failed experiments performed by what is known as a Royal Alchemist, each thrown away to keep the alchemist from ever realizing their mistake. However, all of that experimentation is now biting them in the ass since, now, the creatures are swarming the forested area around, and the guards keep having to kill them down as they try to get into the city. I was told that there were at least one hundred thousand experiments done by several different Royal Alchemists, but I don't know the exact number, so it's probably a really bad idea to swear yourself to killing every single one.



Nemesis: I also asked about those creatures that we ran into as we exited the forest. They call them Silva Shadows, since they can't be seen in darkness save for their eyes. They're not mutants, but they are dangerous; if they attack once, but you fend them off, they won't attack again. But if you kill one of them, they'll wait until your weakest moment to steal your life away. And since they're always hiding in the shadows, you're not going to know it until it's too late. I don't know about the Silva part, though.



Nemesis: Since I didn't want them to be curious about me, I decided against asking them if anyone else was dropped off here by portal and if there was a way back. Of course, my search wasn't completely safe from people with ill will...



Nemesis: ...I found some arrogant bitch in the street who wouldn't answer my questions. She kept saying the answers were "common sense" and that I should know. I guess I should've said something about my current condition, but...she made me fly off the handle. 



Nemesis: What I did to her, I know she won't forgive me for, so...whatever happens involving me and her in the future, I'm sorry for it.


Nemesis took a deep breath, relieved that she finally got all of that off of her chest.



Nemesis: So, you're all caught up now, I guess, but I wanted to ask the people who were here before us something in return for all of that: do you know anything about people being dropped off near the city with portals? A cause or something? It's been bothering me ever since I came here, and I think it's something that all of us need to know.






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12 minutes ago, A person said:



Nemesis: So, you're all caught up now, I guess, but I wanted to ask the people who were here before us something in return for all of that: do you know anything about people being dropped off near the city with portals? A cause or something? It's been bothering me ever since I came here, and I think it's something that all of us need to know.



Ludger: Not exactly nearby this city...But in the city where I live.


    Ludger points to Elle, indicating that she's actually from another world.



Hugh: At first, we came here for a different reason, to investigate the dissapearence of search teams that were after...a dangerous criminal.


Hinamori: I tried to ask the spirits where they were, but there was not a single one outside this city...which I found it odd.


Yomi: You know...all this talk about portals made me think...what if these search teams were whisked away by one? What if these portals aren't exactly an accident?


Yomi: Maybe these angels can explain that bit for us.



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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Hmm...I guess even a..."monster"...can have people they care about. And it has brought you THIS far. Being cold and calculating is fine, but having someone to fight for other than yourself sometimes makes the difference. Having a sister is a blessing. It's something I don't have. And although I have friends that I've met along the way, it's not quite the same as the bond between siblings. Please...tell me about your sister.


"She's the only one I've always cared about. She's much younger than me. I worry for her at times since she has trouble interacting with others that aren't me or our servants. Not many people I can trust to help me take care of her. Mother died when we were younger and father neglected us for that damn company of his. Of course, I later took everything from him."


There was a chilling tone in her voice when said "everything"



"Didn't you come in with that group that arrived earlier? Pretty sure they're going to need someone that lives on this world to help them around. I'll consider continuing to talk when you get back."

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36 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"She's the only one I've always cared about. She's much younger than me. I worry for her at times since she has trouble interacting with others that aren't me or our servants. Not many people I can trust to help me take care of her. Mother died when we were younger and father neglected us for that damn company of his. Of course, I later took everything from him."


There was a chilling tone in her voice when said "everything"



"Didn't you come in with that group that arrived earlier? Pretty sure they're going to need someone that lives on this world to help them around. I'll consider continuing to talk when you get back."


Indeed. I'll see ya later...try not to kill the nurse...no really...



...try not to kill the nurse. 


LightFlare goes to receive treatment for his wounds. He ponders the story of Ren while he is being attended to. 



(Servants..."everything" form her father...hmmm)



Shortly after he grabs a bite or eat and heads down to find everyone had gathered together. He walked in on Nemesis talking and caught as much about the story as he could. Being a native of the planet he knew of its history, but even he didn't know everything. He'd only just moved to Candor, and he still had much to learn about it as well. He was Impressed with how Nemesis was at gathering Intel. He addresses everyone in the room.



Hello everyone! Any of you guys as sore as I am? Lol!


o.o.c Anyone can respond if you like.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


BGM: Who's There? (Persona 4)



Melina: (Time to unmask you two.)


Mirfah: Wait... you guys are angels, right? Then... you both...!!


Angered by that fact, Mirfah grabs Agni by his collar



Agni: Geh!!


Magnum: Agni!!


Mirfah: Are your gods set out against humanity again?! Is this your way of throwing us altogether so you can kill us all at once?!

Agni: N-No, I would never-


Lize: Mirfah, don't jump to conclusions! Let Agni explain it-

Mirfah: In my world, gods descended to kill humans!! That means the angels fought too!! You two... are here to eliminate all of us, AREN'T YOU?!


Melina: His story is the same of mine. My home has been invaded and destroyed by the gods! I escaped... but my brothers and sisters... they all...


They were set into a corner. Now the blame was being deposited under them. It didn't seemed intentional, but because of circumstances it would be natural to doubt them.



Lize: ...


Magnum: As if we'd ever do such a thing!! *pushes Mirfah away*


Mirfah: H-Hey!!

Magnum: We came here on our own!! We have our own mission to achieve, which no other angel soldiers were charged with!!

Melina: Words coming from the lower are fruitless without proof... why not we ask the higher head instead?


Melina walked forward towards Agni, looking directly into him.



Melina: Second Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven... Agni Artwaltz. You do understand the situation that falls upon you. Right now, the accusation of trapping us into this world falls upon your very hands.


Melina: I will ask once again... are you the one responsible for doing this to all of us?!


Agni: ...


Mirfah: You coward, what are you so quiet for?! Say something!!

Magnum: He owes no explanation to anyone!! Agni would never do such a thing!!

Seraph: Enough. You're asking the lower level.


BGM: Revenge Blues (Disgaea 5: A Promise Unforgotten)


He spoke before the questioning could ever continue. Melina was caught in surprise, as her plan to put everyone against the duo was put into a halt.



Melina: W-Who are you?


Seraph: First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven, Seraph Artwaltz.


Mirfah: You're... the first?!

Seraph: What are the complaints again?


Mirfah: What are the complaints?! Simple! You angels took out those search parties and teleported us here!

Seraph: And what proof do you have of it? The same comment you did, Princess Melina, I copy.


Melina: E-Eh?!


Seraph: A two-faced traitor like you should stay quiet. It's true that the gods attacked and destroyed your home, but nothing you did to defend it. You simply left it there as a target while you ran away.


Melina: What?! Why you...!!


Seraph: And you, Mirfah.


Mirfah: H-How do you know my name?! And more importantly, if you're the first, then-

Seraph: Stay quiet. I don't need you bothering me with you questions while I explain. Am I clear?


Mirfah: Geh...!! (I'd rebound it, but his frigid voice...!!)


Seraph himself walked and stood in front of Agni and Magnum. He looked directly at Yomi, the one who questioned her credibility.



Seraph: This incident has no relation to us, angels of the Multiversal Heaven. In the past four years, we never sent any search party at any world. And in this case of the disappearing search teams, I have taken the responsibility to solve this matter alone. As for Agni and Magnum, they were sent to search for me and another soldier of Heaven, who had stopped maintaining contact for the last two months.


Agni: (Seraph...)

Seraph: Still, if you clearly wish to deposit the blame on us, feel free to do it so. It doesn't change what we came here to do.


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10 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby


BGM: Who's There? (Persona 4)



Melina: (Time to unmask you two.)


Mirfah: Wait... you guys are angels, right? Then... you both...!!


Angered by that fact, Mirfah grabs Agni by his collar



Agni: Geh!!


Magnum: Agni!!


Mirfah: Are your gods set out against humanity again?! Is this your way of throwing us altogether so you can kill us all at once?!

Agni: N-No, I would never-


Lize: Mirfah, don't jump to conclusions! Let Agni explain it-

Mirfah: In my world, gods descended to kill humans!! That means the angels fought too!! You two... are here to eliminate all of us, AREN'T YOU?!


Melina: His story is the same of mine. My home has been invaded and destroyed by the gods! I escaped... but my brothers and sisters... they all...


They were set into a corner. Now the blame was being deposited under them. It didn't seemed intentional, but because of circumstances it would be natural to doubt them.



Lize: ...


Magnum: As if we'd ever do such a thing!! *pushes Mirfah away*


Mirfah: H-Hey!!

Magnum: We came here on our own!! We have our own mission to achieve, which no other angel soldiers were charged with!!

Melina: Words coming from the lower are fruitless without proof... why not we ask the higher head instead?


Melina walked forward towards Agni, looking directly into him.



Melina: Second Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven... Agni Artwaltz. You do understand the situation that falls upon you. Right now, the accusation of trapping us into this world falls upon your very hands.


Melina: I will ask once again... are you the one responsible for doing this to all of us?!


Agni: ...


Mirfah: You coward, what are you so quiet for?! Say something!!

Magnum: He owes no explanation to anyone!! Agni would never do such a thing!!

Seraph: Enough. You're asking the lower level.


BGM: Revenge Blues (Disgaea 5: A Promise Unforgotten)


He spoke before the questioning could ever continue. Melina was caught in surprise, as her plan to put everyone against the duo was put into a halt.



Melina: W-Who are you?


Seraph: First Archgeneral of the Multiversal Heaven, Seraph Artwaltz.


Mirfah: You're... the first?!

Seraph: What are the complaints again?


Mirfah: What are the complaints?! Simple! You angels took out those search parties and teleported us here!

Seraph: And what proof do you have of it? The same comment you did, Princess Melina, I copy.


Melina: E-Eh?!


Seraph: A two-faced traitor like you should stay quiet. It's true that the gods attacked and destroyed your home, but nothing you did to defend it. You simply left it there as a target while you ran away.


Melina: What?! Why you...!!


Seraph: And you, Mirfah.


Mirfah: H-How do you know my name?! And more importantly, if you're the first, then-

Seraph: Stay quiet. I don't need you bothering me with you questions while I explain. Am I clear?


Mirfah: Geh...!! (I'd rebound it, but his frigid voice...!!)


Seraph himself walked and stood in front of Agni and Magnum. He looked directly at Yomi, the one who questioned her credibility.



Seraph: This incident has no relation to us, angels of the Multiversal Heaven. In the past four years, we never sent any search party at any world. And in this case of the disappearing search teams, I have taken the responsibility to solve this matter alone. As for Agni and Magnum, they were sent to search for me and another soldier of Heaven, who had stopped maintaining contact for the last two months.


Agni: (Seraph...)

Seraph: Still, if you clearly wish to deposit the blame on us, feel free to do it so. It doesn't change what we came here to do.


Nemesis held her head down, letting out a long, drawn out sigh, then shot her head to look at the group.



Nemesis: The last thing we need is for the party to turn upon one another. Whether or not they did it doesn't matter right now; the only thing that does matter is if this has been going on before, and from what Hugh said, it sounds like it has. Now, I'm going to put my trust into them and assume that they're innocent, but there's clearly other forces at work that are beyond their knowledge if even the gods themselves don't know what's going on.


She waved Lightflare over.



Nemesis: I think it would do us some good if you told us what you knew about this place, too.


She pointed at the angels, and then the search party.



Nemesis: As well as you, and you. I'm leaving no stone unturned until we find some sort of conclusion to these events, and I don't care how long it takes for us to find that conclusion or what it even is, just as long as one is found.


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Seeing that a fight almost broke out, Kirimuri approaches the group and proceeds to stand between the angels and Melina and Mirfah in order to stop them from getting near to each other.

kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."Let's try to communicate without trying to kill each other, will y'all? Now is not the time."


He pulls out his twin batons then warns:


more_battle_portraits____by_duckmann18-d"I won't be hesitant to put any of you to sleep if you tried anything rash."


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"Oi oi, what's all this noise? Keep it down."


Flare approached the group.



"If you can't even trust each other, then the bad guys have already won. You people will end up destroying each other before they have a chance."


He then pointed toward Kirimuri



"Put your damn weapons away. You're only allowed to draw them in the arenas here."

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